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Save The House

MT Zehvor


Welcome to Operation: Save the House. This is where I will be posting chapters from TBTTRAH that were deleted. These are Chapters 240-330.


Chapter 240: The Evil Plan


Chirox: Ok, this sucks. I cannot get a kill!!!

Arlando: Try aiming. It works. I know from personal experience.

Chirox: Shut up. I have a new strategy anyways.

Arlando: What is it? Mash B and cross your fingers for a kill? Very tactical.

Chirox: It is.

Arlando: HOW?

Chirox: Well, see, I throw this grenade, and it blows up. And if someone is close enough, they die.

(One of Chirox's random grenades lands by another player)

Chirox: See? Watch this!

(The player activates a bubble shield just as the grenade explodes)

Arlando: Yeah. Nice kill.

Chirox: Shut up.

Arlando: Forget it. Your hopeless. What's Tahu doing?

Tahu Nuva: I'm over here. Look at this.

Arlando: What? (walks over to the Makuta's computer)

Tahu Nuva: These are the 2009 sets.

Arlando: On some German website? Can you understand what it says?

Computer: LEGO BIONICLE Zesk 8977 voraussichtlicher Erscheinungstermin: April 2009 Artikelnummer des Herstellers: 8977

Tahu Nuva: No. This is some guy named Zesk. That box design is such a rip-off of the Phantoran ones.

Arlando: Yeah. What about the canister sets?

Tahu Nuva: The fire one is named "Malum." I have no clue what the heck he is supposed to be. The only thing I can really tell about him is that he has a Zamor Sphere launcher and he's ugly as Gorast.

Arlando: I really hope for your sake she didn't hear that.

Tahu Nuva: Oh, get real. She's with Makuta and Antroz and the rest of them searching for whatever happened to Brutaka and his "Federation of Pansies."

Arlando: Well, I think you should-

*knock knock*

Tahu Nuva: Perhaps that was a bad thing to say.

Arlando: You bet. Quick, hide!

Tahu Nuva: What?! A Toa-



Arlando: Oh no. Whatever you are, come out!!!!

Omega Turtle: I, buh, am right here.

Arlando: What?

Omega Turtle: I smell Mr. Coffee.

Arlando: The coffee maker?

Omega Turtle: Yes. I want it.

Arlando: Well, you can't have it.

Omega Turtle: It's turtle time...

Arlando: What the...

Omega Turtle: BBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH!!!! (charges at Arlando)

Arlando: Oh no. (pulls out a frying pan and swings it)


Omega Turtle: Ow...(slides across the kitchen)

Tahu Nuva: Whoa.


Omega Turtle: I...will...have...Mr. Coffee!!!

Arlando: Mr. Coffee?

Omega Turtle: Look!!! It's the Covenant!!!

Arlando: Huh? (turns around while Omega Turtle grabs another frying pan) Wher-*BBBBOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG!!!!!*

Omega Turtle: Hahahahahaha!!!! (throws the pan, which misses Chirox's head by inches)

Tahu Nuva: WHOA!! What the heck?!

Omega Turtle: (pulls out a knife) I must have the Mr. Coffee!!

Arlando: Uh oh...

Tahu Nuva: NO!!!! (launches a fire blast, destroying the "Mr. Coffee")


Arlando: Let's get out of here!!!

Krika: (climbs through the window) Ow...my head. That's the last time I ever try to fly a vehicle.

Tahu Nuva: Wait a minute. How'd he get here?

Arlando: Ok, this is officially becoming the weirdest it ever has.

Tahu Nuva: I am gone.

Arlando: Me too.

(Tahu and Arlando rush out of the apartment)

Chirox: (runs over to the kitchen) What happened?

Omega Turtle: He smash Mr. Coffee!!!

Chirox: What?! WHO?!?!

Omega Turtle: Tahu and big ugly man!!!

Krika: This is terrible!!

Chirox: They shall pay!

Krika: And how are you going to do that?

Chirox: I have no clue. But I will do something! (flies off through the window in the direction of the house..)

Krika: Yeah, that's what worries me.

Along the street outside the apartment...

Makuta: Brutaka?

Brutaka: Ow...yes?

Makuta: What are you doing on the sidewalk?

Brutaka: We tried to attack some Toa, but they pushed us off their car.

Vezon: Yeah. And it hurt.

Antroz: I can tell...

Vamprah: ....

Gorast: Well, you guys are all better now, so you can go off and find Miserex!!

Carapar: (scowls at Gorast)

Gorast: WHAT?!?

Brutaka: Fine. But when I get back, there better be a ham and cheese sandwich waiting.

Makuta: Yes. Fine. Whatever.

Takadox: We're doing this for a HAM AND CHEESE SANDWICH?!?!!?

Brutaka: Yeah! Awesome, isn't it!!!

Takadox: Asgdhasfgajfgalf;gjajoafpoadkf!!!!!!

Brutaka: Yeah, I have trouble putting it into words too.

At the house....

Tahu Nuva: Hey, Tahu! Look! It's my new friend, Arlando!!

Arlando: Hey, Tahu.

Tahu: Hey.

Brenmac: What are you guys doing?

Tahu: Um...discussing a new bungee jump place.

Brenmac: Really? Cool.

Tahu: Yes. Wanna try it out?

Brenmac: Uh, well-

Tahu: Of course you do-*SHOVE!!!*

(Brenmac falls out the window)


Tahu: Ha ha ha!!!

Brenmac: Argh...

Later...at night...

Tahu: Zzzzzz.....

Chirox: (slips in through the window and pulls out a kitchen knife)

Brenmac: What are you doing?

Chirox: I'm going to kill that fire Toa! He busted my coffee maker!!

Brenmac: Hmm..I can help with that...

Tahu: Zzzz-huh? Wha-? Who's there?

Brenmac: No one, Tahu.

Chirox: And me!!!

Brenmac: Shut up, Chirox.

Tahu: Wha...what time is it?

Chirox: It is time to die, Tahu.

Tahu: Time to....huh?

Chirox: The knife demands sacrifice...listen...


Tahu: It sounds a lot like...crickets.

Arlando: Yeah... now why don't you-

Chirox: The knife demands blood!!

Brenmac: Umm....

Chirox: Die die die die die!!!





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Chapter 241: Mister Coffee


In the kitchen, at 4 in the morning...

Chirox: My knife goes...STAB!!!!!

(Arlando ducks and rolls out of the way)

Chirox: Son of a...how did you do that?!

Arlando: Um...like this. (gets down and rolls on the floor)

Chirox: Whoa. Amazing.

Arlando: Mm-hmm. (kicks him across the floor)

Chirox: (skids across the floor and comes to a stop)

On top of the counter...

Brenmac: It is time to die, Tahu...

Tahu: Uh...look! A falling star!!

Brenmac: WHERE?!?

Tahu: (pulls out a sauce pan) There!!!

Brenmac: I can't-


Brenmac: (goes flying)

Tahu: Whoa...(drops the saucepan off the counter) That's a record..


Tahu: Sweet sound of a happy landing..(jumps off the counter) Now, where'd you go?

Brenmac: You're right! I do see stars!! Birds too...that one looks like the Arizona!!

Tahu: Dang it! Why does it have to be so dark?!

Brenmac: Ow..my head...but such beautiful-



Brenmac: (snaps back) What?

...more or less..

Brenmac: Huh? Wha-? I can't see straight!!

Tahu: Who left that stupid saucepan on the floor!?!? OW!! MY TOE!!!

Brenmac: Tahu! Are you ok?

Tahu: I was trying to kill some Toa, and I hit him with a saucepan. I dropped on the floor, leapt off the counter, and then some inconsiderate Bionicle comes along and leaves a saucepan just lying here on the floor where anyone could trip over it and go crashing into the floor!!

Brenmac: Gee, that's terrible.

Tahu: Yes!! Now I need to go find this other Toa.

Brenmac: I'll help you.

Tahu: Gee, thanks buddy. Let's go.

(Tahu and Brenmac leave)

Elsewhere in the kitchen....

Chirox: Ow! Ow! Quit kicking me!!!

Arlando: (continues to kick him)

Chirox: Ow! Stop!

Arlando: Say you surrender!

Chirox: I surrendir!!

Arlando: You mispronounced it!(keeps kicking Chirox)

Chirox: OW!!! FINE!! I SURRENDER!!!

Arlando: There we go. (lets Chirox up)

Chirox: Just kidding. (punches Arlando in the stomach)

Arlando: OOOFFF!!! (goes down)

Chirox: (in Stewie's voice) There, yeah, how do you like that now?!

Arlando: OW!! STOP!!

Chirox: Yeah, I don't think you-



Takanuva08: Get away from him!!


Takanuva08: (grabs his arms firmly and shoves him in the fridge) Are you all right?

Arlando: Yeah...other than my chest hurts...

Tahu: Hey guys. How are you doing? (shoves a giant box into the kitchen)

Arlando: I'm ok..but what is that? And where's Brenmac?

Tahu: I left Brenmac with MT in the bedroom. MT had this box, and I was curious as to what was in it, so-

Takanuva08: So you stole it.

Tahu: No one asked you.

Takanuva08: Well, that's what happened, isn't it?

Tahu: Yes...

Takanuva08: What is MT going to think about this?

Arlando: Who is "MT?"

Takanuva08: A Toa of Coffee.

Arlando: And who is Brenmac?

Tahu: He's that Toa that tried to kill us along with Chirox.

Arlando: I see.

Takanuva08: Any other questions?

Arlando: No. If you don't mind, I think I am going to go sit in some nice, hot, water and get a soft pad for my stomach.

Tahu: That's probably wise. Taka, care to help me set up whatever this is?

Takanuva08: Fine with me. And don't call me "Taka."

Tahu: Fine.

(Arlando leaves)

Takanuva08: "Mr. Coffee." Looks like a coffee machine.

Tahu: That's what it is!

Takanuva08: Hmm. No wonder MT wanted one of these. Do you think he'll be mad if he finds out we were the ones who stole it?

Tahu: If you hurry up and open the box, we might not have to deal with that predicament.

Takanuva08: Good idea. (stabs the box with his staff) Uh, this isn't working.

Tahu: That's because you can't use regular knives for this. (goes outside briefly, and then returns inside, carrying a very large knife)

Takanuva08: I think the machete is bit overdoing it.

Tahu: Oh, hush. (puts the knife down, and then begins to climb up the side of the counter)

Takanuva08: What are you doing?

Tahu: (reaches the top of the counter) There. Now hand the knife-

Takanuva08: Machete.

Tahu: Whatever. Hand it to me.

(Takanuva08 hands the machete to Tahu)

Tahu: (holds the machete over the box on the floor) One...two...three!!! (drops the machete)

Takanuva08: WHAT ARE YOU-


Tahu: That...didn't do much good.

Takanuva08: No, it did!! (pulls the machete out of where it went through the box, and then uses the hole to rip the rest of the box open) Tahu, you're a genius!!

Chirox: Can I come out now?

Tahu: No. You were a bad Makuta.

Chirox: But I'm cold!!

Tahu: Quiet.

Chirox: I won't be quiet!!

Tahu: If you don't shut up, I'll unplug the fridge, and all the food will melt. There are some VERY sticky chocolate bars in there. I'm sure you-

Chirox: Point made.

Tahu: Good.

Takanuva08: Hey, look! It's all ready to use!

Tahu: Wonderful. Now how are we gonna get it on the counter?

Takanuva08: Uh...


Brenmac: Look! With all these awesome parts, we can build lots of vehicles!!

MT: I don't know. I'm not into building. I prefer to just do this. (waves his hand at a pile of parts, which immediately come together)

Brenmac: Whoa...how did you..

MT: Author powers.

Brenmac: I want author powers!

MT: You have them...in your comedy.

Brenmac: Then let's go there!

MT: What? Why?

Brenmac: So I can use my author powers!

MT: Fine. (climbs on his new vehicle)

Brenmac: What? Don't I get a vehicle?

MT: Oh, yeah. (creates one for Brenmac)

Brenmac: Thanks! (opens a portal to his comedy) Let's go!

MT: *sigh* I thought we were through with all this colored talking...(follows Brenmac into the portal)

At the Toa Nuva08's Base...

Vehicle Lewa: It's awful. The Makuta came in the night, and stole all our vehicles. They have them all at their apartment.

Takanuva08: Dang, that sucks. That kind of ruins what we were coming for.

Vehicle Pohatu: What?

Tahu: Well, see, we need to get a coffee maker on top of the kitchen counter. And we were hoping we could attach a chain to a vehicle and have it pull the coffee maker up.

Gali Nuva08: Hmm. Well, I have something that will help you instead of vehicles. (hands a small crystal like object to Tahu)

Tahu: What...is it?

Gali Nuva08: A knowledge tower crystal.

Tahu: That's a bit overdoing it. See, the counter is only 4 feet off the floor, not 200.

Gali Nuva08: (glares at Tahu) It's a mini crystal. It only grows 4 feet.

Takanuva08: Oh. Thank you, Gali.

Gali Nuva08: You're welcome.

On the walls of the Makuta's apartment...

Mr. Matoro: Why did I let you trick me into doing this?

Mistikalord: Please be quiet. The Makuta inside are going to hear us, and-

Mr. Matoro: I'm scaling a wall 100 feet off the ground. Right now I don't really here if they hear us.

Mistikalord: Yes, you do, because if they hear you, they'll shoot you off the wall.

Mr. Matoro: Wonderful. You just gave me one more reason to be upset at myself for looking down.

Mistikalord: You'll know not to do it again. Here's the window. Come on, hop inside.

Mr. Matoro: Fine with me. Anything but scaling a wall. (hops inside, and is immediately faced with the scene of Antroz, Gorast, and Bitil playing with Barbie dolls and houses)

Mistikalord: Uh...

Mr. Matoro: Correction. Anything but this.

Mistikalord: This is...odd.

Mr. Matoro: So, uh..

Mistikalord: This changes nothing-

Mr. Matoro: Other than my poor eyes.

