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2009 Vehicles Opinion



First off, yesterday when I said "meh" I didn't mean meh on the sets but meh on wanting to blog about them. But, in all honesty, they do look cool, clever, and fun. If I had the money I might get one for the pieces, if it was worth it.

Second, Aanchir has a cool point on how the helmets are reused simply by having them put on backwards and recolored. That will give us many options. Maybe I'll try to get my hands on a few. IDK.


Cendox V1: Better than last year's $20 set, but still probably not worth it. $15 would be worth it. But the set, overall, is cool. Tread, cool keetorange pieces, interesting build, and...black Brutaka swords! (Ok, I know Tuma has them, but honestly, this set is worth the $20 more than he is....


Kaxium: The regular blue and silver look spectacular together! Very tempting to get if I was simply displaying sets and perhaps playing with them. (But alas, I don't need the pieces.) The concept is cool too. Might be worth the $30 price tag? (I guess it'll have to do considering how money is going these days.)


Baranus: Pretty cool. Good design. Colors are a bit messy--Lego probably could have done a little better with that. (Let's count the colors: dark green, lime green, silver, gunmetal, black, bley, orange....) But in general it looks like a cool set. The driver's Bitil staff is probably a little big for him though. Also, the heads don't seem ferocious as BS01 makes them out to be.


Thornatus: Alright. The TAN probably makes this the only set I'd consider getting. (Except the $60 price tag makes it hard.) At the very least I'll have to try to get those Bitil wings. The rest of the design is cool too, even the basic-built driver--wait, nevermind, maybe not him. (Bley hands but black joints on his feet and double joints on his arms? Why?) Plenty of cool silver parts to use as well. Oh, and I need one of those tires for a Space Ship's engine, y'dig? Yeah, I'm excited just to read this set's review, since I'll never get him. If I'm lucky someone at a WAMALUG meeting will have it and I can check it out.


Skopio XV-1: Whoa, this guy also looks cool, and his function to go from "sled" to walker is even more amazing. I love the bright red of course, and it has a good design and well-placed pieces (like the Hewkii Mahri short swords). The driver isn't too bad, especially considering the keetorange !!! , but I fear the Av-Toran body won't work for anything bigger than an Av-Toran. This one will be fun to see as well.


I guess that's it. Anyone super-excited for anything (or pieces?) in particular?


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: I don’t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every moment!


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OK, looking at it again, Cendox's pieces are yellow. Mybad.

But Skopio's driver is obviously keetorange. Compared to the actual orange of Baranus, you can tell the difference.



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I've had enough of blue and silver, you'd think they could do better.


None of the vehicles really interested me at first glance, with the exception of the Spikit, which looks okay and stands out a bit with the green. Probably won't get any.



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OK, looking at it again, Cendox's pieces are yellow. Mybad.

But Skopio's driver is obviously keetorange. Compared to the actual orange of Baranus, you can tell the difference.



Regrettably, I think he might very well be both Keetorange and regular orange.


I kinda disagree about Kaxium-- the color scheme would be good if not for the riders being the same exact colors as the vehicle (besides the incredibly garish light blue that appears on one of them).


Baranus' color scheme doesn't bug me too much, but the Spikit (two-headed thingummy) could have used some better planning. Preferably dark green or black legs in place of the silver ones would have been a significant improvement. Although I see no reason the rider should match the vehicle should match the beast of burden (yes, the redundancy is intentional). Contrast, in this instance, is ideal, especially with such a muted color scheme in place for the chariot itself. Did you notice that the heads are in fact the Skopio's rider's mask piece flipped backwards on a Glatorian head mounted with two Bohrok eyes? Certainly an intriguing innovation.


Thornatus is OK; I agree the bley hands are a bit yucky. Of course, black might have been worse, though it would have been nice if the color scheme had used one or the other. Both is a bit chaotic.


The Skopio's transformation is neat, though I'm a bit iffish about the lack of typical BIONICLE motifs. Very smooth overall, which doesn't seem suited to such a rugged, thrown-together society as Bara Magna's. Maybe this rider isn't native to Bara Magna? If not, he'd be the first true "extraterrestrial" to have a great role in story (unless you count Energized Protodermis).


Overall, I'm impressed, though kind of undecided which (if any) of the sets I should get. Probably not Skopio because Lyi wants that and I can already get a pretty good read on it from pictures, but the others are hard to choose between.

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And Skopio's driver is just plain orange. ;)



Wink.gif does not mean you are right.

Good grief, Bfa,


Regardless, I stand corrected.



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