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I Find It Ironic...



That so many people on the internet living in non-English speaking nations apologize for a typo here or there because of the aforementioned nationality, when their grammar, spelling and such are all better than a good number of the internet users from English-speaking nations.


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What is ironic?




If you meant what I find ironic, that they apologize for doing something they should do badly well, while those who should do it well often to it poorly.


If you mean the definition of the word;


Both coincidental and contradictory in a humorous or poignant way.
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Eh, I'm too tired to get comedy at the moment; only got one hour of sleep last night, and so far I've been awake for about six.


Edit; Thinking about it though, and once more, I may be wrong due to my lack of sleep, I'm pretty sure that was from King Of Queens, the same guy who plays George's father plays Arthur.

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I'm pretty sure that was from King Of Queens, the same guy who plays George's father plays Arthur.

It was on Seinfeld first. :P



Whatever it is, the Simpsons did it first. I have no confirmation except for the fact that the Simpsons did everything first.

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I'm pretty sure that was from King Of Queens, the same guy who plays George's father plays Arthur.

It was on Seinfeld first. :P



Whatever it is, the Simpsons did it first. I have no confirmation except for the fact that the Simpsons did everything first.


I remember an episode involving Irony. Not sure if it was recent though.

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