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Oh, And You Know What Else Was Special About March 20th?



Equinox, yada yada, White House garden, etc etc -- No. March 20th was a Bifurcation Point (BP) on the Auric Time Scale developed by Jan Wicherink and Sergey Smelyakov. What does that mean? Well, the Auric Time Scale is a model based on the Mayan Calendar that divides time into increasingly shorter chunks as we go to the year 2012. A BP is the dividing point between sections, and it's been shown that major changing events like natural disasters, the rise and fall of civilizations, and the birth of new scientific, religious, and philosophical paradigms cluster around bifurcation points. The last BP was on November 22, 2006.


Actually, the equinox is significant. The day also coincides with a resonance of comet Hale-Bopp and a resonance of the passing of comet Lulin. I dunno exactly what it all means besides Big Change, but it's kind of exciting. Oh yes. ^_^


By the way, we are currently in the Sixth Day of the so-called Galactic Underworld. It started on November 13th, 2008 and lasts 360 days. The Sixth Night begins on November 8th of this year. This is all Mayan Calendar stuff. I've gotta get this blog up to speed on that one of these days. It's really interesting -- at least, I think so.




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Duuuuuude no wonder I feel so good.


Isn't it weird how time effects us? Like that every seven years you change drastically thing. Even if it subconscious, its still awesomely creepy.

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I find it more unnerving than anything. I warily stare at that date with both fear and joy. 'Tis strange.



Which date? 2012? For my part, I join with President FDR in saying, "We have nothing to fear except fear itself."


Duuuuuude no wonder I feel so good.


Isn't it weird how time effects us? Like that every seven years you change drastically thing. Even if it subconscious, its still awesomely creepy.

And how. The way I see it, time is imploding. More and more change is packed into less and less time. Personally, I've witnessed this happening in my own life as well as in the world at large. Now that I'm fully awake to that, and to the possible reasons and implications of it, I must say it's nothing short of exhilarating.



Yeah, Jinzo!1!1!!



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It was also Lee "Scratch" Perry's 73rd birthday. And World Storytelling Day. And the day that the Sarin gas attacks happened in the Tokyo subways.

THOSE ARE IMPORTANT THINGS. "WE ARE CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT... IN THE GARDEN OF LIGHT." Tell a story, create a world. Subway attacks prolly false flag or some nonsense.





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