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Kahgarak Mystery Deepens



Okay, so a while back we had this conversation regarding a BioSector01 mention of a Kahgarak that survived extinction within the Zone of Darkness, right?


Well let me refresh everyone's memory:

when did that lone surviving kahgarahk go/get sent there in the story?


Toa Zahaku

Well, I know that a Kahgarak was sent to the Zone of Darkness on Page 70 of "BIONICLE Adventures #8: Challenge of the Hordika", but I thought that it exited the Field of Shadows on Page 101, so I'm not really certain if that's the same one that the BioSector01 article refers to or not? :???:

Well, then, there's only one solution:


Ask Greg! :P


Q-1) Greg, is there a lone surviving Kahgarahk in the field of shadows?


A-1) Is there a reason there would be?


Q-2) Well in biosector 01 it said there was one in the field of shadows and a group of my friends and I would like to know.


A-2) If that's the case, it's from story that's four years old and I really don't recall.


so theres our answer to our inquiry, though not one that actually answers our question <_<


Toa Zahaku

Thanks for the effort Toa Zahaku. I'll take it from here and contact Swert to see what he says.
So then I did in fact contact Swert, and this is his PM reply:


Recently I was having a discussion with several of our fellow BZPower Members concerning the Field of Shadows and eventually the question arose as to at what point in the Canon storyline did a Kahgarak enter the Zone of Darkness and not leave.


You see on the BS01 Wiki the status of the Kahgarak is listed as "One in the Field of Shadows, others deceased". :lookhere:


But when we asked

GregF about this, he said that to the best of his knowledge there is not one in the Field of Shadows, however he said that was four years ago and he may have forgotten so if we could provide him with a reference, as to when they entered and weren't said to have left, like the Kahgarak that entered the Field of Shadows on Page 70 of Adventures #8 and then exited on Page 101, then he would appreciate it.


So my question to you, since I figured you're the one to ask about said wiki, is this:


What is the source that was referenced to determine the status that is listed on the Kahgarak page found on the BS01 Wiki?


Please let me know and thanks for your time.


Until I hear back from you.


My best guess was Bionicle Adventures #8.


Anyway, it's inaccurate anyway, the Kahgarak IN IT was the one who, unwillingly, released Whenua and Bomonga initially. So far, no being that we know of is there now. -Swert



Well, in that case, I would like to request, purely in the interest of accuracy, that the status of the Kahgarak be changed simply to "Extinct" like the rest of the Visorak on the BS01 Wiki. :fonz:


Thanks for the clarification and until next time.


And at that point Swert agreed to my request and edited the Kahgarak entry.


So I guess you're wondering why I said in the heading that the mystery continues, right?


Well, you see I thought is was over until this morning when I sat down to read a bit in "BIONICLE Graphic Novel #4: Trial by Fire".


There I was halfway through the story when I came upon the chapter relating to "BIONICLE Metru Nui Comic #24: Reign Of Darkness" and was shocked by what I saw on Pages 6 & 7. :lookhere:


That's right, it's Toa Hordika Nuju sending yet another Kahgarak to the Zone of Darkness. :ohmy:


So my question is, should I contact

GregF and/or Swert about this discovery, or should I assume that this Kahgarak made it's way out of the Field of Shadows in the same manner that the one from the novel did? :notsure:


Let me know what you guys think.


Until I hear back from you.



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I probably wouldn't, because we already know that GregF doesn't remember and he probably wants to keep the Visorak extinct, too. :wakeup2:


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If ALL Visorak are summoned by the Heart of the Visorak, then the Kahgarak would be included in that group, as they're a sub-species, as it were, like the Vorox are a sub-species of Glatorian.
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From page 12: (Bonmaga holding somesort of crystal) "It recieved the fate it planned for you -- Trapped in shadow!" "But it won't stay there for long!"


I think this kind of proves that the Kahgarak has the ability to escape, and will want to.

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It's a trivial matter of little storyline significance. One Visorak is not much concern.


But if you feel compelled to take it up the issue then, by all means, go ahead.

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You would think that the Kahgarak would have escaped as soon as it realized that it was in the place where its main predator lived. I mean I wouldn't stick around to be eaten by that monster so it most likely met the same fate as all other Visorak :wakeup2: .


I say let the spiders burn. :happydance:

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