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Metroid Vs. Halo

MT Zehvor


I've heard a lot recently over the past few weeks about both the Metroid Prime series and the Halo series. So I've decided to make a little competition. We're going to have a number of fights between characters in both series, and the game series with the most winners at the end wins the "challenge."


Round 1: Common Villians: Space Pirates vs. Covenant


Space Pirates, from what I've seen, really only carry a few weapons around, such as scythes, guns, and this weird grapple shield thingy in MP3. The Covenant carries a wide selection of weapons, (gravity hammer, energy sword, spiker, energy rifle) and there are a lot of different varieties(Elites, Grunts, Brutes, and those STUPID HUNTERS!!!!). I think the only problem the Covenant would have is the Omega Pirate and Ridley, and they could probably do away with those two in the end.


EDGE: Halo(Barely)


Round 2: Main Antagonist: Dark Samus vs. Gravemind


It's on, as one person the size of a regular human take on a huge entity which has a really annoying tendency to yell things in Master Chief's ears throughout the course of Halo 3. I think that Dark Samus wouldn't really stand much of a chance, although even with it's(wears a girl's suit and laughs like a man, what are you supposed to call it? A he-she?) annoying tendency to come back to life, Gravey might have to win about a couple dozen times before getting the edge.


EDGE: Halo


Round 3: Best Friend: Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson


I was a little more than angry when both Rundas and Johnson died(Rundas on Bryyo and Johnson just before Chief lights the ring), and now the two get to come back from the dead to fight it out for the most powerful best friend in the game. Rundas controls ice, rides around the room like the silver surfer, and saves you from hitting the bottom of a 16,000(I believe) yard shaft on Norion. Johnson doesn't really have anything to contend up with that. This is sort of a mismatch, in my opinion.


EDGE: Metroid (Halo leads 2-1)


Round 4: Secondary Villains: Metroids vs. Flood


Metroids are supposed to be one of the main enemies in the whole Metroid series, but they kind of got left out in MP2 and MP3. The Flood really only made a huge appearance at the end of Halo 3 after the Arbiter kills the Prophet. So who would win? The Flood, as annoying as they are, have a problem. The Metroids only have to latch onto them and then they're basically dead since they can't roll up into a Morph Ball and plant a bomb. So the Flood will have to be really good at keeping them at bay or they won't last very long.


EDGE: Metroid (Tied 2-2)


Final Showdown: Samus Aran vs. Master Chief


Everyone's been waiting for this, right? Of course. To me, there are three things that go in Samus' favor, although the fight could end in either one winning, I guess.


#1: Throughout the Prime series and all Metroid games, Samus collects a lot of energy tanks, meaning that if you fully armed both of them and sent them into an arena, Samus would have about 15 times the health Chief has. And no matter how many rockets Chief could fires off, he would last about a minute at most.


#2: A lot of Samus' weapons(Plasma Beam, Nova Beam, Ice Beam) have unlimited ammo. Which means that if she could dodge Master Chief's attacks, it would definitely be an easy kill. The only thing she seems to be limited in is missiles and the beams from MP2(Light, Dark, Annihilator), and she has about 250 of those at the end of the game, so it's not like she'd be running short. Chief, on the other hand, starts with 32 assault rifle, his most powerful weapons only have about 6 shots in them, so he'd have to be very careful on when to use them.


#3: Samus has this little feature where she curls up into a ball and can roll around the room(hence the name "Morph Ball"). She has a number of attacks in this, the bomb, power bomb, and my personal favorite (only in MP3) the Hyper Ball. As if this fight was going bad enough for Chief already.


After seeing that, you could make a case that therefore Chief does more than Samus with less. But you have to remember that the Prime series is filled with huge boss fights, such as Mogenar, Omega Pirate, Emperor Ing, AU 313, Meta and Omega Ridley, and a number of fights against Dark Samus. So, as for who would win a fight in their own armor? My money is on Samus. Who really is the better fighter without armor? We may never know, since stupid Bungie will never give Chief a face.


