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Hello, I'm A Mac, And I'm A Pc.



How to go about this improperly;


"I'll take the Mac because it looks good." - Buy a computer for looks alone and I swear I will come to your house and smash you over the head with it.


"I'll take the PC because it's more popular." - Popularity =/= quality. Case-and-point; Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers.


"I'll take the Mac because it has all those neat things." - While they are fun, think beyond the first-five-minute "Wow, look at all this!"


"I'll take the PC because it's cheaper." - Cheap = bad with computers. Except for Netbooks. I learned this the hard way.


"I'll take the Mac because it's more expensive." - Price =/= quality, as it doesn't with everything.


"I'll take the PC because Macs suck for everything." - IGNORANCE. They each have strengths and weaknesses, thinking of Macs as useless because their not running on DOS is just ignorant.


"I'll take the Mac because PC's are unstable pieces of *censored*." - Again, ignorance. Just read the above again.


"I'll take the PC because Macs tech support sucks." - This if facepalm-worthy. I've used the tech support of HP, Lenovo/IBM, Sony, Dell, Gateway, Asus, Acer, Alienware and Apple. Only Apple and Lenovo/IBM gave me someone who spoke English as a first language, and only Apple gave me the option of languages other than Spanish in case I didn't speak either. In addition, besides Lenovo, Apple were the only ones to actually be useful. Apple wins out on tech support. I'm sorry to the Windows guys, but that is the one thing that many of you are completely wrong on.


"I'll take the Mac because it doesn't get viruses." - Unless you're a torrenter, you only get viruses in Windows if you're an imbecile or if you're just unlucky. That being said, there are fewer UNIX-based viruses. But still, someone who deserves anything more than a netbook can avoid these.


"I'll take the PC because Macs don't use Intel." - If you don't know that they switched to Core Duos and then Core 2 Duos by now, I seriously don't think reading this will help you if you're active in the OS war, but read on anyway.


"I'll take the Mac because it's all-in-one." - This is fine and good for laptops since they are already self-contained, but as much as I like Macs, I'll probably never get a Mac desktop just because with a desktop, all-in-one is an idea that seems good when you buy it but gets worse as you own it.


"I'll take the PC because I won't be able to figure out OS X." - Not only is OS X rather intuitive, but as long as you go in expecting something different, you should get it.


How to properly go about it;


"I'll buy a PC because I need something with a lot of power and don't have much money." - PC's are cheaper(Albeit there are some details I can go into about this to say a Mac is cheaper, but I feel like keeping it short, so go about that as you will) and you can get a powerhouse PC for less money if you build it yourself.


"I'll buy a Mac/PC because it suits my needs better." - No better reason.


"I'll buy a Mac because I want to try something but have a safety net." - Only do this with Intel Macs, but a friend of mine who turned out to be a dedicated Windows guy put Vista on his MacBook and wiped the OS X partition. Part of why I love Macs is they're the only computers you can legally run OS X on, and if you don't like it, you can make a Windows partition, then wipe the OS X partition, essentially giving you a safety net to try it in.


"I'll buy a PC because my company uses them." - This may seem trivial, but IT folks are annoying 9-of-10 cases, and it's best to mesh with your workplaces technology as best you can. Unless your workplace happens to be a Borg Cube. In which case you should conta--ya know what, I'm going to stop that Star Trek joke before it gets any worse.


"I'll buy a Mac to do basic things and have good battery life and such or I need it for school." - I've seen very few PC's that beat a Mac battery-life wise(though they do exist), though I do find Macs better for basic things and the kind of stuff a student needs a computer for.


"I'll buy a powerful PC for gaming and other high-power things, a midrange/used Mac for general stuff, and spend the rest on an old computer for Linux and use as a server." - If I had the cash I'd do this. You can't go wrong with all three.


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I think, now I've completly lost interest in Mac.


Seriously, I went to a Apple story the other day, yes their stores look cool, but when it comes to computers...


Me: WT# is going on here?



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And now, I get something lengthy to reply to! Fun!


