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To Skate Or Not To Skate?

Danska: Shadow Master


Well the answer's obvious, isn't it? Of course I will skate! And why? Because I can! Yeah!


As you may or may not have guessed, depending on your guessing capabilities, I can ice skate, and will be ice skating. Infact, not only will I be ice skating, I will be ice skating tommorow. I am also going to get shot if I say ice skating once more in this paragraph.


So I'll start a new one! Mwahahahahaha! Ice skating! Tommorow! With people! Live people! Who I haven't kille- *shot*


At least I have something to enjoy before getting horribly lost in the unforgiving wilderness that is the scout hike. When confronted with a scout hike, say no! Scout hikes kill!


Recently, I've been spending my (offline) time doing two things: one, is reading the Inheritance Trilogy (minus the third book, which hasn't been released yet) again. That consists of Eragon and Eldest, which are written by Christopher Paolini. They're about a person called Eragon who finds a dragon egg, and in doing so becomes a Dragon Rider - the first for over a century. Because, you see, dragons are not the evil beasts we all think they are. Oh no, they are infact highly intelligent. Each Rider is bonded with their dragon, and the two can share thoughts. Also, every dragon is a different colour, and their scales shine brightly, like jewels. Saphira, Eragon's dragon, is blue.


Well, Eragon goes off on an adventure with his dragon and the storyteller Brom, after two creatures for reasons you shall never know until you read the book. The creatures serve the King, Galbatorix: he is important in two ways: first, he is the king. Second, he is (or was) a Dragon Rider, but he killed off all the other Riders and has been ruling for over a century. He's also incredibly powerful, and grows more powerful each year. As you may of guessed, he's also evil.


Each Rider grows stronger and faster over time, can use magic and have incredibly long lifespans. This is just as true for Eragon, who is lucky that Brom knows so much about the Riders and magic.


Well, to cut a long story short, he will have to fight Galbatorix in the end, somehow finding the power to overthrow him. More than that I will not say. If you don't want to read the book, watch the movie! It comes out on December 15th.


The second thing I've been doing (ah, you thought I'd forgotten, didn't you?) was to build a non-Inika version of Toa Nuparu, giving him the orange he so rightly deserves. Sadly I have no pictures yet, but I shall try to get them at some point.


Finally, you may all gaze in wonder at my latest kit creations: side views of the Toa Nuva!

tahu_nuva_-_side.png kopaka_nuva_-_side.png gali_nuva_-_side.png lewa_nuva_-_side.png pohatu_nuva_-_side.png onua_nuva_-_side.png


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Well, this was a pleasant read, until I hit the Eragon part..... I won't comment on that, as I have some, ah, shall I say, 'volatile' opinions about Chris Paolini's originality and writing skills. I hope you have fun skating though. ^_^
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Well, this was a pleasant read, until I hit the Eragon part..... I won't comment on that, as I have some, ah, shall I say, 'volatile' opinions about Chris Paolini's originality and writing skills.

Yes, you do ...


Anyway, I confess I rather skimmed over the Eragon portion myself, as I have yet to read Eldest and don't want it spoiled. Would I be safe if I read said part?


I myself have never been ice-skating much ... I've never been able to balance, although I do enjoy watching it. Have fun, although it seems you will regardless. :P

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Ah, you're of that opinion are you, GMan? Fair enough. I'll leave it there as I'm too lazy to say anything more, let alone anything meaningful.


Don't worry, I've kept the Eragon part very spoiler-free ToM. I've pretty much omitted everything except the most basic details of the plot, and even they're cut down a lot.


With that aside, I had lots of fun ice skating. As usual, I didn't fall over. Unlike last time, I didn't make anyone else fall over (Our class had an ice skating trip before the summer hols, and I managed to make my tutor/history teacher fall over). Balancing can be a pain to start with, but after enough practise (about 6 years, in my case) it becomes second-nature. I now find it easier balancing with skates on the ice than off it!


Unfortunately, the skates this time were too narrow, and my right foot hurts. Somewhat inconvenient, as I have the expedition of death tommorow. I'm sure I'll survive somehow...I just need to remember to take my bus pass. :P

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