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Kohila And Toa Zahaku's Shadows Of The Sword Blog Contest




Hello and welcome one and all. :)

Well, a few days ago, Toa Zahaku came to me asking about if I would support a Shadows of the Sword contest. I told him I would.

Then, I got another PM back with him asking if I could host it in my Blog.

As you see, I am. :P

This is a quote directly from Toa Zahaku on some background information on the Shadows of the Sword:
The Shadows of the sword is basically a organisation like the The brotherhood of makuta, dark hunters. You get the idea. They hope to conquer the matoran universe but currently dont have the means to do so. Right now(in my epic timeline which i will be posting very soon, just once my banner is ready) they are amasing their armys, stealing powerful weapons and artifacts and killing those they deem a threat to their cause.

The rules are as follows:
  1. Make a MOC of a creature that is a member of the Shadows of the Sword.
  2. All submissions are to be posted in this thread. Please include a link to the Topic (if applicable), a short Bio, and Entry Picture.
  3. The MOC can be any species within the Matoran Universe, excluding Makuta, Xians, Matoran, and the Barrakis' former species.
  4. The MOC may be a previous MOC built on BZPower.
  5. Absolutely, positively NO CHEATING.
The winner's MOC will ge given a story role in Toa Zahaku's upcoming Epic.

All entries are to be submitted by 12:00 AM on Mondady, March 23, EST.






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Okay, so I just finished the MOC and now I simply have to finalize the Bio, not to mention come up with a Name, before posting it in the BBC. ;)


Oh, and I thought I'd give a brief teaser by saying that unlike most of my MOCs, it's actually very custom, containing over one-hundred pieces, despite being basically the same size as an Agori! :ohmy:


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Well, after a short deliberation I've had an epiphany in terms of both the Name and the Biography of my character and thus had to change the MOC a bit to fit the story I'm creating. ;)


Anyway, I'm seriously hoping for the " :OMG: "-factor.


Oh, and in terms of deciding upon a winner, will that be through polling, or simply judging? :???:


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In terms of your question, I'll probably create a new Blog Thread, requesting BZP'ers to choose their "Top 2" Favorites. ;)


My MOC is already finished; I'll either edit this comment with the Topic Link & Entry Photo later or post a new comment if someone comes around and comments after this. :lol:


EDIT: Finished! :lol:


BZPower Topic

Entry Picture



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I haven't entered a contest in a while, and now would be a good time. If I get inspired by something, I'll make something new, if not, then I'll be lazy.
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You can use a previous MoC you know. Also if your planning on taking part, you better hurry up theres 6 days left


Toa Zahaku

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Look foward to your entry!

Kohila, meant to ask you earlier how are we going to do the voting?


Toa Zahaku


...And your answer would be Here. :lol:


Are Steltians OK? I'm just making sure.


Sure. :)



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Fear not everyone, Kohila told me via an e-Mail this weekend that the entry period would indeed by extended to account for the six days that BZPower was down, which inevitably lead to a subsequent inability by anyone to enter. ;)


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Very good.


Entry Picture

Entry Topic


Xravlek is a lower-class Steltian, like Krekka. But, unlike the rest of his class, he is intelligent. When Makuta Gorast attacked Krekka, Xravlek left with him. He was recruted into the Shadows of the Sword sometime after.

Instead of relying on brute strength to force himself out of problems, Xravlek uses the strength for speed instead of brawn, and even then his blows are strong. As well as massive strength and speed, Xravlek also has the ability to fly and create energy web traps. Xravlek wields two large swords.


Is that too long of a bio? :P



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Ferohn (feh-ROHN) was once the Toa Sāh of Iron and the oldest, greatest friend of Cyhuku, the Toa Sāh of Crystal. Shortly after the Fall of Āpep, the two parted ways as Cyhuku traveled to the Dome of Ceronox Nui, meanwhile unbeknownst to the rest of the Toa Sāh, a terrible incident felled mighty Ferohn. Buried alive beneath a landslide, Toa Sāh Ferohn was forced to relinquish his Toa Energies and transform into the smaller Turaga form in order to extricate himself from the debris. With his pelvis crushed and nearing death, he dragged himself clear of the rubble only to lose consciousness.

When he awoke Ferohn discovered that he had not only lost his legs, which had been replaced by some sort a hideous robotic contraption, but all the Light had been drained from his soul as well. During his protracted healing, nightmares chronically plagued Ferohn's dreams, with constant visions of a Dark Blue & White Toa, just like his good friend Cyhuku's, intentionally causing his current calamity, and haunting his mind. By the time he had regained his strength and health, he had lost his sanity, and the Turaga Sāh of Iron & Shadow was born.

Like all beings of Elemental Iron, Ferohn possessed enhanced physical endurance and was capable of creating, controlling, and absorbing small amounts of Metallic Protodermis. Yet now with his Light drained, he also has limited control over Elemental Shadow, allowing him to fire Shadow Bolts from his tool, as well as, cloak himself in darkness, and manifest portals that dispel impending attacks and grant him travel between various shadows within his line of sight.

Driven insane and seeking retribution, Ferohn now carries an Obfuscation Glaive as his Badge of Office and wears the Kanohi Shelek, the Noble Mask of Silence, which allows him to either disable a nearby target's ability to speak or their ability to hear, but not both, for as long as he concentrates. Eventually Ferohn sought work from the notorious Shadows of the Sword organization and now views his position there as the perfect cover to exact his revenge upon Turaga Sāh Cyhuku and all the Inhabitants of the Isle of Ceronox Nui.

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My Entry's done!


Mordoch, The Shadow.

Entry Pic

Gallery (Not public yet)


Bio (Spoilered because it's long :P)

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
He used to be an Onu-Matoran named Herdan from the Tren-Krom Peninsula, where he lived a very peaceful life, and was even considered as one of the most trustworthy of the Onu-Matoran. But when Blade Burrowers attacked his village, he saw his people violently killed, in ways he could never imagine, and got heavily injured himself. He was later sent to Karzahni to be repaired. The things he saw in the attack made him insane, which leads him to develop an alternate personality, a very dangerous, violent, and risk-taking personality. Calling himself "Mordoch".


One day, he saw a group of Matoran sneaking into a concealed chamber. He follows them and saw what they were doing. He saw a large being, with an orange sphere in his chest, covered with a ribcage, clad in Green armor, giving a Matoran a container filled with an odd liquid. The being claimed it would grant anyone who was exposed to it Elemental Shadow Powers. And not to expose it to themselves, for it was allegedly unsafe for Matoran. It triggered Herdan's alternate personality. He ran towards the Matoran, swiped the container, and poured it all over his body. He began to grow larger in size, and sprouted wings. His armor changed in shape, and became tougher than Protosteel. He also developed Elemental Shadow powers, and as an added effect, his alternate personality completely took over.


He later escapes from Karzahni, seeking opponents strong enough for him to battle, but he was defeated by a member of the Shadows of the Sword, and eventually joined.


Note:For those who didn't notice, the one who gave the liquid was a Makuta. Particularly Mutran. Yeah, i still can't explain why he gave some Matoran from Karzahni experimental Mutagen. Maybe you can fill that up if i win. :P


There ya go! :D

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Well, I'm entering, too. If you don't mind, I'll weave this into my own Epic, too. (Sorry, the picture's old; I'm also going to post a Topic for this MOC soon.)


Entry Picture




Bio: To Be Posted Soon . . .


~ BioGaia

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