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The Super Chapter

MT Zehvor


After the deleting post rage done by the BZP server, 80+ chapters are gone from my comedy. However, the two most famous, chapter 282, the longest chapter in BZP history, and chapter 300, which was saved by Mister Matoro. Hopefully he will post it here soon.


If you happen to have an old chapter from TBTTRAH that's past 239, please post it here.


And now...I present....the longest chapter in BZP History.


Chapter 282: The Battle for Bionicle Western


Life as a plastic Bionicle is actually a lot harder than it looks. There are a lot of tough obstacles to overcome, ways of life to learn, and, of course, there are all the weirdoes you have to live with.


One of these Bionicles had adapted very early on, but life had still been tough for him, since everyone wanted to talk to him and get him to “magically” grant their wishes. What did they think he had? Super powers?


In reality, actually, it wasn’t that far from the truth. The Bionicle was a Toa, named MT, who had these powers, at least, in this domain, because he was the author of a comedy, or something like that. All he knew was that somehow he was responsible for everything that happened here, and he was always the one who people complained to if something wrong or offensive went on, since Tahu always seemed to point to him.


Tahu was, at his best, a vocal leader. At his worst, he was noisy, inconsiderate, and sometimes was downright stupid, especially if he didn’t get to sleep at a reasonable time. He had been named leader of the house from the time his group of Bionicles had entered the house, which they had found abandoned, except for some odd other Bionicles waging a war. Tahu’s group quickly put an end to the war and took over the house. Since then, Tahu had gained a reputation as an evil criminal, for he had flown offensive signs over cities, robbed banks, given orders to rob banks, attacked other house, and even had been the end of a police officer or two. Tahu was, for the most part, actually easy to get along with, but he had to, as he put it: “I usually act nicer in the morning after I’ve killed something.”


The Bionicles were so afraid of having him as their leader that they decided to make it a co-dictatorship, and since Tahu commanded that it could be only Tahus on the throne, they picked Tahu Nuva, the set that came out in 2002, to rule alongside Tahu. Tahu Nuva was not at all like Tahu. Tahu Nuva was not so quick to jump to action, he was a heck of a lot nicer, and he didn’t kill people. But one thing the Bionicles could never figure out was his strange addiction to glass windows. And if you ever broke one of his windows, he would make Tahu’s anger look mild.


Life here was not very peaceful. One of the causes of that had been the arrival of the Glatorian. The new sets had not at all gotten along with the turtles. Normally, turtles would not have been a problem, but these ones had been infused with coffee, making them much stronger, larger, and it interrupted the turtles when they were talking with a “buh” between every few words.


The turtles had actually been signaled by Tahu to go after the 2009 sets after the Glatorian had met and nearly killed the Inika in battle. Eager to get rid of a potential annoyance, the turtles scattered and defeated the Glatorian, and put most of them in Hydraxon’s baby pin, which served as a jail. Hydraxon had actually found the baby pin upstairs in the attic, and had at first thought it was a jail. Very few had actually ever escaped from the jail, so the Tahus had never told him what it really was.

The turtles victory, however, was short lived by the arrival of a dark Takanuva, who looked like the real 2008 version of Takanuva, but had unlimited access to shadow powers, and was much stronger. He was eventually defeated by the turtles’ leader, Omega Turtle, but not before going rogue and knocking one of the Toa Zehvor, the guardians of the house, unconscious.


The Glatorian did escape and managed to wreak havoc on the house once again, and were soon joined by the arrival of Tuma, who upon arrival, immediately went to eBay and ordered 200 Skrall to serve him as an army, and Fero, who went around the house looking for people to fight in his “Boxtus Arena.” Boxtus Arena was actually, well, a cardboard box. It was a huge box though, almost 4 feet tall, and no one who was put into the box could get out without tearing the box open. Recently, though, in a odd twist of events, Tahu had put Fero and Fero’s mount, Skirmix, in Boxtus.


Right now Tahu was in the upstairs’ bedroom, meeting with the turtles’ leader, Omega Turtle, attempting to find out how he had done on a recent mission to steal a very important object from the neighbor’s house.


“It was a buh success. I retrieved the item of valued and took it behind the house.”

“Did you face any trouble? Resistance at all from the neighbor’s dog?”

“Not buh really,” said Omega. “At least, none after I buh ate him.”

“Well, I guess they really weren’t serious about stepping up their guard on us-”


“Stupid phone,” commented Tahu.

“I’ll buh get it,” volunteered Omega, who then leapt up onto the bed and picked up the phone. “Buh hello?”

“Yes,” came a dry, cracking voice from the phone. “This is Mrs. Feeny, your neighbor.”

“Buh oh,”

Ignoring Omega Turtle’s comment, Mrs. Feeny went right on with “Is the woman of the house at home?”

“Yes, he buh is,” replied Omega.

“He?” asked Mrs. Feeny, wondering if Omega had mixed up words. He had not, as it was.

“Here, Tahu. Its buh for you,” said Omega with a snicker.

Suspicious of Omega’s smile, Tahu picked up the phone and prepared for the worst. “Hello?” he asked, nervously, hoping it wasn’t another police chief calling about something.


Struck by the sudden ferocity of Mrs. Feeny’s voice, she never spoke like this, Tahu replied “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Oops,” Tahu said sarcastically as he “accidentally” placed the phone back into it’s holder. No surprise, the phone rang again in a few seconds, but Tahu simply yelled to the living room for someone else to pick it up. They could get chewed out instead.


The Bionicles had been having problems with their neighbors, and, for that matter, almost everyone, for a long time now. The turtles’ annoying habits of beating up the neighbor’s dogs and breaking their windows, not to mention the incident with the stolen wallet, had translated to a bad relationship between the two sides. Mrs. Feeny, as Tahu knew, was very old and usually quiet, but he knew she could get very hot if she was pushed over the boundary.


Tahu leapt off his recliner, which he called his throne, and headed for the X-Box 360 which he kept on the other side of the room. He inserted his Halo 3 CD into the machine and took the controller. Finding himself a comfortable seat on the bed, he selected “matchmaking” from the menu and got set to try and finish out of dead last on a game of Halo Live--for the first time in 173 attempts.


Meanwhile, downstairs, Omega Turtle was rather glad to not have to give a report of his doings to Tahu. He liked Tahu somewhat, after all, the Fire Toa was rather nice to him, but his missions were usually boring, such as guarding the house while he went to Wal-Mart or E.B. Games. His last mission, to take out any threat that Mrs. Feeny’s son’s Bionicles might be, was rather interesting, but missions like that were not an everyday occurrence.


His thoughts were interrupted by the presence of a Ko Matoran walking down the hallway towards him. Omega recognized him. He was Mister Matoro, a veteran fighter, and a good friend to most other than Carapar.


“Hello, Omega,” said Mister Matoro.

“Buh hi,” replied Omega Turtle. He noticed that the Matoran was carrying an unusual amount of weapons, even for him. “Any reason for the buh excess of weapons?”

“Not an excess. Hopefully just enough. Levacius has called a meeting and he asked me to bring a large amount of weapons.”

“But a buh wagon full?” asked Omega, noting the miniature wagon that Mister Matoro was pulling behind him.

“Hey, you know, you can never enough precautions. He didn’t specify how many to bring, and better safe than sorry.”

“There’s going to be a lot of buh sorry people if one of these buh things go off,” muttered Omega Turtle. “Need me to help pull?”

“That would be nice, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Buh ok. Let’s go.”


So the two started off towards the meeting sight, Mister Matoro in front, Omega Turtle and the wagon in back. It wasn’t long before they reached their destination, one of two downstairs’ bedrooms. This one was also the base of an army of MoCs, and the leader of the army, a titan named Syrux, had dubbed the room “Sembridge.” It was also the only way to get to the coffee mines, a set of underground tunnels and large rooms meant to mine coffee from the ground after an incident between a Toa of Coffee and 6 Piraka resulted in a very large coffee spill. Simply put, it was not one of Omega’s favorite places to visit.


Syrux was about one foot tall in human length, a little shorter than Omega Turtle, and did not at all like visitors, unless they brought Oreos. Syrux was absolutely crazy about Oreos, and would do almost anything to get them, even if it meant lighting himself on fire. On this particular occasion, Omega was going to have to persuade Syrux some other way, since he did not have any Oreos on him.


“WHO’S THERE?” boomed the deep voice of the MoC leader.

“Buh me. And my friend. Now, go buh away before I hurt you.”

“Omega Turtle?” asked Syrux.

“Yes,” responded the turtle. “Now, get the buh out of here before I pound you into the buh.”



Although Omega was usually kind to most of the Bionicles in the house, he was deadly to those who didn’t like him. He was taller than all Bionicles other than Botar and a titan named Tarakavaseargent, and he carried an abundance of odd weapons, such as a shotgun, gravity hammer from Halo, and a lightsaber, although he usually lost his weapons and had to replace them. But the one thing he was most notorious for was his ability to eat almost anything. Rumor had it that he had eaten a 6 foot tall person once, although Mister Matoro wasn’t sure about how true that was.


Mister Matoro guided Omega Turtle to a back corner of the room, where he asked Omega to stop. Peering into the darkness, Omega made out several figures in the darkness--Syrux never turned the lights on--and began to identify them. He saw Brenmac, the Toa of all elements on the left, Levacius, Toa of Lightning, MT, Toa of Coffee, Sonu, Toa of Fire, Hovoki, Toa of Sprite, and Tarakavaseargent. He thought he saw some others, although he wasn’t sure who they were. One of the others then spoke to him, and said:


“Hello, Omega Turtle. Are you going to help us doing this?”

“Uh....what the buh are you doing?”

“If you do not know, why are you here?” replied the mysterious figure.

“He is helping me bring the weapons, Rahkshiking,” responded Mister Matoro. “There is no need to be so accusing. Besides, any help is welcome, right?”

“Correct,” announced Levacius from the middle of the circle. “Knowing where we’re going, extra help may be necessary for us to come out of this.”

“And what is this big plan of yours, Levacius?” asked a 3 foot tall (in human length) giant who was standing by himself in the corner. Tarakavaseargent was his name, and he looked like a cross between a Tarakava and a Toa...except he was much taller than a Toa, a Tarakava, or both stacked up on top of each other. Omega hadn’t interacted with him much, except when they fought in the annual house fighting tournament. Omega Turtle had won that fight, 3-2, and had gone on to win the Super Battle, which was that championship was called.

“Friends,” began Levacius, “it has come to my attention that a new threat to the house has arisen.

“What could possibly be a bigger threat than having Tahu run our house?” joked MT, the Toa of Coffee.

“Easy. They are bent on our destruction, Tahu isn’t. Tahu is just crazy,” replied the Toa of Lightning.

“So what exactly is this threat?” asked another Toa of Lightning, Samzoraz. Although Levacius and Samzoraz did not look alike, their colors did resemble each other.

“Remember the Bionicle Western?”

“The what?”

“The hotel Tahu and the rest of the Bionicles took over. I wasn’t there, I’ve only heard about it from MT and Mister Matoro.”

“It’s in Miami,” began Mister Matoro. “Tahu had a “brilliant” idea to take over a hotel, and we did, taking out the clerks and everything. After dealing with potential lawsuits and all, we faced opposition from Makuta, who took over his own hotel. But his plans ended up destroying both his hotel and the Bionicle Western, so I don’t see how what could have happened.

Levacius then spoke again. “Apparently, Makuta and his band of other minions have rebuilt Bionicle Western and are claiming to be the original owners of it. I have got word that they plan to use 4 Mask’s equipment to build one of those coffee meteors and launch it at the house, destroying it.”

“And HOW did you figure this out?” questioned Tarakavaseargent.

“I’m not a traitor, if that’s what you’re wondering,” responded Levacius cooly. “I found out this from Maxilos, who used to work with the Makuta but is now with Hydraxon in keeping watch over the baby pin jail.

“So what do you think we should do?” asked Hovoki, the Toa of Sprite, who was speaking for the first time.

“Simple. Build an army, race down there, and stop.”

“That’s....going to be hard,” commented MT.

“Please,” replied Levacius. “How hard can it be?”


“No. I won’t go with you.”


The harsh voice had come from Malum, Glatorian of Fire. He had responded to Levacius’ request for him to join their band and go to Miami.


“Why not? You live in this house too.”

“For one, you’re probably lying, and two, I’ll probably end up dying.”

“I’m not lying, and if you stay here, you’ll die anyway if we don’t succeed.”

“How do I know you’re not lying, Toa?”

Levacius responded by launching a surge of electricity run through his blade and fly through the air. It slammed into Skrall, sending thousands of volts flowing through his plastic body and frying his Glatorian life game counter. The Glatorian was knocked to the ground, and for a minute, it seemed as if he was dead. He managed to get back up though, in pretty bad shape.


“Now,” said Levacius. “Would I hurt you like that if I was lying?”

“Nope!” replied Malum, giving a thumbs up. “I’ll be right there with you in Miami!”

“And what about your friend here?” asked Levacius, gesturing to Vorox, who traveled with Malum because he didn’t like any of the other Glatorian.

“qtrquotiquop” replied Vorox.

“I’m going to go ahead and say that’s a yes,” announced Malum. “He’ll come too.”

“Great. We can’t wait to see you fighting out there.”

“And dying for you...” commented Malum as Levacius walked away. He looked at Vorox, who seemed to be his only friend. Vorox had speech problems, he could only speak with letters on the 1st row of the keyboard. No one else could speak his language, and only Strakk, the white Glatorian and Malum’s worst enemy, could understand what Vorox was saying. It was a big disadvantage, but he and Malum had learned to deal with it.


“Well, I guess we might as well get ready, old pal,” said Malum, as he walked off, followed by Vorox, although none of them could get any readier than they were already. In fact, Malum had encountered several problems with fighting in his short life here, just over two weeks now. First off, his short stubby arms and plastic claws posed a threat to almost no one, except maybe a Matoran or Agori. Second, his Thornax launcher was made of rubber and was ineffective unless he wanted to annoy someone.


Elsewhere in the house, Levacius’ friends were not having much success. MT had taken two others, Phantokamaster, a Krahka, and Mistikalord, another Toa, to try and convince Tuma and his army of Skrall. So far all they had gotten was “NO” and nearly a big welt to MT’s head, which was avoided with MT’s mask of teleportation.


Tuma was not very friendly to anyone. The closest thing he had to friends were his army of Skrall. And his way of showing them friendship was to force them to call him “The amazing awesome all powerful wonderful Tuma.” More often then not, the Skrall forgot the whole list of adjectives and got in trouble with their leader.


The Skrall were not very smart, they just followed their leader around, doing whatever he asked, unless they were met with a scary situation, such as a Fire Toa with a baseball bat. To try and inspire courage in them once, Tuma had engaged this Fire Toa in combat, but Tuma was easily defeated. Ever since then, Tuma had been leading the Skrall around the house in a quest to find a new sword for him, since his old one was shattered in the fight with the Fire Toa.


“Why won’t you help? Even think about it?” asked Phantokamaster.

“Because it does not help my army or me in any way!” shouted Tuma in return. “Why can you not understand that?”

“We can’t-” started MT, “because of how it so obviously effects you. If they place you live in is destroyed, then where will you go after that?”

“Well....” considered Tuma, “there was this great place across town I was thinking of.”

“Oh, yeah? What was it called?” said Mistikalord in response.

“Uh...pep bot...pet got...PET SHOP!!! That was it. Pet shop,” exclaimed Tuma, suddenly remembering.

