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What Do I Do Now?

Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion


As you probably know, all of BZPower's posts from September 2008 and onwards are gone. That means that all that's left of the Dairuno Toa series on BZPower is Book 1, Book 2, and the first 18 chapters of Book 3. The ending of Book 3 is gone, and so is all of Book 4.


Thankfully, I have almost all of it backed up, and only minimal rewriting will have to be done. But the thing is, there are 24 chapters of my work gone, and because of the whole "one chapter a day" rule, that will take nearly a month to put back. So I'm currently debating whether or not to waste the next month reposting Book 3 and 4, or to just give up on my fan fiction series here and move it elsewhere. Like I mentioned a few blog entries ago, I'm doing several other projects in other places, including a rewritten version of Book 1. I'm considering just doing my series over there now, where at least I'll be writing a new version of the series rather than wasting time copying and pasting chapters I've already written.


I realize that it would be pretty cruel to just get up and leave the (albeit few) fans I have here, but they could always follow me over to the other site. That, or they're going to have to wait a month for anything new, since I refuse to start SOTD at Chapter 21. Either way, this is a bad thing for my series.


Personally, I'm leaning towards aborting it on BZP and moving it over to the other site. I know you're probably thinking "How could you possibly think it would be worth it to start over from the beginning compared to starting over from six months ago, when it would only take a month to recover the latter and over a year to do the former?" The difference is that in the past, my writing was simply not that good. Book 1 and 2 were mostly awful, Book 3 started off and ended better but slid backwards in the middle, and Book 4 is still only approaching a satisfying level to me. I find it much preferable to start over from the very beginning and dismiss BZP as a practice round.


If enough of my fans really, really, don't want this to happen, I'll continue to post here. But I want to focus my attention on that other site, which I currently co-manage and have been an active member on for three years. I honestly feel like my allegiance should be there and not to BZP anyway. I do have The Comedy-Makers to finish here, so I'm not leaving either way just yet, but I will be drastically less active from here on out.


EDIT: I was really upset when I posted this. Now that I've calmed down a bit, here's how I'm seeing things:


I really don't feel like reposting anything, but if I don't have to worry about only being able to post one chapter a day, then I suppose I might as well. No matter what, I plan to be less active here; I'll probably be only online to deal with matters related to my epics (including C.I.R.C.L.E., which I recently became an associate of). I will be starting from the beginning on that other site as well but will also continue on BZPower, at least until the series on that other site catches up (which will probably take at least a year). Since my writing time will primarily go towards the rewritten series, new BZPower chapters will probably be up on an "as I finish them" basis instead of holding myself to two chapters a week. And because I really need a break from this, I think I'm still going to hold off the reconstruction until April, and thus Story of the Dead is on hiatus until then.


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From my vague understanding, they're not forcing people to repost one chapter a day of stuff that has already been posted before, because otherwise getting all of the things that were lost ages ago would be a hassle that's totally not worth it. Just post it all again, in one go, and if they complain then be like "Dude, I already posted this. It was on the site before it got blown up," and they'll very likely understand.


If all else, I think that it's better to have your stuff in multiple places.

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It would be a shame to see you leave BZPower so soon after joining "The C.I.R.C.L.E.", honestly I think that you should do what I did, that is to say, I posted a chapter, waited a bit, then posted another.


They're not going to get all upset when we're simply trying to rebuild what they know we lost. ;)


In the end it shouldn't take you more than maybe a day or two provided you have copies of the entries saved elsewhere. :shrugs:

  • P.S. I hope you repost "
" because, although I've already read it, I for one would like a chance to review it.



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From my vague understanding, they're not forcing people to repost one chapter a day of stuff that has already been posted before, because otherwise getting all of the things that were lost ages ago would be a hassle that's totally not worth it. Just post it all again, in one go, and if they complain then be like "Dude, I already posted this. It was on the site before it got blown up," and they'll very likely understand.


If all else, I think that it's better to have your stuff in multiple places.

Hm, I'd just like to have some proof of that before I go ahead and do that... I suppose I'll ask in the Q&A forum.


It would be a shame to see you leave BZPower so soon after joining "The C.I.R.C.L.E.", honestly I think that you should do what I did, that is to say, I posted a chapter, waited a bit, then posted another.


They're not going to get all upset when we're simply trying to rebuild what they know we lost. ;)


In the end it shouldn't take you more than maybe a day or two provided you have copies of the entries saved elsewhere. :shrugs:

  • P.S. I hope you repost "
" because, although I've already read it, I for one would like a chance to review it.



Oh, right... I completely forgot about C.I.R.C.L.E.; that's another thing I need to take into consideration here.