Mistikalord: (glares) The plan hasn't changed. We still get the vehicles, and get out.

Mr. Matoro: Just how are we planning to get the third one back?

Mistikalord: We'll worry about the Jetrax later. Pohatu and Lewa need their vehicles.

Mr. Matoro: Ok. Where are they?

Mistikalord: I don't know. We're going to find that out.

Mr. Matoro: This plan keeps get better and better.

Mistikalord: Please, no sarcasm.

At the house...

Tahu: Here it goes. (throws the seed into the ground, and immediately a mini tower grows, putting Tahu, Takanuva08, and the Mr. Coffee and the same level as the counter)

Takanuva08: It worked! Yay!

Tahu: Let's make some coffee. Now...what's the first thing we do?

Takanuva08: I thought you knew.

Tahu: Well...I don't. But we can give it a shot anyway.

Takanuva08: Well, I have a general idea. From what I've heard, you stick coffee beans and water in this filter part, and then heat it.

Tahu: Brilliant! And you said you didn't know how.

Takanuva08: No I-

Tahu: Whatever. Now, how do we heat this thing up?

Takanuva08: The power button.

Tahu: We want heat, not power, stupid.

Takanuva08: Oh.

Tahu: How do we heat this thing up?

Takanuva08: Do you know anyone we could ask?

(Both stare at the fridge)

Chirox: No, I'm not helping!

Tahu: I'll give you your freedom.

Chirox: Deal.

Tahu: Takanuva08, if you wouldn't mind opening the refrigerator...

In the Makuta's apartment....

Mistikalord: There they are!!

Mr. Matoro: Maxilos is guarding them, though.

Mistikalord: Big deal. I'll take him out, we jump in the vehicles, and we're off. Ready?

Mr. Matoro: I was born ready.

Mistikalord: Great. On three. One...two...

Mr. Matoro: I was actually kidding about that last part.

Mistikalord: THREE!!!!! (launches a rocket at Maxilos, which makes impact with his face and knocks the robot out the open window and into a pine tree)

Mr. Matoro: We have company!!

Antroz: (holding a Barbie) Die, Toa and Matoran!! (launches a shadow blast)

Mr. Matoro: (dodges, and then freezes Antroz with an ice beam blast) Very impolite company indeed.

Gorast: You weren't invited!!

Mistikalord: (climbs in the Axalara) Come on, Mr. Matoro!! Get in the Rockoh!!

Mr. Matoro: Got it!! (straps his gun thingy to his back and charges towards the Rockoh, but slips and falls onto the Jetrax)

Chirox: Die Toa!! (launches a shadow blast, which hits the Jetrax T6's controls and starts the vehicle, which goes flying out the window, with Mr. Matoro holding on for dear life)

Mistikalord: NO!!!

Axalara T9: *VVVVVVVRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!* (flies out the window after the Jetrax T6)

Gorast: No!! They're getting away!!

Bitil: I will follow!! (climbs into the Rockoh T3 and follows Mistikalord and Mr. Matoro)



Mistikalord: Hang on!! I'm coming!!!

Mr. Matoro: AAAAAAAAA!!!

Mistikalord: (flies side by side with the Jetrax, then gently helps Mr. Matoro to his seat)

Mr. Matoro: Thanks.

Mistikalord: Enemy behind us!!!

Mr. Matoro: I see him!!! (circles around and opens fire, only to find that the enemy is not a Makuta...)

Mr. Matoro: BAT!!!!!! (goes into a nose dive to avoid the hungry bat)

Mistikalord: What? Oh no... (charges after the bat chasing the Jetrax)

Mr. Matoro: La la la la la....I'm flying for my life and I don't care....

Mistikalord: Really glad I couldn't hear that!!! (opens fire on the bat)

Bat: *SQUAK!!!*

Mistikalord: Eat plastic balls of fury!!!!

Bat: (turns around on Mistikalord and charges at him)

Mistikalord: Oh, this is how it's going to be, huh?

Bat: *SQUAK!!!*

Mistikalord: Come to your death, mammal!! Come to your death!!!

Owl: HOOT!!! (swoops down and eats the bat)

Mistikalord: Oh, come on!!! Way to ruin my fun!!

Mr. Matoro: Come on!! We need to get these vehicles back to the Toa!!

Mistikalord: Hope Pohatu's ok with a vehicle change.

Mr. Matoro: He'll be fine. (flies toward the house, followed by Mistikalord)

Later, at the house...

Chirox: It's fine. You have to hit the power button. That's it.

Tahu: What? We want heat, not power.

Chirox: Are you stupid? The power button is the heat button.

Tahu: But...that makes no sense.

Chirox: I'm sure it doesn't to your poor, unintelligent, stupid brain.

Tahu: Ok, that made a LOT of sense. Like..."Chirox is going to die right now."

Takanuva08: Hold it. Chirox, you're free to go.

Chirox: Thank you. Enjoy your coffee, morons. (walks out the back door)

Tahu: Are you just going to let him go like that?

Takanuva08: Well, we did promise him freedom, so...

Outside the house...

Mr. Matoro: Hey! A Makuta!!

Mistikalord: This one's mine!! (opens fire)

Mr. Matoro: Oh, no it's not. (also opens fire)

Chirox: Finally, I'm free!! I am-AAAAAAAAAAAAA


Chirox: ow....

Tahu: (rolls over on the counter, laughing crazily) And he calls us stupid!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

Takanuva08: Have fun with your coffee maker, Tahu. (walks away)

Tahu: Ha ha...what? You didn't think that was funny?



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Chapter 242: The Calm Before the Storm


In Atlanta, Georgia...

Vezon: We're lost! We've been walking for two hours...and..and...

Brutaka: Vezon, I told you if you said that ONE more time..

Lariska: He does have a point. We have been walking for at least 100 miles.

Brutaka: Hush. We're here for a reason.

Vezon: What? To visit the coke factory? To see the Atlanta Falcons play?

Brutaka: Will you ever shut up?

Vezon: Not until it's not boiling hot, extremely windy, and so crowded.

Brutaka: It's 50 degrees, there's no wind, and there's no people here because it's 4 in the morning.

Vezon: Oh...yeah. So what is this reason exactly?

Voice: Hey, boys.

Carapar: O mai gsh wht the ****?!?

Lariska: What happened to him?

Takadox: Heh heh...hypnotized him one too many times.

Carapar: Wht r u staireeng at?

Lariska: Um...nothing.

Brutaka: Everyone, this is Roodaka.

Roodaka: Hey, boys.

Brutaka: I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop saying that.

Roodaka: Sorry, boys.

Brutaka: *sigh* Now, anyways, we need to head to Shreveport to get a boat to take us to Hawaii, where that Spiriah is being held.


Brutaka: (sarcastically)No, you moron, we're going to a Chick-fil-A.

Takadox: Oh. Whew. Had me worried.

Brutaka: *smacks forehead* Yes, of course we're going to Louisiana!! We're not walking there! We're flying!!!

Takadox: Oh. Ok.

Vezon: Just out of curiosity-

Brutaka: -and that insane brain of yours.

Vezon: What are we going to use to pay for the trip?

In another comedy...

MT: I don't care what you think. I don't think the word color is beautiful.


Brenmac: Oh, you just don't appreciate natural beauty.


MT: I think the Grand Canyon has a lot to say about your definition for "beautiful"


Brenmac: Well, IS there anything you like about my comedy?


MT: Yes.


Brenmac: Really?


MT: Yep. It's that I can fly my vehicle around and not get called for hurting the environment.


Brenmac: Oh. Well, see, global warming doesn't exist here, so-


MT: Doesn't exist? Why doesn't everybody move to your comedy then?


Brenmac: Um....I have no clue.


MT: Hmm. Oh well. Why did you bring me here again?


Brenmac: To show you...this!!


MT: Um...what is it?


Brenmac: The Spritecreator!! It creates Sprite!!


MT: The soda?


Brenmac: Yep.


MT: Hovoki would love that.


Brenmac: Exactly. That's why I'm keeping it here. Away from him.


MT: That's mean.


Brenmac: Yeah, well, he didn't vote for me, so he deserves it. We can go back to your comedy now.


MT: Yay!(teleports them away)


Back at the house....

Tahu: I am so happy!!! *SLUURRP!!!*

Gali: Tahu, what are you doing?

Tahu: Drinking coffee! I love this machine! It makes coffee!

Gali: Um...I see...(looks at the coffee dripping from Tahu's cup to the floor)

Tahu: Isn't it amazing?

Gali: Tahu, you're a slob.

Tahu: What? What did you say to me?

(Gali turns and walks away)

Tahu: You will pay for that!! Axonn!!!

Axonn: Yes sir!!

Tahu: Wow. That's the first time you've ever said that!

Axonn: Well, sir, I just now was told you are the ruler of the house!

Tahu: Oh. Well, go capture Gali and make her apologize for calling me a slob.

Axonn: Yes sir!


Sonu: Hmm....where did that nerf gun we had go?

Hovoki: I don't know. We had a nerf gun?

Sonu: Yeah. The last I saw some crazy Piraka had it and was trying to gun down some Toa I had never seen before. I thought they left it somewhere around here.

Toa: *AHEM* (holds up a nerf gun)

Hovoki: I think we just found out what happened to the Piraka.

Sonu: (points his sword at the new Toa) Who are you? What is your name? And what relation do you have to Chuck Norris?

Toa: Kamikaze, Kamikaze, and I have none.

Sonu: Oh.

Kamikaze: You can have your gun. I got it from some stupid Piraka with bunny.

Hovoki: Bunny?

Kamikaze: Yeah! This guy.

() ()

(. . )

o( )o

O O <----BUNNY

Sonu: Um....ok.

Bunny: I eat Piraka!!!

(suddenly, a portal opens)

MT & Brenmac: WHEEE!!!!

Bunny: AAAAHH!!! (gets sucked into the portal)

Kamikaze: What?!? WHY?!?

Brenmac: What?

Kamikaze: Your portal teleported my bunny away!!

MT: Your...bunny?

Kamikaze: Yes!

MT: Who are you?

Kamikaze: Kamikaze, the Toa of "accidential" storms and other things which I can't remember right now. Who are you?

MT: I am MT, Toa of Coffee. And this is Brenmac, Toa of blue lettering.

Brenmac: Hey!

MT: What, did you have a better name for yourself?

Brenmac: Toa of Elemental Energy.

MT: Oh. This is Brenmac, Toa of Elemental Energy who is obsessed with blue words.

Brenmac: (rolls eyes)

MT: And this is-

Sonu: The two guys who are way cooler than you will ever be.

Hovoki: Um...yeah...please get out of that stupid pose.

Sonu: Sorry.



Tahu: *slurp...* Who's there?

Voice at the door: Can I come in?

Tahu: Who are you?

Voice: Kopaka.

Tahu: Kopaka? Who are you?

Voice: Quit playing and let me in.

Tahu: Fine. (jumps off the counter, heads to the door, and opens it)

Toa: Thanks. (walks inside) By the way, my name's Levacius.

Tahu: You're not Kopaka!

Levacius: I know. You wouldn't of let me in if I had told you the truth.

Tahu: Yeah....and?

Levacius: And I'm inside now.

Tahu: I see that. Want any coffee?

Levacius: Definitely not. Do you have any tea?

Tahu: I think so...but why would you want tea over coffee?

Levacius: Let me ask the same question to you.

Tahu: What.....?

Levacius: Why do you like coffee over tea?

Tahu: Because coffee is so much more awesomer than tea.

Levacius: I see. I take it you're not one of the bright ones, are you?

Tahu: Bright? I'm plenty smart. I just have inconvenient brain lapses.

Levacius: I see. (begins looking for tea)

Tahu: Hey, by the way, where did you come from?

Levacius: I escaped from a Lego factory in California. Some Makuta were looking for other members of their organization. I simply sneaked into the trunk of their car, and hopped out when the car stopped at a police station. The car left again after that, sadly, so I had to walk all the way over here.

Tahu: Gee, that must of not been very fun.

Levacius: Actually, it wasn't that hard when I asked around.

Tahu: What do you mean?

Levacius: I asked a gas station clerk if he knew where you Bionicles lived. He said "Oh, that house the police are about to go after? It's-"


Levacius: Come...after..it!! Stop choking me.

Tahu: Sorry. That happens when I get nervous. Police again, huh? There's only one thing to do now!!

Levacius: What?

Tahu: Catch the next flight to Hong-Kong!!!

To be continued...



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Chapter 243: Tahu Escapes


In one of the downstairs bedrooms...

Levacius: Tahu! Slow down! We still have-

Tahu: No! No time! Help me get this coffee machine into my suitcase!

Levacius: What? You're bringing your "Mr. Coffee?"

Tahu: Of course!

Levacius: What else? A hundred bags of coffee beans?

Tahu: Actually, yes.

Levacius: That was sarcastic.

Tahu: No. You have that mixed up with physic.

Levacius: Do you even have a hundred bags of coffee beans?

Tahu: Looky here. (opens his suitcase)

Levacius: HOLY....

Tahu: Exactly. (zips up his suitcase) Got coffee beans, the coffee maker...uh...what else?

Levacius: How are you going to get the hot water?

Tahu: Superheat some random person's hose?

Levacius: What ever works for you.

Tahu: Great. I'm off-


Tahu: Oh no...

Levacius: The police! They're at the front door!

Tahu: I realize that, stupid.

Levacius: Uh...well...can we go out that glass sliding door? (points behind him)

Tahu: That door's lock has been fused there for a long time...ever since Jaller Inika attempted to fry Carapar.

Levacius: Any way we can get through it?

Tahu: No. The glass is weapon proof.

Levacius: Oh, really? (pulls out a random AK-47 and begins shooting crazily at it)

Bullets: *ding! ding! ding!* (bounce harmlessly off the door)

Levacius: Maybe it is.

Tahu: This is awful! We're doomed! Doomed!! (runs off into the hall)

Levacius: Tahu, hold on!

