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I'm Freezing!

Lady Kopaka


I'm freezing....And it's great! =D


I'm on a posting rampage here on BZP....Why? Well I am trying to make 2000 post before the 28th. What's the 28th? Well my 1 year anniversary of course! Yes this year has gone really fast, it still feels like I have only been here a few months. *Dreams of purdy Vahi*

I'm going to either have to write a cool SS or do a good drawing for my 1 year...maybe both?


I seriously need to update my epic. :P When I started it, I had time to work it, now suddenly the world got really busy for me.

Well, since today is the WONDERFUL saterday, I'll work on it along with a billion other stories.

And oh yeah...My art. XD


Ok I actually did go to the fair, and rode the rides and whatnot...let me tell you that was so fun, but it was a little frustrating when one of my friends get's really bosy and didn't let me go back to a ride I enjoyed. :( And made me go on this one that I got sick on, and my sister threw up. Sigh.


But oohh ohh guess what??


My Titanic painting wont ANOTHER first place!! Now I have to send it to state fair.


And I did a sketch of Indiana Jones, I got third in that. So yay.


I want to go watch Treasure Planet..... :P


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Noooo! I just got 6000 posts and I never noticed. >_<


Congrats on the first place prize, just goes to show how good you are and stuffs.


Only 290 to go! :D

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Only 7 months until I get my Vahi!


Oy, sorry you got sick on the rides with your sister.

But I'm glad you won that contest!

Treasure planet? I think I saw that on Disney channel, like, 3 or 4 months ago.

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How you newer members get so many posts so fast is beyond me; I've been here over three years and haven't even reached 1000. :P
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How you newer members get so many posts so fast is beyond me; I've been here over three years and haven't even reached 1000. :P

I've gotten, like, twenty posts in three months. I usually post in the forums that don't count them.

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How you newer members get so many posts so fast is beyond me; I've been here over three years and haven't even reached 1000. :P

I've gotten, like, twenty posts in three months. I usually post in the forums that don't count them.

i got like 350 posts in three months, u dont post enough by my 1 year annaversery i'll have possibly 2,000 posts if i work at it


traesure planet??? wat next!!! george of the jungle? u have major obsession problemos (mostly with Harrisan Ford). U think its cold where u live? try coming up here in the dead of winter :wacko: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :wacko:

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How you newer members get so many posts so fast is beyond me; I've been here over three years and haven't even reached 1000. :P


No way man, I win IT ALL.

Four years at less than 800 posts. And I was active on and off for most of it, but didn't particularly have any exceptionally extended leave of absenses. Or something.


I did nothing unusual for my fourth year anaversery. Except for go over and move the Vakama spinny to my signature since it wasn't in my profile anymore. Which makes me sad. Boo hoo!


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i got like 350 posts in three months, u dont post enough by my 1 year annaversery i'll have possibly 2,000 posts if i work.

It's that I usually don't post in the forums that count the posts.

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