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The Plot Uncovered!

Boogie Monsta


Laughin’Man: Oh, the aliens and zombies will probably be working together

Laughin’Man: In fact, the aliens are probably going to be the ones responsible for the zombies being zombies instead of normal dead people

Ferhago: Wait.. I'm not ready for that!!

Laughin’Man: The aliens will somehow cause all these dead guys to come back to life, then they'll command the zombies as an undead army

Laughin’Man: You'll attack the alien's base with your giant robot, which will likely be stolen from the aliens

Laughin’Man: Zombies will pour out of the base, crowding around the robot and attempting to destroy it

Laughin’Man: But you'll just stomp on them all

Laughin’Man: That's when the poorly-made Chuck Norris clones will start attacking

Laughin’Man: Much of the robot will be damaged, but yet destroyed

Laughin’Man: *not yet

Laughin’Man: Then you'll temporarily hide while some genius inventor, probably AT, installs a huge laser cannon on the robot

Laughin’Man: With the help of a team of space ninjas, you'll easily trash the alien's base

Laughin’Man: The zombies will be destroyed in a firey explosion

Ferhago: Who needs space ninjas when you've got Tom?

Ferhago: =P

Laughin’Man: He's the space ninja leader, of course

Ferhago: =D

Ferhago: I like this story.

Laughin’Man: The aliens will be mad, and the mothership will come

Ferhago: And then Turakii will look at it.

Ferhago: And it'll explode from her sheer awesomeness.

Ferhago: *edit

Laughin’Man: Exactly

Ferhago: We'll airlift her onto it.

Ferhago: I don't know if her awesomeness is long-range..

Laughin’Man: Hey, if it can affect us when we both live several states away from her...

Ferhago: Asking her..

Ferhago: But she's touching the computer..

Ferhago: And then it flows into it and through the internet to us..

Laughin’Man: We'll just have her IM the aliens aboard the mothership, duh

Ferhago: XD

Laughin’Man: Everyone knows aliens have Yahoo

Laughin’Man: Actually

Laughin’Man: The robot won't be stolen from the aliens

Laughin’Man: It'll be built by you and the robotics team

Ferhago: XD

Laughin’Man: There will be a big space battle, by the way

Laughin’Man: Aliens vs. humans

Laughin’Man: It'll feature some awesome music by Seether

Laughin’Man: Because every battle needs a bit of background music

Ferhago: XD

Ferhago: I can totally imagine that..

Ferhago: I'm totally blogging all this..

Laughin’Man: And when all the aliens are gone and the zombies destoyed, people will think it's all over and there will be a celebration in your honor

Ferhago: And of course I'll give credit to all my awesome friends..

Laughin’Man: But, right as the live preformances by all your favorite bands begins, a giant mutated zombie will burst out of the ground, and he'll have lasers implanted in his eyes and a missle launcher for an arm

Laughin’Man: That's when everyone realizes the aliens weren't defeated for good

Laughin’Man: The credits start to roll, but the whole thing is just too awesome for the credits, and they explode

Ferhago: And you'll be there with your Imperialist to headshot him..

Laughin’Man: Exactly

Ferhago: It'll be like in the movies.

Ferhago: The credits explode into you standing up with an arm cannon like Trace's and headshotting him.

Laughin’Man: Yes, exactly!

Laughin’Man: And once the alien falls over, dead, I'll deliver some gruffly-spoken line like "Zombies. I hate those guys."

Laughin’Man: Er, zombie

Ferhago: You'll think of something better..

Ferhago: Like..

Ferhago: BOOOM! Headshot.

Ferhago: XD

Laughin’Man: If you blog that part, replace "alien" with "zombie"

Laughin’Man: And XD

Laughin’Man: But wait, a zombie can't really die...

Ferhago: Yes.

Laughin’Man: Replace "dead" with... "owned"

Laughin’Man: =P

Ferhago: The virus is pumped through the blood by the heart, which is controlled by the brain.

Ferhago: Mostly the brain.

Ferhago: The head can last a while by itself, controlled by the virus left in the brain.

Ferhago: That's why the only way to kill a zombie is a headshot, because that's the only way to kill the virus.

Laughin’Man: Heh, I'd be good at killing zombies...

Ferhago: On good days =P

Laughin’Man: Right

Laughin'Man: Anyway, after I headshoot the zombie and deliver the epic line, the credits resume. After the credits there's a breif scene showing that there's an alien survivor hiding underground, setting up for a sequel

Laughin'Man: A sequel will be produced, but it won't be as good as the original. Another sequel, though, will be made a few years later. It'll be better than the second one, and closer in awesomeness to the first, but still not as amazing as the original. The first and third movies will be released in a two-pack a decade later to go along with the remake, in which your character will be played by Nicholas Cage.

Ferhago: XD

Ferhago: He'll be a bit old tho..

Laughin'Man: By then, the Fountain of Youth will have been discovered, and age wouldn't matter anymore.


That'd be the awesomest movie ever.. As long as we got to direct it, not like.. Michael Bay.




Recommended Comments

Wow, you're incredibly stupid great and amazing.


I'm not even a bloody fully-qualified Rogue yet.


And I'm a Knight. I don't even belong in the Ninja faction.


So shame be upon thee for doing that.


Fixed for accuracy - Ferhago

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