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Yuss. It doesn't suck now.


Do something with the knees and replace the light bley Slizer feet with gears or something.

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Very nice Cags! It's lookin' great. ^_^


While I love the concept, my first thought on seeing it though are that it's legs are way too long. However, I know that this is necessary, so it's ok (and the look is growing on me).


I do like the new leg design; it looks a ton better than the old one.


Oh, and I really, really like the head. Can you turn it? Also, is there waist articulation in there? I can't detect any.



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While I love the concept, my first thought on seeing it though are that it's legs are way too long.

They look proportionate for a human to me.


*debates whether or not he should enter*



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While I love the concept, my first thought on seeing it though are that it's legs are way too long.

They look proportionate for a human to me.


*debates whether or not he should enter*



They're actually just a teensy bit on the short side, but yeah, human proportions.

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"Don't you try anything mouse, just because I have no arms doesn't mean i can't headbutt/megasmasher you."
Fixed for truth.
Tis but a scratch!
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While I love the concept, my first thought on seeing it though are that it's legs are way too long.

They look proportionate for a human to me.


*debates whether or not he should enter*



They're actually just a teensy bit on the short side, but yeah, human proportions.

Ah, I see. I guess that it's just the hyper skinny-ness of some parts of him that make him appear... stretched. :P


But no, seriously, the skinny-ness is a good thing me thinks. ;)


Also, the smallness of the head throws off the proportions as well, but I'm sure when you get arms on him it'll sort itself out. I do think he needs a different color eye though... orange perhaps?


I am looking forward to seeing the arms!




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Also I pretty much love this MOC except the blocky-smoothyness of the light gr/bley legs.

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big, rectangular blue legs and grey-and-blue triangular feet.

Assuming you're suggesting what I think you are, no. Never. Never.


Do not want.

What? Transformers? Do not want myself either, but I thought it would compliment the style of the upper legs.


Anyway, not the direction I was hoping you would take it in, but at least it looks somewhat better than in the last pic. ^_^ Those weird knees somehow look really cool.

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Hey, so I just came in and didn't read any comments:

I like the throwbot foot on the thigh.

The big slopes on the leg are good too.

Needs more blue, but the comments above me prolly said that.



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While I love the concept, my first thought on seeing it though are that it's legs are way too long.

They look proportionate for a human to me.


*debates whether or not he should enter*




Dont enter, and you get free admission into the LSC (Lazy Sacks Club).
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