Phantokamaster looked from Tuma, to MT, to the skrall, to Mistikalord, and then back to Tuma again. He then leaned in very close to Tuma, knowing that fear was the way to convince Tuma’s army, and spoke quietly, “Do you know what goes on in pet shops?”

“No....” Tuma replied, very unsure now.

“They sell you to first fat kid with freckles and glasses that passes by on the sidewalk.”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Tuma.

Phantokamaster stepped back in shock. He had expected this reaction out of the Skrall, but Tuma? This was unexpected.

“I’ll join! I’ll join! I’ll join you!!!! Just don’t let them put me in a pet shop!!!!” wailed Tuma, in front of all the Skrall, who were now whispering and pointing at their leader.

Phantokamaster turned to MT with an expression that seemed to say “are you sure we want this nut with us?” and then looked back at Tuma, and spoke softly. “All right. It’s ok. You can come.

“YYYYEESSSS!!!! WE WILL BE FREE!!!!!!!” exclaimed Tuma with obvious glee. It was the first time that anyone had seen him actually express emotion. Phantokamaster immediately tore himself away from Tuma and retreated to his two companions.

“So....you’ll be with us?” asked Mistikalord, interrupting Tuma’s odd celebration.

“Of course,” announced Tuma. “We will conquer Bionicle Cistern!!”

“Uh...that’s ‘Western’, Tuma,” said MT.

“Whatever. Come Skrall, today is a joyous day in our history!!!” yelled Tuma, as he ran to the bedroom, celebrating happily.

“And why do we want him with us?” asked Phantokamaster.

“I have no idea,” answered MT. “All I know is that it’s on his list of people we should bring with us.”

“And who is leading our ‘expedition’?” questioned Mistikalord.

“He is. Why?”

“No reason. But now I know another change that needs to happen along with Tuma going.”


“**** IT!!!!!!!!” yelled Tahu as he died for about the 60th time on the game. He was not very good at Halo live, Halo, or any video game for that matter. Finishing in last place, and well behind the second to last player, he threw the controller across the room, shattering it into pieces against the wall. He walked over and turned the 360 off, and then put “buy new controller,” on his list of things to do.


“You ok there?” came a voice from the doorway. It was Tahu Nuva, Tahu’s co-ruler.

“Yeah. Stupid game.”

“I thought you might like to know that there seems to be some sort of conference downstairs. I have no clue what it is.”

“What do I care?” sneered Tahu. “They’ll probably go fly somewhere and try to get some more pretty masks.”

“Yeah, well, you also might like to know that the Makuta, along with one of our helicopters, have totally dissapeared. No one has seen them for hours.”

“Now THAT is a problem,” said Tahu, leaping off the bed. “Let’s go check out this conference.”


The group was finally all together. It consisted of the 6 Glatorian, Tuma, Tuma’s army of Skrall, Levacius, MT, Phantokamaster, Mistikalord, Sonu, Hovoki, Tarakavaseargent, Mister Matoro, Omega Turtle, Samzoraz, Omega’s best friend, Terpo, Levacius’ helper “the Sergeant,” Fero and Skirmix, Brenmac, and another Turtle, this one famous for him always carrying around a chainsaw named Skidak. Together the group numbered 23, minus the 200 Skrall. Which brought up an interesting problem.


“All right, me and my army would like to come with you, but we need to know something. Where are we going to get a vehicle large enough to hold all of them?”

Levacius responded to Tuma’s question with, “We are going to take three different transports to the Bionicle Western. MT, Mister Matoro, and Mistikalord all know the way, so they will be piloting the three vehicles. The first is a helicopter, which we will use to strike from the air. Second is the armored car the Tahus stole, which will hold the rest of the army and will make a full blown attack on the Makuta with the helicopter. Lastly is the Porsche-”

“THE PORSCHE?!?!” Fero exclaimed. He had just been built together a few weeks ago, but already knew that a Porshce was well out of Tahu’s financial reach.

“Yes, a Porsche. I, um, asked Tahu to get Omega to retreive it from a neighbor.”

“So THAT was what that old lady was yelling about on the phone,” Mister Matoro said, smiling.

“How did you buh know she was buh yelling?” asked Omega Turtle.

“I picked up the phone and listened to you conversation.”

“I’m suspicous of you now...” Levacius said, staring at Mister Matoro. “Any top secret information that you know about the Makuta’s plans?”

“Nothing that you don’t.”

“Fine then,” replied Levacius. “Now, here are the listings for who rides where. Mr. Matoro, you will fly the helicopter. Accompanying you will be half of Tuma’s army, Skidak, Sonu, Hovoki, and Phantokamaster. On the armored car will be Mistikalord driving, Omega Turtle, Terpo, Tarakavaseargent, Samzoraz, the other 100 Skrall, and Tuma. Finally, in the Porsche will be MT driving, myself, Brenmac, Brutaka, the Seargent, and the six Glatorian. Oh, and by the way, we have a little extra help in case we need it. Also riding in the trunk of the Porsche, are the Sergeant’s clones. They will sneak out of the trunk and provide a bit of a boost in the main battle with the other two groups. Now, here is the plan. Hopefully all of us will arrive at the same time. There are cell phones in all three vehicles, don’t be afraid to use them. The helicopter will come first, sending the Skrall army down as paratroopers while the other others will man the turrets from the helicopter or fight in the skies with their jets or wings.

We will wait until the Makuta notice the Skrall parachueting, and then the armored car will pull up and begin attacking. While this main battle is going on, the porsche will have snuck up behind the house. The smaller group will invade, take out any left Makuta, and eat a doughnut or two from the leftover free breakfast. They then will continue out to the parking lot, and assist the other two groups from the back of the Makuta army. The Makuta will be surrounded, and with no way out, will die horribly or surrender. Any questions?”

“What if one of the buh groups doesn’t make it?” asked Skidak from the back.

“Then...we will have to carry on as before. If group 1 or 2 doesn’t make it, then hopefully one group can hold out long enough for group 3 to go through the back of the hotel and assist them. If group 3 doesn’t make it, then hopefully the combined forces of groups 1 and 2 can defeat the Makuta without a sneak attack. If more than one goup misses, then don’t even try.”

“Well then,” said the Seargent, “I suggest we all get prepared.”


Tahu burst into the downstairs bedroom, only to find that he was too late. From the looks of it, the meeting had ended a little while ago. Dissapointed, Tahu turned to leave, only to hear Tahu Nuva beckoning him to come.


Tahu Nuva was searching through a pile of papers, belonging to whoever had been in charge of the meeting. It gave the complete layout of their plan to defeat the Makuta in Miami and the way they would get there.


But someone else was watching...and planning to keep the Tahus from stopping the 3 groups from walking into the Makuta’s trap.


“I cannot believe I am doing this!!” yelled one of the Skrall above the whir of the helicopter blades. He was sitting next to, well, another Skrall. Along with the 100 other Skrall were Sonu, Toa of Fire,, Hovoki, Toa of Sprite, Krahka Phantokamaster, and Skidak, the turtle with a really sharp chainsaw.

“Neither can buh I!” yelled back Skidak, idily flipping one of the switches on his chainsaw. The helicopter was completely laid out for attack, with turrets, and exit ramp for the parachueting Skrall, and set coordinates for the hotel in Miami.

“All set for takeoff, Levacius,” Mister Matoro said into the com-link.

“Affirmative. My group is also ready to leave. We are waiting on Mistikalord’s group-”


As Levacius spoke, an armored car came spinning crazily from behind the house, with a loud “YAAAA-HOO!!!!” from the drivers window. Levacius shook his head and announced over the com-link to both the helicopter and the armored car, “All groups set to go?”

“Affirmative,” replied Mister Matoro.

“Uh...sure...yeah...” answered Mistikalord.

“Then with that, you ready, MT?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Even if I give you a backrub?” asked Brutaka eagerly.

“Uh...no...that won’t make me more ready.”

“Well, can I give you one anyway?”

“Please don’t. I’m trying to concentrate,” replied MT.

“Aww....” sighed Brutaka.

Levacius shook his head and spoke again, “Then let’s leave. For the Bionicle Western!!!”

And with that, the three vehicles took off, the helicopter into the air, and the armored car heading down the street right behind the Porsche.


Tahu struggled against his captor’s grip. He had intended to walk out the door of the house and tell the groups to stop, but someone had make sure of it. Right now his head was pulled in so close he couldn’t turn it, but he did know that it was much stronger than him and a lot taller. Tahu Nuva, had been knocked unconscious, so he wasn’t much help.


Finally they stopped in front of Hydraxon’s baby pin, where Maxilos looked at them. Tahu noticed that Hydraxon wasn’t there, which gave him a bad feeling. Whoever it was that was holding them dropped both Tahu and Tahu Nuva on the ground, allowing Tahu Nuva to turn around and look at who was holding him.


“SYRUX?!?” the startled Toa exclaimed.

“Yes, me. Who did you think it was, uh, um, uh, a really tall Bioincle with a disguise of me on?”

“But why? Why did you do that? I know you aren’t bought off cheap.”

“The Makuta offered me a plate of Oreos and a glass of milk.”

“Well, there goes that impression I had of you,” Tahu muttered under his breath.

“What was that, little Toa?” Syrux demanded, glaring fiercely at Tahu.


“You didn’t have to yell it in my ear,” Syrux said, holding his left ear.

“Quiet, Toa,” came a robotic voice from behind them. Maxilos picked up the two Tahus and dropped them in the baby pin, not very gently, either.

“So you’re in on this too, robot?”

“I said, quiet,” answered Maxilos. “You’ll attract attention.”


“Who the heck is yelling in my prison?” asked a voice from down the hall.

“It’s Hydraxon,” whispred Syrux.

“I know. What will we do?”

“Uh....we’ll have to get rid of him.”

“Kill him?

“No, just knock him out and put him in jail.”

“Sounds good to me-”

“WHAT is this?” exclaimed Hydraxon, who was looking bewhildered at the sight of both Syrux and Maxilos standing guard to the two co-rulers of the house.

“We are breaking away,” answered Syrux.

“You will pay DEARLY for this treachery.”

“I don’t think so,” answered Maxilos. “You’re outnumbered, two to one.”

“YOU joined him as well?”

“Why not? He offered a better deal.”

“And it was?”

“A bottle of oil.”

Tahu slapped his forehead in disgust.

“What?” asked Maxilos, to no one in particular. “My left leg is rusty!”

Sighing, Hydraxon answered, “You’re plastic, Maxilos. You don’t rust.”

Now very angry, Maxilos turned to Syrux, who simply smiled and said “Uh...I’ll get you something better later.”

“You should hope for your own sake you do,” answered Maxilos, menacingly.

“So, you two are breaking up the alliacnce now?” asked a hopeful Hydraxon.

“Heck no. That one can of useless oil is better than anything you’ve ever given me.”

“I was worried you’d say that. Well, I hate to do this, but I have to.”

“What do you mean?” asked Maxilos, suspiciously.

Without answering, Hydraxon threw two daggers, both striking weak points in Maxilos’ legs. Both lims instantly went dead. As the robot fell, Hydraxon fired his Cordak blaster at the ceiling, causing a large slab of the ceiling to come off. Looking up, Maxilos saw the impending danger and tried to get out of the way, but without the ability to walk, Maxilos couldn’t make it. He was crushed under a pile of rubble, and did not move.

“One down, one to go,” said Hydraxon, smiling.


Syrux was not so happy. After seeing half his team demolished in less than half a minute, he had to now defeat this jailer on his own. He moved forward, watching the smile dissapear from Hydraxon’s face. Syrux swung his double bladed staff and began the battle as Hydraxon picked up Maxilos’ staff and blocked the blow.


Strakk was not having a good day.


The white Glatorian had started off hoping to have a little fun evading Fero and Tahu, and maybe spend some time fighting for money. Instead, he had been begged, as he put it, to join this “noble” cause and defeat the Makuta, who he had learned nothing about from his short stay. But Gresh and Tarix thought that it would be so wonderful to heroically save the day and become famous. Strakk had no such wishes, for A: He wouldn’t get paid, and B: More than likely, all of the Glatorian would die, and C: Those that did survive would probably get no credit at all. So he was sulking in the back of the Porsche right now, and to add to his miseries it had started to rain, so the Toa driving the car had to close the convertable roof.


Gresh, on the other hand, was extremely excited for the upcoming battle. He had always wanted to prove to everyone that he was indeed a great fighter, and the chance was here, in front of all the Bionicles. He checked, then doupled checked, and finally triple checked his weapons. Everything that a Glatorian could want was here, a chance to fight in a huge battle, the opportunity to take down some of the toughest Bionicles around, and to even have a sneak in mission? This was almost to good to be true.


Tarix had mixed feelings about it. He had wanted to be nice and go with them, but he was worried now. He had no clue about what these Makuta were like, or how strong they were, or wether he could fight one to a one on one battle and emerge victorious. And what if the plan backfired and the Makuta discovered his group? That would mean even more trouble. They had to go undetected, since they were likely not large enough to fight off a number of these “Makuta.”


Looking through the back window, he saw the armored car turn off onto another interstate. He wondered what was going on before Levacius announced to the everyone that they were splitting up in case someone was going after them. This worried him further. If someone came at them while they were driving, how would they protect themselves? All this translated into one very nervous, almost scared Tarix.


Back at the house, Hydraxon was nervous as well. Syrux had proven to be a far tougher opponent than the robot Maxilos had. Syrux had used his staff to send energy bolts at him, and that had forced the jailer to spend most of the time parrying the blows with whatever he could find. Hydraxon right now was hoping that Syrux would run out of energy. Sure enough, Hydraxon’s wish came true. Syrux aimed his staff, looked at it quizically when nothing happened, and then tossed it on the ground angrily.


Hydraxon was then reminded of why it’s important to think about what you wish for.


As the jailer charged Syrux, prepared to defeat him in hand to hand combat, Syrux pulled out a taser that he had found while rummaging through Tahu’s “throne room.” Tahu gasped as he saw the taser, and knew it was the one that belonged to him. Hydraxon tried to stop, but was far too late, as a loud *ZZZZTTTT!!!!!* was heard, and then Hydraxon slumped to the floor.


Syrux walked over, picked the jailer’s limp body up, and then flung it through the air into the baby pin with both the Tahu’s. Tahu dove out of the way to avoid being landed on by the unconscious jailer. Syrux walked over to the pile of rubble and dug Maxilos out of it. He sat Maxilos up, wondering how it turned back on. He pressed a few random buttons he found, and then frowned, wishing he had not knocked Hydraxon out.


Still, he had the three he needed out of the way. He left Maxilos lying there, and walked towards the downstairs bedroom’s phone. When he reached it, he pressed in a numer, and waited for the response.



“Hello, Gorast?”

“Yes. Who is this?”

“This is Syrux. As Teridax planned, a group has been sent out to stop your threat.”

“You mean ‘threat,’”

“What do you mean?

Gorast laughed, an sound that made Syrux shutter. “Didn’t Maxilos tell you? There is no threat. He just passed the information on to get them to come down here. Once we defeat them, there won’t be enough resistance left in the house to stop us from taking it over.”

“Ah. I knew you had something else planned. Well, they are headed your way.”

“We’ll be ready.”


Syrux put down the phone. In all honesty, he was not in this for the Makuta. He planned to let the Makuta, after they had defeated the strike team sent to Miami, to come back to the house and fight whatever Toa remained. After that, he and his army of MoCs would attack the Makuta, who would not be at full strength after defeating two sets of Toa. Then he would rule the house for himself.


