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The Truth About The Famous Metallic Purple Pakari



Okay, some of you may remember a topic (or, more accurately, several topics) in August last year about an apparently brand new misprint - a metallic purple Pakari. The topic starter (who's name I will not bring up, and if anyone remembers it, please don't flame him) claimed to have found it in a 2008 Bitil set, and posted some pictures of it. The topic promptly dissolved into a post war between those who believed him (like me) and those who didn't. Eventually, and quite rightfully, the topic was closed. But before the topic had even been started, I had begun to negotiate a trade with the member. My inital offer was the 2004 Ultimate Dume Kraahkan, a transparent Avohkii and 6 Bohrok. I sent first, and awaited a response. But it took several PMs to the member until I got him to reply. It turned out that he had been ignoring me because a few of the pieces were missing from the Bohrok - despite the fact that I had warned him beforehand that that was the case, 6 years of dismantlement being what they were. Anyway, he wanted me to send something else to make up for it - an Whenua Hordika set. Not wanting to repeat my mistake last time, I bought a brand new set from Amazon, waited for it to arrive, checked it for any missing pieces (and added a missing axle) and sent it to him. When he responded this time, he said that he had sent the mask and that it would arrive soon. Three months later, there was no sign of it, so I PMed him again - several times. Every time, he continued to insist that he had sent it, and that it should be there. Eventually, I decided that it must of got lost in the post, and dropped the matter. However, soon I got a bit annoyed with how much I had sent for nothing in return, so I asked him to send my Kraahkan back. After numerous ignored PMs, and much hair-tearing, he eventually replied saying that he needed an address (though I had given it to him before). I sent him my address, and for the past month or so I have been continually PMing him asking whether he has sent the mask yet. No reply so far. The end.

Like I said before, please do not flame the member - it is quite possible that the mask really did get lost in the post, and the server has eaten all of my PMs.




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As a veteran trader here, I just want to point out that you shouldn't be so quick to trust newer members that have such far-fetched claims. It's fine if you want to believe the mask is real (even though there was significant evidence that it wasn't), but don't ever send that much stuff to someone without verifying if they have trade references or requesting clearer pictures or something! It's refreshing to see that you have a positive outlook, but don't overlook possible scams. You got scammed, big time, and if you want to get your UDK, Bohrok, Whenua, and Avohkii back, I'd recommend writing a letter to the member's parents explaining what happened.


- Sidorak

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As a veteran trader here, I just want to point out that you shouldn't be so quick to trust newer members that have such far-fetched claims. It's fine if you want to believe the mask is real (even though there was significant evidence that it wasn't), but don't ever send that much stuff to someone without verifying if they have trade references or requesting clearer pictures or something! It's refreshing to see that you have a positive outlook, but don't overlook possible scams. You got scammed, big time, and if you want to get your UDK, Bohrok, Whenua, and Avohkii back, I'd recommend writing a letter to the member's parents explaining what happened.


- Sidorak

Thanks for the advice, I'll remember it next time I'm trading.

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I was wondering how you could get your stuff back, and Sid seems to have hit on one of the very few possibilities.


Also, another thing you can do is use a middleman, which is when you both send your stuff to one dude (Like Sidorak, or maybe Screenguy) who will then forward the items to their destinations. And if (For instance) the Metallic Purple Pakari is painted, then the middleman can tell, and send everyone's stuff back.


The other option is to build yourself such an amazing reputation and trading refs that no honest person would refuse to send first. :)


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

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1).i dont mean to be mean but,id just send him one bolrak,if he didnt say yea,his lose

2).whod ignore you just becase a missing part?the j3rk got bitil meaning he gets bionicle meaning he must have a extra peice!

3).my rule,trust people with 500 or higher posts

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My rule: Once you have evidence you have the staff to trade/sell, pay first. Always. Then send him whatever he wants.


EDIT: And that's what 55555 said. I feel stupid >.<

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