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I'm doing fine in school now, really catching up on stuff. Although I still hate it. Social Studies(history) is the only academic subject I like. Right now I'm in computer class, and I just got a project, so now I won't be giving my usual middle-of-the-day updates. Don't worry, though. I'll be on tomorrow from 7:53 to 8:42 AM coz I'll have Computer Fun, an enrichment class where we just get to play games and stuff.


On to my 'stache: It's awesome, really, but it's not apparent at first sight. I can scare small children with it, impress the guys with it, and it'll come in handy when I try to get a date. I love having facial hair, and I can feel a beard coming some time in the near future... Muahaha, being thirteen with a mustache rocks.




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I really hate my Social Studies........Mainly because the teacher is SO unbearably childish.......The only thing I enjoyed so far was a special from the History Channel on Roman engineering........That was really cool.........


I dunno why you like your mustache so much. Even when I was capable of growing one, I immediatly shaved it............I just don't like having facial hair.........

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It's just my goal to grow a mustache, and then later, in 8th grade, be the only student with a mustache and/or beard. I'll shave it off sooner or later, just to see hwo fast it grows back. It wouldn't hurt to do that, unless the gnomes have been switching razors with needles... *Looks back and forth fearfully*
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Meep... *Feels lame blonde peache fuzz of a mustachio*

*Wishes he were Gman* *pretends to be spiderman*


*Signs off by putting a dash infront of the initials U, T, followed by M*

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