Upstairs, another being put the phone down. He was about Syrux’s size, though he had none of Syrux’s evil intentions. He considered what he knew from listening on that phone call, and then decided that since the battle between the strike force and the Makuta was out of his control, that he had to take matters into his own hands.


The grey and white Takanuva armed himself and then recalled a phrase he had heard from Gali a long time ago. “If something is not right, then correct it.”


Something was not right. He was going to fix it.


Mistikalord was having the time of his life.


He had spent the past hour driving crazily along the freeway, dodging other cars and reminding Tarakavaseargent of Mata Nui’s driving. Fast. Reckless. Definitely boardering on insane. He couldn’t understand why they just couldn’t bring Tahu along, he could drive fine and he knew the way. But Levacius had insisted.


“If he could see what was happening to us right now,” Tarkavaseargent said to no one in particular as a sudden swerve sent most of the Bionicles in the back into the right side of the car, “He’d understand where I’m coming from.”


He heard a load moan from the front, so he pushed himself off the floor and looked through the back window. He stood there, looking wide eyed at a police car, which had it’s lights on and was following them.


“Everyone hold on!!!” yelled Mistikalord from the front. “We’re going to play a little game of tag with the cop.”

“Driving an armored car?!” shouted back Tarakavaseargent. “Are you crazy? This thing’s top speed is like, 10 mph.”

“It’s 90 mph, Tarakavaseargent,” Mistikalord said back with some hint of dissatisfaction. “Besides, if they catch us, they can’t open the car. It’s armored.”

“Oh, yes, and then we go to jail for speeding, running away from arrest, and theft of a car.”

“I hate these negative people,” Mistikalord said as he switched lanes and the chase began.


Tahu was having a really bad day. After sucking horribly again on Halo Live, he had gone downstairs to investigate a meeting, only to be captured and imprisoned in a baby pin. And now his only chance of escape was lying next to him unconscious. Or maybe it wasn’t. He looked at Tahu Nuva, did some calculations in his head, and decided that it might work.


“No. You can’t go any further.”


The words had come from the 2008 version of Takanuva, who was currently standing in the way of Syrux reaching Sembridge. Syrux had found this most annoying...not that Takanuva cared.


“And why not?”

“Because I know what you are planning to do. You will not be allowed to help the Makuta.”

“I stopped Hydraxon and both the Tahus. They are now trapped. What makes you think your fate will be any different?”

“I was born lucky,” replied Takanuva with a smile.

“Too bad luck doesn’t exist!!” yelled Syrux confidently, lifting his staff into the air and firing. Takanuva dodged, only to find that Syrux had quickly pulled out a rocket launcher and fired.


Not worried at all, Takanuva simply waved his hand at it, and sent it into the other bedroom, where it exploded.


“This...is a problem,” said Syrux to himself. He saw shadow and light energy dancing around the end of the staff. He backed up slowly, but then watched, puzzled, as Takanuva stopped. He then saw, or rather felt, why. Something sharp, hot, and plastic had just run through his mechanical body, short circuiting him. He screamed, and dropped to his knees as the spark ignited and caught fire. Tahu, who had stabbed him from behind, looked on shocked as the plastic melted, and eventually left nothing other than a really hot part of the floor.


“How did you escape?” asked Takanuva.

“Your well timed rocket blew up the front wall of the baby pin. I didn’t know you had a rocket launcher.”

“I don’t. Syrux fired one and I...well...I was feeling it.”

“Feeling it? What’d you do next?”

“I stuck my hand out and used the force.”


“I don’t know. Just that magical power that doesn’t exist in the real world.”

“You mean author powers.”

“What are those?”

“You found, I’m assuming, author powers. They are usually only given to those who run comedies, but you have some yourself know, it seems!”

“Cool!” exclaimed Takanuva. “So can I destroy the house!”

Instantly, the house collapsed.

“Oops...” Takanuva said as he restored the house.

“Hope none of Tahu Nuva’s windows were broke,” said Tahu with a slight cringe as he remembered the last time he had broken one of Tahu Nuva’s windows. “What now?”

“Now we have to take precautions against the Makuta’s attack. It turned out that they don’t have a bomb like Levacius told me. They had Maxilos ‘leak’ the information to Levacius, and then he would lead a huge strike force to Miami, where they would be defeated. After that, the Makuta would come back here and conquer the remaining unsuspecting inhabitants.”

“And so....”

“We will get those who were left here ready to fight.”


Mister Matoro pressed a few buttons and sent the helicopter higher. He was trying to not be noticed, as MT had recently reported to him that the armored car was in a bit of trouble right now with the police. If they knew that there were more Bionicles, well, then that would turn out to be horrible. He had recently made it over the boundary between the Florida and Georgia state lines, and decided to report this.


“Hello. Porsche group, come in.”

“Levacius here. Who’s this?”

“Mister Matoro. We have just now crossed the state line.”

“Godo job. We are almost there now. I have no contact with the armored car group.”

“Uh oh.”

“Yes....it looks like we may have to operate without one of our groups after all.”

“Well, MT and I will keep you posted. Make sure no one sees you.”

“Got it. See you there...hopefully.”



Regardless of Tarakavaseargent’s bad day, Mistikalord was having the time of his life.


He was dodging cars, avoiding police, and making it on the news more than likely, all things he had heard about but had always wanted to try for himself. The only problem was, the phone installed into the car had broken off during a sudden lane switch, and now they couldn’t talk to either of the other two groups. Mistikalord looked ahead and saw a sign reading: “Florida State Line: 2 miles.” Looking behind him, he saw about 6 or 7 police cars chasing them. he stepped on the gas and took off towards the line.


Mister Matoro had set the helicopter to “hover” in order to give MT’s group time to catch up with his. Right now he was enjoying the sunset, and guessed that the surprise attack would begin the next day.


Hearing his name called by one of the Skrall, he jumped down from the pilot’s chair and the controls which had to be made much smaller for him to use, and walked over. The Skrall simply pointed downards, and below the helicopter, he saw an armored car chased by 7 or so police cars.


“Explains why they haven’t talked to us in a while,” Mister Matoro muttered. “Skrall! Prepare to open fire on the police car with the turrets!!”

“What about these sir?” asked a Skrall as Mister Matoro got back into his pilot’s chair. He looked at where the Skrall was pointing, and saw several slabs of concrete.

“What are we going to do with those?” questioned Mister Matoro.

“We are going to do this,” replied the Skrall as he shoved one of the slabs off the open side of the helicopter. The slab fell about 5 stories before slamming into the winshield of the police car, killing the policeman inside and creating a huge traffic build up.

“Uh...well...that solves our problem, since all the other police are stuck behind him. Do we have a not so deadly way to do it?”

“Not...deadly, sir?” the Skrall asked just before bursting into laughter.

“I thought so..” said Mister Matoro, and began to pilot the helicopter towards Miami.

MT had thought he’d receive a message from Mister Matoro a while ago. They were now well into Florida, and he was wondering if they had just gone ahead.


The sun had now set, and this posed another problem for him. He wasn’t the greatest driver around, and at night, it was almost scary. But then again, they could be in Mistikalord’s armored car.


To most of the Bionicles’ in Mistikalord’s car’s relief, Mistikalord gave up the driving to Omega Turtle. No one knew how a turtle, who’s main source of energy was coffe, would drive, but it had to be better than Mistikalord.


They all then found out how DEAD wrong someone can be.


Omega Turtle began going at the same speed Mistikalord was at, only this time he was singing.


“And the wheels on the buh armored car go buh round and round, round and round, buh round and round...”


Deciding he had had enough, Tarakavaseargent went to sleep. When he woke up, it was dawn, and Mistikalord had fixed the phone. He was talking to Levacius, and they found out that while the helcopter and armored car were almost in the same place, the Porsche was far ahead of both. This was a problem, because if the Porsche was spotted, it would all be over. So Levacius had said that they would stop at a McDonalds for breakfast or something like that while they waited for the other two groups to catch up. Mistikalord said that was a good idea, and then they quit talking.


Tarakavaseargent looked over at Samzoraz, who was still asleep, and then at Omega, who was nowhere close to sleep. Tarakavaseargent wondered if Omega Turtle actually ever slept. He had never seen Omega tired, let alone sleep. He guessed that the type of coffee they controlled was about the furtherest from decaf you could get.


He got up and went to the front of the car, where Mistikalord was again driving.


“Driving a bit safer now?” asked Tarakavaseargent.

“Well, they threatening me with being eaten by Omega if I didn’t drive a little less recklessly, so....”

“I don’t blame them at all,” Tarkavaseargent said under his breath.

“Of course not. You were with them in their protests, weren’t you?”


“Maybe? What kind of answer is maybe?”

“The only kind you are going to get. Why are you asking me all this weird stuff?”

“It’s called boredom from not being able to drive reckelessly.”

Tarakavaseargent smiled. “No, it’s called personal safety.”

“Whatever you want to call it, it’s all the same.”

“No. It’s really not.”


Back at the house, the Bionicles were trying to protect their own personal safety. After waking Tahu Nuva and Hydraxon, Takanuva and Tahu had started going around the house and spreading the news that there was to be an attack by the Makuta, the Bionicles had begun to prepare themselves for what was to come.


Not all of them got the message correctly, however.


“No, no, no, no, you don’t understand,” said Takanuva to a Matoran hastly.

“No, you don’t understand. Now, do you think I could make do with a size 6 coffin, or should I splurge and get a size 7?”

“Why do you need a coffin?”

“Because I’m going to die, stupid.”

“No, you aren’t.”

“You said the Makuta were attacking, right?”


“So why are they not going to kill us?”

“Because we will fight back.”

At this, the Matoran burst into laughter, causing a scowl to creep over Takanuva’s face. The Matoran recovered soon and asked Takanuva “Good joke. Now what are we really going to do?”


Takanuva sighned and walked away. Apparently some Matoran just couldn’t understand the idea of fighting for themselves. He then saw Pridak, who was one of the bravest fighters in the house. As he neared the white Barraki, Pridak spoke to him. “Hey, Takanuva! What is our plan for surviving the Makuta?”

“Plan? We don’t have a plan. We’re going to fight them.”

Pridak instantly froze in his steps, then fell over and hit the ground as soon as the words left Takanuva’s mouth. “Did...you...say...fight?” came a now squeaky voice from the usually strong leader of the Barraki, just before Pridak fainted.


Now very annoyed, Takanuva hoped to God that the strike team was not defeated by the Maktua.


MT was hoping to God that the house had some sort of backup plan.


He had pulled in through the back, sneaking behind the hotel. Ever since Mistikalord had told him through the inter-com that there was a Makuta out front with a sign saying “Park here, Toa,” he had become more nervous. He took a back way into the hotel parking lot, parking the car behind a few dumpsters so it would not be noticed. He thought he had done a great job of keeping their existance here a secret until someone passing by announced:


“HOLY ****, it’s a Porshce!!!!”


That was when things had started to go downhill. After rushing his team inside through a 2nd story window, they now were stuck with a big challenge, possibly the biggest of the trip.


“Those...are...stairs!!! I can’t go down them!!!!” a nervous Brutaka said, quaking with fear.

“Please. It’s staris. So what?” asked the Seargent.

“I...can’t....go down them!!!!”

“Good lord...” said Tarakavaseargent to no one in particular.

“I should’ve planned for this...” said Levaicus, now worried.

“HEY!!! YOU TOA!!! STOP!!!”

“Looks like your time to be afraid just ran out, buddy!!” announced the Seargent as he slapped Brutaka in the back, sending the stair-o-phobic titan falling down the stairs.


“See? Wasn’t so bad after all, was it?” asked the Seargent, more than a little sarcastically.

“Yeah...great..” replied Brutaka, picking himself off the ground.

“If you guys could hurry up and move, we might be able to get to the rendevous before an army of Makuta shows up,” said MT, blocking a shadow blast with his coffee sword.

“Right,” the Seargent said. Grabbing Gresh, Tarix, and Vorox, he announced “flight 240 leaving for the 1st floor departs now!!” and jumped off the edge.

The landing was not nearly as succesful as the take off. The Seargent crashed into the ground, sending the threee Glatorian sprawling. He picked himself up and headed towards the front.

“We need to go, now!” shouted Levacius. “Here come more Makuta!!”

“I’ve got it” said Brenmac, as he fended off a couple of lasers.

“Why wait?” asked MT, as he teleported the Makuta away.

“Wow. That was...quick,” Brenmac said.

“And inneffiecent,” noted Levacius. “They just teleported back.”

“Well, if they aren’t going to be nice and stay away, then we’ll just have to leave ourselves,” replied MT as he activated his mask and teleported the three Toa away.”


Outside, the battle had begun. 100 Skrall had parachueted from the helicopter, ready to join the other 100 Skrall in battle. Most of them had made it, and now an army of about 190 Skrall was charging at the Makuta’s army, which consisted of Rahkshi, Bohrok, and, well, Makuta. Shadow, energy bolts, and fruit flew everywhere, and when the front lines met, it was shadow, energy bolts, and fruit...still flying everywhere...and not many hits.


“And Levacius was buh worried about them?” said Omega Turtle to no one in paricular as he charged towards the Makuta. He leapt into the air, his huge body and coffee powers becoming impossible to notice. But it was only the huge body part that the Makuta were worried apart.


*CCCCCRRRRRRRUUUUUUUCCCCHHHHHHH* went the sound of plastic as Omega Turtle landed, cracking plastic limbs and weapons as he landed. Mutran looked at his leg and performed a mid battle amputation, while continuing his fight with a Skrall.


“That was buh fun!!!” exclaimed Omega Turtle, as he began to reapeat this process of leaping and squishing. For the most part, it was making up for the Skrall being the pathetic fighters they were.


Sonu manned a turret from the air, then noticed Antroz, Chirox, and Vamprah swooping down, ready to attack an unsespecting Omega Turtle from the back. “Let’s go! We’re going after those Makuta!!” he yelled to Hovoki and Phantokamaster. The Krahka and two Toa leapt out of the helicopter’s open side and flew after the Makuta, blasting away.


Antroz got nailed by a fire blast in the back and looked behind him, somewhat surprised that anyone would dare to interfere. He saw what appeared to be three Toa following them. Signaling “3 Toa” to his companions, they split formation, flipped over, and came back.


That was when they got their second nasty surprise of the day. Phantokamaster, seeing Omega Turtle, flew over the Makuta, then shapeshifting into Omega Turtle. Shell shocked at what had just happened, the Makuta tried to get out of the way, but their wings were crushed beneath the unbearable weight. Antroz, Chirox, and Vamprah went spiraling towards the ground while Phantokamaster shapeshifted back into his usual forms.


The Skrall were losing the battle. Badly.


Despite Omega Turtle’s efforts, he had been effictively cornered and was now doing his best to eat Rahkshi that came to close and fend off blasts from ones that stayed far away. Meanwhile the Skrall were being beat back by the stronger Rahkshi and Bohrok.


“They just don’t make Bionicles like they used to!” commented Tarakavaseargent, hitting a Bohrok and sending it’s Krana flying.

“Yeah, I have to buh agree,” replied Terpo, who picked up a Rahkshi Kaita and threw him as far as he could, which turned out to be right into three Makuta who had a date with the ground in a few seconds. And then they were rescheduled for a trip into a tree.

“I wonder where the Porsche group is...” said Tarakvaseargent, stomping on a Rahkshi and knocking the Kraana out of another.


Right now, the Porsche group was inside trying to deal with being surrounded by anrgy Rahkshi and Icarax. At first, Brutaka had suggested attacking them, and that was answered by being hurled across the room by Icarax. It was looking rather hopeless, until another Rahkshi went up to Icarax and whispered something to him.

