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"if The Cake Is A Lie..."



"...Then what," said the man in a dapper grey suit and Panama hat, "is the cupcake?"


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A lil' white lie.



That would necessitate that the cupcake be white, though...

A gifted muffin?

Because we all know what muffins are, right?


So what is a muffin in comparison to the cake?



Algebraic properties might be of assistance.



©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

Which is what I'm trying to ascertain...hm.


Ah, the linguistic approach. But what is a lie? Is it equal to zero? Since it is the opposite of truth, can it be represented as a negative number?

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Hmm... Well, if a lie equals the opposite of truth, would it be the reciprocal of truth (1/truth)? Or would it be -truth? becuase, mathmatically an opposite is -1 times the variable (if I remeber correctly). OR is a lie perpendicular to the truth? Hmm, but that would require the truth and the lie to intersect at one point. Which, I guess they could, especially if the lie and the truth are about the same thing (thus having some point of intersection). As this seems plausible, we would need to know the slope of truth (For the purpose of my sanity [not that it exists (I mean, I am conteplating how to mathematically compare a lie to the truth), I'll denote the slope of truth as T). So, y=Tx+b1 would be the formula for truth. Thus, y= -(1/T)x+b2 (as the y intersects may not be the same, etc.) would be the formula for a lie (as long as you agree that a lie and a truth have some form of intersection).

So a cupcake would be Cup(y=[-1/T]x+b1).

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