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Music Conflict



Last weekend, I was cleaning my room. Your mom has the ability to nag you until you do so, and if your sister joins in, you're gonna clean your room sooner.


So I turn up the speakers on the computer and listen to my playlist. Because iTunes suck, and Zune Software is awesome. Eat your heart out Macintosh.


Forever by Chris Brown comes up in my playlist. It's in the love genre, it's a dance song, it flows pretty well into Shake It by Metro Station.


We all know (or the most of us that actually watch the news when they decide to butt into celebrity lives, or were watching the Grammys) that Chris Brown got into an argument with Rhianna. I heard Rhianna and Chris got into a fight and as Chris was leaving in his Lamborghini, Rhianna had a set of keys in her hands and flung it at the driver's window, damaging the car. Chris got out and it got physical, and he caught her in the jaw or something. Chris tuned himself in to the police, Rhianna is pressing charges, and they have obviously broken up.


But that's what I heard. Media tries to tell me stuff, but I ain't trying to catch much. Correct me in posts if I'm wrong *cough*LikeIcare*cough*


So, I'm blaring Chris Brown's song as a make my bed (in dance) and my mom comes through the door and tells me to turn off the song that instant. I laughed immediately, because now every time I listen to any of his songs, I have that incident in the back of my head.


My question is really, if (a) musician(s) of any genre, especially if they are your favorite musician(s) were to do something you considered morally wrong, would you still listen to their music.


My thoughts: Yes, I would. I like the song, don't have to like the artist(s). I mean, how many great songs are made by artists in the last 60 years who haven't been sober their entire careers? Who have done things you don't consider right or is against you in some way. I mean, I'm a straightedge, but that doesn't mean that if the artist I listen to drinks or smokes or et cetera, I wouldn't listen to their song talking about love. If they mention drinking, then I can try to ignore that. Though in the Chris Brown incident, it's what he did that he wouldn't mention in a song or previous songs he made because I'm sure he doesn't get into physical fights with his partners frequently. But he hit Rhianna, and that's way out of line. But come on now, I like his music.


Your thoughts? Your thoughts on my thoughts? Debate? Devil advocates por favor?




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I'm with ya on this one, AA. There are a number of artists who lead sordid lives, yet whose music I still like, regardless of who they are. The music is a separate...(Thing? Object? Entity?) from the musician.


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Led Zeppelin were accused of satanism.


AC/DC was and had fun with the concept.


I've read the autobiography of Eric Clapton, complete with his awful addictions and habits and such.


John Lennon married Yoko Ono(Beatles joke. :P ).


All are a common part of my music.


As long as they didn't do something deplorable like murder or or something, I don't much care. And even then, if I love the song, screw it, it's the music, not the man, though the man is also awesome in many cases.

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It depends on the situation, I'd say.


Spencer of Underoath (a Christian band, mind you) was addicted to a substance a while back. It was a secret for a while, but he wrote a song about his struggle and how he has found help through God, his friends and his family. I personally think doing drugs is stupid, but we all make mistakes. Who are we to judge others when we have our own problems (we all do). Underoath has continued to make music, and I will continue to buy it (unless they keep turning out the same things, like how their latest CD sounded too much like their second latest...but that's not the point. :P).


Another Christian band I listen to, As Cities Burn, was accused of playing show while drunk. Many kids left comments and messages on one of the band's pages claiming that there was alcohol on their breath. The band denounced the story that they were drunk and said that they were acting the way they were because of recent events in their lives (you know how you kinda get carefree when certain bad things happen in your life? I think that's what they were like...). There's no way to tell for sure, since I wasn't at the show, but ACB still makes some of the most moving and awesome music I have ever heard in m life. No matter if they were drunk or not, I will -always- support this band.


Forgive and forget, really. If you like someone's music, keep on buying it. Something so trivial as getting into a fight, being drunk, or struggling with an addiction is no reason for you to stop listening to music you enjoy.

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I would definitely say that there's nothing wrong with listening to Chris Brown's music. It's not even as if you're even going out and buying the songs after he hit Rihanna-- you already have some of his music, and it doesn't make any sense not to continue to listen to it if you like it.



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