Tahu: It's useless! We're doomed!! DOOMED!!!

Levacius: Tahu, I-


Vakama Metru: Pizza's here.

Levacius: Then...that wasn't...

Vakama: That was the pizza guy.

Tahu: What?!? The police are here and you're worried about some stupid pizza man?!?

Vakama: Actually, it's stuffed crust-

Tahu: No! I must escape!!!

Vakama: Tahu, what are you-

Tahu: I'll hold them off! (grabs the pizza and flings it at the door, where it splatters all over the floor)

Vakama: Tahu! That cost-


Levacius: Tahu, wait!!!! (runs after Tahu into the bedroom)

Matau Metru: Good thing we put Dominos on speed dial, huh fire-spitter?

Vakama: Shut up. (presses and holds down a button on the phone)

In the bedroom...

Tahu: RUN!!!

Levacius: Tahu! You don't get it!! It was just the pizza man! There's no police-

Tahu: Quiet! Maybe they won't here us escape!

Levacius: Escape? We can't open the door!

Tahu: Then we go through the wall. (flings a closet door open and begins to look through a pile of stuff)

Levacius: What is that?

Tahu: My power tools.

Levacius: Your WHAT?!?

Tahu: Power tools, stupid! (comes out with a drill)

Levacius: Good thinking. We can ruin a wall to escape a non-existant policeman.

Tahu: What's that supposed to mean?

Levacius: Nothing. Do you know how to use that thing?

Tahu: Of course. (begins bashing the handle into the wall)

Levacius: Tahu, that's not-

*WHAM!!!* (A section of the wall falls out)

Tahu: What? It's what?

Levacius: It's a...um...interesting way to use it. Ah well. (climbs through the hole) Do you know where we're going?

Tahu: Away! Away from here! We must escape!!! ALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA...(runs off down the street)

Levacius: Tahu!!! Tahu!! Come back here!!! (runs after Tahu)


Kamikaze: Where is "Tahu?" I'd like to meet him, since he is the ruler of the house.

Brenmac: Actually, to be honest, Tahu isn't the ruler. He is some ugly, stupid, fat excuse for a Toa of Fire.

MT comes up and mouths "Tahu tasered him in the back one time," to Kamikaze.

Kamikaze: Oh.

Brenmac: Oh? What do you not get about that?

Kamikaze: No, it's just-

Brenmac: Is it the stupid, ugly, or fat part?

Kamikaze: Well, actually-

Brenmac: Or, could it be the "excuse" part?

Kamikaze: He, I was talking about-

Brenmac: Well, which one of those is it? The ugly, fat, or-


Brenmac: Oh. Well, you could just say that.

Kamikaze: *sigh...*

Brenmac: Anyways, I think he's downstairs.

Kamikaze: Thank you. That's all I needed to know. Come on, MT.

MT: (follows)

Brenmac: What? What about me?

Kamikaze: (turns to MT) You can bring him along, if you must.

Brenmac: You don't like me very much, do you?

MT: Come along, Toa of blue lettering.

Brenmac: What? I'm not..fine...I'm coming..

Kamikaze: Who's that?

MT: That's Brutaka. He has a real stair problem.

Kamikaze: Is it a problem?

MT: For him. Hey, Brutaka! *SHOVE!*

Brutaka: Hey-WHOA!!! OW!! *BAM BANG BONK WHAM!!!!*

Kamikaze: I see.

Brutaka: OW!!!! SWEET MARIAH CURRY!!! WHY?!?!?!?!

MT: You're part of our tour of the house. We're taking him on it.

Brutaka: "We're?"

MT: Brenmac and I.

Brutaka: Ah. Well, if you're done giving me headaches, I would appreciate my book back.

MT: (picks up the book) "How to walk down stairs for dummies." Wow. I realized you were desperate, but this is a bit much.

Brutaka: Not when you have as many problems as I do.

MT: Whatever. (begins to walk down the stairs) Let's go find Tahu.


Hovoki: Wanna do something?

Sonu: Where's Mr. Matoro and Mistikalord?

Hovoki: Last I saw, they were on some vehicles shooting down recently freed Makuta.

Sonu: Then let's go find them. (gets on his vehicle)

Hovoki: Right. (gets on the "Spritenator," and flies out the glass door, followed by Sonu)

In Brenmac's comedy...


Bunny: Where am I? What is this place? And why are all the words blue?


Voice: You are in another comedy, this is a house, and the words are blue because my owner is a complete moron.


Bunny: He must love you.


Voice: He does. I am Brenmac's Vultraz, or Vultraz-B, for short.


Bunny: Wonderful. I am Toa Kamikaze's bunny. Does that make me Bunny-K?


Vultraz-B: Not really. We just needed a way to distinguish between bunnies. If there's another bunny in your comedy, then you could call yourself that.


Bunny: Well, I don't really have a comedy. I've been sort of bouncing around comedies looking for a home.


Vultraz-B: Horrible pun intended, right?


Bunny: What?


Vultraz-B: Nothing. I have been placed as a house guard by my idiotic owner-


Bunny: He must love you.


Vultraz-B: -and I have been assigned to kill anything that is not from this comedy.




Vultraz-B: No, it's not. It's homicidal. And you are going to die!!! MUHAHAHAHA-


Bunny's fist: *POW!!!!*


Vultraz-B: Ow...I guess you object.


Bunny: I do indeed.


Vultraz-B: Well then, there's only one way to settle this...with a SUPER POWERED ALL OUT BACKYARD BRAWL SHOWDOWN!!!


Bunny: A what?


Vultraz-B: A big fight.


Bunny: Oh.


Vultraz-B: Then LET'S GET IT ON!!!


Bunny: Right...


To be continued...



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Chapter 244: Levacius vs. Makuta


Somewhere downtown...

Levacius: Tahu! Wait up!!!


Voice: And then what?

Tahu: Who the..

Makuta: Hello...boys.

Levacius: Now THAT's just scary.

Tahu: Can you help us? We're running from the police.

Levacius: The non-existant ones.

Tahu: Why won't you tell me what that means?

Chirox: It m33ns it r teim to dei, Tahu.

Tahu: What's up with him?

Makuta: I think it has something to do with Takadox, but I'm not sure. Although what he does say is true.

Levacius: What, that it's time for Tahu to die or that it's time to bake a pie?

Makuta: I believe he said it's time to die.

Tahu: I think he said it's time to go make Makuta cry.

Makuta: Shut up! (knocks Tahu across the street) No one asked you what you thought!

Levacius: Poor Tahu.

Makuta: Oh, and you have to die too.

Levacius: WHAT?!?!?

Makuta: It says so right here!

Levacius: "Both L3vIc33OS and Tafoo haz to dei."

Makuta: Chirox! You moron! Now I have to kill him because I said what you say is true!!

Chirox: I r sorr33s.

Makuta: Whatever...you have to die. Sorry.

Levacius: What? No! He never said that!

Makuta: Yes he did.

Levacius: You don't have proof!

Makuta: Chirox, say what you said.

Chirox: I r sor33s.

Makuta: No, no, before that!

Chirox. Oh. Both L3vI-


Chirox: Ow...my b3aootifull faes.

Makuta: What the heck?!? Now I can't prove it!

Levacius: Exactly. Since you can't prove it, you can't know if he really said to kill me, so therefore, you cannot.

Makuta: Oh, yes I can!! (launches a shadow blast at Levacius)

Levacius: (creates a wall of plastic using his mask which deflects the shadow blast) Oh boy...I was wondering how long I could go in this comedy without getting in one of these.

Back at the house, in one of the downstair's bedrooms....

Kamikaze: Um, yeah, hey, mister?

Omega Turtle: Buh. Yes?

Kamikaze: Have you seen Tahu?


Omega Turtle: I...sense...coffee..

Kamikaze: That's probably because..

Brenmac: Oh no...

Omega Turtle: COFFEE TOA!!!!

MT: Oh frick. (runs through Tahu's hole in the wall, followed by Brenmac and Kamikaze)

Brenmac: Have any idea where we're going?

MT: Away from him!!

Omega Turtle: I must have coffee!!! I must!

Kamikaze: Hey, I think there was a suitcase with a coffee machine and twenty bags of coffee beans in the bedroom! You should check it you!

Omega Turtle: Buh...I need coffee Toa..

MT: Of course he does! Keep running!


Makuta: Die Toa!!! (begins shooting shadow blasts randomly around)

Levacius: I don't like this.... (dodges the shadow blasts and creates a miniature flood of iced tea)

Makuta: Oh no...


Makuta: No!!! I have been defeated...hey..this tastes great!

Levacius: This "elemental" power backfires a lot.

Makuta: Any more tasty tricks?

Levacius: Not unless you were planning a Halloween party.

Makuta: Actually, I was going to do some trick or treating. I had a few of my friends over.

Rahkshi: *HISS!!!!*

Makuta: Unfortunately, they're pretty horrible at the "treat" part.

Levacius: I see...

Guurahk: (activates it's staff)

Guurahk's staff: I'M HOT.....AND YOU'RE COLD!!!!

Levacius: The Jonas Brothers?

Makuta: Whoops. (presses a button on a random remote control which I never mentioned before)

(The Guurahk explodes)

Levacius: Um....

Makuta: I never press the right button!! How about this one?

(A kikanalo charges through and takes out Vohrak, Kuurahk, and Pahnrak)

Makuta: You know what? Screw this remote. (breaks it into a million pieces, and the last two Rahkshi start dancing)

Levacius: This is....frightening.

Makuta: I am so suing Advanced Auto Parts.

Levacius: Huh?

Makuta: I gave them my remote and my toy RC car to fix.

Levacius: THEY FIX REAL...never mind...(blasts Makuta with iced tea)

Makuta: This is freezing. (blasts him with shadow)

Levacius: NO!!! (creates a wall of plastic)

The shadow blast reflects off the plastic, onto the top of a building, and breaks a large chunk of a sign off

Makuta: Hey...um....I know I'm not supposed to show mercy but...WATCH OUT!!!

Levacius: You really think I'm going to fall for that-


Levacius: .....

Makuta: Ouch....(looks over at the Turahk and the Lerahk dancing)

Makuta: LOOK!!! I'M NOT PROUD OF WHAT I JUST DID, OK!?!?!? Where's that remote...hey..look...a mask. (picks it up) I think I'll keep this as a souvenir...I wonder who it belongs to.

Turahk and Lerahk: (keep dancing)

Makuta: WILL YOU SHUT UP!! (stomps on what's left of the remote)

Suddenly, a "turtle crossing" sign pops up out of the road.

Makuta: "Turtle crossing?" What does that-


Makuta: OW!!!!


MT: Hey, turtle! I'll give you all the coffee you ever wanted if you attack him!

Omega Turtle: Are you serious?

MT: Never have been more.

Omega Turtle: SWEET!!!! BUH!!!! (tackles Makuta)

Makuta: OW!!!


Makuta: OW!! GET OFF!!!


Brenmac: Hey...it's a maskless Toa..

Makuta: Maskless? (looks at the mask he's carrying) So if this is a mask of plastic creation... (creates a huge plastic fist)

Omega Turtle: *PUNCH*

Plastic fist: (shatters)

Makuta: Ok...this is bad...(squirms out from underneath the Omega Turtle)

Omega Turtle: What the heck!?!? I need my coffee!!

Makuta: And I need my defibrillator!!! (runs into his apartment)

Omega Turtle: Darn...can I still have my coffee?

MT: Yes. It's in the house..in the suitcase.

Omega Turtle: Thanks. (walks off)

Kamikaze: HERE'S Tahu.

MT: Are they both ok?

Brenmac: I think so...who are you?

Levacius: I am Levacius, Toa of Tea.

Tahu: That was painful.

MT: So...what now?

Levacius: Can I have my mask back?

Brenmac: I'm afraid Makuta took it.

Levacius: Oh no...then that means...

Tahu: My head hurts.

Brenmac: What?!?

Tahu: Huh?

Brenmac: You ruined it!!

Tahu: What did I ruin?

Brenmac: Now we have to wait for the next chapter to find out what happens!!

Tahu: What are you talking about?

Brenmac: That complaint of yours sent us over the word limit!!

Tahu: We've gone way over this word count before!!

Brenmac: Shut up! Shut up before we go over so far over the word limit that BZP takes us of the air!!

Tahu: What? What are you-....



To be continued...



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Chapter 245: When Turtles Collide


In the Makuta's Apartment...

Makuta: Got away from them! Whew!

Antroz: What?

Makuta: This turtle was attacking me. He was about to kill me. Instead I got this mask of plastic creation.

Antroz: Cool. Can I try it out?

Makuta: Never! Not until I try it first!

Antroz: Ok...sheesh.

Makuta: (puts it on)

Antroz: Well?

Makuta: Nothing's...happening.

Antroz: Of course not. You haven't activated it yet.

Makuta: Oh. Like this?

(suddenly, a whirlwind of Lego parts swirl around him until he stands 7 feet tall)

Antroz: ...that's probably close.

Makuta: Awesome! I have super powers!!!

Antroz: Yeah...

Makuta: Don't you use sarcasm with me, puny red Makuta! (kicks him out the window)

Outside the apartment...

Levacius: ...and sowith the mask of plastic creation there's basically no way to defeat him.

Brenmac: I still don't believe it. There has to be a way to defeat him.

Makuta: (bursts through the wall of the apartment several stories above) I HAVE ULTIMATE POWERS NOW!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Brenmac: Then again....

Makuta: SUPERMAN!!! (spreads his arms and flies off, with his newly created jet engine playing no small part in his newfound ability.

MT: I really wish Omega was still here.

Brenmac: What, you'd get him to fight Makuta?

MT: No, I'd teleport him right above that jet engine, and his fall would break it. There's nothing more annoying than a stupid, noisy Makuta who thinks he can fly and really can.

Brenmac: You know anything that could stop that moron?

Levacius: Well....there is-

Kamikaze: Hey, guys!! Over here!!

MT: What is it?

Kamikaze: A fat Makuta with a broken neck.

