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My Library Sucks



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..So I went to the Library Friday evening to try to get some of those books, and they had very few. Or if they did they were checked out.


The ones they did have were the second and third part to sequels, and I didn't want to get those without reading the first one first.


The one they did have, though, was Artemis Fowl. I must say it's quite good - good enough that I've read a little more than a third of it in two days [i read the Hobbit a little while ago, and it took me like two months 'cause I didn't read it that much. Just a few minutes a day].


Anyway, I would recommend it. Sure, some things are a little young for me, and some things could be described better, but it is a rather good book. It's kind of weird that it has fairies in it. Read the back of the book, and after you read the first sentence you'll be like 'this looks really cool' and then it mentions fairies it doesn't sound quite as cool. Though, it's cooler in the book - they're more like witches than your typical fairy tale fairies.


I also got a book called The Twenty-One Balloons 'cause my sister said she heard it was good and wanted me to read it.


I'll probably go to another Library some time...


Oh, and yes, I'm a procrastinator. Even with all those breaks I've been given. =P I have a poem due tomorrow that I haven't started, and a VERY detailed outline due Wednesday that I haven't even thought about yet, and I'm pretty busy during the week [it's for my quarter final]. So... yeah. =P Don't worry, I'll get it done - I always do - but it'll be at the last moment. ^_^


Last thought: I still want to start a BBC Critics Club in my blog. I'm thinking of starting it next week. Anyone interested in joining? It's to give more MOCs more long reviews. Like Major Marvelous' and my own post in ~GreenBioGuy~'s Certavus topic. I think the real problem with BBC is that there's too many 'I love it 138948234983143892148978293817988/10!!' posts. Or even posts like 'nice MOC, but I don't like the arms'. While that might not be spam, I don't think it's that good of a review, either.




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If they're not there, it means they must be good. :o


I read that 21 balloons book a few years ago. Don't really remember it, cept I liked it when I read it.


Goooooood luck.




Yeah, I guess so. [though, I didn't look up every single one. I mean, there were like 50].


I hope I like it too then. ^_^


Thanks. =]



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Lol... I have a poem due tomorrow as well that I'm working on right now.


Better log off. :P



Why would you log off when you can get to school early and type it up before school/at lunch? =P


[yes, that is what I do. =D... sometimes at least (Actually, I usually write it before hand, but by hand, and then type it up at school 'cause it needs to be typed)]



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My Library is EPICWIN. :P





Y'know, I really hate you people who always brag about their things. :P


But, you are lucky. <_<


I better try another library next time.


[Oh, and my school library sucks even more. It's smaller than the size of a classroom, and there's only bookshelves against the wall. The rest of the room is filled with computers and tables].




Okay, okay, sorry. :P


But seriously, if your dad or someone is willing to drive you all the way to Pasadena, we have an awesome library. If you can, go search for the Pasadena Central Library. :P






Well... it's not actually that far away from where I live, I guess [like 45 minutes]. Maybe I will go some time. I'm sure that if I went to the Long Beach Central Library they'd have a bigger selection. I just went to a small one down the street. 'Cause I'm lazy like that. :P



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Lol... I have a poem due tomorrow as well that I'm working on right now.


Better log off. :P



Why would you log off when you can get to school early and type it up before school/at lunch? =P


[yes, that is what I do. =D... sometimes at least (Actually, I usually write it before hand, but by hand, and then type it up at school 'cause it needs to be typed)]



Because it's due period 1. :P




Haha, that sucks. =P


Actually, I just noticed something: I have block day today [rather than Tues/Wed, it's Mon/Tues this week] so that means it's not due till tomorrow. Yayz, that gives me more time to procrastinate. :P


Oh, but I have a Chapter Review due for Science tomorrow... right before lunch, too. I guess I'll do half of it tonight, the rest on the way to school/before school [because I refuse to finish anything the day before. =P Except an essay, and even then that doesn't always happen. :guilty:

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When I had to write poems last year, all we had to do was write them. We didn't get graded on quality, just completion. Which is the only reason why I got a 100+ on the poetry section. :D




Yeah, that's mostly the way it is for us. Though, he makes sure it's done correctly [it's an actual assignment this time that we have to write about. There's like this five-step thing, and then we have to expand each section of that into five more lines making it twenty-five lines].


And, if it's horribly done, so he can tell we didn't spend any time on it, then he doesn't give us as much credit.


But, yeah, it's pretty easy to get full credit for poems.



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I actually own "The 21 Balloons", it's a fun book. :)


Also, I would be interested in joining your MOCist review thing. I assume it would go by some sort of "You reviewed me, so I'll review you" system?


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...not sure what you mean by that [the system you mentioned]. I'll explain it in a blog entry right now.



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I'm not surprised there's nothing at your school library. That's mostly for class work and papers, I would think. I was surprised to find we actually had a small fiction section, but by then I already had other stuff to read.


As for libraries, can't you go online to your library's system and have books transferred to your library so you can just pick them up there? I do that all the time and it works out great!





For some reason I thought most school libraries had more of a selection... though, I think my school might be expanding it some time [not when I'm there, but they just built a new campus and all we have are classrooms and a Gym right now, though they hope to build a separate building for a library, a bigger gym (ours is temporary, I guess) as well as a football field, baseball field, etc.].



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I still want to start a BBC Critics Club in my blog. I'm thinking of starting it next week. Anyone interested in joining? It's to give more MOCs more long reviews. Like Major Marvelous' and my own post in ~GreenBioGuy~'s Certavus topic. I think the real problem with BBC is that there's too many 'I love it 138948234983143892148978293817988/10!!' posts. Or even posts like 'nice MOC, but I don't like the arms'. While that might not be spam, I don't think it's that good of a review, either.

You do that, and I will happily join! I love the idea. :rolleyes:


Oh, and thanx for your long review by the way! I'll have to get around to replying to it and the other good reviews some time soon...



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Artemis Fowl <3 The newest one is really awesome with time paradoxes and stuff, though not to say the previous ones aren't either. It actually is hard to predict what happens unlike most books. Then everything actually manages to work too. It's crazy.


Also I'd totally join the reviewers club thing. If there were a lot of people in it, it could be what BBC needs.



Indeed. I love the first one already. I'll definitely get the newest ones as soon as I finish this one [i have.. maybe an eighth left in the book - if even that].





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Oops, guess I was too late in recommending a book, eh?


:kaukau: -JG



I'll be going again some time, so any suggestions are still appreciated. :)



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@ CF: My school library is actually pretty extensive. We have a whole bunch of books ranging from reference to manga. My public branch far exceeds it, though.


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