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The Amber Spyglass

ToM Dracone


I have decided that this book is so totally awesome that it needs an entry entirely to itself.


(it should be self-evident that this contains drastic amounts of spoilers, if anyone reading this plans to read the book but hasn't yet)


Seriously, The Amber Spyglass has just about every single thing I love in it. Evolutionary biology, mythology, gay guys, witches, familiars, forest scenes, mystical places (namely the rainbow valley), and – and and and – as many women as men in positions of authority! Probably the only thing missing from my list of favorite things is some linguistics.


I just love everything about it. It works itself out so perfectly, too. I wouldn't have had Lord Asriel and Mrs. Coulter die any other way, and Pantalaimon and Kirjava's final forms are so cool and fitting for them. And then ... Lyra and Will. Saddest young love story ever. And yet it's so fitting and works so well.


That's another thing I love about all three books, they're not just fantasy trips – they actually have well-thought-out plots and such deep and complex characters. Mrs. Coulter. Mrs. Coulter! She was -amazing- in The Amber Spyglass! Utterly impossible to tell her motivations until the very end. It's so suspenseful.


And I must throw in a word about Mary Malone. She's so lovable.


Oh, this isn't the place to discuss the religious aspects, but I do have to say that if you're Catholic it -totally- makes sense that you might be slightly miffed about the series as a whole. Like, when I was reading The Subtle Knife and got to the revelation of Lord Asriel's plans, I thought "WOAH OKAY now I understand why the Catholics are up in arms over this." So yeah. Displeasure over that is rather justified.


But anyway, I love all three books so much. I could go on raving about all the parts I like for ages, since I like almost everything in all three. They're very very high on my list of favorite books of all time. They're -such- beautiful stories.

~ ToM


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but I do have to say that if you're Catholic it -totally- makes sense that you might be slightly miffed about the series as a whole.


Yup. As I am Catholic, this is the case. This definitely goes against the Catholic Faith [The Golden Compass does, too]. And, it's more of 'greatly' rather than 'slightly'.


But, whatever. This sounds like an awesome book, otherwise, as I love biology, mythology [it interests me, though I hate having it in the same class as my Latin class - I'd much rather just focus on Latin], witches [some-what. It depends on how they're used. Like witches in Wizard of Oz wouldn't go against my religion, but real-world witches would], familiars, and forest scenes.


...which is why I like Lord of the Rings so much. It has magic, forest scenes, and stuff.



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And, it's more of 'greatly' rather than 'slightly'

Litotes is my specialty. :D

Wait... litotes is double negative, right?

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If I may, I'm Catholic, and I for one was not offended by the book. I loved the series, still do. Amber Spyglass definitely had a very in-depth plethora of characters. And the mulefa. So creative, and yet so simple.


Pullman seriously made one of my favorite book series ever.

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And, it's more of 'greatly' rather than 'slightly'

Litotes is my specialty. :D

*looks up what litotes means*


Oh... now I understand that sentence. =P


Anyway, I guess I'm not too sure about The Amber Spyglass, as I haven't read it nor heard anything about it. But other books you've mentioned like The Golden Compass make me greatly against that book... which really sucks. I've also heard that it was written -very- well.


Oh, well.


@ ToaZeerah ~ Well, I don't know enough about the book, really, though gay guys does go against our Religion [for someone to be gay, at least - though, I have no ill feelings toward anyone that may be gay]. Though, I know for a fact that The Golden Compass is highly against my Religion 'cause when it came out in movie form there was a bunch of talk about it.


Anyway, yeah. =P



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And, it's more of 'greatly' rather than 'slightly'

Litotes is my specialty. :D

*looks up what litotes means*


Oh... now I understand that sentence. =P


Anyway, I guess I'm not too sure about The Amber Spyglass, as I haven't read it nor heard anything about it. But other books you've mentioned like The Golden Compass make me greatly against that book... which really sucks. I've also heard that it was written -very- well.


Oh, well.


@ ToaZeerah ~ Well, I don't know enough about the book, really, though gay guys does go against our Religion [for someone to be gay, at least - though, I have no ill feelings toward anyone that may be gay]. Though, I know for a fact that The Golden Compass is highly against my Religion 'cause when it came out in movie form there was a bunch of talk about it.


Anyway, yeah. =P




Yes, I do understand that homosexuality is against our Religion. And I don't have anything against the people who fall into that category, either. As for the movie, well, it sort of butchered the book a bit. They added things, took out things, moved things around, I think the only good things were the effects. The bear fight was... disappointing to say the least.

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Yes, that is one of the greatest series ever to be written. I started reading The Golden Compass on a plane ride, and quickly proceeded to devour it and the other two. The mulefa are amazingly ingenious, though it could theoretically be possible for a creature to grow its own wheels during developement instead of having to use seed pods. It is a unique sci-fi/fantasy hybrid that is so much farther from your generic plotline. You know what that also sounds a lot like? Bionicle.


