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At This Time Called The End



That's right, if you read that title up there you'll realize I'm tired of this blog and I'll be deleting it within a few days. This is the end.


Haha, no.


The title up there refers to The End, by master author Lemony Snicket of the Series of Unfortunate Events. In fact when we first discovered the thirteenth unfortunate book in the tragic tale of the Baudelaire orphans it was known as that At this time called The End. Frankly, upon retrospect and finishing the book myself I agree with this title more. The End conveys the finality that was had in this final volume but not the...feel of the book. It needs that more mythical feel of At this time called The End


I'm still not quite sure how I feel about the final iteration in the sad saga of the Baudelaire orphans. It was certainly unlike anything I've read before, and even managed to differ significantly from the other books in the Series of Unfortunate Events in the overall feel of the book. I knew it would be something that varied from the rest but I suppose I wasn't expecting such a large distance between the twelfth and thirteenth unlucky tales.


I won't spoil anything in the book, not only because I fear Puffin's wrath, but also simply out of respect for all of those who have yet to read it. It's one of those things that you need to actually read because of all that happens.


I will however say that I was left feeling slightly hollow at the end of the book, whether that was because I was feeling sick, frustrated with my impended progress on computer repairs/upgrades and slightly tired is unknown at this time. Perhaps I'll give it another read-through after my mom's finished and see what she thinks.


I'll also say that it's undoubtedly not what you're expecting. It is not a nice wrap-up of everything in a neat little bow. I'll give it a few more weeks before I post my actual thoughts, however. As I don't want to spoil anyone.


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I was wondering what the last book would be about. (Un)fortunately, what with that thing I gottah do , I missed the official release day.


We sold out of it, and more won't be coming in until likely today or tomorrow, but that's to be expected. I look forward to your review however many months down the line it's going to take. ;)


Hey, I saw the viral video of some punk driving by a Barnes & Noble and screaming out the end of Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince. The truth hurts.

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Hey, I saw the viral video of some punk driving by a Barnes & Noble and screaming out the end of Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince. The truth hurts.


Dangit! I had to say that, I just had to! Ah well, it's a dead fad anyway. Very very dead.

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The Ends a good book, I've been a fan of the SOUE books since they first came out, the Ends the best I think, its quite sad really, though I can't wait for Lemony Snickets next book called Horshadash, can you Janus?

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Must...catch up...in reading the Snicket's books. ><


My friend said it was good, but left a lot questions.


Yeah, it does leave a lot of unanswered questons, some which may be explained in the future . . .

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