Antroz: Ow....

MT: Leave him. He's unimportant. We need to know where..uh..what did you say could stop him?

Levacius: The Platinum Avohkii.

MT: I have a grey one. Is that close enough?

Levacius: NO.

MT: Dang it.

Tahu: Where's the one we need?

Levacius: It's hidden in...um...the nation's capital.

Kamikaze: Washington D.C.

Levacius: Bingo.

Brenmac: Wonderful. How are we supposed to get there?

Tahu: We'll go in one of the helicopters. We can send the vehicles in on a air strike when we get there, and use the copter as a base.

Kamikaze: Cool!

Later, at the house...

Tahu: Here's the copter..

MT: I've got our vehicles.

Kamikaze: Wait. You got vehicles?

Brenmac: Yeah. He created them with author powers.

Sonu: And we just built ours.

Kamikaze: Dang it. I wanted a vehicle.

Hovoki: Sorry. Well, can't really help you. You can ride on one of ours too, I guess.

Levacius: Thanks. You wouldn't happen to have a spare mask with you, would you-

Vecolity: Um..I may be able to help with that.

MT: Vecolity! Where have you been?

Vecolity: Um...places. I found this. This is the Mask of Pointlessness.

MT: I haven't seen that in forever. I lost it in the coffee mines in a fight with 4 Mask.

Tahu: Everyone, the ROFLcopter is lifting off now!

MT: The...never mind.

Much later, in the one of the downstairs bedrooms....

Ruric: *In the Ruric language* (What the...coffee beans everywhere in this suitcase? Who's is this?)

Ruric 2: (I have no clue...but-)


Ruric: (Son of a fruit blender!!! It's the evil great killer of Rurics!!)

Ruric 2: (Not this day...this day..the Turtle DIES!!!)

Omega Turtle: BBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! (grabs the Ruric and slams him against a wall, into the door, and then throws him into another wall, shattering the Ruric into thousands of pieces)

Ruric: (And then maybe not...*launches a zamor sphere at Omega*)

Omega Turtle: BUH!!! (deflects the sphere, grabs the Ruric, and flings it down the hall, just as large hand catches him from the back and flips him backwards into a wall)


Omega Turtle: What the heck?!? That's my phrase, you cheap rip-off!!

AT: It is not!! BUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH!!!! My name is Terpo!!!

Omega Turtle: That's absolutely wonderful. Your voice sounds like a chicken being strangled.

Terpo: And your voice sounds like someone who just had his whole family killed and has no hope for the future.

Omega Turtle: It's called being depressed. And right now, I have other things on my mind. (punches Terpo, who falls over into a wall) Like some deranged turtle trying to kill me.

Terpo: Oh, fine then. (picks himself up and charges at Omega)

Omega Turtle: Uh... hey... (picks up a football and hurls it at Terpo)

(Although Terpo is about twice the size of a Toa Nuva, the full sized football is easily enough to halt his progress)

Terpo: OOOFFF!!!

Omega Turtle: Back! Back with you!!!

Terpo: All right...no more Mr. Nice Guy.

Omega Turtle: Oh..yeah..right..really..

Terpo: (picks up a knife)_

Omega Turtle: I guess you were being serious.

Terpo: It..is...time..to...die...

Omega Turtle: Oh..no..(sees Tahu's pile of power tools and dives for it)

Terpo: BUH!!! (swings his knife, which barely misses Omega)

Omega Turtle: (activates a chainsaw) Yeah..what are you going to do now? (shoves the chainsaw confidently in the ground)

Terpo: Uh...hey...

Omega Turtle: What..(realizes the chainsaw is making a hole in the ground)

Floor: *CRACK!!!!*


Tahu Nuva: (walks in) Hey, isn't that Tahu's ROFLknife? I think he'll want that-

Terpo: I'm coming to kill you!!! BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! (jumps into the hole after Omega Turtle, swinging Tahu's ROFLknife crazily)

Tahu Nuva: ...back...


Sonu: How far away are we?

Tahu: The ROFLcopter isn't exactly the fastest thing around. It's gonna take awhile.

Brenmac: Any idea where we are now?

Tahu: Over Richmond, I imagine.

MT: I think we can take the smaller vehicles now.

Tahu: And cover all this territory?

MT: Yeah! It won't be that hard.

Tahu: If you say so...

MT: I do. Let's go.

Kamikaze: What about us?

MT: You and Levacius are going to "paratroop" into D.C. I've got the coordinates for the specific building. Let's go!

MT, Brenmac, Sonu, Vecolity and Hovoki climb onto their vehicles and fly off.

Back at the house...

Mr. Matoro: (lands his vehicle) Dang..what's with the giant hole?

Mistikalord: I have no clue....there's only one way to find out.

Mr. Matoro: I realize that. Can't we get Onua to do it or something?

Mistikalord: Uh..no...since he's not here.

Mr. Matoro: Fine. Let's-


Mr. Matoro: That didn't sound good.

Mistikalord: All the more reason we should check this out. There could be something really bad down there.

(Mistikalord and Mr. Matoro fly off into the tunnel)

Mr. Matoro: Fine. The last time I tried this, I almost got eaten by a bat. I wonder what will attempt to devour me this time?

(Mistikalord and Mr. Matoro fly off into the tunnel)


To be continued...



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Chapter 246: Countdown


MT: There's our stop!!

Hovoki: Great! What are we going to do when we get there?

Sonu: Make something up?

Hovoki: Well, we get the mask, and get out. Sounds simple.

MT: Wonderful. Who guards it?

Sonu: How do you know anyone does guards it?

MT: Well, considering the only miserable thing not guarded in the world are Chuck Norris' firearms, I'm guessing that this stupid mask is too.

Vecolity: Please...be quiet.

MT: Fine. Brenmac, what do you think? You've been awfully quiet.

Brenmac: I'm coming up with a plan.

MT: Oh. Well, you do that.

Vecolity: You've obviously forgotten what "be quiet" means.

MT: Nope. Not at all. It just isn't the most important thing on my mind right now. (presses a button, and his vehicle begins firing at the building)

Brenmac: Wait a minute. That's the pentagon!!!

MT: Yep. That's where the mask is, according to Levacius.

Vecolity: Let me. (presses a button, and his vehicle begins to glow brightly)

MT: What are you-


Vecolity: When 4 Mask designed the Reveldon, he created it so that someone can enter hypermode and use it through the vehicle. Makes a much stronger blast. And since I am a coffee Matoran...

(The vehicles fly into the building.

MT: I see. That's pretty cool. Now-

Sonu: WATCH OUT!!! (leaps off his vehicle and swings his sword at an unseen target)


4 Mask: ARGH!!!

Vecolity: Oh...looks like someone wants his vehicle back...doesn't he?

4 Mask: You...YOU TOOK IT!!!

Vecolity: Yes, I did. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Brenmac: I am definitely getting in on this. (turns his vehicle around and begins to open fire on 4 Mask and Ralph)

Ralph: OW!! HEY!!

4 Mask: Fine..mean surprise meets mean surprise.

(Suddenly, two extremely mean looking vehicles fly through the shattered window)

MT: Oh, wonderful.


Hovoki: Fine with me. (flies off on the Spritenator)

Brenmac: I always get stuck with this guy. (opens fire on one of 4 Mask's vehicles)

4 Mask: Ignore the Toa of Fire and the moron that hates me for no good reason!! Get those three!!

Brenmac: HEY!!!

MT: Can you do some super hypermode thingy backwards? (takes off into the Pentagon)

PT: Argh. Why is it always a big chase? (chases after them with UT, starting another high speed chase in a nationally important building)

Hovoki: Because you're ugly, you smell bad, and you're the cause of high gas prices.

UT: WHAT?!? HOW?!?

Hovoki: Look at that vehicle!! How many miles per gallon do you think it gets?

PT: These don't run on gas! They run on coffee!!

Hovoki: Then you're the cause of the coffee shortage.

UT: There is no coffee shortage.

MT: Shut up. Don't you know not to argue with a Toa?

PT: A very illogical Toa.

Hovoki: A very stupid bunch of Matoran.

UT: What a great comeback.

Hovoki: What, would you rather me say STFU and GTFU?

PT: Um...no.

MT: If you guys don't shut up, someone is going to notice us.

UT: Well, we're supposed to be destroying you right now, so..

MT: Oh, really? Well then, see how this goes. (flips off his vehicle backwards, grabs onto UT, flings him off the vehicle, and jumps off just in time as his vehicle crashes into PT and blows up)

UT: WHY?!?!? Now we're both vehicleless, and-

MT: (picks him up by his throat) And you're out of the way, worthless Matoran.

UT: *gack* Isn't there some sort of honor code against this or something?

MT: Why, yes there is. (blasts him unconscious with coffee, and then grabs him and shoves him through a 50 story window) It says "don't kill the good guys."


Hovoki: How are we supposed to find the mask now? MT's gone, and his vehicle was the one with the coordinates on it!

Vecolity: Mask of Thermal Vision. It lets me track a unique heat signature that would only be given off by the mask.

Hovoki: That's wonderful. Now I just have to guard YOU.

Vecolity: Activating the mask...and...

Hovoki: And?

Vecolity: Well...there's no heat signature from a mask like that.

Hovoki: Which means..

Vecolity: We're in the wrong place!!!

In the Atlanta Airport...

Roodaka: You have to be kidding me. You're selling me to get tickets to Honolulu?!

Brutaka: That's where Miserex is.

Roodaka: But...you can't!!!

Vezon: And why can't we?

Carapar: Me like pie!!

Lariska: Takadox, please hypnotize him again.

Takadox: You...are....very...stupid...

Carapar: M3 r v3ree hap33.

Brutaka: That doesn't help. (walks over to one of the clerks) How many tickets will this buy?

Clerk: Will what buy?

Brutaka: Her. (points to a squirming Roodaka being held down by Vezon, Takadox, and Lariska)

Clerk: Well, she's worth about 5 bucks, so-

Brutaka: FIVE BUCKS?!?!?!

Clerk: Well, yes, see, we usually only accept cash, so-

Brutaka: Are you kidding me? We paid twenty dollars for her.

Clerk: A normal CHEAP airplane ticket is 70 bucks. That's for a one way trip.

Brutaka: Fine. Since you made this difficult...Vezon you'll knock her out, won't you?

Vezon: Ever again.

Brutaka: Um...that made no sense...but whatever.

Clerk: It doesn't matter, you still can't-

Brutaka: *stabs the clerk with his plastic blade*

Clerk: Um...what was the point of doing that?

Brutaka: That strategy didn't work...Takadox!!

Takadox: Fine. You are getting very sleepy....

Clerk: (passes out)

Brutaka: We wanted tickets, moron!

Takadox: Sorry. Would you rather have him awake calling the cops on you? I can arrange that.

Brutaka: No....*sigh* (goes behind the counter and forges 10 tickets for Honolulu)

Roodaka: So...that was all a joke? You guys never planned to sell me?

Brutaka: No...at least, it wasn't until the guy told us you were worth 5 bucks.

Roodaka: Great. Glad to know I have all my companions ready to stand behind me.

(Lariska and Takadox burst out laughing)

Back at the house....


Omega Turtle: (grabs Terpo and slams him into one of the walls of the shaft) SHUT UP!! THAT'S MY LINE!!!

Terpo: (draws back the Roflknife)

Omega Turtle: Oh ****.

Terpo: DIE!!!!


Terpo: OW!!! (lets go of the Roflknife) Who shot at me?

Mr. Matoro: Leave him alone!!!

Omega Turtle: YAY!!! (kicks Terpo)

Terpo: OW!!! (the two begin another huge brawl, this one in free fall)

Mistikalord: We can't shoot because we might hit Omega!!

Mr. Matoro: Do you know how close we are to the bottom?

Mistikalord: About 700 feet, according to my vehicle's sonar. That's not much, even if you are only 6 inches tall!

Mr. Matoro: Timewise?

Mistikalord: About 30 seconds.

Mr. Matoro: Wonderful: How are we supposed to save them?

Mistikalord: We have to combine our blasts and hope it hurts that other turtle more!!! Ready...one...two...

(suddenly, a lightning blot ricochets off the walls of the shaft and hits Terpo, knocking him unconscious)

Omega Turtle: Thanks!!

Mr. Matoro: We didn't shoot it...

Omega Turtle: One of you have a spare jet pack?

Mistikalord: No....

Omega Turtle: Then I really hope this works. (grabs the Roflknife, and plunges it into the wall in an attempt to stop his fall)

Mr. Matoro: 10 seconds!!

Omega Turtle: (comes to a halt)

Mistikalord: (flies down to Omega and stops there) You ok-


Mr. Matoro: Dang...

Omega Turtle: I hope his shell was really tough.

Mr. Matoro: Grab onto both of our vehicles. We'll pull you up.

Omega Turtle: Thanky. (grabs on as the Roflknife slips out of it's hold and falls. Curiously, it's fall isn't broken by a "clang," but rather by a loud *Splash!!*

At the top of the shaft...

Tahu Nuva: Nice shot!!

Samzoraz: Thank you very much.

Tahu Nuva: I saw the other Turtle with Tahu's knife and figured Omega was in trouble.

Omega Turtle: BUH!! I'm safe now!! (comes out of the shaft, hanging on tightly to Mr. Matoro's and Mistikalord's vehicles)

Tahu Nuva: Yes you are.

Mr. Matoro: Any idea where the other GSs went?

Tahu Nuva: Tahu and Levacius led them off on a quest for some Platinum Kanohi mask. Said it was going to be used to defeat-

Voice: ME.

Tahu Nuva: Oh, you again. Had a little growth spurt, did we?

Makuta: You could say that.

Samzoraz: What do you want this time?

Makuta: I want revenge for being kicked out of the house so long ago.

Tahu Nuva: You weren't kicked out. You willingly left as a sign of rebellion.

Makuta: Whatever. I want revenge for my rebellion.

Mr. Matoro: That makes no sense at all.

