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So I Heard You Liek Comix?



Time for another stupid story kiddies. lolz.


OK long time ago as many know, I made hand drawn comics. This went on for about a year. I still have TONS of notebooks and drawing pads full of them. And now looking back at them..they stink.


A box with stick arms, three fingers, and half circle like shapes for feet, made it easy to make, but pad looking.


Still I had a lot of fun. Even if I only shared them with myself. Cause thats all who ever understood them. me.


I guess you could say I base my bzp comics on a lot of things. The drawn ones, and my own life.


I, a normally silent person who go's out of the house once in a blue moon thanks to not being able to drive, with a brother who's annoying, his psycho girlfriend who is even more annoying, my grandma who for some reason thinks homeschooling me is making me stupid, my mother who never really cared and wanted to have me..well ya know before birth, and my always working grandad who I think likes my cousin Andrew better then me.


It's wierd. The two people in my life who really understand me the most are Sarah, my friend, and my cousin Abby.


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...Aw. :(


Tough life the Gavla has had. But one question: Are you planning to go to collage? Because that's pretty much the only way for you to get a good job. Like say, chef?

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I cant actually go to a collage. My last school before homeschooling did a thing that sent all the 8th grade grades and things to high schools and I got B's that year and NO ONE, not a single high school would take me for not making perfect A's. So No. I am not planning to go to collage, cause I dont want to be rejected by places like that again.

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Hmm...Your future may look bleak...


Well, there are online colleges. I don't know how those work, though...




Wait, you got rejected just for getting B's? Half of my grade is screwed, then...

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I think it depends on what state or place you live in. I live in NJ and I'm near A.C and around there they want the best.

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