“I see. Well then, return outside, and tell him that I will be there soon.”

The Rahkshi nodded and turned to go outside. But as soon as Icarax’s attention was on the Porsche group again, the Rahkshi whirled around and sliced Icarax’s head off, then took out two Rahkshi who had moved in on him. The rest of the group had no clue what was going on, but they weren’t going to waste the opportunity. The Seargent and his clones began smashing Rahkshi, MT and Levacius took Rahkshi out with elemental energy, and even the Glatorian got in on the action, with Skrall picking one up and hurling it across the room into a trash can.


MT turned around to the Rahkshi as soon as the last of the Rahkshi had been defeated. “So...who are you?”

The Rahkshi laughed, something that no Rahkshi could do, and then glowed brightly and began to change.

“BRENMAC?” asked a stunned Levacius.

“Yes,” replied the laughing Toa, “didn’t you remember? I have the same mask as Matau. I can shapeshift.

“You Toa get all the good powers and all I get are these oversized claws and a rubber launcher?” complained Malum out loud.

“We still have a job to finish,” a shaken up Brutaka said, “let’s go.”


Skidak was the most scared he’d ever been.


Seeing the demolishment of the Skrall, he had leapt off the helcopter with nothing but his chainsaw. He had originally intended to land on the roof, but it was looking like that wasn’t going to work out now because he was too far away to land on the roof. So he had leapt out of the helicopter....to fall to his death. It sounded like something Carapar would do.


There was still a small chance. As he neared the hotel roof, he saw that he might be able to grab the roof and fling himself through the window on the top floor. He only hoped it was open.


He was getting nearer...and nearer... “Now!” he said, streaching his arm out and grabbing the gutter. It creaked under the sudden wait, but Skidak’s direction had changed. He went flying through the window, smashing through the glass and a very startled Teridax.


“Buh...sorry about the buh window....HEY!!! You are buh Makuta!”

“Yes..” replied Teridax, sinisterly, with evil his eyes.

“What the buh are all these barbie dolls lying around the buh floor?”

“I’m so evil, I tickle these poor helpless dolls,” replied the terrible villian.

“You torture inanimate plastic buh objects.”

“Yeah. Aren’t I so evil?”

Teridax’s last question was answered by a doll flung into his chest. It knocked him back a few feet, but it seemed to wake him up for a battle. “Oh, so that’s how you want it, huh? Well then, I guess Billy here gets a few more tickly-wicklys!!

Or...then again..maybe the doll to the chest didn’t...


Outside, the Rahkshi had almost completely finished off all the Skrall when the Porsche group made it out. They were in no position to surround the Rahkshi, so instead they opened fire, dropping some Rahkshi and making the job easier for the front line fighters. A group of Vohrak noticed this and walked over to stop the threat, only to be teleported to Australia by MT.


A loud “buh” went off, and Omega Turtle quickly scale the hotel wall. He was getting away from the Rahkshi, since there were so many. When he reached the top floor, he looked in the window, stopped, and went through the window a floor below. This puzzled the Rahkshi chasing them, but they didn’t hesitate to follow. Only problem was, they were met with Omega closing the window on them. And 20 stories is a lot higher than it looks.


Skidak and Makuta had been trading blows for the past 5 minutes. Neither seemed to be able to gain the upper hand, because Skidak had a chainsaw, and Makuta had, well, the threat of killing Billy the doll, which wasn’t exactly a big threat, but this fight has to be epic.


Suddenly the door broke down, and in walked Omega Turtle...with a gun.


“You are going to buh die now.” *BAM!!!!!*


Or, then...maybe it doesn’t have to be so epic.


Makuta crumpled to the ground as his antidermis began to leak out. But it floated into something more powerful...the weird mutant thingy Mutran was working on. It was a 3 foot tall titan, towering above both turtles, and now it was really mad.


“Maybe we should’ve buh just let him play with his buh dolls...” Skidak said as he started up his chainsaw.


In the back of the trunk, MT and Levacius were madly looking through the collection of weapons, searching for something--anything, that could be of use.

“Guns...swords...nothing..” announced Levacius, dissapointed.

“Wait, here’s something...” said MT, digging out a cup of coffee that Omega had probably brought with him.

“What good will that do?”

“Watch.” MT took a small sip from the cup, aimed his sword, which was now glowing, and opened fire on the Rahkshi. It took an entire row out.

“Now,” said the glowy Toa of Coffee, “what happens when we give this to say, um, Terpo.”

“Buh? What?”

“Drink this.”

“Why the buh now?”

“Do it.”

Confused, Terpo drank it anyway, and felt himself grow stronger, more powerful. He went crazy, sending coffee bursts everywhere, destroying Rahkshi and Bohrok. MT joined him, using the caffiene power to rip through the Makuta’s ranks.

“Oh, yes. I had forgotten about that hypermode thingy..” murmered Levacius.

MT did his share of Rahkshi destroying, but it was mainly Terpo who finished off the Rahkshi. The rest of the strike force eventually joined in with defeating the rest of the Rahkshi, and soon, the victory appeared to be won.


But it was not over for all. A rampant Makuta was giving two turtles, one with a machine gun and one with a chainsaw, a very tough challenge. Now in a dinosaur type body, and towering over both turtles, he was chasing them around the room, with the turtles getting any blows in that they could.


Omega Turtle had a plan. If he could just get to the coffee pot on the table, he could enter hypermode and almost assuredly win the battle. But Makuta was watching. Guessing his intentions, he gave the hotel coffee pot a good whack and sent it falling towards the floor.


Not to be defeated, Omega Turtle ran around the Makuta’s new body, dodging 3 or 4 swipes from the claws, and went for the save. He dove, getting one hand outstreached, and straining, he caught the coffee pot! He quickly drained it, and immediately went into hypermode, leaping onto Makuta’s new body and sending waves of coffee into his opponent. Makuta screamed from sheer pain, although Omega wasn’t sure if it was the coffee or the fact that Skidak had taken the liberty of cutting Makuta’s legs off with his chainsaw. Either way, the tyrant toppled over and hit the ground, his eyes closing for the last time.


Brenmac burst into the room, followed by Hovoki and Phantokamaster. “Are you ok?” he asked. “What happened?”

“We were just buh messing around...” replied Skidak, smiling. He and Omega Turtle walked out of the room, followed by the two Toa and the Krahka.


Outside, MT looked over the battlefield. Rahkshi, Skrall, and Bohrok scattered everywhere. It looked like the victory he had been hoping for, although he still wasn’t sure how the Makuta knew they were coming.


A person, about 6 feet tall, stepped forward out of the shadows. “Excuse me,” he said as MT turned to face him. “Do you own this property?”

“Yes, yes I do.” MT replied with an ounce of truth in his statement.

“Well then, you have won our grand prize!!!”

“Excuse me?”

“Best decorated business, with all the Bionicles on the lawn, and the Bionicle Western, and even having a robot controlled Bionicle talk to me! This is perfect!

“Uh...yeah...life is definitely weird controlling myself as a robot...”

“Because of your hard work, you have won this luxury resort. We have already installed it on the property over there, which is also yours.”

MT looked and saw that he was referring to the property where the Makuta’s hotel had stood a year and a half ago.

“How do you like it?”


“Well, again, cogratulations! Be sure to enter in another one of our contests again!”

“Right...I will..” MT


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Here you go. This is everything from TBTTRALR.


Welcome to the 4th installment of "The Bionicles Try to Run a House," series. The events of this chapter take place after chapter 282 of The Bionicles Try to Run a House. I suggest reading it before you read this comedy, otherwise you may be a little bit confused as to how the Bionicles suddenly received ownership of a luxury resort, but you don't have to. In case you do want to read that chapter, follow this link. Be warned, though, the chapter is over 10,000 words, so it make take you a while.


If you do not decide to read the chapter, there is a bit of an introduction, so you shouldn't be too much at a disadvantage.


We have three co-authors as of now, maybe more later, but they are myself, Tarakavaseargent, and Levacius.


And, finally, there are a few people I'd like to thank before I begin this:


#1 is Jesus. For giving me, well, everything I have, all my gifts and talents, and for this website.


#2 is the BZPower Moderators, for keeping the board running so that I could post this.


#3 are my friends, for encouraging me and annoying me enough to write more chapters...


And finally, a note of thanks to BZP member Mister Matoro for starting the comedy "The Bionicles and I." Without that, which was my inspiration for me becoming a comedy writer, none of this would have happened.


Chapter 1: Preparations


The battle had ended. The Makuta's plan had been stopped, and for now, a temporary peace was here, hopefully to stay, although with the way things had gone recently, no one was sure of much now. After finding out about a devious plot by the Makuta, who were in an abandoned hotel, Levacius, Toa of Lightning, had lead a strike group deep into Miami, over 700 miles from where the Bionicles lived, only to walk straight into a trap. What was supposed to be a quick ambush and capture turned into full fledged war, and it looked as if the Makuta's army of Rahkshi and Bohrok would win before the tide was turned by some unlikely heroes and a Matoran shoving slabs of concrete out of a helicopter onto Rahkshi.


After the battle had been won, the next days had been a weird series of events as to what would happen now. Would they return to the house or keep this luxury resort which they had somehow won? MT was trying to figure out how to compromise.


MT was a Toa of Coffee, leader of the Toa Zehvor and usually one of the first into the battle if there was one. He was smart and thought very well on the run, but his quick thinking often caused him to overlook obvious things that turned out to be big problems. If he did actually give himself time to think, then he was one of the best warriors and thinkers the Toa had. The only problem was...there were very few situations where he had time to think, and when he did, he usually didn't think things through usually.


Right now he was working on a teleporter for instant access between Miami and the Bionicle's house, which was located just between the boundaries of Southeastern Tennessee and Northwestern Georgia. Since driving back would be too hard, plus it might get them spotted by the police and arrested for theft of a car and under aged driving. And, for that matter, the tiny wheel that they had to use to fit their tiny plastic hands kept coming off.


"What are you doing now?" came a voice from behind him. MT turned and saw Levacius, another Toa. Levacius had joined MT's team a while ago, and since then had fought bravely beside him.


"Not much. Trying to get this thing to work."

"What'll it do?"

"I'm trying to link up this copy of my mask to this machine. It should be able to take us home."

"Interesting. So we won't have to drive back forth."


"I like it," Levacius mused and then walked away. On the other side of the room, he spotted a Skrall, one of Tuma's many minions, guarding what appeared to be several boxes of donuts. The Toa of Lightning, curious, walked towards the Skrall and asked him what he was doing.

"Guarding this for the amazing...awesome...uh..all powerful wonderful Tuma."

Levacius almost burst out laughing at the Skrall trying to recite the compliments Tuma made them say before speaking his name, but he restrained himself and instead asked:

"Why does your leader want these donuts?"

"He says it is a break from his tough life."

At this, Levacius couldn't stop himself from laughter. "TUMA?!" he asked, almost choking on the words because he was laughing so hard. "WHEN HAS HE DONE ANY WORK?!?"

The Skrall, insulted by the Toa's reaction, simply replied: "Tuma has done many great things."

"Like what? Commanding you to pamper him?"

"No. In fact, I bet right now he's standing triumphant over one of your Toa friends."


"No, really. I couldn't eat another one."


The Skrall bowed respectfully and backed away with the tray of donuts. Tuma continued to lay in his hotel room bed, and, noticing the time was 5:08, asked the Skrall who had served him when he had gotten into bed.

"4:45, sir."

"Really? That's all?"

"Yes, oh amazing awesome all powerful wonderful Tuma. Of course, that was 4:45 three days ago."


Tuma groaned and rolled over, trying to think of some way to motivate him of getting out of bed. He tried to think back to when he was first assembled at the Bionicle's house, he had met some food obsessed moron named Nocturn. He remembered him saying something about how he motivated himself to get out of bed. He had paid no attention to it earlier, but now, it meant the world(or, at least, another donut) to him. What was it...?


Oh yes. Now he remembered.


"Skrall. I want you to take this donut and begin to microwave it."

"Microwave it, sir? But you hate donuts when they're hot."

"Don't ask, just obey."

"Yes sir..." the Skrall replied with some level of uncertainty. He walked over to the room's microwave and set the microwave to 30 seconds on power level 3.


Soon, the aroma of donut filled the room, and it made Tuma very hungry. He wanted to get up out of bed to the donut, but he just couldn't get himself to. He was now torn between the donut and the bed, and he was unable to think straight enough to decide.


"ARGH!!!!!!" he raged. Seeing this, the Skrall quickly stopped the microwave and asked Tuma, "what's the matter, sir?"

"I can't decide! Donut or sleep? Sleep or donut? It's too tough!"

"Maybe letting something random decide?"

"That's a good idea, Skrall. Because of your great idea, I promote you to-"

"I don't mean to interrupt, sir, but you said I couldn't be promoted because of that "horrible" idea I had in the battle, even though it would have prevented about half of the casualties we suffered."

"Oh, yes. Well, that's very unfortunate for you. Now, what do we have that's random?"

"I have a quarter up here. Want me to flip it?"

"No, just toss it to me, and I'll do it myself."

"Are you sure that's not too much work for you?"

"Har har," Tuma replied angrily. "Now, gimme the quarter. Heads, I get out of bed to eat the donut, tails, I stay here."

The Skrall tossed the quarter to Tuma, who, upon catching it, flipped the quarter into the air. It hit the wall, landed on the the bedside table, onto the floor, and came to rest next to a wall...standing on one side.


"THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!!!!" screamed Tuma, as the other Skrall's hands flew to cover his ears. "NOTHING IS GOING MY WAY!!!!"

"Sir, here is your donut," the Skrall said, hoping it would get his mind off the quarter flip.

"Thank you," replied Tuma and reached for the donut, only to discover it was REALLY hot.

"OW!!!!!!" yelled Tuma, moving his arm in an involuntary motion and knocking the donut into the air. Tuma continued to scream while the donut soared into the air and landed...right on Tuma's head. Tuma screamed even louder, leapt off the bed, and ran to the bathroom to splash his head with water.

"Well, I guess his idea did work," the Skrall mused as he began to clean up the mess, VERY glad that the Bionicles owned the hotel now.


One story below, Brutaka was with Tarakavaseargent, trying to conquer his fear of stairs. Ever since he had first come to the house, he had been terrified of stairs, and had yet to successfully climb or go down a flight of stairs. Tarakavaseargent was determined to stop that, because, according to MT, it had almost cost them the mission.


"Now, it's easy. Just take the first step, like this," Tarakavaseargent demonstrated by hanging his foot over a stair and setting it down on the next step.

Brutaka looked over the edge, terrified. "But...they're so big!!! And I'm less than a foot tall in human length!"

"Well, you know, I believe there is a Bible verse that says 'I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength'. MT said it to himself just before he announced to Makuta that he was disqualified from that fighting tournament a while ago."

"You know what? You might be right. I'm going to try, and I will conquer!!!" he said confidently as he took a step, slipped, and fell down the flight of the stairs, crashing head first into the ground below.

"This is going to be the closest I ever come to saying God was wrong," Tarakavaseargent muttered and headed down the stairs to where Brutaka had landed.


Malum was absolutely terrified. It wasn't that long ago that he was having a nice, ordinary Glatorian match with Gresh before some crazy green and black Skrall had knocked down the door to his room and had started running crazily down the hall. The Skrall had bowled over Tarix and Strakk. Vorox had tried to shoot him with his Thornax launcher, but some of the glaze from the donut had fell onto his head and he had dropped to the floor, clutching his eye. Now Malum was the only one standing, and the being with the donut on his head was charging straight at him.