EDGE: Metroid(who wins 3-2)


Am I right? Am I wrong? Do I have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about? Vote here for who you think would win:


#1 Space Pirates vs. Covenant

#2 Dark Samus vs. Gravemind

#3 Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson

#4 Metroids vs. Flood

#5 Samus vs. Master Chief




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If they did away with ridiculously strong shields on MP, Halo would have the edge. Y'know, I wanna be able to kill someone easily with less than 25 rounds of ammo to the head/torso.

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#1 Space Pirates vs. Covenant: Pirates, just because they've got Kraid, Mother Brain, and Ridley, who is unable to die, it seems.
#2 Dark Samus vs. Gravemind: I'mma gonna say Gravemind, just cuz he seems cooler than Samus' black redeco.
#3 Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson: Rundas, by far. No contest.
#4 Metroids vs. Flood: Metroid, but mainly because the flood seem to be playing off the whole zombie concept.
#5 Samus vs. Master Chief: Now, we all know they wouldn't actually fight. But, if it came down to it, I'd have to say Samus, just cuz she's got more firepower.
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If they did away with ridiculously strong shields on MP, Halo would have the edge. Y'know, I wanna be able to kill someone easily with less than 25 rounds of ammo to the head/torso.

Who are you talking about? One of the bosses? They're supposed to be tough.


#1 Space Pirates vs. Covenant: Pirates, just because they've got Kraid, Mother Brain, and Ridley, who is unable to die, it seems.

Ridley does annoy me, but I get the feeling that a Brain really won't be much trouble(except in Super Metroid with the Hyper Beam), and Kraid is officially dead from what I've heard, so Ridley really is the only one left. And if they could capture him and freeze him, then the Pirates would be stuck.



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#1 Space Pirates vs. Covenant: Covenant. A few scarabs could easily kill ridley.

#2 Dark Samus vs. Gravemind: Gravemind. A giant, tentacled being, or a wimpy little he-she? You be the judge.

#3 Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson: As much as I hate to say it, Rundas. He was one of the coolest bounty hunters, and it's a shame he died. But Johnson is just oldschool. This one's pretty unmatched.

#4 Metroids vs. Flood: This is a hard one. I'm gonna say a tie. The flood have guns and could just shoot the metroids, but the metroids could latch onto their faces.

#5 Samus vs. Master Chief: You speculated that Samus had gotten all her powerups and weapons. If she had all those, yes, she would win, but if she just started out and lost all her stuff, master chief, because he is super skilled and could take Samus out with a sniper, and his super strength is a huge bonus. He'd kick her morph ball like a soccer ball.



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#1 Space Pirates vs. Covenant


#2 Dark Samus vs. Gravemind


#3 Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson


#4 Metroids vs. Flood


#5 Samus vs. Master Chief

Samus (All Samus needs for this is all of the energy tanks, boost around the room randomly, PB and B him whenever she gets the chance, and she wins)


-Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnmad hath spoken

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She's a bounty hunter, so no, but we're considering a one on one fight.


#5 Samus vs. Master Chief: You speculated that Samus had gotten all her powerups and weapons. If she had all those, yes, she would win, but if she just started out and lost all her stuff, master chief, because he is super skilled and could take Samus out with a sniper, and his super strength is a huge bonus. He'd kick her morph ball like a soccer ball.

Hang on, you won't let Samus have any of her weapons, but then you give Master Chief a sniper rifle? Seems a little unfair.


I think if both of them start out with 0 powerups, assuming Samus just has a power beam and MC just has a Assault Rifle, Samus would win if she could dodge Chief's rifle long enough because of infinite ammo. But, since Chief's health recharges about 5 seconds after he gets hit, Samus would have to keep firing pretty fast.


If they both are fully armed, there's no question.



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#1 Space Pirates vs. Covenant = Covies

#2 Dark Samus vs. Gravemind = Gravmind

#3 Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson = Rundas

#4 Metroids vs. Flood = Flood

#5 Samus vs. Master Chief = Chief. Simply put, he was trained from birth to be a insane solider.


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I think if both of them start out with 0 powerups, assuming Samus just has a power beam and MC just has a Assault Rifle, Samus would win if she could dodge Chief's rifle long enough because of infinite ammo. But, since Chief's health recharges about 5 seconds after he gets hit, Samus would have to keep firing pretty fast.

