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It Sucks.



So, something kinda bad happened on Sunday night:


Well, there was a Lock-In event at my friend's church that I was invited to. Great time there; we had Xboxes set up, and we played glowstick lights-off CTF
(VERY fun!
. Well, then we had this group activity. They tied a bungee cord about 6 ft. in the air and told us that we had to get everyone over the cord
without touching it
. So, me, being the lightest
(I'm 15 and weight <100lbs.!
was to be gotten over first. I was picked up and literally
over this cord. I didn't re-adjust in the air, and...

Landed smack on my left wrist.

And you know
that sucks? Because I write, MOC mostly, and play bass with it. So, I've got a sprained wrist
(I'm lucky it's
for about two weeks now.
Because of this, it's a pain to type, so I might not be as active on BZPower much until it heals.


And that's about it. My wrist really hurts now. :wacko:




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Looks like now is a perfect time to pick up the ambidextrous skill I've always envied. =D


I'm already somewhat ambidextrous, since I'm a lefty playing bass guitar righty. :P



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Put on some fat on them bones! Eat at McDonalds, boy!



... Or do some excersize...




Do you know what I do on the weekends that I'm not at a concert or with Tori?


I get a gallon jug of Arizona Lemon-Flavored Iced Tea and 3 Boxes of MoonPies, and stay in my room on the computer, on BZPower and on that social network site.


I don't gain weight; athlete's metabolism, I think. :unsure:


P.S. I prefer Taco Bell over McDonalds.
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