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Kohila And Toa Zahaku's Shadows Of The Sword Blog Contest




Hello and welcome one and all. :)

Well, a few days ago, Toa Zahaku came to me asking about if I would support a Shadows of the Sword contest. I told him I would.

Then, I got another PM back with him asking if I could host it in my Blog.

As you see, I am. :P

This is a quote directly from Toa Zahaku on some background information on the Shadows of the Sword:
The Shadows of the sword is basically a organisation like the The brotherhood of makuta, dark hunters. You get the idea. They hope to conquer the matoran universe but currently dont have the means to do so. Right now(in my epic timeline which i will be posting very soon, just once my banner is ready) they are amasing their armys, stealing powerful weapons and artifacts and killing those they deem a threat to their cause.

The rules are as follows:
  1. Make a MOC of a creature that is a member of the Shadows of the Sword.
  2. All submissions are to be posted in this thread. Please include a link to the Topic (if applicable), a short Bio, and Entry Picture.
  3. The MOC can be any species within the Matoran Universe, excluding Makuta, Xians, Matoran, and the Barrakis' former species.
  4. The MOC may be a previous MOC built on BZPower.
  5. Absolutely, positively NO CHEATING.
The winner's MOC will ge given a story role in Toa Zahaku's upcoming Epic.

All entries are to be submitted by 12:00 AM on Mondady, March 23, EST.






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Toa Ulopir was the Toa Bekesh of Earth. He fought against the Nuvarians of Wesko Nui, until he couldn't control his rage, and killed three. Toa Kerh, Toa Bekesh of Plant Life, tore off Ulopir's Kanohi and smashed it over his knee, saying that Ulipor was, "Corrupted beyond measure." Ulopir, now significantlly weakend, wandered to the end of Harvask, and fell into the Lake of Gyo-Hij (Which is the main sorce of Liquid Protodermis in Hrvask's dome), and washed up on the northern island of Harvask's dome, Po-rakio, a barren desert. He wandered through the desert until he found a pitted Kanohi, which barely kept him alive.


After following one of the tunnels into Wesko Nui, he killed the first Nuvarian he saw, who was a Shadows of the Sword operative. Two other servants saw this, and brought Ulopir to their leader. Ulopir was given claws and a helmet, which he welcomed. The helmet gives him ample energy, and makes him very agile, but very weak. He is a manipulator, and his helemt can change voices if he even thinks it. However, he must hear the voice before using it. Shortly after being accepted, he realized the mistake he made. He insists on being bound in chains, so as to remember his mistake when he was a Toa.

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Gah! I have this one matoran who looks awesome in hordika mode, but I also have him in an evil looking toa form. I don't know what to choose!



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If it helps you make your decision, contrary to what Kohila may have said just a few posts back, Toa Zahaku specifically stated no Matoran in the first reply, and the prize is a role in his story so...


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Right, but he never said anything about mutated Matoran. I guess the only solution is to PM him. :notsure:


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Thank you, you have helped me make my decision.


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Name: Kraal

Bio: Kraal used to be a normal toa that looked like this. Until the visorak came... They mutated him into a beastly version of himself, which was stronger, faster, and more agile than he ever had been before. He still maintained some of his intellect, but the event had caused him to go slightly insane. For these "special qualities" he was recruited for the shadows of the sword and has been a member ever since. He sometimes has dreams of his former life, but simply dismisses them as some bad food he ate.



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No need, as my spies tell me im needed here. :lol:

Your right though kohila, just normal matoran, but mutated matoran with powers of some sort or something like that could get a place

It also helps if they dont look like matoran, their not exactly the most intimidating speices now are they

well i know you posted him in the toa form but if you want him in his matoran hordika form, just go ahead


Toa Zahaku

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Topic coming soon...


Paradax was a Skakdi living on Zakaz. He was an average Skakdi, and much less armored than he is now. Because of his stubborn personality, he was sent to Spiriah to be worked on. He endured several experiments, which all seemed to end in failure. They caused him to become more beast-like, almost turning insane.


He later broke free of Spiriah clutches, and went on a rampage. He killed several beings, which later he was scouted by Shadows In The Sword, who tamed him and taught him to control his rage. And that's how he is today.


So...that's it.



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