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[[bEGIN TRANSMISSION. The ants have returned in full force, their numbers greater than ever before. Our men (er...women...my mom >.>) have fought valiantly to push them back, but they are relentless. The kitchen counter may be lost. There are too many of them. OMGSENDHELPPLZ! AAAAAAAH








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I have an idea:


1: Get some sort of flammable liquid OTHER than gasoline; like kerosene, or alcohol, or something. Mind you, Napalm is not a fluid; it is a goo. I'm serious.


2: Trace them back to their nest. If they're the small ones that are ridiculously small, then you're going to have to find every one of their hives; Pharaoh Ants do not have individual colonies, and work as a whole.


3: Douse the colony's anthill(s) in flammable liquid. Make sure it seeps in. Make absolutely sure none of it gets on you.


4: Light a match and throw it at the anthill. If it's more than one, you'll have to meticulously light every one.


5: Rinse and repeat.



Only thing I can think of other than getting pesticide, in all honesty. :\





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