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New Rules For Glatorian Game

MT Zehvor


After looking over the rules for the Glatorian Action Figure game, I decided to change some of the rules and make them better. See if you like them better. This game's set of rules includes the Mistika, Phantoran, Glatorian, Tuma, and Fero & Skirmix as the intended players, but you can make up rules to include some of the older sets or your own MoCs if you want. So, I present...




Moving: Every single character, from titans such as Tuma to munchkins like Zesk get to move the length of one ruler, 12 inches, per turn, in any direction. 12 inches is the maximum moving length, but it is not the minimum. For example, if I was playing as Skrall and fighting against Strakk, I could move 5 inches and attack from there. There are no move shots, and you do not move your character to where your Thornax/Ghost Blaster lands. I like this way better because with the old rules, you turn yourself into a huge target as soon as you shoot and you have to move there.


Attacking: There are two ways to attack. You can either melee or shoot. Shooting is pretty self explanatory, you fire the launcher at your opponent(more on what the launchers do later). A Melee is where you get close enough to your opponent and attack him with your weapon. When you Melee, you can only control the limb that you are using to attack. For example, if I was using Bitil to attack Gorast, I could only move his arm. You can move the arm anyway you want as long as the rest of your character doesn't move. If the rest of the character moves, the attack is null and you replenish your health.


Agori/Matoran(optional): These guys work as a sidekick. You can move both your main character and your Agori/Matoran each turn, if you choose to have them in the game. They can melee attack, which takes off 1 health. Each Agori/Matoran has 5 health.


Canisters: You don't need these. There are no special shields in this game.


Now, here are a list of characters and what they do:


Mistika: If you have a Toa Nynrah Ghost blaster and you hit your opponent, it takes away 1 health from your opponent and hold him or her in the place where he for his next turn. (That is, if I have Tahu and I hit Bitil, he loses 1 health and has to stay where he is for the next turn, although he can shoot or melee if I'm close enough) The Makuta Blasters take control of the opponent's body for 1 turn. (If I have Krika and I shoot Gali, then on her next turn I get to control her movements) Although you cannot make the other player hurt him/herself, although you can make the character attack any friend he/she has in the game.


You can only use the Mistika blaster three times in a game.


Each Mistika has 15 health and a Mistika melee takes away three health from an opponent.


If you have Tahu, you can activate a shield which makes you invincible to attack after attacking. You can do this once per game. If you have Onua, you can take away two more health on a melee. This attack also can only be used once per game. If you have Gali....well...you can play this game in a pool. And you might be able to get some TV reception on those antenna ears.


Makuta masks don't do anything.


Glatorian: These guys are a lot easier to explain. Each melee takes away three health, like the Toa. Thornax shots take away one health per shot. Thornax shots can be used endlessly.


Each Glatorian has 15 health.


Tuma: This guy is a toughy. He has a Thornax, which he can use endlessly. He has 30 health and his melees take away 5 health. You will need multiple players to beat this guy. And I'm talking Glatorian/Toa/Makuta, not a Glatorian and an Agori.


Fero & Skirmix. Fero is the equivalent of an Agori, meaning he has 5 health. Skirmix has 20 health. Since these guys are different people, both can attack each turn. (meaning a melee for Skirmix and a Thornax launch from Fero) Each melee from Skirmix takes away 5 health.


If you kill Skirmix, Fero gets off and continues playing by himself. If Fero dies, Skirmix continues playing. You can only hurt Fero OR Skirmix on each turn, not both. (unless you have multiple characters)


If you have more than one character, each character gets to move per turn.


I think that pretty much covers it! Reviews and suggestions on how to make my rules better are welcome!




Recommended Comments

Hmm, I'm not much for the Action-Figure game, (or launchers in general), but your rules make it almost interesting.



Maybe Gali can... Hmm... I got nothing.


-TLhikan Zehvor

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Hydraxon: Protosteel armor coupled with toughness= 40 health.


his melees only take three, but his cordak, which he can use nine times, takes seven. to take this guy down, you'll need a lot of life.


Specials for glatorian.

Gresh: can block while shooting.

Strakk: can melee and shoot at same time.

Skrall: can throw shield for five damage.

Malum: Can grab character and slam him into the ground repeatedly.

Tarix: Can hit twice in one turn.



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