Makuta: I'm sure it doesn't if you're stuck in the past.

Mistikalord: Whatever. What mask are you wearing?

Makuta: The Mask of Plastic Creation!! And now you will all die!!

Omega Turtle: NEVER!!! (grabs a baseball bat and charges at Makuta, swinging wildly)

Makuta: All right then...let's GET THIS SMACKDOWN ON!!!!

Tahu Nuva: And they ask why I'm never excited for a fight. (charges up a flame blast)

Back in D.C....

Levacius: And we have landing! Great paratrooping job, Tahu! (talks through a walkietalkie built into his armor)

Tahu: Thank you.

Levacius: How you doing, Kamikaze?

Kamikaze: Ok.

Levacius: Great. According to the map, Brenmac and Sonu are way away from everyone else over in one spot, MT is off by himself over here, and Vecolity and Hovoki are somewhat close by him.

Kamikaze: Where to first?

Levacius: First we find out why Brenmac and Sonu are over here by themselves...


MT: How about in here? (opens a door)

Person: Hello?

MT: Oh, sorry. I've been looking for a special Kanohi mask.

Person: Oh, wait a minute...I may be able to help you.

MT: Really?

Person: Yes. You see, my name is Dr. B.I. Onicle. I was the man who really started Bionicle, but stupid Greg F. stole it from me.

MT: I see.

Dr. B.I. Onicle: My most prized possession lives on though, the-

MT: -Platinum Avohkii.

Dr. B.I. Onicle: How did you know?

MT: It's what we're searching for, to defeat a giant 7 foot tall Makuta who smells like a Rahkshi's foot.

Dr. B.I. Onicle: I see. Well, I heavily guarded it. You will need 5 Golden Haus to unlock it. These special Haus are hidden in many states across the country. You'll have to find them.

MT: Wonderful.

Dr. B.I. Onicle: Here's the list of where they are.

MT: Oh. That help a lot.

Dr. B.I. Onicle: Now go! Find the mask and save your friends!

MT: What about you?

Dr. B.I. Onicle: Oh. I don't really exist. I'm just a figment of the someone's imagination. (fades away)

MT: Ooookkkk....(walks out)

Brenmac: Curse that man who made coffee!!!

4 Mask: Coffee!! Coffee for everyone!!!

Sonu: (dodges like crazy) This guy hasn't even taken a scratch yet! The Matoran was easy, so why is he so hard-wait. Don't tell me. This has something to do with permanent hypermode, right?

Brenmac: What?

Sonu: Permanent hypermode, according to MT, is the last stage of hypermode, where the person becomes locked in hypermode for as long as he is still coffee infused. In permanent hypermode, the only thing that could hurt him is coffee based weaponry, so basically everything you shoot at him just gives him energy.

Brenmac: How about an atomic bomb?

Sonu: Do we have one of those?

Brenmac: No.

Sonu: Then I guess we're out of luck.

Brenmac: What? No. Definitely not. We may not be able to kill him...but...(looks at his vehicle)

Sonu: What are you thinking?

Brenmac: Just an idea. (backflips as a coffee blast rushes his way onto the vehicle, and then begins firing rapidly at 4 Mask, who just takes all the shots as if they're nothing.

Sonu: What are you doing?!? You're making him stronger!!

Brenmac: I realize that.

Sonu: WHAT?!?!? WHY-Oh....Brilliant!!!

4 Mask: (glows extremely brightly)

Brenmac: Oh...this is bad...

Sonu: (gets on his vehicle) Let's get out of here!!! (starts his vehicle and races out the window, followed by Brenmac)

MT: WAIT FOR ME!!! (shatters the rest of the glass with a coffee blast, leaps out the window, and grabs on the very end of Brenmac's vehicle)

Levacius: Hey, wait up!!!

Brenmac: Lost your ride?

MT: It was destroyed in a surprise maneuver to kill the other two Matoran.

Sonu: What about Vecolity and Hovoki?

MT: Oh no!! I-


Brenmac: Well...it's too late now.

MT: Oh...my...gosh....I never thought...

Sonu: Well...I guess there goes our hopes of finding the mask and our friends.

MT: Our friends, yes, hopes, no.

Brenmac: What do you mean?

MT: I got this list from a "Dr. B.I. Onicle," and he said this is a list to the keys to unlock the way to the platinum Avohkii.

Sonu: Then...

MT: We have to press on.

Brenmac: Let's go. What's our first stop?

MT: "Vancouver." As if it wasn't cold enough here already.

In the rubble of the explosion, which, BTW, killed all the members of Congress and Senate, as they were the only political members of the WH yet to be destroyed...

Hovoki: Ouch...that didn't go as planned...

Levacius: HEY!! OVER HERE!!!

Vecolity: Hey! They made it out alive too!!!

Kamikaze: Yep. But, how do we get out of here-

Tahu: (flies the helicopter in closer) I think I can help with that.

Vecolity: Great! (he and Hovoki drag the remenants of their vehicles onto the helicopter)

Levacius: Time to leave. (gets on)

Kamikaze: (gets on too) What about the rest?

Levacius: They made it out alive. I saw them. Hopefully they have enough information to finish the mission.

Tahu(lifts off): And what do we do now?

Levacius: We help them any way we can. Such as getting rid of enemies they may have to face.

Kamikaze: Any particular one?

Levacius: Actually, there is one...



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Actually, I decided to continue with the chapters in the 300s. They'll all eventually be posted here.


Chapter 247: Night Raid


(In the sky above Canada, two vehicles are flying side by side, with a winged Toa flying alongside them)

Sonu: I'm really glad we brought these vehicles into the comedy.

Brenmac: I'm really glad they're still around. I thought we were done for when I saw 4 Mask about to go "boom."

MT: Think he survived?

Sonu: No! Definitely not! There's no way anyone could have survived that....right?

MT: I don't know. All I know is that stranger things have happened.

Brenmac: Well, his annoying Matoran are gone. Or, at least, one of them.

MT: Nope. They're all dead. One blew into a million pieces when I crashed his vehicle, and the other I killed and then threw out a window.

Sonu: I saw the other one die when 4 Mask exploded. Brenmac, how did you ever think of that?

Brenmac: Well, MT had told me something before about overloading coffee infused Bionicles when 4 Mask was doing that, and I gambled that you could do that with coffee based beings too. It worked.

MT: Thankfully. According to the directions, the first golden Hau is hidden in this store.

Sonu: Wonder what we'll find this time? A non-existant doctor? A crazy Rahkshi? A-

Brenmac: Shut up before you jinx something.

Sonu: Sorry. (lands the Sonyk, and walks towards the building, which happens to be a Toys R Us)

Brenmac: (lands his vehicle) 12 AM in the morning in this time zone...why does it have to be so early..or late?

Sonu: It's locked.

MT: What? It's not open 24 hours a day?

Brenmac: Guess not.

MT: Dang it. I guess Wal Mart's the only one that does that.

Sonu: Well...can we wait for morning?

Brenmac: Absolutely not. (fires a blast of elemental energy, shattering one of the glass windows)

MT: I can fly. Can you?

Brenmac: Well...guess we're taking the vehicles.

Sonu: Guess so. (climbs on the Sonyk, and flies into the store, followed by Brenmac and MT)

Brenmac: (lands on a checkout counter) Land the vehicles. We want as little attention as possible.

Sonu: Right. (lands and gets off)

MT: This shouldn't be too much of a problem. Just find the nastiest toy, and he'll probably be guarding the Hau.

Brenmac: Oh, wonderful. And I guess we-(looks around an aisle, and stops frozen in his tracks)

Sonu: What? What is-oh my...

The scene is a very unique one. Toys everywhere have escaped their boxes and are scattered all over the department, some walking, some talking, some fighting.

Brenmac: This could take a while.

MT: Not at all. (yells at the top of his voice) WHICH ONE OF YOU IS THE MEANEST, UGLIEST, AND STRONGEST?!

(All the escaped toys look at the three Bionicles. Even with all the confusion and chaos going on, all of the toys have one trait that is the same throughout all of them-they all resemble some kind of prehistoric creature. Cavemen, T-Rexs, Triceratops, and some kind of weird turtle wearing a metal pot for a hat, litter the aisle)

Random Caveman: Hey! It's one of those Bionicles! Don't you know to stay in your own department?

Brenmac: What?

T-Rex: Yeah. This is the Prehistoric Plaza, not the Bionicle Bonanza.

Sonu: Um...this is an aisle of a TRU, not a plaza.

Another caveman: Oh, insulting our choice of words now, Lego trash? We'll fix that. (charges at Sonu, and slowly the other toys mount behind him)

Brenmac: That may have been a bad idea.

MT: No...it's not. (steps in front, and begins to collect energy from the environment)

Sonu: Not a Nova Blast! We need the mask!

MT: It's not a Nova blast. It's this. (folds his legs and arms in, and then swings them outward in releasing one huge, giant explosion that rocks the whole aisle)

Prehistoric toys: .....

MT: One army of unconscious, coffee infused, stupid toys from the age of Dinosaurs.

Brenmac: I think we should head to the Bionicle section before we attract any more attention.

Sonu: Good idea. Any idea where it is though?

MT: Well, the Bionicle section, as far as I can see, is in the same place in all TRUs. That means it would be over here...(activates the Kanohi Latto)

Sonu: ...and....

Mazeka: Greetings, newcomer Bionicles!

Brenmac: We have a success!

Back at the house...

Makuta: Wow. You are pathetic. How long has it been?

Tahu Nuva: About ten hours now.

Makuta: After only ten hours only YOU stand?

Tahu Nuva: I'm the only one left standing because the others went to sleep while you were ranting about bringing the wood and putting on for your non-existant city.

Makuta: Yeah...well...a victory is a victory.

Tahu Nuva: If you consider boring people into unconsciousness a win, that you are welcome to think that.

Makuta: Um...yeah...what you said.

Tahu Nuva: The fact is that you are a low life, pathetic excuse for a Makuta ruler that would have been better off remaining behind Miserex.

Makuta: NO!!!

Tahu Nuva: Yes. In fact, you've even called on him to help you.

Makuta: What?!

Tahu Nuva: Don't play innocent with me! You hired Brutaka and his pathetic excuses for henchmen to find Miserex. I know. You need him to help fix something. I overheard that whole conversation you had with him, and I was attacked by your little band while driving the car.

Makuta: Fix...something? What was it?

Tahu Nuva: I don't know. I assumed since you would still know.

Makuta: Wait....if I can't remember what it is, then I don't need it now!

Tahu Nuva: Ok.

Makuta: Then I must stop them from freeing Miserex!! Do you know where they are?

Tahu Nuva: Last I checked they're in Atlanta.

Makuta: Thank you so much! I will never rebel against your kind rule again!! (opens the window, flies out it, and then closes it and heads toward Atlanta)

Tahu Nuva: Yeah...right....*yawn!* (falls down asleep)

Mr. Matoro: Zzzz.....

Omega Turtle: (gets up)

Samzoraz: Zzzz-what time is it?

Tahu Nuva: Too late to do anything time. (Walks down the hall, into the kitchen, grabs a Dr. Pepper, and heads into the living room to watch CSS's replay of the Maryland-NC State game)

In the upstairs bedroom...

Phantokamaster: What? Huh? Who is it?

Nocturn: There are scary light outside bedroom door. (points)

Phantokamaster sits up from his makeshift sleeping bag, and sees a very soft blue light coming from somewhere and shining on only a small portion of the room

Phantokamaster: *Yawn* Tell Gadunka to deal with it.

Nocturn: Gadunka are scared.

Phantokamaster: What?

Nocturn: Look. (points at Gadunka, who is shivering in fear holding a blanket over his head)

Gadunka: G...a...d...u...n...k...a....

Phantokamaster: (angrily throws off his blanket) Why is it you two are bold enough to raid the fridge but not to deal with some stupid blue light?

Nocturn: That reminds me. I can go down for my midnight snack as soon as you save us from the evil blue light.

Phantokamaster: *growl* (walks out of the bedroom and towards the source of the blue light, which is coming from a corner of the room outside the bedroom)

Phantokamaster: Hello? Is that the..

Zaktan: Whoa...he's awesome...

Phantokamaster: What in the world...

Avak: Huh? Wha? Who's there? And what are you doing?

Phantokamaster: I am. I'm wondering what you're doing with the computer now.

Hakann: Looking at pics of the 2009 sets.

Phantokamaster: AT TWO IN THE MORNING?!?!?!

Vezok: Shh! You'll wake everyone up!

Phantokamaster: Look. You're-

Nocturn: Are it safe now?

Gadunka: Gadunka?

Phantokamaster: Yes..it's perfectly fine. You can go downstairs now. I'm going back to sleep. (walks back into the bedroom, and falls asleep)

Nocturn and Gadunka head downstairs

A few minutes later...

BUH!!! THAT'S THE LAST COKE!! IT'S MINE!!! Ow!! That are mine!! GADUNKA!!!! BUHHHHHHHH!!!! *SMACK!!* *PUNCH!!!* *WHAM!!!!!*

Phantokamaster: Why in the world did I pick this comedy to GS in...?

Back in Vancouver...

Mazeka: So...how can I help you Bionicles?

MT: We are looking for a Golden Hau. We were told it's hidden here.

Mazeka: It is. But, unfortunately, the Star Wars figures stole it. So they have it right now.

Brenmac: Curse Lucasfilm.

Sonu: Well...can you help us?

Mazeka: Help? You won't need help. They're a bunch of pansies.

MT: Then why didn't you steal it back?

Mazeka: Well, we needed our troops here to defend the aisle against the other toys. But I'll help you.

Brenmac: Really? Sweet!

Mazeka: Would you like to fly one of the vehicles? Here's a Jet-

MT: I'll take it.

Mazeka:-rax...All right, and would you like a vehicle?

Brenmac: We left them up front.

Mazeka: That could be bad. Oh well. You can get them before you go. Any other questions?

Sonu: Do the store owners know this happens at night?

Mazeka: NO.