A Skrall appeared from the room that the donut creature had come from and yelled to Malum, "Get out of the way!" Malum had no problem with this suggestion. He ran towards the stairs that would take him down to a lower level, bursting through the door that led to them, and leapt to get away from this crazy thing when he took a look down and noticed that he was falling straight towards Brutaka and Tarakavaseargent, while the latter was saying, "See? This isn't so hard. Once you get the hang of going up stairs, maybe we can work on getting down-"


Tarakavaseargent never finished his sentence. Malum clothesline Brutaka, knocking the gold and blue titan to the ground and sending him falling down the stairs as Tuma burst through the door, still with the donut on his head and screaming loudly about the pain of the hot donut. Tarakavaseargent was shaking his head at Brutaka and Malum and never saw Tuma coming. Charging blindly downstairs, Tuma yelled "HELP ME!!!!" and tripped, falling down the stairs and crashing straight into Tarakavaseargent, who fell too, until both reached a halt at 6 floors below.


"Maybe Brutaka isn't the only one with stairs problems," Tarakavaseargent said and walked off.

"No, look, it was actually good, see? The donut came off my head, and I'm out of bed now!" Tuma exclaimed excitedly.

"Uh, sir," another Skrall said, this one coming from below.

"Yes, Skrall?"

"I would advise going to bed now, sir."

"DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!" Tuma yelled and swung his arm crazily to show how mad he was, knocking the Skrall over and sending him rolling down the stairs. He continued to tumble until he hit the bottom at ground level.

"Oops," Tuma said, and walked upstairs, trying to look innocent.


Across the street from the "Bionicle Western," the list of things needing to be done to open "Bionicle Luxury Resort to all the general talking Bionicle public, of which there were virtually none," was growing smaller. MT's invention had been a success, and they were now bringing in simple things back from the house, such as a X-Box 360, a wide screen TV, and of course, an extra refrigerator in case Nocturn or Gadunka figured out how to work the teleporter at the house. Outside, Levacius watched the pool as the moonlight glimmered in it.


Suddenly, two wires shot out from the darkness and attached themselves to Levacius, sending thousands of volts down his tiny plastic frame, knocking him down. The green form of Zaktan emerged into view, laughing evily. He wanted to rule this new resort, and now nothing would stop him.


"NOTHING AT ALL!!!!" he yelled, taking a swing and a kick at the air as if to prove the point. It really didn't prove whatever point he had. What it did do, however, was send him off balance and splashing into the cold waters of the pool.


With his movement no longer restricted, Levacius got up and noticed the taser nearby. He heard cries of "HELP!!!!" from the pool. For a moment, he considered the emerald-green Piraka as a possible attacker, but then seeing how helpless Zaktan was, he dismissed the possibility.


Laughing it off, he turned away and said to himself, "After all, how could someone so pitiful as that catch me off guard?"




Chapter 2!




Levacisu picked up Zaktan, and then looked at the piraka. For some reason, it was gagging. At first, he couln't figure out why. Then, Zaktan stop choking, and was silent. Levacius couldn't figure out why. Then, he noticed that he had been holding the pirakas neck the whole time.


"Oh." he said, and he threw the piraka over to the ground. Levacius then picked up the taser, ignoring the twitching plastic body of the moronic Piraka.


Meanwhile, Tarakavaseargent was forcibly pulling Brutaka up the stairs.


"Come on you big titanic oaf!" Tarakavaseargent said, and the huge titan then picked up Brutaka and flung him the rest of the way over.


Brutaka hit his keister, and looked around. He then yelled out "Victory!"


In yet ANOTHER part of the resort, Phantokamaster and was sitting down with Inikalord, Hovoki, and a chained up quite a bit Iranu.


"Huh?" Phantokamaster asked as Iranu tried to speak under his duct-tape covered face.


"Iwanttoseealawyeraboutthisrightnow!" Iranu called out.


"Huh?" Inikalord asked. "Sorry, put some spaces in!"


"Youjustwaituntilpapamakutacomesback He'llendallofyouonceandforall!"


"Whatever." Hovoki said with a sigh. He then picked Iranu out the window, and the duct-tape came off.


Iranu looked around. "I want my hotel back!" he yelled at them from the ground.


After a long period of time, the guest stars gathered around the tables, ready to discuss plans for the future.


"So what shall we do about jobs?" MT asked. "It's a resort, and we might as well use it to get the humans to give us money."


"Well, we could always just sit around." Mr. Matoro suggested.


Levacius laughed. 'You cannot be serious! How will we pay bills, and taxes?"


"Well it was a thought..." Mr. Matoro muttered.


"How about this. I'll go capture those Bohrok. Then, I''ll get the ovens up by having the Tahnok scortch them from the bottom. Then, I'll get... BLAH BLAH BLAH"


An hour later, everyone was dazed off. Finally, Levacius was finished blabbing.


"Whatever you said...." Hovoki said, and he fell asleep.


Far under the ground, the piraka, barraki, and Iranu were all together in the great room. Zaktann stood up, and the pronounced to all. "We will take this Luxury Resort! We shall be: The League of Thirteen Evils!"


All of the villains laughed, then choked, and then coughed up random bones. Except Iranu, who coughed up a teddy. The others gave him wierd looks, and he said: "I was five days old, and I was hungry."


Far on the other side of the U.S., Turaga Dume flew around with Nivahk. He ended the chapter by saying: "Has anyone seen my mask?"


-Levacius the Guardian


Chapter 3!


Chapter 3, section 1: the attack.


Zaktan and fellow allied villains went down the stairs to protect their base from tarakavaseargent's team. Zaktan looked at pridak. " charges on sublevels 3,4,5, just like we planed?" he was responded to by a "yes fellow plastic talking toy that is my boss and I don't know why."

Pridak found out that getting kicked in the head hurts even when you are a toy.


Zaktan asked haakan, "laser cannons active, on levels 1,2, and 12, seargent haakan?" haakan replied with a salute and a "sir yes sir, laser cannons active!" zaktan then looked at vesok and asked "AT-AT walkers, AT-ST walkers, AT-PT podwalkers and AT-KT super walkers all active on levels 6,7, and 8, just like you recommended, lieutenant?" vesok looked sleepy and mumbled: "huh, what? Oh, yeah, that thingereeno. Hm. Meh, it's done…" zaktan snarled and kicked vesok in the face. Vesok Immediately got up and stood at attention. Zaktan shook his head, and moved on to a very attentive ehlek. He then barked, "electric generators active on levels 9,10,11, and you know what happens If you say no." ehlek shrugged and said "you know what happens If you try" zaktan sighed and said, "ok, ok. But are they operational?" ehlek replied with "yeah, what ever."


Tarakavaseargent's team consisted of him, the force-sensitive takanuva(because he and only could use the force), the 03 takanuva and the vehicle toa and makuta(their vehicles had headlights, the whenuas(ruru), the bohrok(they specialized in cleaning, they got a job here), the vahki and the bohrok kal.(someone has to take them to jail when it's all over.)


The bohrok kal found that sublevels 1 and 2 were their ticket to easy street.


A single zap from one of tahnok-kal's shield would short circuit any laser cannon. It was SO easy. The vahki also could wire themselves up to a cannon, and order it to shut down AFTER finding out intel via their comps, and then broadcasting it on their comlinks.

Tarakavaseargent was not having that easy of a day.


Tarakavaseargent preformed a series of complicated backflips in order to dodge incoming lasers, courtesy the mask of stunts.

He then remembered one way he could do it. He mimicked brenmac's horrible singing, sending it's sound sensors haywire, resulting in it's implosion.

The vehicles were not having a good day with the charges.


Antroz thought the going was too easy, so he got out of his vehicle to check. That's when the beeping began…



Now they were racing the flames to the next sublevel like in that star wars VI scene with the millennium falcon.


When they finally reached safe ground, they looked back.

The tunnel had collapsed. there would be no going back now.


The bohrok were encountering an AT-AT, and were finding it hard to clean. A voice came in on their comlink. It was tarakavaseargent. "this is unit tarakavaRawesome. Unit cleaners, state your progress." Tahnok, the leader of unit cleaners hesitated before saying "sublevel 7, unit tarakavaRawesome. We have encountered an AT-AT walker and are asking your advice, unit tarakavaRawesome." The voice came in again, saying "try knocking it out from under. It always works. " the voice then died, obviously disconnected. Tahnok sighed and said "I guess it's worth a shot," before ordering levhak to melt it's legs. It came crashing down to earth before exploding, much to the joy of the bohrok.


"unit brightlight, how's your progress?" came the voice of tarakavaseargent on takanuva08's com.

"pretty good, if you consider being electrocuted and slammed into a wall good," he responded with pain

"unit brightlight, attempt to overload the generators. Over." Respond the voice on the com.

"unit tarakavaRawesome, we don't know where they ARE," responded a clearly agitated whenua metru.

Tarakavaseargent sighed on the com. "unit brightlight, takanuva 08 can find out. Ask him."

The next few moments were ones of force using and overloaded generators.


"FREEZE!" hollered tarakavaseargent and his team as they entered the chambers of the villans. Zaktan held up his weapon and said "until our final day, we will never surrender!" to the heros. Off on the sidelines, levhak kal grinned and said "then may your final day come slowly and painfully." As he summoned a sphere of vacuum around their heads. They collapsed, unconscious. They woke up as massagers, and if their massages were complained about, they would be "massaged" by a whip.


Chapter 3, section 2:levacius VS sylar: a short-lived battle.


Sylar entered the house via an upstairs window. He was prepared to kill levacius and take his abilities. And he knew he could do it.


Levacius smiled as he looked at his anti-sylar wallpaper. He had placed it because he had heard that sylar was coming back. Who knew, he might just believe the wallpaper. He then felt a hand on his back.


A human hand.


"I hate It when people put up that kind of wallpaper," sylar said softly. Levacius's response was to slam him into the wall with electrified tea. "I am a hero," levacius yelled with a taste of fear. "And I will not-NOT- surrender!" sylar got to his feet, as his wounds began to heal, and levacius's jaw hit the floor.


"I hate heros," sylar dryly commented with a grin as he began to telekinetically cut the line across levacius's head, and screams filled the house.


Moments later, levacius's brain was gone, and sylar had control over lightning and tea.


In the darkness of the closet, hovoki opened his eyes. He didn't know much, but he did know only he could stop sylar.


Chapter 4!


Chapter 4: Renegades




MT looked at the doorbell, which had just rung. A little confused as to who would be knocking on the door of the luxury resort instead of the hotel, he flew over to the door, and pushed open the giant door with his plastic hands.


A Toa of Iron walked inside, and MT let the door go, watching it slam back into place.


"Can I help you?" asked MT.

"Yeah, I guess. I was kind of looking for a place to stay, and they said some Toa of Coffee over here was in charge."

"That's me, but I'm not really in charge."

"Oh. Well then, can you help me anyway?"

"Right now I'm waiting for a team to get back from attacking a base of villains."

"When did they go?"

MT cringed. "Three hours ago."


"Are you suggesting that-"

"We go help them. Yes."

"All right. We can go, but I don't even know your name."


"Good to meet you, THLhikan. I am Toa Zehvor MT."


The battle was still going full force between Tarakavaseargent's and Zaktan's armies in the lower sub levels. The Bohrok Kal and Vahki had rejoined Tarakavaseargent and his Tarakava, but the united group was met by an onslaught of Piraka, Barraki, and Makuta that Tahu had bought off eBay to replace the ones killed at the Bionicle Western.


"Hope Tahu doesn't mind spending another fortune on these losers," Tarakavaseargent thought as he hit Mutran on the head. Mutran, instantly shocked by hardness of the hit, grabbed Tarakavaseargent and pulled him over to the other side of the room. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"I was fighting."

"And WHY were you hitting people on the head?"

Tarakavaseargent was more confused than ever. "Because were fighting for control of the luxury resort."

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you to Tahu."

These new Makuta really don't measure up to the old ones.. Tarakavaseargent thought as Mutran dragged him off.


Hovoki launched another burst of sprite at the doors and this time finally destroyed the lock holding him in. He shoved the closet doors open and sprinted for the last place he had seen Sylar. He had no clue where he was, or what he was doing, or what E=Mc2 meant, but he was going to find out.


He took a look around him and saw...not much. The room was dark, not exactly the happiest spot on Earth, and the only way out, well, there wasn't a way out. He realized then that he would have to use his mask of comedy teleportation, and hope that he got back to this comedy soon.


Calling upon his mask powers, Hovoki shone brightly, casting the first bright light on the room in years, and then vanished.


Sylar burst through the doors of the Piraka's base and ran across the street, dodging traffic. MT, who had been sprinting from the Luxury Resort, spotted Sylar and yelled to THLhikan, "Come on! We have to follow him!"


THLhikan nodded and activated his Kanohi Nodax, creating a row of explosions that destroyed the road so that no cars could crush him while he was coming. MT used his Kanohi Latto and appeared right in front of Sylar on the other side of the street.


"It's over, fatty," the Toa of Coffee said.

"Oh, is it?"


"How over?"

"Over like McCain's chances of beating Obama."

"Didn't Ralph Nadar win that election anyway?"

Sighing, MT replied, "No, he didn't. Obama won, and I'm saying you're not going anywhere."

"If you kill me, then you'll destroy this too."

"No, I won't," MT responded and then teleported the jar holding Levacius' plastic brain into THLhikan's hands. "Go, find Levacius! He's the Toa of Lightning with wings!"

"I never get to do any of the fun stuff.." THLhikan grumbled and ran towards the base.

"Fine. You've ruined my plans. So now you get your wish. A one on one battle with me!"

"No. A battle with me, you, and my friends over there."

Sylar turned and saw 25 Sergeants, Levacius' robot protectors, running straight at him.

"Every party's better with more people," MT remarked dryly.

"Yeah. A whole lot better," Syrux said as his mind raced to form an escape plan.


To be continued...


Chapter 5!




TLhikhan had Levacius slung on his shoulders. It was on for that little patheetic excuse for a human.....


Levacius began to open his eyes. People said you needed a brain to live.


Not plastic toys.


Levacius looked around, and sent electric shocks all over the field. TLhikhan hit the ground, shocked. Levacius snorted, his eyes ablaze with hatred. He was going to teach Sylar a lesson that he would never forget.


Just as soon as he got out of his pajammas.


Meanwhile, MT and the clones were fighting Sylar. So far, Sylar had managed to send the clones flying away into the original battle. That left him against MT.


Sylar laughed. "You think that you can stop me?", and then tried to use his powers.


MT dodged, and then drew his sword laughing. "All you do is use your powers. How about you draw your blade and fight me like a real man?"


Sylar was enraged. He then drew out his own sword, and the two began fighting.


Gaining speed every second, Levacius was coming in......


Sylar struck MT in the ribs, and the toa of coffee was sent stuttering back.....


He could see Sylar about to attack MT.....


Why am I writing like this?.......


MT saw the blade about to come down......


Levacius shot a bolt of lightning.....


The sword was almost there.....


The bolt hit....


"AHHHH!!!" Sylar screamed as he was sent flying away. Levacius landed next to him, and send electric currents all through Sylars body. He then picked up the other being, and threw him so hard that he broke the sixth wall.


Levacius then sent tea into Sylars mouth, drowning him on land. The toa then opened up a dimensional gate, and he sucked Sylar in......


MT got up and asked "Where did you send him?"


"Somewhere that he will never get out of....." Levacius said with an evil grin. He then picked up the jar, and put his brain back in.


