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Insomnia / Paramystical Experience



OK, I don't know what you would call it. Not quite full-blown "mystical," and definitely not anything I would consider "paranormal." A kind of "enhanced normality," perhaps?


First, as evidenced by the previous entry, I stayed up past midnight posting my latest LEGO artwork. Then, I continued to deprive myself of much-needed sleep, alternating between MOCing, surfing the Net, and 'shopping a photo of said artwork until my eyes painfully refused to cooperate. When I finally went to bed around 2 AM, my mind was a swirl of concepts and images flowing into each other with such rapidity and complexity and interconnectedness. . .


It was like my brain had gotten an actual, physical upgrade. I've had "flow states" like this before, but this one made all the earlier ones seem tame by comparison. I was on fire! I was composing stories, inventing MOCs, expanding the BIONICLE universe, uncovering the layers of meaning in everything, making connection after connection after connection between disparate elements of all that and the real universe as they related to my personal experience of life as consciousness -- wild stuff. All going on in such a (seemingly) chaotic, massively networked and parallel way with very little conventional, linear logic to slow it down. I felt like I was using brain bandwidth that I never even realized I had -- almost like I was tapping into something bigger than my own (apparently) limited mind. And the whole time, my emotional state was one of pure bliss, like floating in my own infinite, personal bubble, perfectly safe from all harm. My mind was aware of mundane realities -- I got up several times during the night to attend to various practical concerns that occurred to my mind -- but none of them could detract from what was going on in the higher realms.


I did not wake up to my alarm; I anticipated it intuitively in my already waking state. I had not slept a single minute all night. Now, get this: I was not tired at all. Far from it. In fact, my flow state continued, only now it was physical. I found I could accomplish things in literally half the time they would normally take me to do. I was amazed at how slowly the clock was moving.


When I arrived at work (after having done a bunch of extra stuff at home with my extra time), I felt cheerful and energetic. I felt like I was seeing each member of the family (in whose home I work) for the first time in ages, in a reunion full of tenderness, joy, and appreciation. This was especially so with my patient. I felt like I was picking up impressionistic nuances of his mental and emotional state every second.


Inevitably, the experience came to an end. I unexpectedly had to take "Jessica" and her guinea pig (in mortal danger from a bad tooth that kept it from being able to eat) to the veterinary clinic in my car. The vet was too busy to take us, and we had to make an appointment with a different vet for tomorrow. Then my car ran out of gas. The reason? A catastrophic leak in the fuel system. No go. Also, I had no money for the bus. Jessica's mom had to leave work, take a bus to meet us, and pay our fare for the trip home. Now I think my car is probably history -- and good riddance to that junker! -- but I had been hoping for it to hold out until warmer weather in the spring. So that was my negative catalyst / karma for the day.


I wonder what tomorrow will bring?




Recommended Comments

I think I know what you're talking about, but when it happened to me it was considerably less... massive. It was more like my brain had achieved a different tier of intelligence. Did you feel like you had tapped into something and then you retreated from that, or that what you learned still stayed with you even though you weren't in an "enhanced state?"



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