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Vahki For The Third Time

MT Zehvor


But this time, stay out. We've wasted enough energy on making them crash and burn the past two times, so unless they start to become a real nuisance, leave them alone and let them kill themselves.


After all, why outwork something you can outwit?




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OK, have you even looked at what you've been saying? Your arrogance and contempt are thick enough to cut!
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I'm sorry Tufi. I'm going to go lock any of my entries that have to do with bashing the Vahki. I will make sure that I will never behave in this fashion again.

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This is in no way meant to try and stir up an argument. This is simply my final thoughts on the whole ordeal.


(super sarcasm)You know, XC, you could actually be part of the problem too. There actually is a small possibility that the Vahki might not be perfect, and that others could be right. And THAT is where, as TLhikan said, your opinion is wrong.


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This is in no way meant to try and stir up an argument. This is simply my final thoughts on the whole ordeal.


(super sarcasm)You know, XC, you could actually be part of the problem too. There actually is a small possibility that the Vahki might not be perfect, and that others could be right. And THAT is where, as TLhikan said, your opinion is wrong.


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No more of this. No more 'last shots', 'final thoughts', whatever. Drop it. Do you understand? I am so very thoroughly unimpressed by this situation. There will be consequences.


Entry relocked.

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