Sonu: Such a surprise.

Back at the house...

Hovoki: Tahu? Tahu...

Tahu Nuva: Huh? What?

Levacius: Are you ok? Where's Makuta?

Tahu Nuva: Back so soon?

Tahu: Some of us are.

Tahu Nuva: Makuta bored us to sleep, and then took off after that Federation of Morons he hired.

Kamikaze: Federation of...

Tahu: I'll explain the story as we go. Come on. Back to the Roflcopter!

Tahu Nuva: I wish he would stop calling things that.


To be continued...



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Chapter 248: Time Runs Out


Darth Vader Action Figure: Such a pretty mask...where did you get it?

Han Solo Action Figure: Stole it from some Bionicles. How much will you...um...

Darth Vader: I think I could just...cry...

Han Solo: Um, Vader, I really don't-

Darth Vader: The mask is so...beautiful...*sniff*

Han Solo: Um...no...seriously..

Darth Vader: I'll do anything for it!! MONEY!!! POWER!! ANY-

Han Solo: I was actually looking for someone to give it to.

Darth Vader: Oh. Well then, (completely regains his composure) I'll be-


Darth Vader: What the-that Toa on the Jetrax just flew by and grabbed the mask out of my hand!!!!!! NOOOO!!!!

Han Solo: Quick! To the makes a trip around the universe in 12 parsecs and totally kicks your ship's *** amazing Millennium Falcon. Or, at least, it would if it were anything more than a cheap plastic replica.


Han Solo: Get over here!! (drags Darth Vader to the M. Falcon)

Darth Vader: MY MASK!!!! IT'S GONE FOREVER!!!!

Han Solo: Shut up!! We'll get it back!! (activates the plastic engines and takes off after MT on the Jetrax)


Han Solo: Shut up, ******

MT: Um, that's going to get us kicked off the comedy forum.

Han Solo: I don't care! I've got a stupid crybaby sith lord back here who wants that stupid mask! It doesn't ******* matter to me if we get taken off the air!! And there's nothing you can do about it.

MT: Um, actually, I just lead you into a trap, so yeah...

Han Solo: Frick. (gets shot down by Mazeka, Sonu, and Brenmac)

Brenmac: Yay. We have one Hau. Only 4 more to go.

MT: (lands the Jetrax) Yep. The next one is hidden in San Diego. Thanks for helping, Mazeka.

Mazeka: No problem-LOOK OUT!!!

Sonu: What?

Mazeka: That moron is going to crash into the hot water pipe!! It's gonna go-


Mazeka: -boom.

Brenmac: Very scary indeed. Well, we have to get going before the owners come back, it's almost daybreak.

Mazeka: Good idea. Hope to see you later!!!

MT: That was productive. Here, get on, and I'll give you a lift to the counter.

A little while later...

Sonu: Yay! The Sonyk is here!

Brenmac: And here is my weird vehicle thingy that you made for me.

MT: That's great. Just why is there water coming out of the floor-oh.

Sonu: Wait, if the hot water pipe IS leaking.

Brenmac: Then we'd better get out of-


(A section in the Toys R Us explodes, sending huge amount of rubble into the air, which fall not so conveniently on some of the aisles, destroying some of the toys)

MT: I'm not sure what Sonu was going to say at the end of his sentence, but whatever it was, I agree with it!!! Let's get out of here!!! (launches a grapple beam, which hooks onto the window, and then MT pulls the grapple beam back, ripping the window off)

Brenmac: I second that! (presses a button) *VRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!*

(MT and Sonu stare blankly at Brenmac)

Brenmac: What? I can't have sound effects?

Sonu: It's just you seem to pay a rather large amount of attention to them when the building is falling apart. (flies out of the window on the Sonyk, followed by MT and Brenmac)

Toy store: *Explodes*

(What, you wanted some awesome SFX or something?)

Somewhere over Texas...

Brutaka: Well, this is the life. On our way to a tropical island, going to get paid for going there, this is the life!!!

Waiter: What would you like to drink..um...miniature sirs?

Vezon: Was that a weight joke?!?!

Brutaka: Shut up, Vezon. I'd like a Coke.

Takadox: Brutaka, I-

Brutaka: Quiet.

Roodaka: I'll take a Sprite.

Takadox: There's something really important-

Brutaka: It can wait.

Lariska: Water for me.

Takadox: It's about Carapar!!!

Vezon: I'll take Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper.

Brutaka: Um...ok...

Takadox: Brutaka, listen! Carapar!!

Waiter: And what for you, sir?

Carapar: BUDWEISER!!!!!!

(Everyone in the plane looks at Carapar)

Takadox: I tried to tell you....

Brutaka: Um...heh heh..sorry about that..

Person: Hey! I know you guys! They're the ones responsible for that attendant's disappearance!! Get them!!!

Brutaka: NEVER!!! You will never take me alive!!! Here, take Carapar!!!

Carapar: What?!?!

Person: (grabs Carapar, shatters one of the windows, and hurls him out of it)


Brutaka: Um...well..he wasn't very important-(gets grabbed and hurled out of the window along with the rest of the Federation of Morons) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Lariska: You said Budweiser, you-

Vezon: You're worried about freaking types of beer?!?!? We're going to die!!!! We're about 7,000 feet above the ground, and falling fast!!!

Takadox: 8,000!!!

Vezon: 7!!!

Takadox: 8!!!

Vezon: 7!!!

Brutaka: *Sigh*....

Roodaka: Brutaka....is that...

Brutaka: A helicopter! Yes! We're saved!

Roodaka: Yeah...landing hard on that floor looks really safe.

Brutaka: Has to be better than the ground. Ready....set...

Vezon: 7!!

Takadox: 8-OOOF!!!!!!!

Vezon: Ow...my head...

Levacius: Um...hi...BRUTAKA!! Where did...

Hovoki: Welcome to the...uh...what does Tahu call this thing?

Levacius: The "Roflcopter."

Hovoki: Right. As if I have any clue what that means. Anyway, that's what it's called, and you're riding it. How'd you get here, Brutaka?

Brutaka: We were sent on a mission to find Miserex on Hawaii by Makuta.

Levacius: That's bad for you.

Brutaka: How so?

Kamikaze: Makuta's coming after you to stop you guys. He's going to kill you and then Miserex.

Brutaka: A double cross.

Levacius: Yeah, pretty much.

Roodaka: Any idea where he is now?

Hovoki: Tahu Nuva said he was heading for the Atlanta Airport.

Brutaka: Wonderful. That means we have a little under 10 hours to get to Hawaii, if my Airplane travel time is correct.

Hovoki: Well, we have a helicopter.

Roodaka: Not sure if you heard, but an airplane travels WAY faster than an airplane.

Levacius: You're usually correct. But we left a little present there for him. Such as a huge lightning storm causing a 3 hour delay. We're headed for the Houston airport. We'll have plenty of time.

Brutaka: And the "Roflcopter?"

Levacius: Um....we don't know. We'll leave it there and pick it up on the way back.

Roodaka: Does Tahu know about this?

Kamikaze: We're going to tell him later and see how it goes.

Brutaka: Smart. Real smart.

In D.C....

Police chief: How did this happen?

Policeman: Some Bionicles supposedly attacked it and destroyed it.

Police chief: I guess this is one crash that the government can't bail out. Well, keep your eye out for the Bionicles. If you see them, don't hesitate to shoot.

Policeman: Yes sir!

At the house....

Phantokamaster: (walks into the living room) I hear you were part of the disturbance last night.

Omega Turtle: Sorry.

Phantokamaster: What video game are you playing?

Omega Turtle: Medal of Honor.

Phantokamaster: Which one?

Omega Turtle: Rising Sun. It's so stupid. I'm stuck on this level. I can't find where to go. I talked to this soldier, and then a bunch of enemies came, so I shot them. And now I can't find out what to do.

Phantokamaster: You're supposed to find something to do with the tank. I dunno. I saw Tahu playing it once.

Omega Turtle: Oh. Well, then I guess he can help.

Phantokamaster: Probably.

Omega Turtle: Any idea where he is?

Mr. Matoro: Samzoraz and I were wondering the same thing.

Samzoraz: Yeah. No one knows where he is. Tahu Nuva seems to know something, but he's being pretty secretive.

Phantokamaster: Then we have to take matters into our own hands and search for Tahu.

Omega Turtle: But...where?

Phantokamaster: Well...MT mentioned something about Washington...so...


To be continued...



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Chapter 249: Goodbye Ordinary


Over downtown San Diego....

MT: And here we are. There's the building. And of course it's-

Brenmac: Legoland.

Sonu: Haven't they signed a petition keeping Bionicles off the property or something?

MT: I'm not sure, and I don't care anyway. We're going in.

Brenmac: Then shouldn't we wait for night?

Sonu: If we do that, then we have to wait three more hours, and I don't think there's enough stuff going on at the house to fill 180 minutes.

Brenmac: Then what are we going to do? Waltz right in? They're going to see us.

MT: No, they won't. (lands the Jetrax)

Sonu: You're going in on foot? You'll never be able to outrun them that way.

MT: Which is exactly why we're not going to be seen. (fires a coffee blast, breaking a hole in the glass, and sounding a huge alarm)

Brenmac: What are you doing?!? Now we definitely not going to be able to sneak past them

MT: Who said we were going to sneak past them? There won't be anyone there to sneak past.

Sonu: What do you mean MT?

MT: (gets back on the Jetrax) I'm causing a distraction. You're going to find the mask. (hands them the map) Go! It's over there!!!

(Sonu and Brenmac fly away)

Security Guard: Who broke the door?

MT: Whoops. Oh no. I'm so clumsy. I broke the door. Sorry guys.

Security Guard: Hey! A Bionicle! Get him!!!

MT: Oh no. Look how I'm so terrible handling this sword. Whoops. Watch out. ("Accidentally" sends a coffee blast knocking a hole in the wall behind the security guard)

Security Guard: (ducks behind a corner and pulls out a walkie talkie) Commander, this is guard 1. Bring in backup, now!!!

MT: What are you saying? I can't hear you? (begins firing coffee infused Midak Skyblaster bullets everywhere, blowing holes in the walls in ceiling)

Security Guard: Get in here NOW!!!!

MT: You talk too much. (fires a coffee laser, destroying the phone)

Security Guard: NO!!!!!

MT: YES!!!!!!

(Suddenly, a dozen SWAT team members run through the broken doors and open fire at MT)

MT: Oops. Took too long to leave. (uses the mask of teleportation to teleport him and his vehicle down the hall)

SWAT member 1: Where'd he go?

SWAT member 2: Over there!!!

MT: Well, I guess this is a pretty good distraction.... (smashes through a window, and finds outside that 20 more police and SWAT team cars are pulling in)...maybe too good.


Sonu: There's no one anywhere near this building. MT must be pulling off a REALLY good diversion.

Brenmac: Hope he can keep it up.

Sonu: Inside here...over here...and through this door. (destroys the door with the Sonyk's lasers)

Brenmac: (flies into the room) There's the mask. No one here though. (picks up the mask) This must be one distraction-

10 foot tall, extremely robotic looking, super powerful Bionicle: AHEM!!!!

Brenmac: -or then maybe not.

Sonu: Who the heck are you?

Bionicle: I am Mata Nui. And I am guarding this mask.

Brenmac: I thought Mata Nui was an island.

Mata Nui: Well, no man is an island, so I had to be a giant MoC instead. Greg F made me. Said I'm supposed to be the "great spirit" or something, and since I'm so great, I get to guard this mask while he runs from the area.

Sonu: What's wrong with the area?

Mata Nui: He started running when the sirens were yelling "Code Red."

Brenmac: Maybe MT pulled off TOO good of a diversion.

Sonu: Do you happen to have a car we could use for getaway purposes?

Mata Nui: Um...there's Greg's car...

Brenmac: Do you have his keys?

Mata Nui: Unfortunately, no. He took them with him. However... (looks out a window) there is a police car that just pulled in, and it looks like the officers who just got out left their keys in the car.

Sonu: Great! Let's take there's. (starts for the door)

Mata Nui: Where are you going? (raises his arm, and blasts a 15 foot hole in the wall)

Brenmac: Um...are you coming too?

Mata Nui: I've been stuck in here forever. I need to go somewhere else.

Sonu: Well, we could use you.

Mata Nui: Great! Let's go!!! I guess I'll drive...

Brenmac: I guess so, since you're the only one that can reach the steering wheel. (flies his vehicle into the car, followed by Sonu and the Sonyk)

Mata Nui: (gets in the driver seat) All right then...ROADRAGE!!!!

Brenmac and Sonu: OH NO.

Mata Nui: (hits the pedal, and the car zooms off at 80 MPH in the direction off the 20 SWAT and police cars)


MT: Save me!! Help!!! Deranged security guards!!!!

Mata Nui: Get in the car!!!


MT: Um...haven't seen you before, but ok. (pilots his Jetrax into the car as Mata Nui drives over police and SWAT members on his way out of Legoland)



MT: Can you turn the sirens off?

Mata Nui: Don't know how!!

MT: Um...it has to be one of these buttons.... (presses one)

(Suddenly, a voice comes out of the speaker)

Voice: Base to car 24, what's the situation, Bryant?

MT: Base?

Mata Nui: Bryant?

Voice: Hello? Car 24?

MT: *Shrugs*

Mata Nui: Car 24 speaking...we'd just like you all to know that you're a bunch of fat, retarted, idiotic-

MT: (breaks the speaker) WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?

Mata Nui: Having a little fun.

MT: It's bad enough that we just called the police base, DON'T INSULT THEM!!!!

Mata Nui: That was the base?

MT: Yes, you moron!!!!

Mata Nui: Oops. Well, they can't find us now.

MT: They can track us.

Mata Nui: They can?

MT: You're not very bright for being 10 feet tall.

Mata Nui: My name is Mata Nui.

Brenmac and Sonu: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

Mata Nui: WILL YOU BE QUIET!?!?!

