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Am I The Only One Who Notices?



I'm talking about Barney. He's a toddler's authority figure and king, he's in around small children all the time, he's never supervised off set... Why do I smell a public scandal brewing here?



So anyways, I have something you don't! A Jhonen Vasquez Spooky Squeak Toy! Woo! It's a little squeaky skeleton toy, and it's disturbingly adorable! And I have it, and you don't! He's right by my keyboard... I'm squeaking him right now... Yay for squeaky stuffs.




That was random.


Oh, and my friend suggested that on the Friday before my school gets out for Christmas (A long time away from now, yeah), I make my hair spiky, dye half of it red, the other green, dress up all in black with an offensive Christmas related shirt, as the 'Jingle Goth'. O.o The weird thing is, I like the sound of that name, and the idea. O.o-er. EDIT: I have an 'Entry of the Day' thing in my siggeh now.


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