Ya, I noticed that, but was too lazy to edit it.


And here you also assume there is no cover like a gladiator arena. In both games, there is plenty of cover to hide behind or retreat to. This would help Chief regain his sheilds. The infinite ammo thing does give Samus a definate edge, but so does Chief's sheilds. And you forget about Cortana. She could easily help him work out strategies and get some back up.



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#5 Samus vs. Master Chief = Chief. Simply put, he was trained from birth to be a insane solider.

I have to ask the question: Do you know anything about Samus? She was trained to be the greatest soldier as well, plus she was infused with Chozo DNA, which make her physical abilities, at the least, super-human.


And here you also assume there is no cover like a gladiator arena. In both games, there is plenty of cover to hide behind or retreat to. This would help Chief regain his sheilds. The infinite ammo thing does give Samus a definate edge, but so does Chief's sheilds. And you forget about Cortana. She could easily help him work out strategies and get some back up.

I'm sure there's cover. My point is that if Samus could keep chasing Chief, he might not be able to recover his health(since if you're hit while your health is recharging, it stops recharging right there).


If Chief has Cortana, can Samus have an AU? Or Adam from Metroid Fusion?


"Backup?" I thought this was a one on one fight.


If you're going on armies, then we have to do a UNSC vs. Galactic Federation fight. And, of course, your allies always die way too quickly, so unless the GF troopers are armed with PED suits, it's going to be one heck of a boring fight.



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Please don't start this again.


My guess is that, assuming the Jedi was fully trained in the force, he could pretty much beat anyone in man to man combat. But the whole force concept is A, completely ridiculous, and B, ridiculously unfair. It's like taking taking a Marine and a Fireman, handing the Fireman a rocket launcher, and calling it a fair fight because the Marine was trained better.



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Even without the force, all a jedi would have to do is use his lightsaber. The bullet would just bounce back and hit MC in the head. And in any case, Jedi are trained to fight Sith, and by the manner of combat a Sith Lord is to a Jedi Master as Master Chief is to The Arbiter in terms of strength.


And all of us know a Jedi could crush Master Chief if we gave him a lightsaber resistant Virosword insted of a gun. Same way, it you forced the gun into the Jedis hand, then he could take out the Chief in a gun fight.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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I seriously doubt that, because first, Master Chief has armor, so one bullet definitely wouldn't kill him. Whereas the Jedi is wearing a cloak, and if Chief fires off about 10 bullets(using an Assault Rifle) a second, I seriously doubt a Jedi would be able to block them all, and since one good shot to the head takes him out....my money would be on Chief.


As for a one on one fight with melee weapons, I don't know. There aren't any real melee weapons in Halo other than the Energy Sword and the Gravity Hammer(if you can even call it a melee, more like a giant shockwave), and you never have "swordfights" with them. I'm not sure about that. I think Master Chief would just stick the Jedi with a Plasma Grenade and run.



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If Master Chief used his armor, a Jedi would use their own. Jedi don't use armor very often because they can't use things like Force Jump and Force Valor, but if they weren't permitted to use the force for a one-on-one duel, then they would. Even in KOTOR I used to where armor until I got to the level and point where I needed to be able to lose the armor so I could use my force powers more effectively.


Jedi Armor is normally plated to resist energy and laser weaponry, and completely stop normal bullets. I belive that MC would need to be able to use a laser weapon in that fight, which brings about the problem of lightsabers, which send back energy bolts and would probably fry a normal bullet.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Ok, but Chief has weapons outside of bullets. He has a plasma grenades, rocket launchers, spartan lasers, and gravity hammers. (a melee weapon with a super huge range) Assuming Chief pulls out a gravity hammer, all he has to do is get within about 15 feet of the Jedi, whereas the Jedi, who has to be within arms length, can't do much.


I only wish Master Chief had a command visor, so he could call in a Pelican or something to take out Hunters or something. Unfortunately only Samus has that.



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Jedi can survive more than a plasma grenade in any event. You can see when somebody is about to take out and throw a grenade, and a Jedi is smart enough to jump out of the way. As you may know, a grenade works via the shockwave, not by the shards coming out, and you can survive a grenade if you can get away from the direction of the blast.