Brenmac: Maybe we would if you would stop going 75 miles per hour with your sirens blaring through crowded intersections!!!!

Mata Nui: Fine. (lightly taps the breaks)

Sonu: You didn't do anything!!!!

Mata Nui: Yes, I did. We are now going 74.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 mph.

Brenmac: THAT'S NOT HELPFUL!!!!!

MT: Here, at least get rid of the stupid sirens...

Mata Nui: No! I like them!!!

MT: We're trying to escape here, not alert every single person in San Diego!

Mata Nui: We'll be fine. See, here's the interstate!!!

MT: Oh no....

At the Houston Airport....

Levacius: Hey, Tahu, we're going to be getting out now. If you come, then you'll have to leave the Roflcopter.

Tahu: What? Never!

Levacius: Then...I guess...goodbye.

Tahu: Oh. Well then, see you. (flies off)

Vecolity: Well, time for an airplane ride.

Hovoki: Yep.

Kamikaze: Where in Hawaii are we going?

Brutaka: Honolulu.

Carapar: I like beer.

Vecolity: Is he going to do that the whole way?

Vezon: Probably yes.

Vecolity: Did someone bring earplugs?

Kamikaze: No.

Hovoki: I didn't.

Vecolity: Then I really hope none of you mind if I go insane.

Vezon: Not at all. I'll be the first to welcome you to the club.

Vecolity: (looks at Brutaka) They must be paying you a lot for this.

Brutaka: Don't worry.

30 minutes later...

Carapar: Yay! Airplane ride!!!

Roodaka: Thank God that airplane attendant was easier to hypnotize than the last one.

Takadox: Yeah..I was kind of worried there that it might not work. (climbs on one of the seats)

Brutaka: I call next to Takadox.

Lariska: I call here.

Roodaka: I call here.

Levacius: I call here.


(After everyone has called a seat, Carapar walks up)

Carapar: Hey! Guess who I get to sit with!


(Everyone on the airplane stares at Vecolity)

Vecolity: Would any of you people like to adopt?

Carapar: Miller Light has half the carbs of Bud Light!!

In D.C.....

Phantokamaster: Wow...this whole place is a pile of rubble.

Tahu Nuva: Yeah. I guess now that the Pentagon is gone....I don't know. I just feel kind of bad for it happening.

Mr. Matoro: Well, you weren't there, so you can't be blamed.

Samzoraz: At least you're a lot more level headed than Tahu is. He didn't really care at all.

Tahu Nuva: That's not really helping.

Samzoraz: Just trying to provide some comfort in this.

Tahu Nuva: Let's take a closer look. I'm landing the chopper-

(Suddenly, and anti air craft missile whizzes by the helicopter, barely missing)

Tahu Nuva: Suddenly, I've deciding against the closer look. (turns the helicopter around and heads back)

Mistikalord: Why are they shooting?

Omega Turtle: Maybe they know we're Bionicles?

Samzoraz: They probably think we're planning to attack again.

(At the air force base....)

Corporal: I could've sworn that helicopter had an Obama sticker on it!!!

Captain: I don't think so. Oh well. It missed anyway.

At the house...


Sidorak: No Tahu...No Tahu Nuva...no anyone. I hate opening the door. (pushes a stool to the door and opens it) Hello?

Giant Tall Bionicle: Hi there. My name is Sergeant. This is my new friend, Hotheadtahu.

Sidorak: That perfectly describes someone I know.

Sergeant: Interesting. We're looking for a place to stay.

Sidorak: Why here?

Hotheadtahu: We were told this was the largest base for illegal immigrant Bionicles.

Sidorak: You're illegal? Where did you come from?

Sergeant: A plastic factory in Denmark.

Hotheadtahu: Me too.

Sidorak: Um...that doesn't qualify you as illegal immigrants.

Sergeant: Well, we snuck onto a boat and came over here, so I think that should count.

Sidorak: Wait...you WANT to be illegal?

Hotheadtahu: Sure! It sounds cool!!!

Sidorak: I...I think I'll follow Carapar's example and get a beer.

On board the Airplane leaving from Houston...

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Carapar: BEER!!!!!

Vecolity: Water...and an asprin.

Waiter: I'm sorry, we only serve beer to individuals of at least 18 years. Can you show me any I.D.?

Carapar: 18 years? I'm only one and a half years old.

Waiter: Then...I'm sorry, we can't serve you.

Carapar: But I want beer! BEER!!! BEER!!! BEER!!!!

Vecolity: I can't take it any longer!!! (grabs Carapar and hurls him out the window) *SMASH!!!*

Carapar: BBBBBEeeeeeeerrrrrrr........WWWWWHHHHHHIIIIIRRRRRPPP!!!! (gets sucked into the jet engine)

Waiter: He just got sucked into the jet engine! He's dead!!!

Vecolity: I know.

Waiter: That's illegal!!!

Vecolity: I know that too.

Waiter: Oh. Well, so long as you know...

Vecolity: I do.

Waiter: Well, just one more thing.

Vecolity: Yes?

Waiter: Thank you. We were having a lot of complaints about him.

Vecolity: Um...you're welcome.

Waiter: Hey, everybody!! He killed that annoying Bionicle who wouldn't stop yelling beer!!!

Person: Really? Thank you so much!! (begins clapping, and slowly everyone else joins him)

Vecolity: Well, of all the things that could make me a hero, this is probably the one that will make the worst impression on the kids reading this.





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Chapter 250: Looking For Heaven In the Real World


Somewhere in the Western Part of the US....

MT: Zzzzzzz......

Mata Nui: Wake up!

MT: zzz-What? Huh?

Mata Nui: I need directions on where to go.

MT: How long have we been driving?

Mata Nui: About 15 hours.

MT: Really? We must be in Alabama, or somewhere close.

Mata Nui: Nope.

MT: Um...Memphis?

Mata Nui: Try again.

MT: I give up.

Mata Nui: Greeno.


Mata Nui: Actually, it was 15-

MT: I don't care!! If it's over 10.......just...

Mata Nui: Oh, and I still haven't been able to get the sirens turned off.

MT: What does that have to do with this?

Mata Nui: I'm not sure, but whenever we get behind someone, they pull over for some strange reason. They take forever too.

MT: You know...I think it's time we ditched this car and got another one.

Mata Nui: I would, but I don't feel like waking them up.

MT: (looks at Brenmac and Sonu) They fell asleep too?

Mata Nui: They passed out while screaming. Lack of oxygen.

MT: That might have something to do with you going 150 MPH on crowded downtown streets.

Mata Nui: I stopped.

MT: Only when I told you that going too fast would make you blind.

Mata Nui: That was a cheap, dirty, lie.

MT: You're a great spirit! You should be able to at least figure that out.

Mata Nui: I know...

MT: Let's see where we go next. (pulls out the instructions)

Mata Nui: Well?

MT: Glendale, Arizona. It's hidden in the Arizona Cardinals' stadium. In one of the seats.

Mata Nui: We have to search all the seats? That could take forever!!

MT: Shouldn't be that hard. Just have to look for a shiny mask.

Mata Nui: Whatever...(drives towards Arizona)

In Hawaii...

Brutaka: Here we are! At the end of our journey, in Honolulu.

Hovoki: Hope you like it, because the first chance we get, we're going to ditch you losers.

Brutaka: What?

Hovoki: Nothing.

Lariska: How are we going to find Miserex when we have no clue where he lives?

Levacius: Did Makuta give you any instructions on how to find him when you got here?

Brutaka: No...

Levacius: Then I guess we have to ask around.

Kamikaze: Oh, sure. "Have you seen a tiny, plastic Makuta chained to an island?" That'll go down real well, especially considering the reputation us Bionicles have gained from our...adventures...

Vecolity: He has a point.

Levacius: Then what do you guys think we should do?

Kamikaze: Well, I haven't been around the house very long..but...

Levacius: But what?

Kamikaze: Well...could there be anyone who knows where he is?

Back at the house...

Phone: *Ring!!!* *Ring-

Hydraxon: Hello?

Levacius: Hey, Hydraxon. Do you know where Krika is?

Hydraxon: Krika?

Levacius: Yes! Hurry, this quarter won't last long on this pay phone!!

Hydraxon: Sorry. KRIKA!!!!!!!

Krika: What?

Hydraxon: Someone wants to talk to you!!!

Krika: Who is it?

Hydraxon: Toa Leva-

Krika: Not interested.

Hydraxon: And the President of Toa Haters Anonymous.

Krika: I'm coming!!!

Hydraxon: He's coming.

Levacius: Hurry! We-

Takadox: Here's some more quarters! I mesmerized some lady to give me a $100 bill and put it in a change machine. So I kind of have a lot. (dumps 400 quarters onto the ground)

Vezon: Got it!! (grabs 10 quarters and shoves them into the change slot)

Krika: Hello?

Levacius: Hi!! Krika, we need to know where you hid Miserex.

Krika: That doesn't sound like something the leader of Toa Haters Anonymous would say.

Levacius: Toa Haters...?

Krika: That's what Hydraxon said you were.

Levacius: Oh, of course. It's a trivia question to see if you can qualify for our premier membership.

Krika: Really?

Levacius: You bet.

Krika: That makes things different! I tied him up by the largest volcano there.

Levacius: Weren't you worried he'd die?

Krika: The volcano's dormant.

Levacius: I see. Well, thank you. You won.

Krika: Wait, don't I get a card or something-


Krika: Hello? Hello?

Hydraxon: I see you met Mr. Dial Tone. He's very concerned about your call and-

Krika: Oh shut up.

Hydraxon: Hey, look! One of the helicopters are back!

Hotheadtahu: Is it the police? I was told a lot of police come here a lot.

Sergeant: Yeah. Ever since I ran away from Japan I-

Hotheadtahu: Wait a minute. You said you came from Denmark.

Sergeant: That's right. I thought I...now I can't remember where I came from.

Hotheadtahu: I met you in Nashville, that's all I know.

Sergeant: Oh well. I hope I can remember eventually.

Mr. Matoro: We're back.

Sonu: We almost got shot out of the sky by some anti air craft missiles.

Hydraxon: What'd you do?

Phantokamaster: Got too close the capital apparently. They don't like Bionicles up there.

Krika: Probably didn't like the ugly faces. Or the horrible smells of you Toa.

Samzoraz: You're one to talk. You barely smell any better than the Piraka, and you look ever worse than them.

Krika: Happens when you get mutated by stupid Lego Designers.

*Knock knock*

Phantokamaster: Great. Wonder who's here now? (Walks over and opens the door)

Rahkshi: Hello. I am looking for a home. These people said I might be able to find one here.

Phantokamaster: Who are you guys?

Rahkshi: Them? They said you knew them here.

Phantokamaster: I...don't remember seeing you guys bef-

Sonu: Hey!!! It's Samus and Chief!!!

Phantokamaster: Well, I guess someone does.

Samus: Sorry about the unexplained absence.

Master Chief: We brought back two people to the house. This one's another video game character-Spyro.

Spyro: Hi.

Samus: And the Rahkshi is named 5 Mask.

Phantokamaster: Well, you're all welcome here, although Brenmac may have a problem with 5 Mask.

5 Mask: I'm fine with that. I can deal with him.

Mr. Matoro: I'm not sure. Your predecessor didn't represent you very well.

5 Mask: Ooookkk...

Back in Hawaii.

Vecolity: I have just one question.

Levacius: What's that?

Vecolity: If this volcano is dormant, then why is the ground shaking?

Levacius: That is a very good question.

Hovoki: One that I'd love to answer. But-

Makuta: Stop!!!!

Kamikaze: Oh no...

Brutaka: You hold them off! We'll get Miserex!!!

Makuta: STOP!!!!

Hovoki: Thanks for caring, Brutaka!!!

Brutaka: No problem!!

Vezon: Wait for meeeeeeee.....

Levacius: I want my mask back!!! (lauches a beam of freezing iced tea at Makuta)

Makuta: OW!! Oh gosh cold cold cold cold- (creates a plastic wall in between Levacius and himself)

Levacius: (changes his beam from freezing cold to steaming hot, melts the wall, and blasts Makuta again)

Makuta: Ow hot hot hot hot hot

At the top of the hill...

Brutaka: Hello? Is anyone here?



Takadox: This way! The volcano's about to erupt!!!

Brutaka: Miserex?

Miserex: Here! Save me before the volcano erupts!!!

Brutaka: Here you go. (blasts his chains into pieces)

Miserex: Thank you!! Here, get on, the volcano's about to erupt-


Brutaka: Don't need to remind us! Everybody on!!!

Their mission a success, the Federation of Morons board the giant Makuta, who spreads his wings and flies off.

In Glendale....

MT: Brenmac, Sonu, wake up! We're here!!!

Sonu: What? Oh, wonderful. A football stadium.

Brenmac: Is this really where we're supposed to go?

Mata Nui: According to the instructions, it is.

Sonu: Great. This should be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Brenmac: We'll split up. Hope no guards see us.

MT: (runs off) That probably won't be the problem.

4 Mask: Hello again.

MT: -that will.

On the slope of the volcano, Makuta is holding his own against Vecolity, Levacius, Kamikaze, and Hovoki.

Makuta: (creates a tea-proof shield) Oh no...the volcano...

Hovoki: (launches a beam of Sprite)

Makuta: (looks at the lava running towards them) Here it goes... (begins to charge up a nova blast)

Kamikaze: Oh no...watch out-


Vecolity, Hovoki, Levacius, and Kamikaze: ....

Makuta: Great. Now they can be fried and I can escape. (flies off)

Back in Glendale, 4 Mask and MT have already got into a battle

MT: Why'd you come after me? I thought you hated Brenmac the most.

4 Mask: Brenmac is just annoying.

MT: And I'm not?

4 Mask: You're an actual pest.

MT: Great. Glad to know I'm highly thought of. (launches a grapple beam at the ceiling, and brings down a section of it on 4 Mask)

4 Mask: (launches a coffee beam upwards) You think that's going to stop me?

MT: No.... but one can always hope.

