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ToM Dracone


So, I turned eighteen last Sunday.


I've had an interesting week since then.


First, I got rather severely sick the night after my birthday. Descriptions of my symptoms would get a comedy closed very quickly, let's put it that way. It was pretty awful. I missed two days of school recovering from it – spent Monday mostly asleep (I barely slept sunday night), then Tuesday lying on the couch re-reading The Golden Compass and listening to Little Shop of Horrors.


It was some sort of stomach flu, we've determined, from which I've mostly recovered at this point. I'm eating regular and full meals again, at any rate. Though I'm still leery of some foods. Namely anything with large quantities of cheese on it.


Anyway, on my birthday itself I finished reading The Amber Spyglass. Gods, I love that book (and the rest of His Dark Materials). It has, like, everything I love in one book. -So- cool. I've developed an odd fascination with Madame Oxentiel. And Mrs. Coulter is still awesome.


Also on my birthday, I saw Sweeney Todd with one of my best friends! And then last night I watched Les Misérables as well. (a high school production, admittedly, in which two of my freinds were in the chorus, but still) I found it rather interesting that I had not seen either of these before, nor listened to their soundtracks, and I saw them with the two gay guys from the grade above me last year. Rather an odd coincidence.


They were both great, for the record. Feel free to attack me for not having seen/heard them before.


The rest of the week was spent finishing up the yearbook and making up a Calculus problem set due when I was out, and then doing Calculus homework and English reading the rest of the time. The absolute-you-will-die-if-you-miss-this deadline for the yearbook is this Monday, and we are so close to being done it's awesome. But it did mean I spent most of my extra time in school (and after school) working on it.


Or sitting outside playing the bongos during 8th period. That was fun too. And then hanging out with my now-in-college friends, who were back for spring break! (the two aforementioned guys are in this group)


The last activity was rehearsal for the spring play. I did not enjoy getting up 45 minutes earlier in the morning for rehearsals. I'm doing tech crew again – which is really just set for this, anyway. I'm more looking forward to Little Shop of Horrors after this is done. :3


Oh, and I got into college! I've heard back from five places I applied – got into three, of which the most notable were the University of Chicago and Vassar. The other two I got waitlisted at. I was really sad to be waitlisted at Swarthmore, but at least it's not ruled out for certain... I'm waiting on a few others next week.


So that's where I've been. Thanks for all the birthday wishes in the topic, too!

~ ToM


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Dude, if I got you sick I'm so sorry. I had the same thing I think last week...it was fail.


Glad you had a nice birthday, good look with college stuffs! ^^

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Everybody's going to catch this junk sooner or later, I'm convinced. Even Mr. Never-Gets-Sick Alsru has a cough and is sniffling. >3 UH I MEAN D=


Congrats on getting in! *glomp* Also, LITTLE SHOP.

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