He didn't really need it. He had managed to zap Sylar with a small power absorbtion ray while the other being was cutting open his head. So his brain had already regenerated. Ah, it just made him even smarter.




Sylar looked around, trying to figure out where he was. He then saw a purple dinosaur and wierd creatures with TV's on their chest.


"I love you, you love me, we're a happy family!" Barney said.


"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" Sylar exclaimed, so loud that all the different dimensions heard it.






"Will you tell the prisoners to keep it down!" Evil Tahu commanded to his demons. He then picked up his new mind reading gadget, and looked at his demons servants.


"Yes boss!" the Demons said. But when he heard their thoughts, he heard "Whatever you big ugly bumbling oaf...."


"WHAT!!!" Evil Tahu exclaimed.




"I kinda feel bad for him." MT replied.




Tarakavaseargents armies had recently been joined by The Seargent and his clones. His cloned armies descended down upon them all, and the forces of Zaktann were all being forced back.


"RETREAT! RETREAT!" he called out. He then transformed into a bunch of pieces. But as he flew off, Tarakavaseargent blasted him with a disentegration ray.


"Who's next?" the titan roared out. All of the enemies ran away.




The enemies never got far. Omega and Skidak were both there, and they quickly removed the rest of the foes with their maws and stomachs of doom. The foes all ran off, and Tuma was trying to explain later to Mata-Nui that just because he sat on him meant that Mata-Nui had a tumor.


After that, Evil Tahu came through with a couple of demons, and Tahu found fun playing Demon Baseball. Evil Tahu was later found dead in the pool, and Levacius took him apart, using his pieces to make a scarecrow for his new garden.


Tuma later found Evil Tahus mind reading device, and listened to the Skrall with it. He was enraged when he learned what they really wanted to say was "Hey look! It's our bumbling moronic completely unawsome poor excuse for even a tenth rate leader!"


So in the end, all worked out fine. MT and Levacius both decided to go rob a farm, and with the help of all the toa of fire, they managed to cook some beef with the tea and coffee, resulting in everyone being happy. Except Tarakavaseargent, who had accidentally shot one of Rahkshikings Rahktoran, resulting in the later Guest Star going berserk and ruthlessly murdering all of the Tarakava, causing Tarakavaseargent to have to bury all of them. He was currently still trying to finish laying out all of the floweers, all of which were as big as he was.


Rahkshiking then pulled off a big disco party, and everyone started doing the disco, up until the point where Icarax put on Barney, thusly killing all of them in one fell swoop. So they thusly slept on the floor, dead, and waited for the show to turn off so they could spontaneously come alive again.




Chapter 6!


Chapter 6: too lazy to think up a good name today.



Master chief opened his eyes. He had gone on Bzpower, and apparently MT wanted to get rid of him. He had to tell samus and his friends this news. They would like hearing it.


"you sure you heard right?" the arbitar asked master chief. "yes." Was the response from master chief. "they want to get rid of us, and we must resist. And I think I know how."


The guest stars were having a good time. They were having a wonderful disco party, unmatched by anything. Then one of tarakavaseargent's liueteants called him aside. "what is it?" tarakavaseargent asked, obviously annoyed. "sir, we have received a radio signal from a base that looks exactly like the covetant's citadel in halo 3. It seems to be surrounded by halo elites. We found that master chief and samus are inside. There is a humongous shield, generated by 4 towers surrounding the huge depression in the earth in which the citadel lies. The citadel itself is protected by 14 scarabs, 40 wriaths, and 250 ghosts. The field is surrounded by what seems to be covetant ships of the same class of the flood controlled high charity. The message reads: surrender or we fire the rings. What shall our course of action be, Sir?" Tarakavaseargent immediately put his tactical mind to work, thinking of a plan which would prevent the firing of the rings AND wipe out the video game characters. He then thought of faking surrender, and having some people stay behind to fake it while A select team infiltrated the citadel, destroyed the rings, and came back alive. He set off in search of the video game generator.


Tarakavaseargent was now assigning positions to the Guest stars. "pelican 1 will be piloted by mistikalord, and crewed by sonu, hovoki, and kaldosk.

Number 2: pilot: steam vaults. Crew: 5 mask, toffee matoran, hyperon

Number 3: pilot: rahkshiking. crew: vezron, brenmac, poptart.

Number 4: pilot: mistermatoro. Crew: ta kouma, Iranu, spookoff.

Number 5: pilot: levacius. Crew: shakau, sboog, gerlicky.

Number 6: pilot: ultimate bionicle. Crew: tarakavaseargent, kanatak(the tarakava lieutenant who informed me of this in the first place) MT.



Tarakavaseargent was now assigning missions. "pelicans 1-4 will take out the shield generators and proceed to attack the scarab tanks defending the citadel. Number 5 will continue to attack the ghosts and wriaths, while number 6 destroys the rings. Tlhikan will enter in a hornet and initiate the self destruct sequence. After that, a longsword frigate in orbit piloted by my MoCs and tarakava will pick us up. Understood?" the guest stars said yes and went to their assigned pelicans.


Chapter 7!


Chapter 7: The Portal Dilemma


It had turned out to all be a fake. There really was no halo ring to light or destroy as Microsoft had sued the heck out of Master Chief and had ruined his attempts for a defense. With that out of the way, the Bionicles settled into their new home,

ready to relax and do, well, nothing.


Most of the Bionicles were still exploring the place, having just gone through the teleporter from the house to the luxury resort. One of these groups were the Toa Nuva from 2002, and right now, they were exploring some of it's deepest mysteries.


Lewa Nuva: Quick look! Over there! What's that say?

Onua Nuva: Co-kay-co-lay? I think it's Spanish.

Gali Nuva: It must have something to do with that black liquid inside the liquid.


They'll get to the deep mysteries eventually.


Right now, the other three Toa Nuva were exploring the deeper part of the luxury resort, where another portal. But this portal was not like the one at the house or the one that they could use to get back to the house. While it was the same shape, it had buttons on the outside for all different locations, and it was linked up to what appeared to be a copy of Hovoki's mask instead of MT's.


"So many different choices. I have never heard of any of these before." stated Onua.

"My Life with the Bionicles. A Day in the Life of Greg F. So many choices...what's this one?" asked Pohatu.

Tahu took a look. "BZP Forums. I wonder what this one does.."

"I really wouldn't push that if we don't know what it does.." advised Pohatu.

It was too late. Tahu activated the portal as the other three Toa Nuva ran up behind them. It swirled and finally created a pool of light, held vertically in the air, and glowing brightly.

"What in the physcotic road wreaking great spirit's name is that?" asked Gali, almost too stunned to speak.

"A new place to explore." Tahu replied, finally.

"Yeah. And what if it's a really bad place to explore?" Kopaka said.

"We are the Toa Nuva. And we are meant to do this. It's our destiny," Tahu said, firmly.

Gali looked at Tahu, a little confused. "I thought awaking the great spirit was our destiny."

Tahu quickly responded, "That's what that Greg Farshety guy thinks. He doesn't know anything about Bionicle anyway. Now come on."

"Should we bring Takanuva?" asked Pohatu.

"No, we're best by ourselves," Tahu replied.

Tahu stepped through the portal and disappeared. The others did the same, but not before Lewa remarked, "Has anyone other than me noticed that we always have a new destiny as soon as Tahu has a really stupid and insane idea?"


Elsewhere, TLhikan was trying to sail the open seas of...the pool. And having not very good results. He was using the Piraka's pirate boat since the Piraka had been sent back to the house after their attempt to take over the luxury resort. Unfortunately, it was not the greatest boat ever built. It had cracked several times and sent TLhikan scrambling to keep it from sinking. He was eventually able to use a duct tape roll that Gali threw to him from the edge to keep the boat afloat, but it was on it's last legs.


That didn't bode well for a very hot Omega Turtle.


"BUH!!! MIAMI SUN ARE TOO BUH HOT!!!!" he exclaimed as he leapt into the air.

"OH NO..." TLhikan said, almost too scared too speak. "ABANDON SHIP!!!!!!!"



TLhikan dived off the ship just as Omega Turtle hit the water. The resulting shockwave in the water sent a huge wave headed right at the boat. It smashed into the boat, breaking it in half and sending it towards the bottom.

"Oops. Buh sorry."

"Well, there goes my boat," TLhikan said sadly as he emerged from underwater.

"I don't know what the buh happened," Omega Turtle said sympathetically. If you buh want, I'll go to the buh Wal-Mart and buy you that buh new Pirate ship.


"Buh sure. First I just need to get some buh money."

"And how are you going to do that?" asked TLhikan.


"Just what do you think you're doing?"


The harsh words had come from Vecolity, who was now linked to MT through their Phantoka/Mistika ability. MT hovered in the air, a few feet away from Omega, looking annoyed that someone was trying to break in the safe.

"I buh need some buh money."

"What for?" asked MT.

"Why the buh do you need to know?"

"Because I'm afraid you might do something bad with it."

"You know me. I won't buh do anything bad."

MT shook his head. "I still can't trust you, Omega."

Ticked off, Omega grabbed the safe, lifted into the air, and ate it. "There. Now tell me how the buh to get in here or you are never going to buh get anymore money.

Slightly amused at this sight, MT replied, "With that dead weight in your stomach, you can't go anywhere either."

Omega Turtle spit the safe out. It landed a few feet away from where he was. He then ate it again, spit it out, and it went a few feet further. He repeated this process before looking up at MT and saying, "Do we need to buh continue?"

MT and Vecolity were almost crying they were laughing so hard. "Yes, you can buh take some money. Here," MT said and pressed in the code to open the safe. "Just don't take out too much."

"I buh won't," Omega promised and went out the door, followed by TLhikan. "We're going to buy a buh boat!"

"A BOAT?!?!" exclaimed MT.


Omega Turtle was actually the only one in the resort or house that could legally drive. He had tried for a driving license a few years back, and had only passed by threatening the instructor with an eternity in his stomach. He was far too short to reach the gas and break pedals, but Nuparu Inika, the household inventor, had installed triggers on the steering wheel to replace the pedals, and Omega could reach the wheel if he had a stool to sit on.


Omega looked over at TLhikan, who was now inside a case of fireproof bullet proof shatter proof glass. Omega asked TLhikan what it was for.


"What, was I wrong? Is someone else driving?"


Omega smacked the glass case and sent it tumbling into the back seat, then started the car up and headed for Wal-Mart.


Levacius was now very confused. He was looking at the two pieces of the ships lying at the bottom of the pool. Accompanying him were the Sergeant and the Sergeant's clones, or, at least, the one's that had survived Sylar's attack.


"Why do you think this ship sunk?" asked Levacius.

"Uhhh....Omega got hungry and then decided it didn't taste good?" suggested the Sergeant.

"It's really too bad," Levacius continued, ignoring the Sergeant's comment. "I was going to sail this anyway."

"You were? Well, you may have another chance, that is if there's any money around."

Levacius turned and noticed MT and Vecolity, who was now unattached to MT. "What do you mean?"

"Omega Turtle plans to buy a boat," replied the Toa of Coffee.

"How much money did he take?" Levacius said in bewilderment.

"I didn't see. But it has to be a lot if he plans to buy a boat."

"We have to stop him. Do you know where he went?"

"He left in a car. I alone can't stop him. You could help me."

"I will, definitely! Let's go!" Levacius said, scrambling for the door as MT and Vecolity lead the way to the car.


"Well, this has turned out to be another one of your great ideas, Tahu."

"Quiet. Where's the light?"

"You mean Takanuva? We left him back at the resort because you said to." responded Kopaka.

"You always blame for everything."

"That's because everything is your fault."

"Hey! I think I found a light switch!" exclaimed Pohatu excitedly.

"Quick-flip it, Pohatu." Lewa said.

Pohatu did, and as he did, bright lights filled the room. There were five noticeable items that the Toa Nuva saw. Three of them were blue, and they read, "Comedies," "Epics," and "Short Stories." Behind them was a red portal that said "BZP Forums." But the really noticeable object was one that said in bright changing colors "BZP LIBRARY."

"Wow....this must be part of the BZP Forums.."

"I had heard about this place before, but I didn't know there was a way to get to it." said a stunned Onua.

"Well, fire-spitter, maybe this really was a happy-great idea after all," confessed Lewa.

"Thank you, air head. Now, for our next move..." began Tahu.

"Oh no," commented Kopaka.

"We should get back and report what we've seen."

"And just where would that be?"

"I have no idea. Are we an epic, comedy, or short story?"

"Oh my gosh...I should've remembered this from looking at the license for this..." Pohatu stuttered.

"Well," Pohatu reasoned, "there's always a lot of action in here, so it's probably an epic."

"Good reasoning, Pohatu," Tahu said, as he and the other Toa entered the portal that read "epics," in both English and Matoran overhead.

After going through this portal, the Toa were immediately faced with dozens of portals. Which one went where?

"Wow...I really wish I had taken that English reading class. Are any of these names in Matoran?" asked Gali.

"Doesn't look like it, sister," Tahu said, disappointed. "Well, Pohatu, you seem to be the guesser of the day, which one do you choose?"

Pohatu looked around. He had no idea what any of them said. He formulated the words "The Bionicles Try to Run a Luxury Resort," in his mind. None were close. Finally, he just picked the one with the longest name.

"That one," he said, pointing to a portal that had written in English "The Universe of Quarzyx."

"Well, I have no clue what it leads to, but we'll try it anyway," Onua said with some degree of doubt in his voice.

Pohatu too, was doubtful of his choice. But he had to make one and this seemed like the closest one to it.

"Then here we go," Tahu said. One by one, the Toa Nuva entered the portal.


Somewhere on a distant planet, a portal opened to let the six Toa Nuva out. As the last one stepped out, the portal closed behind them.


"Well, there goes going back," Kopaka said.

"That's the last time you tell me to pick," Pohatu demanded.

"All right, so we're not where we should be. Pohatu made a guess, and he was wrong. All of us would have been. There's some sort of settlement over there, so we'll ask them if they know a way back."

"And we hope they like Toa," muttered Lewa as he followed the Toa of Fire and rest of the Toa Nuva to the village.


To be continued...


Chapter 8!




Tahu Nuva and the others were all running for their lives. Deep within the deleted section of The Universe of Quarzyx, they were being chased down by all the unused characters.


"This is mildly wierd." Tahu said as one of the inhabitants of this universe bit his small, plastic body, and began to throw it around and around and around again. It then proceeded to try to eat him.


"This way!" a voice called out. All of the other Nuva looked around, and looked to a place called "Yet to be used characters". Lewa looked over at Tahu, and said "Quick-bye window-lover toa-brother. Hey, that sorta rhymes."


The other toa just made it into the new area, and then saw that sitting on the ground was Toa Levacius. With two differences. The first was that this was the real Toa Levacius, and was big enough to pick them up. The second was that he was midnight black, with some silver and different weapons.


"Levacius?" Onua asked.


"Uhh... yeah. That's what they will call me when I am put into the story. Who are you?"


"Well duh, this must be another Levacius...." Onua then thought. "I am Toa Onua. And why is your armor black?"


"Well, it's because I will appear after another being with my name and eventually all of my memories will be (REMOVED FOR SPOILERS)"


"Awsome. How did you survive getting (REMOVED FOR SPOILERS)"


"Stop doing that! You'll break the spoiler blocker."


"Alright, alright. So, uhh, alternate version of Levacius, do you know how we can get back to our universe? We don't come from around here."


The black Levacius looked down at the tiny beings. "Why certainly! All you have to do is go through that wormhole over there!"


