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Ouch Updates




NOTE: Ojh and I now have saved the following to my hard drive in Google cache format:
-AC#1: Bio Code
-TMOMN page 1 (with V3.2), page 3, and page 4 (MISSING page 2)
-Tapestry of Time collection topic, totally up to date (PHEEEEWWWW!)
-Twisted Island epic intro text
-TI review page 1, and page 2 as of Jan 30 (MISSING all TI reviews since Jan 30th)
-Coolified Glat art topics 1&2
-Captain of Treason review pages 1 and 2, up to my announcement of the final chapter being posted (MISSING all reviews of the final chapter and epic in general after that point)
-Software Library review of TMOMN

Will probably put all these up on a freewebs page and link to 'em in the appropriate places so people's lost story reviews and the like aren't lost. Then will work on restoring things like the Tapestry topic and TI/ACs. For now, I've begun restoring Captain of Treason.

Also MISSING: AC#2: The Dynasty, Altacosmos art topic (no biggie). Probably more that I'm forgetting...

What I lost in the glitch:

The entire S&T#5: Time Capsule Contest. Will see if I saved a copy of the rules post and work first on getting that back up. [ARG I didn't save a copy apparently. If anyone has a copy of the rules post please contact me. Thanks to 55555 for getting a copy to me (and to Toaraga though he was beaten to it :P).

Time Capsule contest is reopened here, with rules.

Paracosmos Epic Captain of Treason after chapter 7 (of 21) and all the corresponding reviews. :( Have the original text file; will repost soon.

Twisted Island, both epic and review, totally gone. Have the text file and images and suchnot; will begin reposting that (NOTE TO SELF: had posted up to chapter 17).

Both Altacosmos Chronicles and the art topic for them. Again have both of those, actually the second one had an editing split error and I wouldn't mind retrying that post. And have all the art. Will repost.

Biggest blow right now personally is the new and improved (and then gone) updates to my Tapestry of Time story collection topic. I thiiiiink I may have saved a copy of that post, and I really hope so, as it was a lot of work. If so that copy wouldn't have the second AC. [DARN DARN it looks like I did NOT save a copy of that either. BAH.] [Apparently Ojh found a cache of this, so might be hope...]

My latest S&T theory. :P It wasn't anything major, just saying that maybe Mata Nui flies with the gravity power we know he has, so he can hover weightlessly and "fall up" or forward etc. and also could absorb elements into elemental energy such as absorbing ocean water so he wouldn't flood any continents on planets he lands on.

All polls I had hosted since Sept. 28. Feel free yall to PM me again for those.

The latest few PMs I hadn't yet replied to. Please resend and such if yall can.

The latest versions of the Map of Mata Nui computer game topic. Not totally sure about that, and will ask Ojhilom to get stuff ready to get that back up to date with the latest version. Been a while since I paid attention to it so I've forgotten too much.

Uriel's Unknown language guide, which I had been planning to turn into a blog entry soon. U, still have that?

Never got a chance obviously to reply to the reviews of Twisted Island chapter 17. All I remember that I saw before the glitch (and weekend job) was that someone found the "apparent inconsistency" between chapter 16 and 17 that I challenged readers to find. My spoilerey response:
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Yes, the inconsistency is that when Rathoa, in moth form, saw the Toa come through the portal to TI, he shook his wings angrily and was shocked, yet in chapter 17 when he reports on it to the Ghomboka leader, he acts like he expected it and had even caused it to happen.

I forget what you theorized it meant, but it wasn't quite the right interpretation. What happened there is that Ghombakli (the Ghomboka leader's name -- a little treat for readers of both TI and my blog :P) ordered Rathoa to use his influence to bring the Toa, but Rathoa had no intention of doing so. He merely watched the portal the whole time, and Surkahi watched him. He assumed Kanoka would not allow the Toa to come -- whether he was right or wrong remains to be seen later, but of course the Toa and Kapura helped that along themselves. :)

Surkahi does not think this "inconsistency" odd in the slightest for a classified reason that you'll learn by the end of the story, which is why he doesn't have even a hint of a thought about it (plus if I wrote such a thought it would have given the inconsistency away too easily :P).

So in other words, this "inconsistency" is actually a key hint as to larger goings on and motives related to Rathoa and Ghombakli. :evilgrin:

Good find.

ION: Next week or maaaybe this week, I plan to start an art guide blog series. Not totally sure how I'll divide it up and such but I've drawn and written (on paper) most of what I'll need. This will be for art in general, not just .ppt art. Just gotta scan the pages and maybe convert the writing to computer text.

Also am planning to do another .ppt art guide focused on lighting soon. Or was planning it; the glitch is agonna slow everything a ton.

I'm extremely glad the blog wasn't affected by the glitch. :D

Have been and still am backing up various stuff on my home comp, and various other Dreaded Real Life stuff taking up time. Also, job situations here are more precarious than ever (like just about everywhere on Earth now), so I make no promises for the future.

Aaaand once those art guides are up is probably when I'll worry about updating the bonesCAFE avatar site.


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Takuma Nuva counts the posts people in his blog make and puts the numbers as rankings in a content block. How would he feel? :P
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Takuma Nuva counts the posts people in his blog make and puts the numbers as rankings in a content block. How would he feel? :P

Really ticked. =D

Do we get an extension on Time Capsule?


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