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Foolish Paradox



The following may pertain to this year's joke...


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Okay, as far as I can tell, there is no joke, but people are acting like there is a joke. Thus, the big joke is that there is no joke.


But that doesn't make sense. If the joke was that there was no joke, then the joke does exist. But by desisting, it is no longer a joke about the lack of a joke, because there is a joke, thus the joke becomes invalid, but that just leads to a never ending cycle. We may never know the truth for real.


Personally, I think the big joke is something else. I think they've added one pixel to the side of the page to throw everything off. You don't notice it at first, but it will slowly consume you alive...


Heck, even if that's not the actual joke, that would be a good one for future pranks...




Recommended Comments

It is not reverse psychology. It's an infinite recursive loop. It only ends when the staff actually does something.



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