"Thank you!" Onua replied as he walked over to the spontaneously appeared. They jumped through, but they arrived in....


"I love you, you love me, we're a happy family!" Barney cried out.


"NOOO!!!" Onua, Lewa, Pohatu, and Gali all shouted out in pure horror.


"Yay! I love Barney!" Kopaka said.


All of them looked at him wierd. Then, Sylar came by and said "I... hate... those... TV... chested... mutants.....". He then dies, and the teletubbies followed over.






This commedies Levacius and MT both flew through the skies above Miami. Down below, Omega Turtle accompanied the commedies newest Guest Star, and were preparing to by a new boat.


Now when TLhikan talked about the boats, he thought he was getting a new toy, wooden boat for he and a crew of other Bionicles. Omega Turtle thought that he had meant a real boat.


As Omega, TLhikan, and the money all entered the building, TLhikan thought he was going to get his new boat. He fainted when Omega showed him the life-sized convertable boat he wanted to get.


"NOOO!!!!" Levacius and MT shouted out as they bursted into the building, and they zoomed over to the turlte and guest star.


Omega just opened up, and swallowed them whole.


Deep within the huge turtles belly, Levacius and MT found company. Not only were half the Pokemon, all of the Transformers, and Brenmacs monsters in there, but there also was a huge wall and a set of chairs. So to was there a set of Bionicles sized game cards.


"Got any threes?" MT asked.


"Go fish." Levacius replied.






"Decaf!" TM shouted.


"Real coffee!" Vecolity replied.


"Decaf!" TM shouted back.


"Real coffee!" Vecolity finished. They then jumped up, and got into a fight behind a dust cloud.


"Now many people belive bad things happen behind dust clouds, and they are for viewers so they don't get sick." Tarakavaseargent stated. (I'm going to kill you! -TM)


"But behind these things, they really are just playing go fish." (Well I'll reach down your throat.... -Vecolity)


"Using my co-author powers, I will show you the reality of it all." (AN PULL YOUR HEART OUT! -Vecolity)


Tarakavaseargent then pulled away the white cloud, and there was Vecolity, holding TMs heart. Tarakavaseargent blinked, and the fainted.


"Let there be coffee!" Vecolity then shouted out.




WORD COUNT TOTAL: 678 (I added the "Let there be coffee!" part to make it be this awsome number)


As soon as someone posts, I'll add more. This is getting pretty full!

Link to comment

Here is Chapter 300.



Chapter 300: Showdown


MT raised his blade and sent another wave of coffee flying at his opponent. After getting nowhere battling the clones of themselves, Levacius and MT had gone after each others' clones, hoping to get more success.


Levacius' clone dodged and rolled out of the way. That's when the second part of the attack began. Spinning in mid-air and quickly searching for a target, the coffee wave turned into a beam and nailed the clone in the head, sending him skidding across the floor.


On the other side of the room, Levacius was having some success against MT's clone. One crucial part that Tren Krom had left out of the clone was the ability to go into hypermode. Thanking God that he had not told him how to do that, Levacius had sent bolt after bolt of lightning after MT's clone, reducing the Toa of Coffee v 2.0 to purely defensive.


But the greatest enemy of all for the two Toa may have very well been...



"Will you please SHUT UP!!?!??" yelled MT to the Ignika. After Makuta had forced Mata Nui into the mask of life, all the great phscycotic road raging great spirit had been able to do was sing. And this was more than a little annoying.

"What am I supposed to do then?" asked Mata Nui, now angry.

"Watch the battle! And don't sing" answered Levacius, sending a lightning bolt that struck MT's clone dead on.

"Fine..." grumbled Mata Nui.

Suddenly, the pile of rubble stirred. The two clones instantly looked at it in panic, knowing what was under there. Realizing that they would be dead if he did get out, they both turned and ran like heck.


But that was just about as bad. MT and Levacius instantly opened fire, breaking open spots in the clone's armor and soon dropping them dead in their tracks.


"Nice work," MT said, giving Levacius a thumbs up.

"You too," replied the Toa of Coffee.

"Won't you come and rescue me? Separate my-"

Levacius sighed angrily. "Please. Quit."

"Well then, where now?" asked the Toa of Coffee.

The rubble pile burst open. Chunks of ceiling went flying, one almost hitting Levacius in the head. When the dust cleared, the two Toa were faced with a very angry ten armed creature.


"I think we may have a bit of a reputation problem now that our clones have been here awhile," MT commented.

Levacius shot an irritated glance at MT. "Really? You think?"

"Just a guess," MT said back as he dodged a beam fired from one of the ten staffs. "And another guess says that it's about time we got going."

"Great idea," Levacius replied as he scooped up the Ignika and leapt off what had previously been the stairway, but was now just a large gap between the first and second floors.

The Toa of Coffee soon followed, and the two ran for their lives, dodging energy beams as they ran for the door of the once in good condition house.


"Ok. This really is not what I had been looking forward to."


The words had come from Sonu. He, Nava, Tahu08, Hewkii Mahri, and a hunter named Striker were now being marched through the house on their way back to the prison. They had ran into the house in an attempt to evade capture, and had wound up in the same room with about 45 members of Makuta's Exo Toa army.


As the group made it through the door and onto the street, a rock slid from the room and tumbled right in front of the Exo Toa leader. The rock wasn't very large, but it was still big enough to crush a plastic frame. The Exo Toa leader turned to see if any other rocks might be coming down.


And what he saw was definitely NOT a rock.


"BBBBBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed the yellow and green form as he leapt off the roof and tacked the Exo Toa leader to the ground, quickly tearing him to pieces. The other Exo Toa moved to help, but they were shot down by Onua Nuva08, Pohatu Nuva08, Huntress, and Takanuva. With some numbers, Sonu decided to go on his own attack. He grabbed his sword from a decapitated Exo Toa and cut a working one in half.


Tahu Nuva08 and Nava hadn't wasted any time in getting in on the action. Both had grabbed their weapons and were tossing fire balls and crystal blasts at the Exo Toa, and before long the entire squadron was demolished. Onua leapt down and went over to Tahu.


"Glad to see we got here in time, brother."

"How did you know?"

"Takanuva over there saw a bunch of Exo Toa go in. Then we saw you a few minutes later enter in that door too. We were going to stop you, but then we decided we'd just rescue you and kill a few of these guys in the process."

"So you risked us to kill Exo Toa?"

"Pretty much, yeah," said Onua with a laugh. "Although it was Pohatu's plan."

"WHAT?!?" exclaimed the startled Toa of Stone.

"I hate to interrupt," came a booming voice from down the street, "but you guys are having a party. I had to join in."

The Toa turned and felt their hearts sink. It was Makuta, now in the body of Mata Nui. He smiled evily at the Toa below.

"Ok? So what?" asked Nava.

"I hate parties that I don't get invited to..."

"That must happen a lot," Tahu said to himself.

"I am going to ignore that side comment and strike a deal with you. I won't kill you, if you promise to never break out again."

"No, I really don't like how that deal sounds."

"I'm getting tired of looking at who else just came along!" complained Sonu. "Someone tell me who's here now."

"It's MT and Levacius," said Nava, pointing at the two Toa.

Sonu was shocked. "I thought they were against us."

"We do have a new deal though..." continued Levacius. "Give Mata Nui his body back and we may not kill you."


Makuta laughed. It sounded like some 90 year old guy pleading with the nurse to take him off life support. "Ah well, it seems that we can't agree on what should happen. So I guess we'll have to....compromise."

With that, the master of shadows and horrible plots to take over the world stretched out his hand and shot a beam, nailing the Ignika, which flew backwards and hit MT, driving him back as well. At first it seemed to do nothing. But then, the mask flew with energy, and began to form a new body, looking exactly like Toa Ignika. Except Mata Nui wasn't in charge anymore. This new Toa charged at MT and brought it's life blade down. MT launched his grapple beam, pulled his sword over to his left hand and swung his sword in the air, blocking the blow.


Some of the Toa moved to help. "You stay and defeat Makuta!" yelled back the Toa of Coffee. "I'll handle this guy!"

Toa Ignika fired a round of deadly life drainage beams, only to watch MT disappear and reappear using the mask of teleportation.


Great. I always wanted to play some new and improved version of Russian Roulette, thought MT, as he fired off a round of coffee shots.


"Ah, what a great scene," Makuta said to no one in particular. "And now I have Mata Nui's mind stored inside me. So if you destroy me, you'll destroy him too."

"Do it!!" yelled Mata Nui from inside. "I'd rather be dead then see that piece of chewed up Nocturn food run this place.

"Quiet! No one asked for your opinion."

"Well, you have to listen to it, since the only way to get rid of me is to kill yourself."

Makuta screamed in pure frustration. What he thought was his greatest attack had turned into his greatest mistake.


Elsewhere, Omega Turtle had reunited his team and they were cutting through the Exo Toa's ranks in a surprise attack. After seeing the battle begin, Omega had decided that they would be best off staying away from the action, keeping any Exo Toa or Rahkshi away. And it had been pretty easy so far.


The familiar sound of Skidak's chainsaw cutting through plastic went off again. Omega was having a hard time believe it was this easy. He grabbed two Exo Toa and flung them at a band that was trying to fight off Tarakavaseargent. The two scattered the band and became easy work for the giant titan.


This is boring, thought Omega Turtle


Omega looked down the street. He saw a group of 6 Toa and 1 Matoran, and instantly recognized them as Jaller Mahri's group.


"Hey, buh Jaller!"


"Any buh sign of any buh other Exo Toa?"

"No. I think we cleared most of them out. Mr. Matoro and Golie got most of them."

"Good buh work. There's a huge buh battle going on between some buh Toa and Makuta. We should send some buh people to-"

"I'm on it!!" yelled Mr. Matoro as he rushed past Omega.

"Wait for me!!!" Golie shouted as he ran off after Mister Matoro.

"TO....help buh the Toa. The rest of us should buh stay here and guard against any potential threats, such as more buh Exo Toa or Rahkshi."

Jaller nodded. "Good idea. We'll stay here with you."


Tuma and Nocturn were having a new experience.


They were actually in a fight that they were winning.


After making a hasty friendship and being backed against a wall inside the house that they had lived in before Makuta took over, the two had simply used their longer swords to slash any Exo Toa that got too close, and their launchers to get any Exo Toa who tried to use the missile cannon. The effectiveness of this had turned the battle from a one sided chase to a virtual stalemate, assuming nothing else happened.


Unfortunately, that was not the case.


Tuma raised his sword to block an Exo Toa missile when he noticed a Rahkshi staff slam through the wall. Then another. And another. Nocturn had noticed too, and it was taking all of his puny brain's concentration to focus on the battle in front of him than on the Rahkshi army behind.


Tuma signaled for Nocturn to charge, realizing they had a better change against Exo Toa than Rahkshi. On the count of three, the two charged forward.


And then reality came crashing down.


Nocturn heard the Rahkshi burst through and immediately collapsed, sucking his thumb and begging for mercy. Tuma yelled at him to get back up, but he was too scared to do anything. A Rahkshi zapped Nocturn into unconsciousness with a lightning bolt, and then Tuma felt the same thing happen to him seconds later.


The door to someone's house burst open and the one on one fight continued. Makuta's Toa Ignika fired off a round of life blasts at MT. MT dodged the shots and fired a beam of coffee, nailing the Toa and sending him back into a wall. Annoyed, the Toa walked back up and charged at MT, swinging his sword violently.


MT backed up the stairs, keeping his cool and blocking any sword blow from Ignika. Suddenly, in an attempt to catch MT off guard, the Toa lunged forward, grabbed the Toa of Coffee, and flew off, blasting through the ceiling, onto the house's roof.


MT fell out of the Toa's hands and recovered. Standing up, he asked him why he had jetpacks.

"The same reason you're not dead. I'm not a complete copy of Toa Ignika. I have Makuta powers, not Toa Ignika's."


MT tried to think of some advantage that got him, besides the fact that his enemy couldn't just wave a hand at him and kill him. He knew that Makuta were often over confident, but that wasn't exactly going to help him here...unless he could make it look like he was defeated.


Toa Ignika then lunged again. This time MT was ready. He swung his sword and dealt a punishing blow, but Ignika still got what he wanted. Both began to tumble down one side of the roof, and the only thing louder than the sounds of the plastic hitting the tile was MT's shouts of, "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?"


The two hit the gutter and flew into the air. MT finally managed to kick Toa Ignika off of him, and concentrated on what would be the softest landing. He spotted a banister on a overlook jutting out from the 2nd floor. Getting as far away from Ignika as possible, he spun in mid air and landed on his two feet and his left arm for padding.


Toa Ignika landed softly too. Laughing evily, he spun his sword in the air, ready to finally finish the Toa of Coffee off here. Getting irritated with the new Toa Ignika, MT rushed towards his and brought his sword down. Toa Ignika, seeing MT, charged and swung his sword. The two weapons met in mid air as the sun began to set behind them, sparks and energy flying from the two blades.


Sonu launched a fire burst at the master of shadows and then flipped over a shadow blast which had been the return from Makuta. He and Brenmac were the only two left standing, Tahu Nuva08 having been knocked unconscious just seconds before. Now, the Two Toa Zehvor were the only things between Makuta and complete control over the neighborhood.


Levacius stirred slightly, and tried to raise his head. He thought he faintly heard what sounded like...footsteps. He turned and saw a Ko Matoran, a Toa of Electricity, and a Toa of some element he couldn't make out behind him. He got to his feet and fired a lightning bolt at Makuta's right arm, saving Brenmac from a crushing shadow beam.


Makuta now turned towards the risen Levacius, who still had some fight left in him. He then looked at Mister Matoro, Golie, and Dakama, who was saying some stupid thing about brotherly love.


"Come on then," growled Makuta. "But seriously, we need to hurry up. WWE is coming up in 30 minutes."


Omega Turtle was bored no longer.


About 200 Rahkshi had showed up to protect Makuta from the onslaught of Toa and had smashed into the small resistance team. Jaller and Hahli had both used Nova blasts and had took a lot of Rahkshi with them, but now neither had any elemental power and both were fighting with just their weapons.


Nuparu and Matoro Mahri were, however, working wonders. Their extremely effective method of "freeze n' shatter," had blunted any attack the Rahkshi may have had. Elsewhere, Gali, Lewa, and Kopaka Nuva08 were creating ice storms and sending them into the Rahkshi's ranks, so in all fairness, even though they were outnumbered horribly, they were putting up a good fight.


And, for the first time in a while, Omega Turtle was having fun.


Until, that is, the others arrived.


The final legion of Exo Toa and Rahkshi had snuck up behind the small band. Helpless to do anything, Omega backed off his attack, and the Toa did the same. It would only be a matter of time now until they got to the battle against Makuta and ended the uprising.


Tuma was having a bad day too.


He had woken up and found himself being dragged off by Rahkshi. And though this was bad enough by itself, Rahkshi dragging on hard carpet made it the mother of all Mondays.


But things were about to get better. Even though it was still technically 3 hours until Tuesday.


Samzoraz, Mistikalord, and XTRM leaped over the stairwell and began blasting Rahkshi like Dick Cheny with a shotgun. Coke, Pepsi, Coffee, Green Tea, Lightning, and everything in between went flying, destroying Rahkshi and occasionally clotheslining one.


And then it was all over. The two Toa jumped down, and Skrall was right behind him. Tuma thanked them for the rescue.

"Just glad to help," Samzoraz said.

"We can do more than that," said XTRM. "I think that's a battle going on in the distance."

