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Turtle Crossing #5

MT Zehvor


Omega Turtle: Welcome buh again to Turtle Crossing. It buh seems I have buh lost my device that keeps my from buh saying buh, so I will say buh. Buh.

Mr. Matoro: Wonderful. Can we get on with the game?

Omega Turtle: Be buh patient. Last week, we were buh canceled for some stupid fight that didn't get buh put up until buh Saturday. Buh waste of time. But we are now back buh on. Today we have buh...Mister Matoro, Skrall, Terpo, and Rahkshiking.

Rahkshiking: Hi.

Omega Turtle: Terpo wins.

Skrall: What?

Omega Turtle: I buh said Terpo wins. The buh end.

Mr. Matoro: You can't do that.

Omega Turtle: Buh fine. FIRST BUH DOWN!!!!

Rahkshiking: Oh boy...first question on a Turtle Crossing. I hope I know it I hope I know it I hope I know it..

Omega Turtle: Who buh played Vakama in Bionicle: Mask of Light?

Rahkshiking: Darn.

Mr. Matoro: How are we supposed to do that?

Omega Turtle: You go to the buh credits on your Ipod.

Terpo: We don't have any buh Ipods.

Omega Turtle: That is buh correct! 10 buh points for Terpo.

Terpo: Buh awesome.

Omega Turtle: Next buh question. Do you buh like balloons?

Mr. Matoro: Balloons?

Omega Turtle: Buh yes.

Terpo: I buh do.

Omega Turtle: Another buh ten points! And now Terpo is-

Mr. Matoro: That's it! I'm sick of you giving him all the points!

Omega Turtle: I think he has a good buh argument.

Mr. Matoro: And I think you're cheating. Let me run this game show.

Omega Turtle: Buh no!

Mr. Matoro: Yes! (pulls out an energy sword)

Omega Turtle: What the buh?

Mr. Matoro: Let's fight!

Omega Turtle: (eats Mr. Matoro)

Mr. Matoro: (stabs Omega in the stomach)

Omega Turtle: BUH OWW!!!! (throws up Mr. Matoro)

Mr. Matoro: Not so tough, now, are you, big guy?

Omega Turtle: Ow...buh ow!! OW!!!! (falls down)

Mr. Matoro: Yeah, fall down you-(realizes Omega's falling on him)

Omega Turtle: BUH!!!!!


Mr. Matoro: Ow!

Omega Turtle: BUHHH!!! MY STOMACH!!!

Mr. Matoro: OWWW!!!! MY ARM!!!!!

(Doctors rush in and put Omega and Mr. Matoro on stretchers)

Omega Turtle: What in the buh name of a buh bleeding stomach are you buh doing?

Doctor: Taking you to a hospital.

(Mr. Matoro and Omega are taken away, and the doctors leave)

(awkward silence)

Rahkshiking: Oookkk.....now what?

Terpo: I buh win! I had the most buh points!

Rahkshiking: Yeah, because you're Omega's best friend!

Skrall: A three way tie for first?

Rahkshiking: Sounds good to me.

Terpo: Yay! I am buh first!

Skrall: So am I!

Terpo: (eats the Skrall) Shut the buh up.

Rahkshiking: Uh...I'm....first and a half...yeah...




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First post here! Yat me! Good Turtle Crossing, but the Terpo thing was little to obvious. And I have a recommendation for next crossing:


Omega Turtle hosts and ultimate smack-down between the Glatorian and Toa against the Guest Stars, and each side chooses a representative for each question, and whichever side has the most points after ten questions wins.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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My ideas are ALWAYS good. That's why MT likes them so much. Of course, he's always the one who makes them funny.


I make great ideas. He makes them funny. Of course, he always says "You make ideas. I make them great."


Ever wonder why he dosen't write epics? :P (Just kidding)


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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