As for the rather extreme hubris of warring with God, I don't think people should be worried or offended. It's too awesome a series to not read, despite the religious aspects.

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And, it's more of 'greatly' rather than 'slightly'

Litotes is my specialty. :D

Wait... litotes is double negative, right?

Understatement for effect.


Anyway, I guess I'm not too sure about The Amber Spyglass, as I haven't read it nor heard anything about it. But other books you've mentioned like The Golden Compass make me greatly against that book... which really sucks. I've also heard that it was written -very- well.

See, this puzzles me in general, because The Golden Compass is the -least- anti-Catholic of the three. Golden Compass is more like a "what if?" scenario against the abuse of power; the following two are the ones that directly attack the Church...

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Yes, that is one of the greatest series ever to be written. I started reading The Golden Compass on a plane ride, and quickly proceeded to devour it and the other two. The mulefa are amazingly ingenious, though it could theoretically be possible for a creature to grow its own wheels during developement instead of having to use seed pods. It is a unique sci-fi/fantasy hybrid that is so much farther from your generic plotline. You know what that also sounds a lot like? Bionicle.


As for the rather extreme hubris of warring with God, I don't think people should be worried or offended. It's too awesome a series to not read, despite the religious aspects.


Eh, I suppose I might try to read it some day. It just depends on how much it goes against my religion. No matter how good it is, I'm not going to read something that goes against my religion a lot. Which is why I should check it out some time. If it isn't that bad, it sounds like an interesting story.



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Anyway, I guess I'm not too sure about The Amber Spyglass, as I haven't read it nor heard anything about it. But other books you've mentioned like The Golden Compass make me greatly against that book... which really sucks. I've also heard that it was written -very- well.

See, this puzzles me in general, because The Golden Compass is the -least- anti-Catholic of the three. Golden Compass is more like a "what if?" scenario against the abuse of power; the following two are the ones that directly attack the Church...

I have no problem with The Golden Compass, me being very much Catholic. Sure, they reword the Book of Genesis to include daemons, and the Church is bad, but to me those were part of the story that make it move along. It's like an alternate timeline or something. A mere book. I enjoyed it and would have tried to find time for the rest of the series had I not found out how controversial the other two books actually are.


It was advised not to see the movie so as to not support the author and the purpose behind the books. As I said, the first book isn't really that bad. So, Velox, don't think TGC goes against our religion.

I also heard it ended terribly. If it stayed true to the end of the book, I'd be looking for a copy here at college, where I can make my own decisions, and no money is being exchanged....



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Anyway, I guess I'm not too sure about The Amber Spyglass, as I haven't read it nor heard anything about it. But other books you've mentioned like The Golden Compass make me greatly against that book... which really sucks. I've also heard that it was written -very- well.

See, this puzzles me in general, because The Golden Compass is the -least- anti-Catholic of the three. Golden Compass is more like a "what if?" scenario against the abuse of power; the following two are the ones that directly attack the Church...[/color]

Well, it just seemed like there was this huge thing when TGC came out in movie form that no Catholics should see it or something like that 'cause it made fun of the Catholic Church in some way... I was also told that TGC attacked the Church too...


So, there's no way I'll be reading that [my parents wouldn't let me any way], but I will probably look at Amber Spyglass some time.


@ CF ~ Well, I remember a huge thing at my Church when it came out to not see it. It was in a bunch of homilies and the weekly news letter-things. So, I'll stick to not reading the Golden Compass [or the other parts of the trilogy].


But, whatever... I just don't really know. I don't really like to say 'it's just a book', either. I mean, every movie is 'just a movie' but that doesn't mean that people should see every movie mainly due to sexual content.


But, again, I don't really know enough about it.


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And, it's more of 'greatly' rather than 'slightly'

Litotes is my specialty. :D

Wait... litotes is double negative, right?

Understatement for effect.

Wiki says it's understatement through double negative. And I always learned it as being just double negative...

And I always learned it as just understatement. Huh. Well then.


Edit: Hm, apparently meiosis is for understatement in general. That's just unnecessarily confusable with the biology term...


Also edit:

Well, it just seemed like there was this huge thing when TGC came out in movie form that no Catholics should see it or something like that 'cause it made fun of the Catholic Church in some way... I was also told that TGC attacked the Church too...

Haha, the movie doesn't even mention Catholicism. They removed all direct references to the Church when making the movie and just left it as the Magisterium. Now, the book actually is directly anti-Catholic here and there, but again it's nothing compared to the other two.


You should always find these things out for yourself if you're curious!