I will be omitting anything that can simply be said "I agree"


"I'll take the PC because it's more popular." - Popularity =/= quality. Case-and-point; Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers.

Funny thing is, Macs are a lot more popular


"I'll take the Mac because it has all those neat things." - While they are fun, think beyond the first-five-minute "Wow, look at all this!"

Windows has all the neat things, granted they cost money, but that is money you will have to get non-basic programs if you don't buy Mac ;D


"I'll take the PC because it's cheaper." - Cheap = bad with computers. Except for Netbooks. I learned this the hard way.

"I'll take the Mac because it's more expensive." - Price =/= quality, as it doesn't with everything.


I'm sure the Macs I've used were fairly expensive, while, compared to the many Windows/Linux/BSD computers I've used are all fairly cheap (maybe $500 at most, and that was a bundle deal with a printer/scanner) and as I've said many times before, I've had more problems with the Macs. Heck, I got free computer parts and made a computer that crashed less often than all the Macs I've used.



"I'll take the PC because Macs suck for everything." - IGNORANCE. They each have strengths and weaknesses, thinking of Macs as useless because their not running on DOS is just ignorant.

When using the same amount of money buying a PC is a generally better deal even if you only get one extra program because while Mac's do come with decent enough programs, they are nowhere near even DIY standard.


"I'll take the Mac because PC's are unstable pieces of *censored*." - Again, ignorance. Just read the above again.

The amount of crashes I've had on both operating systems always seems to be the exact opposite of everyone else's experiences. I think it's cause I treat my computer well.

"I'll take the PC because Macs tech support sucks." - This if facepalm-worthy. I've used the tech support of HP, Lenovo/IBM, Sony, Dell, Gateway, Asus, Acer, Alienware and Apple. Only Apple and Lenovo/IBM gave me someone who spoke English as a first language, and only Apple gave me the option of languages other than Spanish in case I didn't speak either. In addition, besides Lenovo, Apple were the only ones to actually be useful. Apple wins out on tech support. I'm sorry to the Windows guys, but that is the one thing that many of you are completely wrong on.

Proven fact, every tech support line sucks. Except maybe Blizzard's. But seriously, if you're going to call tech support you probably need to find a new friend.


"I'll take the Mac because it doesn't get viruses." - Unless you're a torrenter, you only get viruses in Windows if you're an imbecile or if you're just unlucky. That being said, there are fewer UNIX-based viruses. But still, someone who deserves anything more than a netbook can avoid these.

I take offense to this. Because torrents are generally -safer- than P2P software. Even then, you do only get viruses if you're an moran. I've been tempted just to mass release a virus that only attacks OSX, and considering I at one point frequently talked to an Apple employee I had the means necessary to do so


"I'll take the PC because Macs don't use Intel." - If you don't know that they switched to Core Duos and then Core 2 Duos by now, I seriously don't think reading this will help you if you're active in the OS war, but read on anyway.

This all depends on what you're getting the computer for. If you are not getting it to specifically game then it doesn't matter.

"I'll buy a Mac because I want to try something but have a safety net." - Only do this with Intel Macs, but a friend of mine who turned out to be a dedicated Windows guy put Vista on his MacBook and wiped the OS X partition. Part of why I love Macs is they're the only computers you can legally run OS X on, and if you don't like it, you can make a Windows partition, then wipe the OS X partition, essentially giving you a safety net to try it in.

If you are using a computer and care 100% about legality, you are (for all intensive purposes) doing it wrong.


"I'll buy a powerful PC for gaming and other high-power things, a midrange/used Mac for general stuff, and spend the rest on an old computer for Linux and use as a server." - If I had the cash I'd do this. You can't go wrong with all three.

More like, I'll buy a powerful PC with 100TB harddrives and load it with every program known to man, partition 3TBs to every Windows OS (including ME), OSX, OS9, Ubuntu Studio and several other questionable OS'.

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I just dislike Macs because of their non-modular build. It's frustrating/wasteful


I prefer my build-a-PC



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LOL at a few here. :P


I'm personally a PC guy out of habit... I've learned how to use it, and like it, and I prefer it over Macs.


Neat entry.



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