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Bands I (don't) Like For Various Reasons.

Angel Beat


Yeah, just some bands I like or not. (Some explanations included.) I'm pretty known for my broad tastes, and acceptance of music I'm not really into. But sometimes, there have been bands where I turned away ASAP... Maybe they'll be included in this list, maybe not.



Kamelot - Oh my.. Definitely one of my favourite bands. Their music is awesome, most of the lyrics are great.. I loves them (in a fanlike way). Seen them in concert three times already. Will see them again this year. The singer, Roy Khan, really knows how to give emotion to the songs. You can say he emotes really well, lol. Favourite releases: The Black Halo, Ghost Opera



Swarrrm - A grindcore band from Japan. The music these guys make, sounds just like noise to me. Gave me a splitting headache. Ain't feeling this band. Not a fan of 'em.



Nightwish - I like this band. I really do. Tarja's voice was amazing, but she got kicked out. So now we have Annette. Completely different vocal style. I can live with that. Her voice is nice on the album The Poet and the Pendulum. I've heard this band live as one of Wacken Open Air 2008's headliners. I really didn't like Annette's voice on stage. >_< Every new song was butchered, in my honest opinion. Was even worse when she sang songs from the Tarja era. Such a shame... I literally walked away in disappointment. Favourite release: Once



Nirvana - Not one of my favourites, from the songs I know. I don't know, there's something lacking in their songs, in my opinion. They didn't leave a lasting impression in my tastes. Shame..



Linkin Park - Big fan here, even though it isn't visible. I have most of their albums, except for their latest live album. They've had some hits and misses with me, of course, the biggest miss being Collision Course with Jay-Z. At least, until it started to grow on me. Favourite release: [REANIMATION]



Gorgoroth - They're just too dang scary, man! Not a fan..



Faunts - This Canadian band quickly propelled themselves into my favourites. Why? Listen to the M4 EP and you'll know. Lots of tension in the title tracks. Favourite releases: M4, High Expectations/Low Results


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I agree with you about Nirvana...their music is ok but I never seem to want to go back and listen to them again.

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