Mistikalord looked, "Oh, really? Look's like the fun's not over yet."

"You have a very odd definition of fun," Samzoraz commented.

"Yeah, well, there's a rumor my parents were Chuck Norris and Paris Hilton."

" "

"Bad joke..." Mistikalord said as he opened fire on the mass of Rahkshi attacking the group of Toa.


MT was getting really tired of Toa Ignika. As annoying as the mask's singing had been, this guy liked to tap dance in between dodging and firing energy bolts.


The Toa of Coffee fired off a volley of coffee shots, but they had little to no effect. The Toa just shook it off and fired his own deadly, yellow beam back at MT.


MT flipped into the air and activated his mechanical wings, keeping him aloft. Seeing this, Toa Ignika re-aimed his beam, but was stopped this time by a counter attack by the coffee Toa. He had gone into hypermode, making him invincible against everything except coffee.


Toa Ignika was now getting really tired of MT.


"MOVE!!!!" Sonu shouted as Makuta charged up a purple beam and launched it at a group of Toa. Dakama and Levacius leapt away, but Golie was caught in the blast. Seeing his brother hurt, Dakama raced over and began to help him.


"No! Dakama! Move!" yelled Brenmac.


Dakama rolled over his brother, who was motionless. He was then knocked off his feet by a devastating blast from Makuta. The Toa of Metal and Fire rolled down the street and lay there.


Mr. Matoro sighed as he saw this. Their numbers were quickly thinning and they had made no progress. That's when a fire bolt came flying past Makuta's head. The startled Makuta turned to see a very angry Dakama walking towards him, energy crackling in both hands, and playing "Back in Black," through speaker phones on his mask.


Makuta backed up slowly. Dakama was now looking about as frightening as Darth Vader with the Chuckie Cheese's mouse's head. The Toa drew his weapon. Now was time for the final showdown.


Mistikalord gave a last yell and charged straight into the middle of a huge group of Rahkshi, slicing through the startled ranks . Not far behind, Samzoraz, Tuma, one Skrall, and XTRM had done the same. But the attention was suddenly diverted to a horn, which had blown on top of a neighbor's house.


The horn was being blown by a Turtle. And he had numbers with him.


"He's buh come! He's buh here!!! BUH YAY!!! exclaimed Omega Turtle, shaking off the handcuffs the Exo Toa were trying to put on him. "BUH YES!!!!"


Kopaka Nuva08 had wasted no time. He was already freezing Rahkshi and Exo Toa as fast as possible and watching the Turtles' Omega had called smash through the frozen armies. Now outnumbered and hopelessly out powered, the Rahkshi turned tail and ran.


Elsewhere, MT was now locked in a sword fight with the evil Toa Ignika. Since both of their elemental powers were now useless, the two Toa had gone to the next thing they new, and that was a melee fight until one of them loses a plastic limb. Neither one had been able to gain an upper hand, and both knew it was a very long ways down if they fell off the banister.


MT blocked a violent swing from Toa Ignika and returned the blow with his own coffee sword. Toa Ignika moved his sword to block it and then kicked MT in the chest. While the Toa of Coffee stumbled backwards, Ignika moved his sword quicker than he had ever had and hit MT's sword as hard as he could, knocking it from MT's hand and sending it flying towards the ground 2 stories below.


MT hit the wood of the banister and began to back up, with Ignika advancing. Tired of waiting, Ignika advanced. MT fired a blast of coffee, but Ignika raised his sword to block. But MT now had a plan. Firing his grapple beam. He ripped the sword out of Ignika's hands and with two swift moves, he had cut off both of Ignika's hands with Toa Ignika's sword.


Not wanting to waste any time, MT removed the mask and watched as the new Toa Ignika crumbled to dust. Then, keeping a firm grip on Ignika's lifeblade, he flew off, hoping to get to Makuta in time to use this.


Dakama was the last one standing.


Driven by pure hatred at the loss of his brother, the Toa had weathered a shockwave, fire blast, and a cyclone which had even taken the veteran Mr. Matoro out of the fight.


Dakama raised his blade and fired again. It struck Makuta but it did no damage. Neither one had any sort of upper hand in this battle. Or, at least, didn't, until they heard a loud "BUH" from behind them.


Dakama looked and saw MT, Toa of Coffee, riding with the retrieved Ignika, on top of Omega Turtle. Dodging a blast of shadow, Omega leapt up and onto Makuta's face, tackling the giant to the ground. Wasting no time, MT ran to Makuta's side, although he wasn't sure how the Ignika would help now.


He looked at a list of options on Mata Nui's possessed body. He went to administrator options and tried to give Mata Nui the power back, but it required a password.


"What's a good password?"

"I don't buh know! Guess!"


MT had no clue, and if he did the wrong thing, he might not get a second change. He went to other options, and found something else.


Enter old password or insert Kanohi Mask of Life.


Smiling, MT inserted the Mask, and watched as Makuta's mind slipped away from Mata Nui, and the great spirit regained control of his body. Smiling, Mata Nui sat up and said, "What in the name of Justin Timberlake with a monkey head are you doing on me?" before throwing Omega Turtle off.


Ah, yes. Mata Nui. Hasn't changed a bit, MT thought.


"Help me get rid of Makuta. I don't want him inside of me," Mata Nui said to MT.


MT looked around. He saw a mask, and guessing that it didn't belong to anyone, inserted it and watched as Mata Nui ejected Makuta from the city.


"Hey! Have any of you youngins seen my mask?" asked an old Turaga Dume.

"Uh.......I think Iranu still has it..." MT said.

Mata Nui smiled. "Thanks for the rescue."

"Thank all of us when we're sure they'll all survive."

"I know I will!!" said an energetic Golie.

"You're...alive?" asked a stunned Dakama.

"Of course. What did you think?"

"You mean you made me do all this awesome revenge and back in black stuff for nothing?"


"Doesn't seem very grateful to me."

"Looks like things are getting back to normal," Mata Nui said.

"Uh...I don't think we'll ever we anywhere close to normal," MT responded.


Tahu stood on the deck of the Bionicle's house. He had just finished talking to the Toa Zehvor and returning MT's coffee sword to him, which Tahu had found in a neighbor's yard. Now, the Toa of Fire was looking, remembering, thinking about him, Tahu Nuva, and Vecolity all being set free at the end of the battle.


Now he thought back to how they first got here, how the Bionicles had first made it to this house in the first place. He let his mind replay the images in his mind of how the Bionicles had first come to the house that they had just fought a great war to protect.


Next up: Season 4 kicks off with how the Bionicles made it to the house in the first place.


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You're welcome. MORE! Chapter 9!


Chapter 9: too lazy to make a good name… again. In fact, you can expect this from every chapter of mine.


Master chief fired his shotgun at yet another Microsoft worker. "All of them?" the arbiter asked. "Yes. All people who may just have a remote possibility of being able to sue us are dead." Said samus. "Good. Now we can rebuild our base.


The 6 pelicans dropped off from the lone longsword frigate that the Guest stars had. The first 4 headed to their shield generators, while the last two waited above.

Kaldosk, shakaku, spookoff, poptart, gerlicky, ultimate bionicle and iranu had abandoned the mission, however, so now it was up to the other guest stars.


Sonu was doing something he had never done before.



Wishing he could die.


Mistikalord was charging at one of the outer ships so fast it even made hovoki sick. ML was retreating, prompting the ship to chase him as he said "you want some? You want some? Huh? Huh?" and then he would turn around, missiles and guns blaring as he said, " Well then, come and get some!!! Come and get some!!!" in a cycle. By the time ML had beaten the ship, sonu was honestly considering throwing him out of the pelly and taking maters into his own hands.


Toffee matoran was doing the same as sonu, as 5-mask had replaced steam vaults for pilot.


However, he was glad he could get off with his new partners, skidak and saladani turtle to disable the tower. Inside, saladani was blasting the elites with his death ray time and time again, and it was really doing nothing. Skidak said to him "you buh do it like this, buh brother!" he then charged out, hitting them with his chainsaw's blunt end, and they collapsed to the floor, obviously non-living systems. Saladani turtle coldly remarked "…" thinking that it might be some Japanese code, skidak took out the translator and heard "* bllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppp* you!!!" toffee matoran sighed as the 2 of them fought. It was obvious he would have to continue alone. He went up the elevator, and was confronted by several elites. He quickly blasted the living crud outta them with his shotgun. He then hit the switch making that section of the barrier fall.


Rahkshiking decided that his guest stars had either been wiped out, or they were doing something else. The second one was true-er. As soon as they jumped onto their scarab, they were fired at, and they thought that wasn't nice, so they left that scarab, hoping to find one where they would be allowed to blow it up. So far they were having little luck. But back to rahkshiking. He then realized how cool it would look if he jumped from the highest point he could pilot his pelican to the scarab and hit it with such force that it blew up. "if you want something done…" he thought to himself with a grin as he hit the "increase elevation" button.



"…you have to be a idiotic moron!"

this was something rahkshking yelled out loud as he fell from the edge of the facilities atmosphere. He had unfortunately not realized how he would avoid dieing from the impact when he realized how he could be a hero. He then realized he still had a chance, if he grabbed onto the scarab's top turret, the kinetic energy would be diverted, and he would live. He came closer. He was determined he would not die. He grabbed… and, unintentionally, twisted off the entire turret. The elites onboard took one look at this and all popped cyanide down their throats. Rahkshiking destroyed the scarab's reactor core, and, by a feat of temporarily given powers by the co-author, jumped back to his pelly.


Pinned down by the video game character's forces, tarakavaseargent went into a flash back.

[/FLASHBACK] tarakavaseargent and MT waited. They heard, that unlike some others, they would be getting a replacement for kanatak, as he was replacing ultimate bionicle as pilot. Omega turtle came lumbering along. "Buh hi." He said, "let's buh get down to buh business." [FLASBACK] he then figured how he would defeat the video game character's forces. "OMEGA!" he shouted out above the rising volume of the sound of battle." USE YOUR RPG!!!" omega did as he was told, and instantly, well, we'll show you this equation, where RPG blast is R, elites are E, and sound is S.




Tarakavaseargent was fighting master chief, the arbitar, and seargent Johnson, while MT fought samus. Samus decided she needed help, and she knew where she thought she was going to get it from, as she launched a super missile at tarakavaseargent. Tarakavaseargent split the missile in two, one half hitting seargent Johnson. Samus looked at master chief, and he returned the stare. Then both nodded. They jumped at tarakavaseargent and MT's pelican in what was supposed to be a surprise attack. They quickly seized control, and flew the pelican to their secret last resort evac. Longsword frigate.



The guest stars were being beaten down, and badly. Then a voice came in on all of their coms." To any attack one survivors, listen close, and listen well because this won't be repeated: your escort has arrived!" at that, the longsword came in, artillery blazing, obliterating the enemy at any possible point. It picked up the pelicans using tractor beams. "Let's get to It!" said tarakavaseargent as he noticed a lone warthog. "MT drives, I turret, and omega takes passenger!" after a totally EPIC drive scene, they went off a ramp toward the hanger of a longsword. Realizing they were not going to make it, tarakavaseargent grabbed MT and omega turtle in one hand, and reached for the longsword with the other. He made it. So hastily, in fact, that he did not notice that instead of the guest star's flag of a coffee cup, this longsword had a flag of a wii and and an xbox 360 standing side by side.


Chapter 10!


Chapter 10: Running Away


Omega Turtle had not been having a good day.


After dealing with what he thought were the last two threats to his buying a boat, MT had simply teleported himself and Levacius out of Omega's stomach. The two Toa had then combined their powers and had blasted Omega into a shelf of boating equipment, and now he was having to fight off angry employees and a manager.


The Toa, however, were stunned.


"Right," MT said. "Grab TLhikan and let's go."

"Wait a minute. Why do I have to carry him?" asked Levacius.

"I'm older. That's why."

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Everything. You're supposed to respect elders."

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" asked TLhikan.

MT and Levacius looked at the now conscious Toa. "Well, that solves that problem. Let's go," Levacius said, as the three Toa and Vecolity went running for the car.


Elsewhere, Tarakavaseargent had also been having a rather bad day. A bunch of his allies had been taken away by BZP administrators, and now it was about to take a turn that would make that all seem small in perspective. He had thought he was going to make it away with his long sword, but he had been cornered by another group of Halo characters and was now back to back with MT.

"We're cornered, MT," announced Tarakavaseargent, fending off a couple of blows?"

"WE'RE cornered?" asked the Toa of Coffee.

"Well, yes...I mean, you're on my side, so.."

"Now, who told you that?" came the reply as an evil grin crawled onto his face.

Tarakavaseargent turned as the Toa of Coffee pointed his sword at him. Tarakavaseargent lowered his weapons, realizing he stood no chance against an army of Halo characters and MT. "You traitor Toa of Coffee..." Tarakavaseargent muttered under his breath.

MT laughed. "No, not a traitor Toa of Coffee," he replied, shaking his head. "A traitor Toa of Decaf Coffee."

"TM..." Tarakavaseargent whispered as an army of Halo Spartans disarmed him and led him away.


Omega Turtle ran crazily through the boating store, with he didn't know how many people behind him. He had just used his ability to eat 6 feet tall people, which made no sense to those with very small imaginations since they couldn't guess how a foot tall stuffed turtle could possibly fit a person into his mouth, but he did it somehow.


Now he was being chased by several policemen who had made it here. He had managed to take out one with his lead pipe, but the others had pulled guns on him and now he was fleeing for his life. He looked for the exit, but there didn't appear to be one.


There. He saw it in the distance. Another police man was guarding it. Omega noticed that there were several glass windows, and that would provide an alternate escape route if he could shatter them without injuring himself.


He got an idea. Spitting the police officer out and taking shelter from behind a box of motor boat parts, he grabbed the officer's gun and shot the glass window, shattering it. He leapt out and looked for the car.


Of course they took it, those little backstabbing Toa, he thought, and then noticed the police were right behind him. He ran up to the highway, and as a car passed by, he leapt onto the top of it, shot the sun roof open, ate the driver, and then began to drive back to the hotel. He would teach those traitor Toa a lesson.


Back at the luxury resort, MT, Levacius, Vecolity, and TLhikan were discussing what to do with Omega Turtle if he ever got back.

"He's probably in jail by now," commented MT.

"Probably, but there's a chance he may have escaped," interjected Levacius.

"So what? We should see if he's in jail as well.." TLhikan retorted.

"Why don't some of us stay here and the others raid the Miami jail?" Vecolity suggested.

MT nodded. "That's a pretty good idea. We should go raid and see if he's there-"


"And then again, maybe we should just hide here."

"Where do we hide?" asked TLhikan. "There's nowhere to go."

"Uh...the ship!" MT said, using his author powers to fix the ship and set it floating. "Quick, get on!"

The three Toa and Matoran got on just as Omega stormed into the room. Seeing them on the ship, Omega leapt into the air, but MT was ready. He called upon the Kanohi Latto, mask of teleportation, and simply teleported Omega back to the other side.

NOW Omega was angry.


Tarakavaseargent was furious. He couldn't believe he had missed TM. It was bad enough that he lost all his companions, but have one turn out to be one of his greatest enemies the whole time? He couldn't believe it, still.


"Psst!!" came a voice from behind the jail bars.

"What? Who's that?" asked Tarakavaseargent.

"Hovoki! Let's go!" the Toa of Sprite answered as he cut through the bars.

Tarakavaseargent followed Hovoki out of the cell, hoping that this friend was not a fake.


That is all that can be saved. Sorry!



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