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Feeling Just A Little Special

Lady Kopaka


I usually don't go deep about my life or feelings, but last night at church, I for once tasted something that I haven't had since I've moved, and I just was too excited just to keep it in.


Just some recognition.


I was sitting alone in our huge church, waiting for my class. With so many people passing by, I usually get shaky and uneasy, so I bring my art folder to draw there, it really relaxes me. Over the past few months I get a series of comments by the random adults, and sometimes the kids will pass by and give me those exaggerated comments. (A young girl said I should teach an art class, I don't think I'm that good)


But they go on, and I’m left alone watching the youth play around. I feel really different and nervous around them, almost sick, but at the same time they’re really friendly and so much nicer than the older youth group I had back at my older church. So I try not to be desperate to fit in or to think resentful thoughts about them, even if the appearance of friendless is just a façade.


But I was drawing, and I suddenly hear over me, “Hey, can we look at your drawings?”

By me are a group of teenage guys, just looking at me with friendly faces. I don’t think I saw any deception or rudeness, they just seemed curious. I agreed and showed off some of the stuff I had, trying for once to sound both confident and modest in my works—but that really never works out. I just ended up tripping over my words and looking very socially inept.


But they seemed to look over that and just give me a bunch of comments. “Wow, those are boss!” “You have some great skills.” “Hey dude, I think you got some competition.”

I never got the courage to ask who else was an artist in that group.


They actually asked my name, what grade I was in, and what school I went to. One of them actually gave me their name too. They didn’t seem too surprised when I said I homeschooled, and really only said “That’s cool…no wonder you’re so good, you got some extra time to work on this.” (Which is true)


I just answered the questions quietly and bobbed my head dumbly. I was really too shy and shocked about this to really carry on a decent conversation. They eventually walked off to go do other stuff, but whether they really meant it or not, I felt so thankful and special for once in over a year. I pray so hard that will not be the last time they or others will come up to me. Next time I’ll try harder not to act indifferent, I really will talk next time. Cause I’m just too thankful to actually let that sensation of being talked to go.


It wasn’t really me being desperate to make a friend right then, or have a boyfriend, but it was that they actually just walked up to me and talked without having a teacher or parent introducing me. Sure it was the art that got their notice, but it was nice all the same.


I’m not really the most talented social individual, so thank goodness for my taste in art.


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Guest kopakanuva13


Socially awkward = cute :3




You know what? Your art is better than you think it is =d Really. You need moar confidence >3

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It sucha weird feeling when people ask me about my art...Because I can never really explain the meaning behind it or that it is fanart.


But it's always nice when people give you recognition ^^


Btw. the people who watch you draw propably recognize your work but are to shy to compliment you in person :)


I know I have a problem with approaching other people who draw...

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Heh, I can relate. I'm almost always nervous around new people. Even though my confidence has been improving in recent years, I never feel comfortable at any sort of social gathering if some of my friends aren't there. Seeing my two younger brothers act so cool and relaxed around hordes of people they don't know sometimes makes me really jealous, but I just have to remind myself that I've come a long way.


Well, my mom reminds me, anyway. 'Cause I always seem to go to her when I'm feeling gloomy about my life. That's what moms are there for, after all. :)



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Congratulations! I can totally picture the situation, even if I've never been in quite that situation (usually only adults compliment my art, and I can never tell if they actually like it or if they are just trying to flatter me).

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I usually do that when I'm introduced to new people, too, or whenever someone I don't know very well comes up and talks to me. I've been getting somewhat better in recent years, I think, but I'm still not the kind of person who can jump into a huge crowd of people I don't know and talk to anyone like I've known them for years.


Still, great to know they liked your artwork, at least :) .



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That's great, Lady K! I hope that you are able to see them more. I can be quiet sometimes, too, but I've learned a lot over the years. Don't worry about being shy: the best part about social skills is that they can be mastered through practice.


Gali Nuva Girl

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