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Hey Bbc People



The usual "you totally have my vote!!!!!!" response to the first MOC you see doesn't quite work for this contest. hehe.png


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<3 <3 <3 this contest for making both popularity voting and Toamods impossible.


The whole thing with "this thing shouldn't be mistaken for a Toa" eliminates Toamods, which is great because it leads to people actually using skill, unlike the Certavus contest, which was just BEGGING to have hundreds of Toamods (or Glatorimods in the case) entered.

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<3 <3 <3 this contest for making both popularity voting and Toamods impossible.
</3 </3 </3 this contest for inevitably having a winner that sucks. Just look at most any of the official Dark Hunters.
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<3 <3 <3 this contest for making both popularity voting and Toamods impossible.
</3 </3 </3 this contest for inevitably having a winner that sucks. Just look at most any of the official Dark Hunters.

Yes, but the best were not crummy at all.

Hence, the best here should be good...

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Hmm, which contest?

How about before commenting, you take about five seconds to 1) look at what I'm saying, 2) figure out what I'm saying, and 3) look in places that match those. "MOC" should have at least given some hint as to what it was.


It shows up on the index quite often. It's #1 on the "top 10 hot topics" list. Heck, there's an entire news story about it.

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Hey, no need to be grumpy

I know which you're refering to now

My comp had been screwy that day

And the first place I had bookmarked I could access was this Blog!

For some reason I couldn't GET to the front page where all those things WERE

So, before yelling at some one

1) Think about why they may not know what you're talking about

2) Think about it again

3) Reply in a manner that doesn't make you look like someone who needs Anger managment!



It may also have been that I was confused as to wether you meant the Certavus Contest or the Robot Contest

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<3 <3 <3 this contest for making both popularity voting and Toamods impossible.
</3 </3 </3 this contest for inevitably having a winner that sucks. Just look at most any of the official Dark Hunters.

This is why I am somewhat destressed.


There were a handful of good ones, but the majority... was... how you say... suck?


Hopefully it's a different judging panel.



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Hey, no need to be grumpy

I know which you're refering to now

My comp had been screwy that day

And the first place I had bookmarked I could access was this Blog!

For some reason I couldn't GET to the front page where all those things WERE

So, before yelling at some one

1) Think about why they may not know what you're talking about

2) Think about it again

3) Reply in a manner that doesn't make you look like someone who needs Anger managment!



It may also have been that I was confused as to wether you meant the Certavus Contest or the Robot Contest

But the constant comments asking what I'm talking about get old fast.

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<3 <3 <3 this contest for making both popularity voting and Toamods impossible.
</3 </3 </3 this contest for inevitably having a winner that sucks. Just look at most any of the official Dark Hunters.

This is why I am somewhat destressed.


There were a handful of good ones, but the majority... was... how you say... suck?


Hopefully it's a different judging panel.



Fairly sure it was Greg, not the designers, who did the judging for the DH contest.

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<3 <3 <3 this contest for making both popularity voting and Toamods impossible.
</3 </3 </3 this contest for inevitably having a winner that sucks. Just look at most any of the official Dark Hunters.

This is why I am somewhat destressed.


There were a handful of good ones, but the majority... was... how you say... suck?


Hopefully it's a different judging panel.



Hey, watch it. I was a winner in that contest.


Spinner, ya know? Yeah, he was mine. And sure, (looking back now) he doesn't look all that great to me. (I was like, 12 at the time)


However, I believe two of the big things the judges were going for was both uniqueness in concept and creativity in the essay (and MoC of course). They weren't necessarily going for the best MoCs, but rather the best created characters. Just because LEGO didn't choose the most outright awesomest MoCs doesn't mean that they don't know what one looks like.


Mmkay? I hope that's clear there...



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