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Only band still performing so epic that they can make a soccer stadium of 60,000 Brazilians sing along to an instrumental during their first concert ever in that country.


Only band to make Brazilians, as far as I know, find something they enjoy and excel at in a soccer stadium more than soccer.


Only trio to sound so incredible. Besides Cream. But they had Eric Clapton, so, yeah.


Quite possibly have one of the best bassi--actually, rhythm sec--actually, just put the third one here. They're each skilled at what they do.


Yes, I like Rush. Not my favourite, but they're up there. One thing I'll never get though; how come this got accused of satanism;




Yet this didn't;




And yes, I know that pentagrams aren't satanic but actually pagan, and, if I'm right, Celtic if you want to get more detailed. Much of the world doesn't though, and that much thinks it's satanic. I also realize this isn't a full pentagram technically. But if backwards slurring that sounds like "satan" (Hint; Flip "There's" and you get "satan". With this logic, most music is satanic), that's close enough to a pentagram.


But back on-topic, I am convinced it is due to the awesomeness generated by what I consider Canadia's musical pride.


Go get at least one of their albums, if not more.


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2112 is so epic.


My mom actually thought that star was satanic when I first got the album. I had to explain to her about the story and such.

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I freakin' love Rush.


They're definitely one of the best bands out there musically. You're listening to arguably the greatest drummer of all time in Neil Peart, one of the best bassists in Geddy Lee, and the underrated Alex Lifeson.


Love Rush : D



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Keith Moon is better. John Bonham and Buddy Ritch too, by my count. But Peart is indeed great.


Moving Pictures is a the best starting place with Rush, I'd say. If you don't like that, then you probably won't like anything else by the band (some people just can't get used to Lee's nasal delivery); if you like the rest of their stuff, you'll probably like this album best.

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At first I thought this would be an entry mindlessly loving Led Zeppelin IV and calling it by the wrong name.


I am proud of you Necro, not only was it not about Led Zeppelin, but you didn't misspell/mistype the name!


Also, it wasn't the album, just Stairway to Heaven. And the reason 2112 wasn't accused of Satanism? The star wasn't upside down.

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Keith Moon is better. John Bonham and Buddy Ritch too, by my count. But Peart is indeed great.


Moving Pictures is a the best starting place with Rush, I'd say. If you don't like that, then you probably won't like anything else by the band (some people just can't get used to Lee's nasal delivery); if you like the rest of their stuff, you'll probably like this album best.


The first album I heard was Exit...Stage Left.


I thought he was a woman.





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