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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Article 43-46



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The forty-third article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" Brutaka's species be known as the Firoah (figh-ROE-ah), the plural term being Fironians (figh-ROE-nee-ahns), until such time as a Canon species name is revealed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-forth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Dome of "The Abandoned Place" be considered the original homeland of Brutaka's species, until such time as a Canon species' homeland is revealed.


In "The Time Before Time", they left the Dome of "The Abandoned Place" under unknown circumstances and each parted ways with one another. Brutaka in particular headed north, only to find the Isle of Destral anchored due north of the Dome of Artidax. Brutaka then managed to convince the "Brotherhood of Makuta" to allow him to join their ranks, where he became a lieutenant under them.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-fifth article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Gikar (GIHK-kahr), the Great Mask of Influence, which allow the user to "plant" false information, or information otherwise unknown to the target, in the target's mind for as long as the user concentrates.


Examples would be a Toa making another being on Metru Nui think that they were on Xia or a Toa influencing a Skakdi to think that he or she is not themselves, rather that they are another Skakdi altogether.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-sixth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Rhokita (roe-KIGH-tah), the Great Mask of Potential, which allow the user to utilize whatever inner power their "Rhotuka" ability is without the necessity of a Rhotuka Launcher, however the effects are only temporary.


For example, a Kanohi Rhokita worn by Roodaka would grant her the ability to mutate any target at will, but only for as long as she concentrates.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all four articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, March 30th, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will now be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM, just as it always has. ;)




UPDATE: Articles 43, 44, 45, & 46 have all failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT"

and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

I vote "AYE" on Articles 43 & 44.


I don't believe that Brutaka should have a past involving the "Brotherhood of Makuta" prior to becoming a member of the "Order of Mata Nui".


Meanwhile, Toa Talvak's point concerning the repetition found in not only possibly the Kanohi Komau, Great Mask of Mind Control, but also most certainly in the Kanohi Suletu, Great Mask of Telepathy, has swayed me to lean towards "NAY" on Article 45, however I'm not so sure that having a bit of overlap is necessarily a bad thing, thus I think it best to hear the concerns of others who really feel one way or the other on this issue.


Lastly, I vote "NAY" on Article 46, primarily because the proposed Kanohi power, although feasible, seems to me would be too unpredictable and therefore become the "Great Mask of Well Technically It Depends Upon Who's Wearing It", which is a concept I can't support.


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Article 45: Undecided

It seems to me that the same concept can be accomplished with a Great Mahiki, and so I think that there would not be a reason for this Kanohi to be brought into C.I.R.C.L.E canon.


46: Undecided

Would the effect be permanent?

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43- AYE, for now, at least.


44- NAY, on Ausar's terms. AYE. If it was in the storyline, I think we shouldn't tamper with it.


45- AYE


46- UNDECIDED. Inner Rhotuka?

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Let me first say to Zorrakh that I'm certain that a Kanohi Mahiki, Great Mask of Illusion, cannot do anything close to what's described in Article 43, however it is possible that a Kanohi Komau, Great Mask of Mind Control, might be capable of doing something similar. Also, as you can see in Comment #11 unlike the effects of a Rhotuka, the effects of a Kanohi Rhotika would be temporary. ;)


Next, to answer ToaZeerah's question, it is indeed a Canon fact that all creatures in the Matoran Universe have the inner ability to make Rhotuka, but simply cannot do so without the use of a launcher to fire them from. :lookhere:


Oh, and Kohila, it seems like somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that, or at least I should have known that, thus I stand corrected and my primary post has been edited accordingly. :blush:


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Very well.


Article 46: I think that since the effect is permanent and that a mask power is something that is undodgable, unlike a Rhotuka spinner, I say no.

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"AYE" to Article 43


"AYE" to Article 44


"NAY" on Article 45. Both the Suletu and the Komau can place information in a target's mind, do we really need another mask that could accomplish the same thing? Story-wise, it doesn't make sense.


"NAY" on Article 46. Why not just give the wearer a Rhotuka launcher?

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First, it's okay Toa_Ausar; I've had more than my share of mistakes in BIONICLE. :rolleyes:


Second, I'd like to point out to Zorrakh that the efects of a Kanohi Rhokita are temporary, unlike an actual Rhotuka. ;)


Last, in response to Toa Talvak's vote, why would a Toa wear a Ruru instead of getting eye implants? Why would a Toa wear a Kakama instead of using a speeder to transport them quickly? One simple answer: It's more convenient to the user. :o


I hope that I've changed some minds today. :lol:


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Why would a Toa wear a Rhokita? A Toa can already access his "inner power". Any other being could simply carry a Rhotuka launcher or have one built into their armor.
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Let me first say to Zorrakh that I'm certain that a Kanohi Mahiki, Great Mask of Illusion, cannot do anything close to what's described in Article 43, however it is possible that a Kanohi Komau, Great Mask of Mind Control, might be capable of doing something similar. Also, as you can see in Comment #14 unlike the effects of a Rhotuka, the effects of a Kanohi Rhotika would be temporary. ;)


