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I'll Whisper No...



Tomorrow night's going to be a BLAST. I've reserved my ticket to see the midnight showing of Watchmen at one of those new-fangled IMAX theaters. Have never actually seen a movie at one before, so I'm excited. To make it even more fun, I'm meeting up with a few people from college that I haven't seen in at least a year. If I'm not completely exhausted come Friday, I'll be sure to post a full review!




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I saw Star Wars II at an Imax... it wasn't great, especially because closeups of Anakin had his light saber severely bent with the screen. But that was a while ago... maybe they actually work harder to make these movies Imax compatible.



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That's so cool!

Enjoy it. IMAX is (supposedly) great, especially with these action, comic book movies.

(I'm seeing it in a few weeks with friends, probably. Let me know how it is.)



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