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Hmm... I'm not too fussed if you move, because I'm pretty sure I know the place you're talking about. I just wanna see what happens at the end of SOTD. You were soooo close to Feyain's death.... At least I think you were...


Also, link to C.I.R.C.L.E? I'd like to have a look at it.

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Hmm... I'm not too fussed if you move, because I'm pretty sure I know the place you're talking about. I just wanna see what happens at the end of SOTD. You were soooo close to Feyain's death.... At least I think you were...


Also, link to C.I.R.C.L.E? I'd like to have a look at it.

I actually posted the chapter with Feyain's death and the board went offline not a minute later. XD


For C.I.R.C.L.E., click the link that Toa_Ausar kindly provided below. :)



Also, in case you were unaware Black Six temporarily reduced the "double post merge time" software from 1 hour down to just 5 minutes so that people could rebuild their Epics, Comedies, etc. without so much hassle. :happydance:


Ah, that's good to hear. In that case, maybe I should start reposting sooner before that's undone. I'm still going to hold off a little while though - at least until I can polish off the last of Story of the Dead, which I doubt will take much longer (about 40 pages left to go, I'm on the last quarter of the story).

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Oh, please don't terminate the Epic Series here on BZPower. I've been reading a little bit of the first two on my own time, and want to keep reading - plus, you need some reviews. So, I hope you don't choose to give up. A little wall can't be too bad, especially with what Ausar and others have been saying.


But that's just what I think; you should make the decision.


~ BioGaia

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Auserv! Great news! using the method on the front page of BZP I found SotD!


It's only up to Chapter XVI (whatever Roman Numeral that is =P) but it least before that is all there and edited!

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I myself isn't going to change to that other site that you mentioned (I don't even know it). I have changed much in the eight weeks of high school. I don't have that much time and I'm spending more time on my study. But if you definitely have to move it there then I'l read it but maybe I won't join. Don't let me decide your judgement.


Toa Lhilertoro, with passion and hope.

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Oh, please don't terminate the Epic Series here on BZPower. I've been reading a little bit of the first two on my own time, and want to keep reading - plus, you need some reviews. So, I hope you don't choose to give up. A little wall can't be too bad, especially with what Ausar and others have been saying.


But that's just what I think; you should make the decision.


~ BioGaia

Yes, I will continue here. As for exactly when I'm continuing, I haven't really decided yet. See the bottom of this comment...


Auserv! Great news! using the method on the front page of BZP I found SotD!


It's only up to Chapter XVI (whatever Roman Numeral that is =P) but it least before that is all there and edited!

:o That's good. That means only three chapters will need to be re-edited.


I myself isn't going to change to that other site that you mentioned (I don't even know it). I have changed much in the eight weeks of high school. I don't have that much time and I'm spending more time on my study. But if you definitely have to move it there then I'l read it but maybe I won't join. Don't let me decide your judgement.


Toa Lhilertoro, with passion and hope.

I will be continuing here, but I'll also be starting there. Once the series there catches up to the series here, I may stop here and move the rest of it to that other site, but that's a long way off, so I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


I'm currently writing Chapter 23 of Story of the Dead, which puts me about 1 chapter behind where I would've been had this never happened. I think on the week starting March 30th, I'll begin reposting my series, and use the next week to write as much as I can and with any luck finish up the last 7 chapters of the story. If I can't do that, hopefully I can at least get up to Chapter 27, which will put me back on schedule. I'm hoping to still finish Book 4 when I planned to, even if the schedule gets disturbed towards the end. (After all, something similar happened to Book 3 towards the end when my laptop broke...) So you guys can expect to see everything start reappearing next week.

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Even though you appear to have already decided to continue here, I feel I should say what I would have said had you not edited your entry. :)


Starting out as a writer on BZPower, I definitely wasn't good at it. You can just look at my earliest works to see why I often cringe when I reflect on my early work. But just because they're cringe-worthy doesn't mean they're worthy of being retconned and vanished. If I followed that logic, I would have to rewrite Agent Within This World five years from now because I will definitely be much better then than now.


Rather, I do my best to ignore my regrets and thoughts of "I should have put more effort into that!" and the like, and instead treat each piece as a marker of my writing progress. I make myself proud of how far I have come instead of pretending that I was always this good - besides, who would believe that? Not implying that you wanted to deceive us - just saying that rewriting everything up to the present is quite unnecessary when you can do so much better with a new plot and cast because then you would enjoy it. Just think for a moment - would you actually be able to drag yourself through three whole stories that you know by heart and can't surprise yourself like you would when writing on the fly? I know I couldn't. :P


So I'm glad you won't be attempting this, and I look forward to resuming my readership of your series. :)

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