I'm assuming that you meant Comment #11? :???:


Toa Talvak, let me answer your first question with my own: Why does Takanuva wear the Avohkii when he can already access his "Inner Power"? It's really just the simple fact that they add a quick extra boost to them. :fonz:


Also, the "Inner Power" being the Toa's Elemental power is only in the Toa Hordika's case. For instance, Toa Hagah Norik's "Inner Power" is slowing down the target, although he is a Toa of Fire. :shrugs:


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Now to add my two cents:


"Aye" to all stated articles. I'm aware that I missed the articles about the Toa Neteru's Kanohi powers, but I'd be glad to give Brutaka's kind some background and make some new mask powers. :D



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I'm assuming that you meant Comment #11? :???:


:superfunny: Can you tell I have Preliminary Voting for the Shadows of the Sword MOC Blog Contest on the brain? :superfunny:


I'm aware that I missed the articles about the Toa Neteru's Kanohi powers, but I'd be glad to give Brutaka's kind some background and make some new mask powers. :D



Actually, I assure you that the Toa Neţeru's Kanohi are all Canon, however I do understand what you meant to say, so let's leave it at that and not violate our Non-Disclosure Agreement from Article 1. :ziplip:


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Toa Talvak, let me answer your first question with my own: Why does Takanuva wear the Avohkii when he can already access his "Inner Power"? It's really just the simple fact that they add a quick extra boost to them. :fonz:


Also, the "Inner Power" being the Toa's Elemental power is only in the Toa Hordika's case. For instance, Toa Hagah Norik's "Inner Power" is slowing down the target, although he is a Toa of Fire. :shrugs:


The Avohkii is a different matter. It supplements, not boosts. And it had story purpose, the Makuta feared it and what it meant.


But you still didn't answer my question, why give a Toa a Rhokita? Why not just give that Toa a Rhotuka launcher? They both do the same exact thing. And the launcher would leave the Toa's mask open for a different power and new opportunities. :sly:


Yeah, good point. I had forgotten about the Hagah. :rolleyes:

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Toa Talvak, let me answer your first question with my own: Why does Takanuva wear the Avohkii when he can already access his "Inner Power"? It's really just the simple fact that they add a quick extra boost to them. :fonz:


Also, the "Inner Power" being the Toa's Elemental power is only in the Toa Hordika's case. For instance, Toa Hagah Norik's "Inner Power" is slowing down the target, although he is a Toa of Fire. :shrugs:


The Avohkii is a different matter. It supplements, not boosts. And it had story purpose, the Makuta feared it and what it meant.


But you still didn't answer my question, why give a Toa a Rhokita? Why not just give that Toa a Rhotuka launcher? They both do the same exact thing. And the launcher would leave the Toa's mask open for a different power and new opportunities. :sly:


Yeah, good point. I had forgotten about the Hagah. :rolleyes:


It's like in the case of the Kanohi Avsa/Shadow Leeches/Gorast's Stinger; Each of them do the same thing, but the different types allow different conveniences to different people, if that makes sense. :fonz:


If you have any further debate on the matter, let me know; I'm anticipating it. :sly:



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And I'm anticipating Kohila actually voting in this thread. :sly:


Not one of these four proposals has reached the necessary "2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members Voted" threshold yet and I should point out that this is despite the fact that I lowered that requirement from 75% turnout (i.e. at least 7 Members) to just 67% turnout (i.e. at least 10 Members) following the recent "C.I.R.C.L.E. Expansion". :dazed:


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I vote Aye to Articles 43, 45, & 46, however if you could find a way to tone down the Rhotika, it would be nice.


I am undecided for the Brutaka history Article 44, this seems a little drastic to say Brutaka was part of the BoM. Wasn't it the Hand of Artakha he pledged himself to?



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Can someone elaborate a bit more on 46? I don't like the idea-- Most Rhotuka powers can be/are individual Kanohi.

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You are correct ToaZeerah, in all likelihood a prospective Kanohi Rhotika would work differently on each individual user because it's highly improbably that two random users would share the same Rhotuka Power. :shrugs:


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I still do not understand why a Rhokita is more useful than a Rhotuka launcher. To me, it is actually less as the launcher's effects could be permanent depending on the user's power. Unless Kohila could provide me with a reasonable situation where a Kanohi Rhotika would be better than a Rhotuka launcher, my vote will not change. I'm also curious at how the user's power would manifest itself.


Finally, the Kanohi Avsa, Shadow Leeches, and Gorast's Stinger can accomplish the same thing, draining Light from a target, but each does it in a unique way. The Avsa can drain from a distance. Gorast and the Shadow Leeches have to touch their target to drain Light. Also, Gorast and the Avsa have to drain all Light from a target to set up a mental barrier. There is no such difference between the Rhokita and a Rhotuka launcher, with the exception being the Rhokita's power duration.

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Article 43 has failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT".

Article 44 has failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT".

Article 45 has failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT".

Article 46 has failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT".

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This blog entry is now closed to further comments.
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