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Re-voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Article 43-46



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The forty-third article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" a member of Brutaka's species be henceforth known as a "Firoah" (figh-ROE-ah), the plural term being "Fironians" (figh-ROE-nee-ahns), until such time as a Canon species name is revealed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-forth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Dome of "The Abandoned Place" be considered the original homeland of Brutaka's species, until such time as a Canon species' homeland is revealed.


In "The Time Before Time", they left the Dome of "The Abandoned Place" under unknown circumstances and each parted ways with one another, with Brutaka in particular headed north, where he found the Isle of Destral anchored due north of the Dome of Artidax, and managed to convince the "Brotherhood of Makuta" to allow him to join their ranks, becoming a lieutenant under them.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-fifth article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Gikar (GIHK-kahr), the Great Mask of Influence, which allow the user to "plant" false information, or information otherwise unknown to the target, in the target's mind, for as long as the user concentrates.


Examples would be a Toa making another being on Metru Nui think that they were on Xia or a Toa influencing a Skakdi to think that he or she is not themselves, rather that they are another Skakdi altogether.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-sixth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Rhokita (roe-KIGH-tah), the Great Mask of Potential, which grants the user the ability to utilize whatever inner power their "Rhotuka" ability is, without the necessity of a Rhotuka Launcher, however the effects are only temporary.


For example, a Kanohi Rhokita worn by Roodaka would grant her the ability to mutate any target at will, but only for as long as she concentrates.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all four articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, April 6th, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 43 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", next

Article 44 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", meanwhile

Articles 45 & 46 have both passed with a total of "SEVEN AYE VOTES TO SIX NAY VOTES" each

and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

I understand what you're trying to assert Benevolent Ballom, but there's nothing random about the Olisi's power. It always shows the target a vision of the future, no exceptions.


The visions the Olisi may show are random, so while the main function of the mask is constant, premutations of it are not.



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But, the Olisi is not random. The wearer decides what kind of alternate future the target will see.


Randomness, like morality, is not a reason to approve or disprove of a mask power. Usefulness to the user is a far better reason.


The Rhokita and a Rhotuka launcher both serve the same function; unleashing the user's "inner power". Any "inner power" unleashed by either could be made into a Kanohi power. If I wore a Rhokita and my "inner power" was shielding, the Rhokita would be useless, because I could simply wear a Hau or just use a Rhotuka launcher. If Roodaka wore the Rhokita, wouldn't it serve the same function as a (non-canon) Mask of Mutation? Everything about the Rhokita is redundant. We don't need it.


About Article 45: I am not against the mask power. The example implied that a Toa would be using the mask. I do not approve of a Toa using such a mask.

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Article 43: Aye, there are many species that are lacking names in Bionicle, so I support it.


Article 44: Aye, we need some more backstory to the characters that already exist, and this would be a good way to start.


Article 45: Nay, it seems to me that this Kanohi is one that a Toa woulden't have, since it is deception.


Article 46: Aye, then there would be another way to access one's Rhotuka power.

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Nay to all, as previously stated. The name for Brutaka's species is not fitting and The Abandoned Place is not the best name for a place for a species that feeds off Makuta essence. The Kanohi aren't likely to be real in my opinion so I cannot support them.

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Tarth, I don't think I told anyone this or not but "The Abandoned Place" was a name given to the Dome by explorers who found remnants of a former civilization there (ie. the Fironians).



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Tarth, I don't think I told anyone this or not but "The Abandoned Place" was a name given to the Dome by explorers who found remnants of a former civilization there (ie. the Fironians).

Well Kohila, you told me. :P


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Tarth, I don't think I told anyone this or not but "The Abandoned Place" was a name given to the Dome by explorers who found remnants of a former civilization there (ie. the Fironians).

Well Kohila, you told me. :P


In all honesty, this is only the tip of the iceburg. The rest of the story is an intriquite web of history and lore that will leave you baffled as to how a single species could endure so much in their past.


I might've said enough already, so be patient. All will be explained in due time. :sly:


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Article 43 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES".

Article 44 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE".

Article 45 has passed with a total of "SEVEN AYE VOTES TO SIX NAY VOTES".

Article 46 has passed with a total of "SEVEN AYE VOTES TO SIX NAY VOTES"

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