4 Mask: Your hopes are destroyed. All there is left is darkness. Nothing to live for. Then what? What if there is no hope?

MT: Then I search for something better on Earth. (blasts 4 Mask with coffee)

4 Mask:(shakes it off) Look for what? What could be more important then that? (swings at MT with his staff)

MT: (ducks)Such as looking for the part of heaven in the real world. Something worth living for. Something that's much bigger than me.

4 Mask: Please don't get sentimental with me.

MT: I'm just describing what keeps me going.

4 Mask: I thought it was coffee. (launches a scatter shot coffee blast)

MT: (dodges) I like coffee, but it's not the most important thing.

4 Mask: And what would be the most important thing right now?

MT: Making sure my friends get out of this alive.

Back on Honolulu....

Tahu: Hey! It's Makuta!!

Makuta: Get out of here! You have to be crazy!!

Tahu: Been crazy for years. And I can't believe I left those guys. At least the Roflcopter made it this far. Now...whoa...look at that volcano and-That's them!!! Guys!!! I'm coming!!!

(Tahu flies in closer, picks them up)

Tahu: Dang, you guys were almost toast. Time to go. (flies off)

Back in Glendale...

MT: (sends a coffee wave at 4 Mask) Go away. As much as I may be a pest, you're a full blown nuisance.

4 Mask: Glad to hear someone appreciates me for who I am. (absorbs the coffee)

MT: What?

4 Mask: And now what are you going to do? You're strongest power does nothing to affect me. And now, I am going to release all this energy and destroy the building. (begins to glow brightly)

MT: NO!!!!!!!!!!

Sonu: MT? Is that-

MT: Get out of here!!!

Sonu: Oh my... (begins firing on 4 Mask)

Brenmac: Not this again! How'd he get in here?-

MT: (uses his coffee power to create an elemental link between 4 Mask and himself and begins to take the coffee out of 4 Mask)

4 Mask: AAAAAARRRRGGHHH!!! hakgnajngjanfgajkngjangkjangangfajkn!!!!!

MT: (absorbs the last of the coffee in 4 Mask)

4 Mask: No coffee!!! gafjgnakjfnakjgnfakjngkajn gakflaknglafnglaknpewal;kgmlawm;lh,a;lgf,m (collapses and fades away)

Brenmac: That's it? No "bang?"

Sonu: Don't worry about that. Worry about MT!!

Brenmac: Is he ok?

Mata Nui: Hey guys. I just totally rocked our ride.

Sonu: You're a great spirit. Can you give life back?

Mata Nui: Unfortunately, not. But I do specialize in creating CDV 3.0, the new and improved-


Mata Nui: Ok!! Gosh.. (creates one)

Sonu: Thank you. (hooks it up to MT)

Brenmac: Yay. He lives.

Sonu: Thankfully.

Mata Nui: And, by the way, when this guy went poof, he left a mask here. (picks it up)

Brenmac: Since you're the biggest, I vote you carry the unconscious guy back to the car.

Mata Nui: What??! Why? I have to carry a mask already-

Sonu: Solved easily. (takes the mask away)

Mata Nui: Fine. (picks up the unconscious MT, and after a little while, gets back in the car) Where to now?

Brenmac: Austin, Texas. Next to last stop, here we come.

(The car drives off into the sunset, as a collection of particles in the stadium begins to reform and change into something different then before....)



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Chapter 251: Slowing Down


At the house....

Tahu Nuva08: Hydraxon!!!

Hydraxon: What?

Tahu Nuva08: Do you know where everybody went? The only people I can find is this new Toa named Hotheadtahu, which I secretly believe is a personal insult to my short temper, and this crazy titan named "The Sergeant," who's hobby is to kill Makuta. I personally have worked with the latter pretty well. Although we'd be working a lot better if there were any Makuta around.

Hydraxon: I saw Krika not too long ago. I think he went upstairs-


Hydraxon: Well...there's one of them.

Tahu Nuva08: Oh boy. (flies upstairs)

Bitil: This...this can't be!!!

Tahu Nuva08: (looks at the scared mass of Makuta huddled at the computer) What are you talking about?

Gorast: Toa! Get away!!!

Antroz: No, let him see. This affects him too!!

Tahu Nuva08: What are you looking at?

Icarax: The new Bionicle comic. They put it online now. Look at the end, it's horrible.

(Tahu Nuva08 flies over to the computer, and Bitil takes him through the comic panel by panel, showing him how the race of Makuta is destroyed except for Teridax and how Teridax then takes over the Matoran Universe)

Tahu Nuva08: That's...horrible!!!

Chirox: I know. It means we have to find a way to stop Teridax.

Vamprah: .....

Gorast: So that means...we have to work together with Toa?

Tahu Nuva08: If you want any chance of surviving.

Gorast: Fine...(puts on 4 Rubber gloves and tapes her Nynrah blaster to one of them)

Tahu Nuva08: Don't worried. Us Toa are thrilled about the idea too. (flies downstairs)

Mutran: Going downstairs? I thought you guys were in the treehouse.

Tahu Nuva08: We were. But it got cold, and we decided to leave on a 7-1 vote.

Icarax: 7-1?

Chirox: Bet 100 bucks the one vote was Kopaka.

Vamprah: .....


Gali Nuva08: Tahu! Toa Ignika is speaking!!

Toa Ignika: Hi...there...

Tahu Nuva08: Awesome. Only problem is-

Gali Nuva08: But Tahu, isn't it great?

Tahu Nuva08: Yes, it's wonderful. And now-

Gali Nuva08: Tahu, guess what?!

Tahu Nuva08: Gali, as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, I-

Gali Nuva08: Tahu, it's so awesome...

Lewa Nuva08: *whisper*Do you think it would look bad to loud-yell at a girl in a BZP comedy?

Onua Nuva08: *whisper* Not at all.

Lewa Nuva08: Ok then.

Gali Nuva08: And, Tahu, isn't it-

Lewa Nuva08: GALI!!!! SHUT UP!!!!

Gali Nuva08: (turns angrily towards Lewa)

Pohatu Nuva08: Oh boy.



Takanuva08: I can appreciate asking her to be quiet, but freezing her? That's just uncool.

Kopaka Nuva08: We needed to stop the fight.

Tahu Nuva08: *sigh* (melts the ice)

Gali Nuva08: Brrrr.....I'm freezing..

Kopaka Nuva08: The heater failed.

Gali Nuva08: And I'm wet...

Kopaka Nuva08: A swarm of rogue Gahloks broke in.

Gali Nuva08: Whatever. What were you saying, Tahu?

Tahu Nuva08: I was saying that according to Bionicle.com, which is the source for all Bionicle truth-

Lewa Nuva08: So that part about you being attacked by a Kuurahk and turning traitor on us was true?

Tahu Nuva08: That was a movie, not part of the website.

Lewa Nuva08: The website endorsed it.

Tahu Nuva08: So? Burger King endorsed Transformers, but it wasn't the source of all transformers knowledge, was it?

Lewa Nuva08: That's not the same thing..

Tahu Nuva08: Yes it is. Now stop arguing with the leader. Anyway, according to Bionicle.com-

Lewa Nuva08: which endorsed a movie in which you turn-*SSHHHHHRRRRRKKKKKK!!!!*

Tahu Nuva08: Thank you Kopaka. According to the website, Makuta, or in some obscure languages known as Teridax, has an evil plan.

Onua Nuva08: What's new?

Tahu Nuva08: Lots. For this plan, he is going to take over the body of Mata Nui with his mind, basically turning him into the Great Spirit, and use it to kill off the rest of the Makuta and then make the rest of our lives miserable.

Pohatu Nuva08: I'm good with the first part of the plan, but I have some issues with the end of it.

Tahu Nuva08: We all do. Which is why we are going to join forces with the Makuta to stop him.

Toa Ignika: #$@% IT!!!!

(6 Toa stare at Toa Ignika)

Toa Ignika: Sorry...I...just...hate...them...

Tahu Nuva08: You know, for someone just learning to speak...never mind.

Takanuva08: I just have one question, Tahu.

Tahu Nuva08: Ask away.

Takanuva08: What ever happened to the Vehicle Toa?

Tahu Nuva08: Apparently they decided they could get paid better somewhere else.

Takanuva08: Such as?

Tahu Nuva08: Well, they said they were going to challenge the Piraka for the job. Said it was somewhere downtown..I wish I could remember it!!!


Vehicle Pohatu: Would you like to Supersize that?

Person: Yes please.

Back at the house...

Tahu Nuva08: Oh well. Any more questions? Yes Kopaka?

Kopaka Nuva08: How is Makuta going to take over Mata Nui when no actual model of Mata Nui exists?

Tahu Nuva08: Well...I'm not saying this for sure, but what if one did exist?

Kopaka Nuva08: We would of heard of it by now. Right?

Somewhere on an interstate close by Austin, Texas...

Mata Nui: ROADRAGE!!!!!!


MT: .....

Mata Nui: Dang!! I wish MT was awake so he could experience this right now!!

Brenmac: I think he'll settle for staying unconscious!

Sonu: Watch out for that 10,000 pound 18 wheeler giant-

Mata Nui: What 18-WHOA!!! (swerves crazily and misses it)

Brenmac: You seriously are going to get us killed!!!

Mata Nui: I know! And then I can bring you back to life with my great spirit powers!!

Sonu: And then what if YOU die?

Mata Nui: (considers the possibility for a moment) Um...let's just all pray that doesn't happen...

Brenmac: Yes!! The exit is coming up!! Thank God!!!

Mata Nui: Darn it. I was having fun too.

Sonu: You can have fun when we stop being your passengers. Until then, both Brenmac and I would really appreciate it if you kept our heart rates below 250 bpm.

Mata Nui: Whatever... where's the mask hidden?

Brenmac: According to this, it's in the University of Texas in the Lyndon B. Johnson History Museum.

Mata Nui: Why would anyone hide a mask there?

Sonu: Why would the great spirit go 150 mph on a crowded interstate?

Mata Nui: Good question. I don't know the answers to either one...wait a minute...

Sonu: I'm thinking about catching a bus ride home, how about you?

Brenmac: Me too.

Mata Nui: Here's the turn..and here's the University of Texas. Big place.

Sonu: Great. The L.B. Johnson museum is over there. Let's go!

Brenmac: Hold on. Who's carrying him? (points at MT)

Mata Nui: Let's just leave him here. I think he slipped into a @#$%ing coma or something.

Sonu: Coffee causes comas? Wish I had known that before. I would've given Nocturn and Gadunka all they wanted.

Back at the house...

Tahu: And we have landing!

Hovoki: Yay! And now Makuta's threat is defeated!!

Icarax: What? It is?

Levacius: Yep.

Antroz: You sure?

Vecolity: One hundred percent.


Krika: You didn't do any work setting the traps or anything anyway. You just sat huddled in a corner complaining about how Lewa was way too "happy-cheer."

Gorast: So? I-

5 Mask: WWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! (bounces off the walls, upstairs, and slams into Gorast)


5 Mask: Sorry. You ok-WWWWWHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (continues to bounce off the walls crazily)

Kamikaze: You know, maybe it would've been a good thing if Tahu hadn't saved us.

Hovoki: Don't say that. You know you'd rather be awake.

Chirox: Where did he come from?

Hotheadtahu: He's-

Hydraxon: Apparently somehow related to 4 Mask. From what he tells us and what we can figure out, he was blasted with a stream of coffee a while ago, and now he's gone crazy. We think he went into permanent hypermode.

Tahu: Wonderful. Now we can-


Tahu: Um..please, no hugs.

Tahu Nuva: Oh, what? Am I chopped liver or something?

Hydraxon: Well, you haven't done anything so far.

Tahu Nuva: You never asked.

Hydraxon: Do you think Obama is going to wait until he's asked to do something before he tries to make our economy better?

Tahu Nuva: Actually-

Hydraxon: No. Of course not.

Tahu Nuva: ....

Hydraxon: Now, what shall we-

Tahu: Look!! Look at the stars!!!

Gorast: Oh my...they're..rearranging!!!

Bitil: They're forming into the shape of...

Antroz: Is that...Nocturn?

Nocturn: He he.

Tahu Nuva: What the-MY PROJECTOR!! GIVE THAT BACK!!!

Nocturn: Uh oh.

Gadunka: Gadunka. (runs)

Tahu Nuva: I swear, if you don't leave my stuff alone...

Tahu Nuva08: Hey, guys, we've got a plan to defeat Teridax.

Mutran: What are you talking about? We're safe from him now.

Gali Nuva08: Um, no we aren't.

Tahu: Yes we are! He's somewhere flying over the Pacific Ocean and has no clue how to get back home.

Onua Nuva08: We just saw him on TV attacking a Pizza Shop downtown.

Chirox: Oops. Then we have to form a plan-and quickly.

Lewa Nuva08: I have a great deep-think plan!!

Gorast: Oh, great.

Lewa Nuva08: We get in the cars and fast-drive to Makuta, and then quick-defeat him!!

Tahu: Hey, that actually sounds like a good plan.

Takanuva08: Great! Let's do it!

Tahu Nuva: Am I the only one that thinks charging at an invincible enemy seems like a bad idea?

Levacius: Nope. But I'm going anyway.

Tahu Nuva: Right. Always join the crowd led by insane people and followed by morons.

Back in Austin...

MT: (wakes up) Where is everyone? (finds the sheet) Lyndon B. Johnson memorial...that's over there. (flies over)

MT: Can't see anything...

Guide: Are you looking for someone?

MT: Oh, yes. Have you seen three Bionicles, two about as tall as I am, the third a ten foot tall-

Guide: Yes, they're on the 9th floor.

MT: Thank you! (runs over to an elevator and pushes the floor 9 button) They better have a good excuse for being this late..

(Door opens)


(We are cutting off the following scene because there is some inappropriate language too mature for children following)

Fan: That's a cheap way to end the episode.

Going off the air now...





No, seriously, we're done now.




What are you waiting for-oh, yeah. The signoff. My bad.



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