A rocket launcher is the same principle only bigger and faster. However, it's actually easier to avoid that because you can sidestep it, and it will nail a wall behind you instead.


What's a Spartan Laser? Didn't you hear the part about resisting energy and laser weapons?


And if you got into fifteen feet, do you actually think that it requires the force to throw a lightsaber? It just makes it more effective, and even if MC took out the Jedi, he'd be in the Core with him.


Plus, didn't you know that a Jedi (almost) never misses? To train with a lightsaber, you need to learn speed and precision, and a Jedi is much more speedy (if maybe not more precise) than the Chief.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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I thought you said the Jedi wasn't using the force. If he his, then he definitely wins, but I still think it's cheating ridiculously.


Plasma Grenades STICK to someone, so unless the Jedi can jump really fast, he'll be screwed as well.


And you can't block a gravity hammer. It's a shockwave effect that kills everything in range.



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The Jedi isn't using the force. He dosen't need too.


What velocity does a plasma grenade travel? Grenades don't go all that fast, and an average person can dodge one if he's quick on his feet.


Did I say anything about blocking it? I just said a Jedi would have been able to stick MC by the time he had his Gravity Hammer set off, and both would be dead.


But why are we discussing them killing each other? They're both storyline protaganists, so why would they be fighting?


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Now, let's start discussing Samus vs. Jedi.


Samus has power bombs, bombs, boost ball, missiles, and can call in bombing runs, too.



-Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnmad hath spoken

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Well, obviously, Samus would easily defeat any Jedi. Plus, if we're using the one from MP3, she could just fire phazon off while she's invincible and kill him.


It's Master Chief that's having trouble.



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So she gets heat seeking missiles, invincibility, the ability to call in help, and half the powers possible and impoosible. I read on the internet she is infused with some kind of Metroid thing, and has a suit that resists anlmost everything.


Now I think we're entitiled to use the force, don't you? And if not, a pre-jedi purge Jedi could call in an army of clones and an imperial star destroyer.


And if my point is clear, then the Jedi would use his own Force Immunity (improved Force Resistance), he would simply absord his enemies energy attack. Force Jump/Force Speed would let a Jedi get away from the bomb runs. Force Pull/Push would grab her gun away so it could be used against her, or send her flying. Throw Lightsaber (the force power) would let the Jedi gut Samus from afar.


Even if not, a Jedi would only need an Imperial Star Destroyer overhead to win. Especially if Samus has her own help calling and such.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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So she gets heat seeking missiles, invincibility, the ability to call in help, and half the powers possible and impoosible. I read on the internet she is infused with some kind of Metroid thing, and has a suit that resists anlmost everything.


Now I think we're entitiled to use the force, don't you? And if not, a pre-jedi purge Jedi could call in an army of clones and an imperial star destroyer.


And if my point is clear, then the Jedi would use his own Force Immunity (improved Force Resistance), he would simply absord his enemies energy attack. Force Jump/Force Speed would let a Jedi get away from the bomb runs. Force Pull/Push would grab her gun away so it could be used against her, or send her flying. Throw Lightsaber (the force power) would let the Jedi gut Samus from afar.


Even if not, a Jedi would only need an Imperial Star Destroyer overhead to win. Especially if Samus has her own help calling and such.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:




Samus' "gun" is an arm cannon, attached to her armor. Samus is infused with metroid and chozo DNA, making her super-human. She has thermal, X-ray, Dark, Echo, and command visors. (Last commands her ship) Also, she has seeker missiles, which she can shoot five of at a time.


CLICK HERE, AND READ IT ALL! Also, search for "Metroid," and "Chozo."


-Brrrrrrrrrrnmad hath spoken

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All right. Fine. You get the force, Samus gets hypermode.


Round 1: Samus enters hypermode and becomes invincible. She locks on and fires phazon at the Jedi continually, which, regardless of how long he jumps in the air, he can't dodge forever. Or she could just unload with a heat seeking ice missile, freeze him solid, and shatter him there.


Round 2:....can't happen because the Jedi's dead.



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