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Something That Felt All Too Real.



A dream, those things I tend to have from time to time and shrug off as if they're not important. Generally they are impossible to draw forth from my own memory, to remember periodically and when I wish to do so. However, there are those dreams that never leave the mind, always dwelling somewhere in there. I have two of the sort, both unrelated forms of nightmares, well, for all I know they're unrelated. Two years generally makes one of the other outdated and old in my thinking process.


In the "new" one, which doesn't really make much sense for me to have, since I have never really been in such a place, or seen anything like it. It's a place I have only seen in my imagination, in my own dreams, and to many people who would be put into such places, the sight of the area would be the nightmare altogether. There aren't people in places like this, or at least there shouldn't be, or else we live in a really screwed up world.


The place was called a "Laboratory" by the "characters" in my dream, but from the perspective I saw it from, it looked more like a dull black and gray torture chamber - modern one. Needles of all lengths were connected to longer tubes, which were generally used to inject things into what were called "Specimens" by those "characters" which I will begin typing without "Quotes". However, in front of my own face were metal bars, running from about three feet off the ground and holding together a small "roof" over my head. Further investigation drew up the conclusion of it being a Cage, or a crate with bars.


Now, I've had dreams and such where I owned wings, but that was more or less explained due to some stuff I wrote up involving made up characters that night. However, I have yet to actually write anything involving a room as what was mentioned, or involving experimentations via splicing of genes and all that horror sci-fi garbage.


I felt things, perfectly, and with all five senses in use, which is something that has never been something I could do in a dream, or nightmare, before. The room smelled of chemicals, of all sorts an forms, but all go unnamed, essentially, smells like more garbage. The wooden platform that held the bottom of the "Cage" together was cold, as if metal or something. The lights burned my eyes when I looked at them, and the experience of pain was there. The air tasted like rotted meat, and yes, the smell of it was enough to make me hurl (Smell of rotting meat, from a RL experience) and so I got to relive that.


Have you ever looked at something, someone, or the like, and noticed that there were striking similarities between you and the object? Well, if not then that was more or less how I ended up feeling when looking at my own reflection in a plate of shallow water, apparently for drinking or something. Black colored hands, from the dirt of the area and probably from things that were done as "Tests", like taking a metal rod and jabbing it in your ribs to see what kind of reaction you could get. Blood was intermixed with the dirt. However, finger nails aren't supposed to be black in color, and long as well as sharp as a knife, well at least on a human. It's amazing, how reality gets whipped in your face when you dream, as if it never really existed to begin with. The reflection in the water, owned eyes that were unnaturally red, as in a glow to them, due to surgical implants of nano-sized machinery which lead to better eyesight. You'd think that such an implant would be amazing, or at least some people would, but looking at you reflection to see eyes that are not yours looking back, is not only freaking scary, but depressing. Seeing limbs, and pieces of other enhancements that ruin what you once were, for better performance... in something, are also depressing to look at.


In the end, it was somewhat amazing, and would be considered a "Scientific Breakthrough" if such a thing occurred, able to make perfect as ever eyesight, enhance the limbs to create one of the most deadly predators, mess around with hormones and chemicals that regulate emotion, essentially, take everything in a person that makes them a person and shoving it full of trash in a very painful manner. Going through painful tests, just to see how well it works. Stabbed, shocked, hit, kicked, and simply taken back to the little cage, being called "property" and "Merchandise" all along the way. For one person, myself in this nightmarish situation, it's something that I would shove a blade through my skull over.


Seeing others, that was simply the nasty ending. Being the one to actually survive this, just because it was your own mind creating the situation around you, and manipulating every aspect, and then seeing what happened to those who didn't pass the tests.


The last bit, probably not something BZP would be too fond of having, due to the rather... disturbing image, as in gore and such, but it is something that would be something I would want out of my head. Of course, it all being a dream, fake and unreal, allows me to simply think and act in the normal day as a normal person, though not cheery or really happy. If it were real, quite frankly I think that if it were I in the real situation, despite being infused with who-knows-what and with avian wings, I'd rather be dead.


I generally only blog about the dreams that don't leave my thoughts, and provide a negative impact in the thinking process, which is why they are generally nightmarish or something that I don't joke over. The better ones, they are the ones that don't stay around and leave, and so I don't blog them. Because I can't.


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You have had a lot of past things happen to you, am I correct?


I have had a simple, ordinary life. Not counting the several times that cars decide to pop out of nowhere and almost send me off to the hospital.

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Life isn't ordinary :P

Have you been watching many films like that? Video games?

Do you think about experiments for stronger limbs, accurate eyesight?

Dreams are mainly caused by what people have experienced in the past and what they think may happen in the future.

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Life isn't ordinary :P

Have you been watching many films like that? Video games?

Do you think about experiments for stronger limbs, accurate eyesight?

Dreams are mainly caused by what people have experienced in the past and what they think may happen in the future.


None of the above.

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Life isn't ordinary :P

Have you been watching many films like that? Video games?

Do you think about experiments for stronger limbs, accurate eyesight?

Dreams are mainly caused by what people have experienced in the past and what they think may happen in the future.


None of the above.


I got it. You're one of those people who get random dreams!

Something must've triggered it. You probably can't remember.


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Life isn't ordinary :P

Have you been watching many films like that? Video games?

Do you think about experiments for stronger limbs, accurate eyesight?

Dreams are mainly caused by what people have experienced in the past and what they think may happen in the future.


None of the above.


I got it. You're one of those people who get random dreams!

Something must've triggered it. You probably can't remember.


Like I stated, I wouldn't know. Since everything that was there was a first.

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Ah, dreams... One of my subjects of interest, although I don't know too much about it.


There doesn't necessarily need to be any rhyme or reason behind what you dream about; dreams can be totally random. Dreams start from the last mental image you have in your head before entering REM sleep. From here your mind builds that image up into a world based entirely on your expectations. If you were stressed about something before falling asleep, that "something" could have built itself up and up into something truly terrifying like this, sort of as your mind's way of giving you a worst-case scenario. Perhaps the easiest way to get rid of the bad feeling associated with the nightmare is to figure out what it was you were stressed about and try to get that reconciled. That stress disappears and the fear that caused the nightmare becomes unfounded, and it loses its power.


If the nightmare recurs, look into lucid dreaming. This is when you become aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. Since you know you're asleep, you gain full control over the world around you, and you can simply will the nightmare away and then do something fun. There have been books written and websites created entirely on how to achieve lucid dreams; it's not easy. But it is the most efficient way to get rid of a recurring nightmare. If you're interested, just poke around on Google a bit and you should find a site about it fairly quickly.


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I think you should make an independent film based on this dream.


It would be EXTREMELY creepy...but it's an interesting concept.


Not to sound rude or anything.

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I think you should make an independent film based on this dream.


It would be EXTREMELY creepy...but it's an interesting concept.


Not to sound rude or anything.

It's fine. I may end up writing something off of it, for lack of any better material at the moment.

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