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Monkeys Are Going To Rule Someday



You just know it's going to happen in the future. Here are 5 warning signs.


5. They don't waste time on things like we do. Like jewelry.

4. They've tried it before. (Donkey Kong and King Kong)

3. They eat Bananas. We eat McDonalds and other fast foods.

2. They tore off some guy's nose in California cause he wouldn't give them more cake.

1. We won't have Chuck Norris, Mr. T. and Arnold Schwarzenegger to protect us because they are getting older.


It's true. They're coming. And they will rule someday.




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Unfortunately, their rule will last nine days, as that is the coming of the horrible, horrible robots.


Have they forgotten Johnny Five?

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5. Oh, definitely. We waste far too much time on trivialities like science and spirituality.

4. Don't forget Planet of the Apes. Oh, wait, none of those are real.

3. I eat Bananas and Alligator Tongues. I will be their king and keep them suppressed.

2. It wasn't much of a nose anyway. Always itching and distracting the guy when he drove.

1. Ahnold is guvnah. I have faith in his astute Power Politics. Also, you seem to be forgetting a certain Vin Diesel. He hates monkeys.



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5. No comment. Could, but won't.

4. Of course it's not real... YET!

3. Because of the potassium in bananas, Moneys will utilize it and become explosive. You will eventually be downed by exploding monkeys.

2. This I agree with. No nose is good nose.

1. Three words. Junior. The Pacifier.

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Kohaku, didn't you get that idea from a Nintendo Power magazine? And they said reading is better than playing videogames... but it makes Kohaku insane(er) :rolleyes:




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no. kohaku, the end of the world will come when all the beams have been broken. maybe the beams are being broken by gorillas?

Yeah, right. When flaming barrels of oil fall on me, maybe.

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no. kohaku, the end of the world will come when all the beams have been broken. maybe the beams are being broken by gorillas?

Yeah, right. When flaming barrels of oil fall on me, maybe.


but aren't we monkeys? yes, but we are smarter, and then we will have to cower when makaru's robots come and conquer us! :P




i dare not debate with a BA, for they are all powerful! seriously. :fear:

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They might be Janus's cyborg monkeys, who would automatically win cause that's how powerful they are.


Number Five is Alive.



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