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Anime Milwaukee Day 2



Yesterday was pretty fun, after freezing for several hours in the morning to get Brewer tickets, I got to head home and go do some cosplay at Anime Milwaukee, a local convention.


I was Toshiro yet again, and needless to say, I got a few good comments, as well as my picture taken a few times. No where near the amount of times I did at ACen, then again Acen is freaking huge.


So after getting a few things from the tiny vendor room and artist's alley, we just kinda hung out and wandered around, until a fun little panel started... SSBB Advanced.


A Super Smash Bros. Brawl panel. I got to play Brawl against some of the best Brawlers ever, to say how good they are is easy. I got utterly owned by Ryzen Xia who is the BEST Falco player in the midwest, and he lives up to that. Of course the advantage being, I got a lot of great tips I will now start to use in my Brawls as I try to hone my skills even more. I also faced off against a guy by the name of Raidos who mains Ness, this time I fought as Lucas, I was able to keep it pretty close too, he still won though. And then in the final match for me, I was Toon Link against an expert Pit player, this time I managed to pull off a victory. (His name escapes me right now though.)


Then it was more fun with other people at the con. As well as Byakuya vs. L, that was great discussion between the two. XD


It was really fun, and I can honestly say, that I'd love to go next year if they have it again. I also plan to talk with Ryzen Xia more, as I do have his card. Perhaps, when I become more advanced, I'll pass tips I learn onto all of you guys.


Anyway, pics will be uploaded later as I have to go to the store now. As for the entry title, I was only able to make it to one day, so I just named it after the day that I went to the convention.




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