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Back In The World Of The Living!



My fever broke late last night, so I was able to go to school today. ^_^ Those looking for an explanation of my new name don't need to look any further. I'll be sure to explain it.


Also, as the days go by, it becomes more and more likely that I'll be able to make it to Washington DC for BrickFair, so I'm quite happy about that.


Finally, a question: does the Law of the Conservation of Energy apply to matter too? I believe it does, but can't remember for sure.




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It's from a video made using Super Smash Bros. Brawl in which the two main characters are seen at one point crossing though several stages. With each one, the narrator says something like, "Through Icy Mountains," and one of the characters jumps and says "Yippie!". This goes on through several stages quite quickly until one is reached that the narrator calls a "Pirate Ship". The character jumps, as before, but this time only says half of 'Yippie', replacing the second half with a pirate's growl; hence: "Yipp-Arrrgghhh".



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I could have sworn it was called the Law of Conservation of Matter.....





Lol, hence my confusion.



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Yeah, generally both conservation of matter and conservation of energy are true, although I think if fusion or fission is involved, you can actually convert matter into energy. Then you have Conservation of Matter/Energy (both, but not individually).
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Yeah, generally both conservation of matter and conservation of energy are true, although I think if fusion or fission is involved, you can actually convert matter into energy. Then you have Conservation of Matter/Energy (both, but not individually).

Transmutation; right, makes sense.



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