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The Expedition!

Danska: Shadow Master


Hello, and welcome once more to the land of Danska's blogness! I come here today to type of the events of recentness, and other events to take place in the land of the great later.


With that aside, I shall start with yesterday. The interesting part. This consisted of going to scouts and eating cake. Yes, cake! I'm now expecting to come down with food poisoning, as it was cooked by the scouts. I'm not sure I trust their cooking. Anyway, in addition to eating delicious, but probably poisonous, cake of the chocolates, a hike has been planned by myself and the other young leaders (for those who don't know, that's people over 14 who have continued to help out at a scout group), which only involves us, no scouts or proper leaders, and should end in a pub for food and the cinema afterwards.


Something has got to go wrong.


Seriously, all our plans seem to fall apart. I mean, a relatively simple plan for 3 of us to meet one of our houses, go to meet 2 other people and head to a final location from there came to pieces when the person whose house we were meant to go to wasn't there, and the third person meant to meet there wasn't informed and stuff. If things can go wrong there, how are we supposed to find our way to somewhere with a map, no one to help us if we get lost and manage to get from the pub to the cinema, and find our way back? It's impossible, I tell you!


But hey, that's part of the fun! More information on this venture will appear some time after next wednesday, once it has been fulfilled.


On other notes, computer games are good! If you disagree, find the person who came into our school and gave a talk on them and why they should be studied at university! He showed us clips from lego star wars! How can he be wrong?


I also took part in a debate on euthanasia today. This isn't even slightly relevant, but it sure was fun! A pity I only got one chance to speak. I constantly want to jump up and critiscise the other team's arguments! I have much experience with staying silent though. I've learnt that if you stay quiet, you're the person who's least expected to do anything maliciously violent or evil. They'll soon learn!


Finally, I shall leave you with the note that Jaffa cakes are biscuits, not cakes! This was proven in a debate last week, and shall not be disputed!


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