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So I Visited The Library Last Week



Here's what I borrowed:


Numerology: The Magic Mirror of Numbers;

What Your Dreams Reveal;

Thus Spake Zarathustra, by Nietzsche;

Your Future Now, a book on divination;


Restricted for Children: How to Protect a Child from Media Trauma;

and a CD, Brand New Day by Sting.


I probably won't get around to reading all of them cover to cover, but I'll read enough to satisfy myself. :)


Numerology's been an interest of mine for a while now. Even long before I got into it, I always had the intuitive sense that the numbers in my life were trying to tell me stuff.


Dreams. I started writing them down every morning, but lately I haven't been committed to it. I know that the more I make the effort to recall them, the easier it will become. I guess I got discouraged too soon.


Nietzsche is required reading for anyone serious about philosophy. I'm not, but it can't hurt to delve a little deeper.


Divination is something I have mixed feelings about. It gets misused a lot, even though, done properly, its potential for genuine benefit is great. I paid for an online astrology reading once. The astrologer was a slick, sell-out type on the one hand, using all kinds of clever manipulation and tricks to get me to buy into the whole deal. I fell for it. Some of the stuff in that reading was empty fluff, some useless garbage -- a lot of telling people what they want to hear, I suppose -- but there were some real pearls in there, too. A lot of it was devastatingly accurate. Pretty impressive for a computer-generated reading, I'd say. Well, I got what I bargained for, at any rate.


Self-esteem is important.


I work with kids, so I am in a position of responsibility as far as what media they take in.


Sting is pretty awesome. I never listened to him before. I like the instrumentals a lot. The lyrics are sophisticated, but a lot of them deal with relationship stuff that's not part of my life now. Whatever. It's all good. Some of it actually reminds me of what little I've heard of the Beatles. :music:




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Not in a thousand lifetimes -- no, not in a million -- could one gain "full understanding." That's not why I'm here. I do seek knowledge and wisdom, but with a purpose in mind. My purpose is to discover my purpose, lol. Bit by bit.


Enlightenment, on the other hand, is something totally distinct from anything you'll ever find in a book. It's so much more fundamental than language. Like trying to describe quantum mechanics when all you have at your disposal is, like, sociology or something -- only much more so. Enlightenment can be just as well achieved accidentally by an illiterate fool as by a devout, learned monk. Sure, it's neat to experience timeless, selfless awareness of being one with all that is -- but once the novelty wears off, it's bound to be a kinda boring way to be, lol.


Intellectual knowledge that you gain in this life is just like your material possessions: you can't carry it over with you when you leave. Enlightenment. . . sure, it's an ultimate state of consciousness, if you like, but I also see it as just a phenomenon, ambrosia for the soul. There are those who seek it, and it is a worthy quest, but once you get there, sooner or later you'll likely opt to come down off your bliss and get back to living life.


I seek truth more than enlightenment per se. It's fun to integrate new ideas. Also, I just have this passion for truth as an ideal, no patience for lies or illusions. That's what drives me. Curiosity, really.


As for your sentiment, CzaR Zipper, I appreciate it. Thanks. ^_^



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