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Anyway, I guess I'm not too sure about The Amber Spyglass, as I haven't read it nor heard anything about it. But other books you've mentioned like The Golden Compass make me greatly against that book... which really sucks. I've also heard that it was written -very- well.

See, this puzzles me in general, because The Golden Compass is the -least- anti-Catholic of the three. Golden Compass is more like a "what if?" scenario against the abuse of power; the following two are the ones that directly attack the Church...[/color]

Well, it just seemed like there was this huge thing when TGC came out in movie form that no Catholics should see it or something like that 'cause it made fun of the Catholic Church in some way... I was also told that TGC attacked the Church too...


So, there's no way I'll be reading that [my parents wouldn't let me any way], but I will probably look at Amber Spyglass some time.


@ CF ~ Well, I remember a huge thing at my Church when it came out to not see it. It was in a bunch of homilies and the weekly news letter-things. So, I'll stick to not reading the Golden Compass [or the other parts of the trilogy].


But, whatever... I just don't really know. I don't really like to say 'it's just a book', either. I mean, every movie is 'just a movie' but that doesn't mean that people should see every movie mainly due to sexual content.


But, again, I don't really know enough about it.


As I said, Golden Compass is the start of the series, and is less controversial than the rest, as ToM has mentioned what he's seen in Amber Spyglass. We shouldn't have seen the movie so as not to support the series/author.

"Attacking" the Church in that the book claims it for various downfalls and makes it into a bad guy. But, as I said, it's merely an alternate timeline and to be taken with a grain of salt as part of a story.

I don't see why you want to read Amber Spyglass if you know how controversial it is. Golden Compass would be something good to pick up, and stop there, if you want to see what ToM is talking about when he mentions daemons and such.


But, unless ToM actually wants to get into a deep discussion on religious themes in the series (in which I have only read the first so can't give too much input), I'd really rather this doesn't get viewed and locked by a Bloggie when we're trying to talk about a book.



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And a deep discussion of religious themes is probably not a good idea. Though we've been doing lovely...ly so far, and I wouldn't mind at all such a discussion, here is not the place for it.


That's a good point, actually, for you, Velox – if you had to read only one of the books, and you're concerned about elements against your religion, the Golden Compass is the one to choose. One, it has the least anti-Catholic stuff; two, if you just read The Amber Spyglass, half the time you wouldn't know what the heck was going on.


And three, The Golden Compass is an amazing book! :D

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Mmm, I didn't really enjoy The Golden Compass. No offense, Philip Pullman is an amazing author, and the book was excellent as a book, but I just couldn't bring myself to keep on reading it after a certain point. *shrugs*



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Is the Amber Spyglass the sequel to the Golden Compass?

I'm Catholic and haven't read either books. Why would I be offended?

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Well, I'll just say this, CF ~ The Amber Spyglass I've never heard of before, and therefore sounds better, since, as I said, I've heard many bad things about The Golden Compass.


But, I think I'll probably just take a look at TGC, possibly.


...if I ever get around to it. =P


Anyway, I agree that we should stop talking though.

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I'm going to agree with Nikira here. The book sounds pretty good, even with its anti-Christian themes, but I couldn't get into it. I've tried again and again, but I can never finish it.


And I'm not one of those kids who reads a book or two a year. I read a lot. I read hundreds of books a year. And yet, The Golden Compass is the one of the very few that I can't get into. :|

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Friendly bloggie reminder:


Religious discussions are not allowed on BZPower. You guys are pushing close to the line.

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I think The Subtle Knife is still my favourite of the trilogy, but I also have to go back and read them all a second time to make sure I understood everything, which I'm not sure I did. And nothing in it offended me at all, yay!
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Kirjava is Finnish for dappled, variegated, or parti-coloured. :)


I've seen the film version of The Golden Compass. It was not bad.



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If I may, I'm Catholic, and I for one was not offended by the book. I loved the series, still do. Amber Spyglass definitely had a very in-depth plethora of characters. And the mulefa. So creative, and yet so simple.


Pullman seriously made one of my favorite book series ever.

I could say all of this myself. Very awesome.


We'll be mindful, Darth Vader. Thanks for the warning instead of just closing the entry; I've been waiting for a chance to post here. 8)

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His Dark Materials is among the best book series of all time (which made TGC all the more disappointing, but oh well.) It's brilliant, all of it. Although I've had to read each three times to fully understand it all... *shrugs*
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I quite enjoyed the first book. I did not finish the second one, though, and I plan to get back to reading them soon. As a Christian, it is a bit of an annoying premise, but I always try to put my disagreements with authors aside when I reaad, and just enjoy the story. A good reader should be tolerant of what gets thrown at him/her; when he/she's done he/she can say whatever he/she wants. But I hate it when people bash a book and they haven't read it. And having read Golden Compass, I have to recommend it.
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