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Lego Final Fantasy 7

Spoony Bard



Cid Highwind is a playable character in Final Fantasy VII. He is part of a long tradition of Final Fantasy characters named Cid. He is the most uncouth of the protagonists; he constantly swears and loses his temper, and chain-smokes cigarettes. Despite this, he has a good heart, and is even voted temporary leader of the party at one point. He fits into the archetype of a father type character. Cid's weapon of choice is a spear and thus is a Dragoon, this is also evident thorugh his use of numerous 'jump' techniques as his limit breaks, this is a notable trait of all dragoons throughout the games.

Vincent Valentine is an optional playable character in Final Fantasy VII, and main character of Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-. A former Turk with a mysterious past, Vincent's hidden secrets tie him directly to several of the main antagonists of the series. In Final Fantasy VII, Vincent uses a variety of different pistols, revolvers, shotguns, and rifles.

Barret Wallace is a playable character in Final Fantasy VII. He is the leader of an eco-group called AVALANCHE, trying to prevent Shinra from using Mako, the planet's life source, as a form of energy. However, his seemingly benevolent cause of fighting for the planet is a cover for his true personal vendetta and anger, which he later must come to terms with. Despite his brash and sometimes violent attitude, Barret has a good heart, and is torn between fighting and caring for his adopted daughter Marlene. For weapons, Barret wields various Gun-Arms and mech-hands that replace his real arm that has been severed.

Cloud Strife is the main character of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, being the main protagonist in both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. He also appears in the spin-off games Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. An arrogant swordsman at first, Cloud must come to terms with the fact his memories are false and rediscover who he truly is. In a theme that has carried over to many of his other appearances since Final Fantasy VII, Cloud attempts to leave his dark and tortured past behind. His archrival Sephiroth, having killed many of Cloud's friends, is the metaphorical embodiment of Cloud's dark memories, and the two have done battle several times.

As part of my Lego Final Fantasy Project, I have made Cid, Vincent, and Barret from Final Fantasy VII and Cloud from Advent Children.

Cid, Vincent, and Barret
Cloud with Aerith

Note: Cid's jacket, Vincent's cape, Barret's jacket, Cloud's vest and skirt are made by MMCB. Cid's spear is ABS Effects. Cid's hair is made by Arealight. Cloud's hair and shoulder pad are made by Brickforge.



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Awesomeness in minifig form. All of them are very much well-done, though I would've given Cloud a darker torso piece. Granted, I wouldn't be able to make any of them at all either. :P


I swear that head used on Valentine was designed for that purpose.

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I'm watching FFVII:AC for the first time as I write this. It's paused right in the middle.


I've never played a FF game, or much of any computer games except for a few when I was in my teens. All I know of the FF universe is The Spirits Within, which I watched a couple of times when it came out on DVD. I thought it was a good film.


Advent Children is slightly more challenging to follow for me, as an uninitiate. Lots of universe being introduced in a short time. But that's part of the fun of good sci-fi, figuring it out as you go.


My absolute favourite things about the film so far are the ->:*stunning*:<- visuals and the ///masterfully epic\\\ soundtrack. Some of the voice acting is kind of wooden, but I just use my imagination and assume the Japanese voices are better-done. :P


I can definitely see the attraction, and begin to understand what it is about Final Fantasy that makes you such a devoted fan. :) Who knows, I may become a fan myself. . .


EDIT: Oh, and those minifigs kick some serious butt.



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