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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Article 37-38



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The thirty-seventh article proposed by Toa_Ausar & Toa Zahaku is as follows:

Toa_Ausar & Toa Zahaku hereby nominate Talvak to the position of "MATORAN".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The thirty-eighth article proposed by Tarth is as follows:

Tarth hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there resides an elite breed of the Saginui race that shall be henceforth known as the creators of "Nui Stones" and that the particular ""Nui Stone" in Toa Mangai Tuyet's possession came from the essence of a sorceress named Uvira who is herself a powerful member of the Saginui species.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed expansion of our group and subsequent enhancement of our joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on both articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, March 9th, 2009 provided that the newly nominated C.I.R.C.L.E. member and at least 3/4 of existing C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, current C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will now be notified of the results via the all-new C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however confirmed nominees will be notified via PM. Also, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM. ;)




UPDATE: Article 37 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", meanwhile

Article 38 has also passed with a total of "SIX AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

I vote "AYE" on both Article 37 & Article 38.


In response to what Kohila said, might I point out that Shadows In The Reflection takes place in an "Alternate Dimension of the C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" and thus it's possible that in the Canon Dimension the elite Saginui have been driven to extinction and thus Teridax had to resort to scavenging for an existing Nui Stone instead of having a new one created. :notsure:


Regardless, I think it best that we wait and hear what Tarth has to say on this matter. ;)


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I vote aye to Article 37 and I'm undecided to Article 38. The only argument I have with Article 38 is the implications of multiple Nui Stones in existence, which is an idea I wouldn't support.

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Guest kopakanuva13


"AYE" to Article 37; also "AYE" to Article 38 if I have the ability to vote =P
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Aye to the first, Undecided on the second.


I change my vote of undecided on Article 38 to 'NAY'. It seems, at least to me, that the creators of the Nui Stone should be either kept secret or created by the actual story team.

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Aye to the first

Undecided on the second

Edit: After looking at Tarths info and Chocolvrs reason for his vote. I will now plce my vote into Nay. Sorry Tarth


Toa Zahaku

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Aye to Article 37.


Though the Nui Stone will not play a significant role in my epic, I must agree with Kohila and Auserv, the implications of Article 38 that more than one Nui Stone exists is not favorable. Otherwise, Aye.

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Aye to Article 37


Nay to Article 38


Reason for Nay to Article 38: I think that the idea that more than one Nui Stone exists wouldn't work that well, at least to me.


Now that I understand Aritcle 38 now, I vote Aye.

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Well, the Saginui race discovered their power, many tryed to utilize it. The Nui Stone is able to be produced from Saginui, but most do not have the skill to wield it. If given to a lesser being like a toa, they can control how the Nui Stone effects them. Uvira does have enough power to withstand the Nui Stone's power, but only for a limited time. That is why she supplied Tuyet with hers, to control her. When her race is exterminated after the "Toa Empire" incident, Teridax had no choice but to find Tuyet. I say AYE to both.

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Article 37 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 38 has passed with a total of "SIX AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTE".

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This blog entry is now closed to further comments.
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