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Nothing is more annoying than having a late day of school, even though you had a free right after lunch. Apart from, oh, having a late day of school, with a free right after lunch, and you are in the same boat as about several hundred people at you school, and the bus timetable hasn't changed yet to incorporate this new change for Wednesday afternoons which usually is only one small bus which in no way can fit several hundred people, so I and most of those several hundred people had to wait an hour and 10 minutes on a dull day where I'm really tired and just want to get home and go to sleep and the school is just too far to walk from, well not really, but I don't like doing it, it takes nearly an hour to walk home on a rocky path and stuff but I digress, so I finally got home at nearly half past 5 when I could have got home by 4, and I am feeling really tired now.

That probably is more annoying. Although as you may have noticed, a late day isn't really that late compared to other school's late days, but still, when you get used to normal days of getting home at an awesome 3 o'clock (XD), half past 5 is not exactly met with warm appeal or whatever I mean I'm too tired, so tired I can't be bothered adding many full stops or whatever they're actually called, I always like calling them full stops. I digress. And so tired.




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I used to hate walking home from high school, not because of the distance (well, that was one reason, I suppose... and the hills) but because the first half mile was along a narrow road bordered by steep ditched while crazy kids with cars roared by on their way home. I probably risked death there more than once...



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