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Green Kakama



I found one for a good deal, and after the order, the guy apparently realizes he doesn't have one. :annoyed2:


Basically I'm trying out a project to build scenes from my epic Kulagi's Kanoka. So I'm trying to get the right pieces in the right colors to fit with them.

  • Vakama's easy... since he's a released character, I can just buy another Huna and some dark red parts for the Matoran body.
  • Sufina's easy too... she's a Ga-Matoran with a Kaukau, and since I can't get a trans medium blue, I'm just going for a trans dark blue, an easily found mask since it came with Gali and Hahli.
  • Huaju requires a brown Hau, which I found for a good price.
  • Kulagi, of course, needs the black Miru. In the story, it's purple, but I can make up for it by making his limbs purple if I can find a black Miru, although as noted earlier it's a really expensive mask...
  • And then there's Triki, the crazy Le-Matoran with a green Kakama. When I selected the particular store, I was looking for a brown Hau and a green Kakama, and then after I placed the order I realize one of the two essential pieces isn't there. :bigeek:

Besides the masks, I have all the other pieces I need to make these custom Matoran. (In all the right colors too) I'm also not trying to create custom Metru Matoran, which is what the characters actually are in the story. I'm actually working based off my MOC-toran design, which I still think is just the coolest custom Matoran design. (That I've made at least). I like it because, with the exception of the masks, most of the pieces needed to make it are availible in a variety of colors, as opposed to some of Lego's other Matoran bodies. The socket pieces, of course, come in all sorts of groovy colors, including rare ones these days. Then there are also Throwbot feet and the +00+ bars, which are less rare but better than giant torso pieces.


My eventual idea is to...


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Recreate all the main characters in the epic, and then stage the fight scene with Gragu Nuva against Kulagi on his Hover-Bike. I would have to redesign Gragu, and I haven't worked on the bike yet, but I think it will be easier to design one for one of my MOC-toran rather than a full blown Metru Matoran. :shrugs:


And then I can bring it to BrickCon next year! :happydance:


So between now and then, I have to procure a green kakama...




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I have a teal kakama, but I suppose thats just not gonna work huh?


Interesting matoran design there, if only they made those parts in other colors rather than just gray. Looks like you have alot of projects to get busy on!

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Not sure if I've given you this yet.


-=< :s: >=-

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Interesting matoran design there, if only they made those parts in other colors rather than just gray. Looks like you have alot of projects to get busy on!

Actually, Metruan arms come in dark green as well.

*makes not to get some like I had planed on it a few years ago* D:



PS, no, I'm keeping both my green kakamas to myself most likely. Good luck though!

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I actually already ordered another one, plus $6 worth of other stuff to make the minimal order amount...



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